Afton returns to his companions after accepting the job from Hildern's assistant, he had numerous thoughts on the work he'd been given, but he'd not air them to his group. They would most likely wish to come with him to prevent his suspicions from occurring, or atleast to stop them when they did.
Afton was sure he'd manage without them though, plus, as the job required someone who was 'immune to radiation' he could just take Anja with him, as a ghoul she was just as, or most likely more rad resistant than he himself was.
On his way back he spotted Karl and Boone making light conversation with Anja, seems like they were doing their best to integrate her into the group. He could hear them telling stories of past jobs, their close call with Nephi and a nuclear bomb, his and Karl's run-in with the Powder Gangers, and even the time they fought 'scorpionzilla' in Camp Searchlight.
Anja herself was enthralled by the crazy adventures the group seems to have had, wondering if she'd be able to participate or just die trying. Afton walks up, interrupting the story of how Karl had first met Afton by scaring off a Deathclaw with dynamite.
"Guys, we've got a job... Or at least, I've got a job." he says, Anja's eyes being drawn towards the limb fabric that would usually cover his right arm.
Karl raises a brow, "What is it?"
"Apparently Dr Hildern needs some research recovered from a Vault infested with somekind of mutated plantlife. Only problem is the place is completely covered in radiation, making only me and Anja suitable for it." he says, causing Karl and Boone to frown.
"So you want to go with just the two of you?" Boone asks and Afton nods, the sniper continues, "Are you forgetting that Anja has yet to actually be trained in any form of combat? Maybe we should work on that before diving headfirst into danger?"
Afton nods, "I was hoping to do that during the journey to the Vault. I reckon Anja'll be a quick learner."
"What should we do in the meantime?" Karl reluctantly asks.
"Well, I've got a couple jobs I wanted you guys to handle while I was gone... We seem to have forgotten the mystery bomb maker responsible for the Mini-Nuke. That, and we need to get Anja some better equipment... I think I'd also like you two to get a feel on whether or not Motor-Runner would be a viable bounty to attempt."
Kalr raises a brow, "You know there hasn't been any word on a bounty for Motor-Runner yet right? I think the NCR wants to send in their own task force for that one."
Afton shrugs, "Regardless, that's what I want you guys to work on. Of course, if something else strikes your interest or seems more important then decide for yourselves, you're not employees after all... While I'm out I'll sell the loot we found." he says, turning to Anja, "Your thoughts on coming with me on a job?"
Anja's green eyes lock onto his own, "I want to earn my keep."
Afton nods, having felt similarly in the past. "Alright, we'll head out and visit the Gun Runners before going for the Vault." he glances to Karl, "You guys won't need Dirt-Bird right?"
Karl shakes his head, "Nah, walking's fine for us... I don't think either of us know how to drive that thing anyway." he says semi-sarcastically.
Afton goes to clap his hands together but realises he's not exactly able to... "Alright then, we have our jobs, let's get on it." he says, briskly walking out without saying another word to the others.
Anja follows him as he heads towards Dirt-Bird, the motorcycle itself still sitting exactly where he'd left it. While the NCR struggled taking care of their citizens, at least they knew how to protect a vehicle... Though, judging by the state of some of their trucks even that could be called into question.
He hops onto it and gestures towards the sidecar, Anja gingerly climbing inside herself, "You ever been on one of these before?"
She shakes her head, "No... I wouldn't even know how it works..."
Afton turns it on, causing it to give off a low hum, "First stop, Gun Runners." he states as he suddenly accelerates, causing Anja to yelp as she's forced against the back of the seat. He drives a couple meters before spinning the bike around and heading in the opposite direction, shooting a cocky smirk at the soldiers guarding Camp McCarren. "Keep up the good work boys!"
Fortunately, the journey was relatively peaceful, allowing Anja to enjoy the ride for what it is... Afton would say to feel the wind in your hair but... Anja is kind of deficient in that department. Feel the wind in the crevices of your skin that reveal your skull? Gross.
Regardless, they eventually reached Gun Runners, Isaac as always was sitting out front at the loading bench making himself busy. Though he turned to greet him as he heard the hum of the engine.
Afton gave replied noncommittally and immediately starting trying to barter with the Vendertron. He begins cycling through the various weapons the place sells to search for something that might suit Anja... He sold all the stolen weaponry from the Fiends for 800 caps, he'd checked them beforehand but hadn't found anything suitable for Anja.
He was tempted to buy her a 12.7mm silenced submachine gun, but realised she literally didn't have the strength to wield it. The gun requiring 6 Strength when she only had 4... He looked through the selection and eventually pinpointed a few she could use, the top of them being a 10mm Pistol and a 9mm Submachine gun.
"Anja, have you ever fired a weapon before?"
She shrugs, "I found a pistol once... It was already loaded and I used to it kill my captors.
Afton chews the inside of his cheek before eventually deciding, 'fuck it', and buys both a 10mm pistol and a 9mm submachine gun for her. Tossing her some holsters for the weapons after paying a 1000 caps for the lot.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. thanks!
