The group's reception from the Boomers was lukewarm at best, with angry, suspicious, and even despairing looks thrown their way as they walked through the Airfield with Pearl. Of course, Anja attracted the most glares due to her rather unpleasant appearance.
The Airfield itself was massive, and all the Boomer structures were spread around to an almost ridiculous degree... Quickly getting from one to the other in an emergency must feel like a Marathon...
Eventually, they reach a relatively large cabin, they're about to enter inside when they're almost swarmed by children... A storm of questions was shot at them, some even playing pranks much to the group's chagrin. Fortunately, one stern look from Pearl is enough to send them on their way.
"Erm... They were, nice?" Veronica mutters as they step inside the cabin.
"You can say that... They are much more impetuous than I remember previous generations being. Perhaps it's the sun?" Pearl retorts as she slumps into a chair sat behind a large desk.
"Youknow, I was thinking that the other day." Veronica nods sagely.
"Alright, you lot pull up a chair, no point 'standing' on ceremony." she chuckles.
The group sit in front of Pearls desk as another woman greets them and offers them food and beverages... Apparently, they take treating guests properly seriously, which is pretty ironic considering how they 'greet' everyone with heavy ordinance.
Pearl clasps her hands as she sits straight, "So, Mr House wishes to ally with us... Why? You must already know that our relationship with other factions is more volatile than our explosives." she asks.
Veronica shrugs, "Maybe if you stopped shooting those explosives on everyone you'd be better received."
Pearl shakes her head, "We know better than to trust the honour and kindness of strangers. Even on our journey from the old Vault to here was fraught with peril. We lost half of our numbers from the expedition alone, more while trying to claim the airfield..."
"What did you even do to offend the NCR? The Legion I get, but I don't think the NCR would do anything unprovoked?" Tamia asks, curious.
Pearl gives an almost bloodthirsty smile, "A while ago the NCR decided to shut off our water supplies, we receive all of our water from Lake Mead which meant we either act or die of dehydration... A couple days of shelling convinced them to see it our way." she explains.
"And the Legion?" Veronica asks.
"Idiots thought they could enslave us and take our weapons. Their arrogance outlasted their ability to scream for mercy." Pearl states with a scowl. "Now, I'd like to hear MR House's reasons for wanting an alliance with us, I'm not so foolish to think that he simply wants 'good relations'."
Tamia nods, "Well, I hope you don't spread this information anyone, even if most already know it... Shit's going to go down soon, and Mr House wants to take advantage of it, ridding the Mojave of both the NCR and the Legion. And before you say he's mad, I've personally seen the forces he'd able to provide... They are scary, to say the least." she explains.
Pearl rests her chin on her hand, "And he wishes our help in taking the Mojave?... Well, what's in it for us? Outright declaring way on both NCR and Legion isn't exactly a small thing."
"You will continue to have full autonomy over your land, this will be protected by Mr House himself, and any who try to dispute this will face the full brunt of his forces. You will also receive aid in times of need, the ability to start trading, and any advancements in tech that occur under Mr House's leadership." Tamia lists off, vaguely remembering House's words.
"Hmm." Pearl hums, looking deeply in thought, "That all seems wonderful, but it is not me you will be needing to convince. I may be the leader, but if the other's don't follow I can't force them, even if I agree with you... How about this, you three will live amongst us and try to ingratiate yourself with my people, if you are well received then we can continue negotiations." she states.
Tamia, Veronica, and Anja all glance at one another, wondering if this was a good idea, or even worth their time. "We need to discuss this amongst ourselves... Do you mind?" Tamia asks and Pearl shake her head gestures them to an empty room at the side, "Please."
The group enter and Tamia looks at them, "Alright, I'll just cut to the chase. Are either of you willing to actually stick around for however long it takes to convince them? We'll still be in contact with Bulwark, but we need to limit how many times we come and go..."
Veronica raises a brow, "Why?"
"Because if we keep disappearing the Boomers will think that we're up to something. The only reason we're even here is because they failed to kill us once, I doubt it'd take much for them to try again."
Veronica and Anja nod, "I guess you're right... I'll stick around, maybe they have some tech Afton doesn't... Even if it's incredibly unlikely."
Anja nods, "I'll stay, I want to help."
"Alright." Tamia says, leaving the room and sitting back before Pearl. "I think it's doable... As long as we can leave if an emergency springs up."
Veronica nods, "And I want permission to go wring that old bastard's neck. No one tries to kill us and gets away with it!..." she states, still holding a grudge for his attempted murder but realising something and sheepishly looks up at Pearl, "Aside from you guys..."
"Very well..." she holds her hand out and the group each shake it, "Then we are in agreement. Come. I'll show you to your quarters, I'll introduce you to everyone afterwards."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
It's been two weeks since Tamia, Veronica, and Anja had left for the Boomers. Afton had been occasionally updated on the happenings, but aside from them helping out around the place and trying to befriend the populace, nothing of interest had really happened.
He on the other hand had been very, very busy. From setting up Mexican-standoff-like negotiations with the Legion, to investigating places he reasoned House would be hiding more robots, and working on various projects with the Think Tank scientist, he'd almost not had any time to even sleep.
