Once she reaches ground level the woman reveals the huge rocket launcher resting on her shoulder, the red tip of the missile menacingly sitting in the barrel. Above them, the male is doing the same, his weapon pointing directly at them, despite the fact if either of them shot they'd all die together.
She was wearing some sort of pilot jacket over a Vault Jumpsuit, on her wrist sat a Pipboy, showing that the Boomers clearly had origins from a Vault.
Anja backs away slightly at the sight, but Tamia and Veronica hold their ground. Tami raises a brow and wonders if they were actually willing to kill themselves just to eliminate them. "You guys know you are in the blast radius too, right?" she asks.
"Shut up outsider! I'm willing to do what I must to protect my home!" the man shouts from the watchtower.
"Rambo, shut up! Maybe they just want to talk? They wouldn't be standing around talking to us if they were enemies!"
The now named Rambo growls at her, "You also were an outsider-lover Kim, you must be disappointed none of them are dudes that can rail you!"
"Fuck off, jerk!" she spits back before turning towards the group. "What are you here for, outsiders? And how did you get through our artillery strikes?"
Tamia shrugs, "What can I say? We're faster than we look." she says, not willing to explain the technology they used, after all, they may have to use it again in the future if shit hits the fan.
"Bullshit!" Rambo spits from above them, "There's no fuckin' way in hell you guys managed to get through that!... Unless... You're working with that shitty old man!" he accuses.
Veronica scoffs, "No way! Once we get back I'm going to cut that bastard's head off! He was dancing around to get us hit by one of your bombs, you wouldn't have noticed us otherwise!"
"See Rambo? Even these guys hate that dude." Kim says, her stance loosening up slightly. "So what do you want anyway?"
Tamia steps forward slightly, her back straitening as she tries to look as 'official' and authoritative as possible. "We represent Mr House, the owner of New Vegas and seek to open discussions about a potential alliance between your people and his." she explains.
"Mr House?... Shouldn't he be dead by now?" Rambo asks, but is ignored as Kim speaks.
"I-er, this is kinda above us... Would you mind waiting here for a moment? I'll go grab our leader." she says, going back up to the Watchtower and leaving her rocket launcher before running towards the buildings surrounding the hanger nearby.
The trio just stands around silently as Rambo watches, his weapon never straying from pointing at them.
"Isn't your arm getting tired? That thing looks pretty heavy..." Veronica asks, smirking slightly at the slight tremble of the man's arm.
He scoffs, "Pfft, what, me? I'm a man so I can handle this much, you should watch yourselves instead, outsider."
Veronica crosses her arms, "No wonder you can't find a girlfriend." she states.
"What? How do you-I mean, what do you know, I have a girlfriend... A couple actually!"
"Tell me about them." Veronica continues.
"Err, Kim! Kim is my girlfriend... Wait, why am I even talking to you!? Just shut up and stay put." he says pointedly.
Veronica just shrugs and slowly nods, "Alright, alright... I'll just have to ask Kim about it when she gets back."
"Look, she's my friend that's a girl... Got it? Now stop distracting me!"
Veronica just laughs, it's pretty fun making a fool out of an isolationist with almost no experience.
Eventually, Kim returns with an elderly woman, she has a rifle slung across her back, thin white hair, and a heavily wrinkled face. The woman walks past Kim as she stops a few meters from the fence and rests a hand on the wired fence. "What have we here?"
Tamia smiles, "Hello Miss, I'm Tamia, this is Veronica, and that's Anja."
The older woman nods, "You can call me Pearl, I'm in charge around these parts... So, what brings you here?"
"As I said earlier, we were hoping to discuss a potential alliance between New Vegas and your people. I was personally sent by Mr House to pursue this." Tamia explains yet again.
Pearl looks thoughtful, pursing her lips while slowly nodding, "Hmm, I see... Alright, we can talk further inside... But first, I would like you to hand over all your weapons, and for you-" she gestures at Anja, "To take off your mask... We can't talk in good faith if you can't show your face."
Anja looks between Veronica and Tamia hesitantly before nodding. Her outfits currently consists of Recon armour under a Deathclaw leather duster, with a hood and mask covering her face. She makes sure to show no visible skin as she's aware Ghouls are almost universally disliked.
She pulls down her hood, revealing her almost complete lack of hair and mangled skin before taking her mask off. There's an audible gasp and gulp as the three Boomers finally see Anja.
"Shit! They brought one of those zombies here!?" Rambo exclaims, his face one of utter disgust.
Veronica scowls and steps in front of Anja protectively, "She's not a zombie, Anja is just a lucky person who managed to survive intense radiation poisoning."
"You're lying! I must've shot hundreds of those things that were wandering in our territory! When they spot you they charge and try to eat you!" he continues as Pearl and Kim watch, neither seeming to want to intervene.
"Those must have been Feral Ghouls, people who weren't strong enough to retain their sanity as their bodies changed. Anja is different, she's sentient... She's a person like you or me, so don't you dare threaten her!" Veronica rants.
Pearl looks into Anja's clear green eyes, "Are you truly in control, dear?"
Anja nods with a sheepish look, "I am, Ma'am."