After buying Anja her weaponry, they both hopped onto Dirt-Bird again and started driving in the direction of the Vault. With the [Explorer] Perk Afton knew exactly where he needed to go, as well as the fastest route to get there.
The route they'd take would be the highway that heads north-west from Westside. But before any of that Afto wanted to sit Anja down and teach her the basics of gun-safety as well as everything else that came with accurately and efficiently shooting a firearm. The last thing he wanted was to be shot in the back by his own companion, his [Miracle Maker] Perk was still recovering so he'd need to be careful.
They drive a couple miles before stopping at a gas station. Afton told Anja to wait near Dirt-Bird as he checked the place out, finding a couple molerats that he unceremoniously butchered. The place seemed to have sold food and drinks before the great war, but now all that was left were empty bottles and cans that'd been torn to pieces, presumably by the rats.
He rolls Dirt-Bird through the front doors into the building to keep it out of the sun, and most importantly, out of view. He takes an armful of the empty bottles and heads outside, finding a waist-high rock that's relatively level. He places the bottles standing upright atop it before heading back to Anja who was watching with nervous anticipation.
Afton takes her weapons and shows her how they function, how to reload, cock, unjam them, and even how to clean them properly. She picked the skills up fairly easily, her Perception and Agility allowing her to come to terms with the advice he was giving relatively quickly.
He instructs her to try and hit one of the bottle wit her pistol, he watches as she drops into the stance he'd taught her, raises the gun, takes aim, and... *Click*... The safety was still on...
Afton didn't think he'd have to explain how the safety works to her, but apparently, he did... "Anja, the safety for god sake." he says with extreme exasperation.
She looks at him and then down at the gun sheepishly, tapping the small button before taking aim again.
It was clear she'd missed the mark by a fair distance due to the dirt kicking up behind the bottle. "Adjust your aim based on where the bullet had hit." he advises as she fires again, much closer this time.
Afton is thankful he'd purchased a lot of extra ammunition for her practise, otherwise they'd be out by now. He'd continued teaching her for hours, getting her comfortable with the kick, and the act of shooting.
He'd gotten her to practise briefly with the 9mm submachine gun, but he'd almost had a heart attack when her form dissolved as she started shooting. Holding it in one hand while looking away, allowing the recoil to force her weapon to the sky.
Fortunately, neither of them had gotten injured from it, and he'd berated her enough for two people. Hopefully she'd learn from her mistake. Regardless, night was soon drawing in and Afton wasn't comfortable with this gas-station... He'd found tracks that seemed relatively recent, and not those belonging to the molerats either.
It was incredibly likely that raiders used this as an ambush point, meaning they could be back at any moment. Afton wasn't sure whether he'd trust Anja to properly do sleep shifts yet... She was perceptive, he'd give her that, but she'd likely freeze and panic, becoming unable to do anything as the raiders butchered the both.
So, they hopped back on Dirt-Bird and start moving again, travelling down the highway to look for a good place to camp for the night. Afton would preferably pick an area that gave a good view over the area, so a large hill, cliff, or a roof of an abandoned building.
Afton spotted a light in the distance and didn't know whether or not he should approach... First rule of the 'Afton survival guide' was, don't trust anyone... Though, maybe getting Anja some proper practical experience with firearms would be a good idea? He was sure he'd be able to handle whoever was over there. 'Single-handedly'...
He shakes his head from the rather poor joke and self-dig and starts driving over to the light, eventually finding that it belonged to a relatively clean-looking two-story house. The white paint even looked freshly applied, as if the great-war had just been an inconvenience.
It even seemed to have electricity active, as light streamed through the windows undeterred. Anja pats his shoulder to grab his attention, "I don't think coming here is a good idea." she says, probably having bad memories of her time as a captive.
Afton shrugs, "Whether it is or not, I can't see outcome too terrible. At worst you get to try out your new weapons, at best we get an apple pie, a clean bed, and maybe a hot shower." he says with a smirk.
Anja just shakes her head, lacking the confidence to press the issue further. If Afton thought approaching the house was a good idea then she'd follow his lead.
He stops the bike out-front and turns ht engine off, calmly walking up the porch and rapping his knuckles against the door, stepping back and waiting for a response.
The sound of scrambling feet caused Afton to tense up, but the sporadic movement stopped once it reached the door. The sound of many latches being unlocked could be heard and after a moment the door slowly opened, revealed a short figure.
No, not short. The man before them was middle-aged but had a severe hunch-back, making him a few heads shorter than he should be. He has balding black-hair that seems to be forcing itself into a monk-hairstyle and an almost stereotypically crazed look. His face seemed permanently frozen into a half-smile, half-sneer.
His clothing wouldn't suggest he was crazy though, it was a fine suit that had no creases, splotches, or anything else to suggest something was out of sorts. It was this exact thing that made Afton the most uncomfortable however, you didn't just have immaculate suits hanging around the wasteland, especially with a house that seemed to have everything it needed to operate... Something was seriously wrong about this situation.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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