Fortunately, the Legion was more interested in retrieving Caesar than getting revenge against him. he supposed their fear of further retaliation might have been a factor too. He'd had limited contact with Vulpes Inculta, a man whose skull he dearly wanted to crush, but they'd managed to come to some sort of agreement.
In exchange for Caesar, the Legion would deliver two hundred slaves and an almost egregious amount of supplies. Afton had wanted to get more slaves instead of the supplies, but Glados reasoned that they didn't have the ability to feed them all with their current crop yield. Afton was already feeding the entirety of Novac after all, so they'd need to quickly expand those operations before anything was properly self-sustainable.
Afton was currently standing in what was left of Cottonwood Cove, this was the place the Legion wanted to meet, though, this was mainly due to the fact that there was nowhere else West of the Colorado that they could reach. The NCR had thoroughly blocked most pathways into Mojave, leaving the Legion with only one option... A full-frontal attack on Hoover Dam.
Afton was wearing full Power armour and wielding his Anti-Material Rifle, it's entire clip was composed of Explosive bullets, so he'd be more than ready to sink whatever attempts of betrayal the Legion might try.
Caesar was standing a small distance behind him, he was surrounded by a relatively large group of Robo-Scorpions, Cyberdogs, and Protectrons. All of which were able to be directed by Glados should it be required.
All in all, the forces Afton currently had on hand would be able to fend off a couple hundred Legionaries with ease, though, this all depended on the equipment they brought. He'd shown in the last battle that EMP's didn't 'work' against him, so hopefully he wouldn't need to repair his armour again.
He turns and smiles at Caesar, "Bet you're happy to finally leave the cells, right?"
Caesar scowls, the man slowly regaining his previous confidence and arrogance due to how close he was to freedom. "Your treatment in my prisons will be hundreds of times more humiliating and painful. I promise you this, Parker." he spits.
Afton nods with a smile, "I'll be awaiting it then, try to be a bigger threat this time though, I'd hate for our games to end too quickly." he states, glancing over at the river where large rafts carrying many people could be seen.
After a couple of minutes they dock at the unkept docks and shoreline, the sea of red walking upon the beach and slowly approaching Afton. Strangely, there was no hide nor hair of Vulpes Inculta, which is surprising since he'd thought receiving Caesar's gratitude would be well worth the risk.
Instead of Vulpes Inculta, a smug and arrogant-looking Centurion steps forth, "Ave Caesar!" the man salutes the rather ragged-looking Caesar, who attempts to stand straight in response. Though, due to the various 'operations' performed by Dala, he wasn't in the best state to do anything of the sort.
Afton steps forwards, "Have you brought what I asked for?"
The Centurion scowls but nods regardless, gesturing behind him at the many emaciated people who were pulling supplies onto the beach. "You will receive your slaves, but only after we recover Caesar."
Afton chuckles, raises his fist and clenching it, causing a grinding-metal sound to ring out, "We will do this my way, or the 'hard' way."
The Centurion attempts to stay stoic at the threat, but the flickering of his eyes and increased breathing shows that he was definitely afraid.
Afton lowers his fist and examines the slaves, noticing that a good portion of them were women, children, and heavily scarred men. This was as expected though, the Legion took this chance to get rid of some of their more unwelcome members. Criminals, rebellious slaves, and weak, parentless children.
Most would consider this a loss, but Afton thought differently... He didn't want Legion Slaves, he wanted 'Unwilling Slaves', people who disagreed with the Legion and or sought freedom... That, and Criminals.
Despite everything he'd had to do, and gladly done in the Wasteland, he still had a conscience. He couldn't force himself to allow innocent people to be experimented on, meaning he had to find deserving targets.
Ignoring his current feelings, he looks to the Centurion, "Vulpes too cowardly to come here himself? Che, where's your 'Legion Honour' now?" he mocks.
"Vulpes Inculta is an outlier and does not represent the Legion. His cowardice today will be remembered, as will your fronts against us. Remember this, Parker, as it is the reason you'll die gored on the horns of our empire."
Afton chuckles, "We going with the 'bull' shit now? Alright, I'll take you, your friends, your family, and everyone else in your shitty, barbaric empire to the slaughterhouse. I'll decorate my roads with your crucified bodies, letting the vultures pick you apart while my people watch as the Bull that is your people are slowly, painfully eaten." he states, taking a step forwards and standing menacingly over the Centurion.
Afton just shakes his head at the fact the man can't even respond, "Whatever, bring me the slaves and you can take your chicken-shit leader."
After half an hour everything is finally moved onto the beach, with the many slaves standing around the supplies as if they were property themselves... Which they technically were. Afton makes sure to check them all over for any hidden bombs or any other devices that the Legion may have tried to slip in... Fortunately, they weren't stupid enough to attempt it, leaving the people as safe as they can be.
Once that was all done Afton just shoves Caesar towards the Centurion, "You guys better get the fuck outta here before I change my mind... Ah, before that... What's your name, Centurion." he asks.
The Centurion turns, "I am Augustus Aquarius, we will meet again in battle, and I will slay you!" he shouts before quickly leaving with the rest of their troops. Afton's uproarious laughter sounding out behind them.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
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