Pearl gives a small, comforting smile in response, "Then who are we to judge you on your appearance alone. Your actions and intentions should speak for themselves, not the tragedies you've experienced."
"But Pearl-" Rambo attempts to argue but receives a heavy glare from the elder woman.
"This. is not up for debate, stay here and calm yourself." she states before looking back at the group, "Let's talk in my office."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
The group's reception from the Boomers was lukewarm at best, with angry, suspicious, and even despairing looks thrown their way as they walked through the Airfield with Pearl. Of course, Anja attracted the most glares due to her rather unpleasant appearance.
The Airfield itself was massive, and all the Boomer structures were spread around to an almost ridiculous degree... Quickly getting from one to the other in an emergency must feel like a Marathon...
Eventually, they reach a relatively large cabin, they're about to enter inside when they're almost swarmed by children... A storm of questions was shot at them, some even playing pranks much to the group's chagrin. Fortunately, one stern look from Pearl is enough to send them on their way.
"Erm... They were, nice?" Veronica mutters as they step inside the cabin.
"You can say that... They are much more impetuous than I remember previous generations being. Perhaps it's the sun?" Pearl retorts as she slumps into a chair sat behind a large desk.
"Youknow, I was thinking that the other day." Veronica nods sagely.
"Alright, you lot pull up a chair, no point 'standing' on ceremony." she chuckles.
The group sit in front of Pearls desk as another woman greets them and offers them food and beverages... Apparently, they take treating guests properly seriously, which is pretty ironic considering how they 'greet' everyone with heavy ordinance.
Pearl clasps her hands as she sits straight, "So, Mr House wishes to ally with us... Why? You must already know that our relationship with other factions is more volatile than our explosives." she asks.
Veronica shrugs, "Maybe if you stopped shooting those explosives on everyone you'd be better received."
Pearl shakes her head, "We know better than to trust the honour and kindness of strangers. Even on our journey from the old Vault to here was fraught with peril. We lost half of our numbers from the expedition alone, more while trying to claim the airfield..."
"What did you even do to offend the NCR? The Legion I get, but I don't think the NCR would do anything unprovoked?" Tamia asks, curious.
Pearl gives an almost bloodthirsty smile, "A while ago the NCR decided to shut off our water supplies, we receive all of our water from Lake Mead which meant we either act or die of dehydration... A couple days of shelling convinced them to see it our way." she explains.
"And the Legion?" Veronica asks.
"Idiots thought they could enslave us and take our weapons. Their arrogance outlasted their ability to scream for mercy." Pearl states with a scowl. "Now, I'd like to hear MR House's reasons for wanting an alliance with us, I'm not so foolish to think that he simply wants 'good relations'."
Tamia nods, "Well, I hope you don't spread this information anyone, even if most already know it... Shit's going to go down soon, and Mr House wants to take advantage of it, ridding the Mojave of both the NCR and the Legion. And before you say he's mad, I've personally seen the forces he'd able to provide... They are scary, to say the least." she explains.
Pearl rests her chin on her hand, "And he wishes our help in taking the Mojave?... Well, what's in it for us? Outright declaring way on both NCR and Legion isn't exactly a small thing."
"You will continue to have full autonomy over your land, this will be protected by Mr House himself, and any who try to dispute this will face the full brunt of his forces. You will also receive aid in times of need, the ability to start trading, and any advancements in tech that occur under Mr House's leadership." Tamia lists off, vaguely remembering House's words.
"Hmm." Pearl hums, looking deeply in thought, "That all seems wonderful, but it is not me you will be needing to convince. I may be the leader, but if the other's don't follow I can't force them, even if I agree with you... How about this, you three will live amongst us and try to ingratiate yourself with my people, if you are well received then we can continue negotiations." she states.
Tamia, Veronica, and Anja all glance at one another, wondering if this was a good idea, or even worth their time. "We need to discuss this amongst ourselves... Do you mind?" Tamia asks and Pearl shake her head gestures them to an empty room at the side, "Please."
The group enter and Tamia looks at them, "Alright, I'll just cut to the chase. Are either of you willing to actually stick around for however long it takes to convince them? We'll still be in contact with Bulwark, but we need to limit how many times we come and go..."
Veronica raises a brow, "Why?"
"Because if we keep disappearing the Boomers will think that we're up to something. The only reason we're even here is because they failed to kill us once, I doubt it'd take much for them to try again."
Veronica and Anja nod, "I guess you're right... I'll stick around, maybe they have some tech Afton doesn't... Even if it's incredibly unlikely."
Anja nods, "I'll stay, I want to help."
"Alright." Tamia says, leaving the room and sitting back before Pearl. "I think it's doable... As long as we can leave if an emergency springs up."
Veronica nods, "And I want permission to go wring that old bastard's neck. No one tries to kill us and gets away with it!..." she states, still holding a grudge for his attempted murder but realising something and sheepishly looks up at Pearl, "Aside from you guys..."
"Very well..." she holds her hand out and the group each shake it, "Then we are in agreement. Come. I'll show you to your quarters, I'll introduce you to everyone afterwards."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
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