81.48% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 42: Mechanical Bodies and Kindred Hearts

บท 42: Mechanical Bodies and Kindred Hearts

*Kyuu-san's POV*

"Looks like I'll be coming to the beach with your little maiden! How exciting~ how would a brass and cloth tasteless person like you attend?"

Her clawed fingers points at me up down slowly, wishing to tear the black gi I wear all the time at the seams. Why did Klara have to hear the brat?! It was enough trouble having mom and Sura convince me to go and now her?! Mom claps her hand excitedly.

"You're always welcome to join Klara, and Eeeee yay!!! I knew my little munchkin could do it!! Ah~ it reminds me of the first times you were learning martial arts Kyui, you were so young and your puffy little red cheeks as you never admitted defea-"


By the stars Mom!! Not when this perverted dragon is near me!! Why does mom have to be so dense as well?

"Oh... do tell more Mrs. Ohari~ it's always a pleasure to tease your daugh- GYAK!!!"

A firm stomp on her sensitive tail sends Klara cursing and flying off.

Back to teaching I go, it went smoother than expected. Everyone followed along, even the brat who managed to keep her excitedness to manageable levels. Teach moves and lessons, train, free spar time, the plan goes on. Mom stayed, since there was nothing much to do.

Walking around in circles helping the students, all of this, feels right at home. Sura's right, it's oddly peaceful... sometimes I forget we took in some primordial kid. It should be bizarre, but, doesn't. Packing up, most of the students have left except for Sura and mom as me and Klara helped close the Dojo.

"My, that was quite the spectacle."

A hoarse voice creeps up from behind me, I whip around to see… a cyborg? No wait, one arm missing, orange singed hair, military augmentations. Mokuren had brought up her suspicions to me just a couple days ago. I didn't even sense her behind me, was she watching the whole time?

"Quite the frown you got for looks too. Name's One-Shot, I teach at the high school, dropped by to see this fancy place…"

Clad in shredded black cloak and worn leather. She whistles, pointing to the statue of Asura casually like she knows them.

"Would you believe me if I said I know that fella? Well, used to."

She reaches out her good hand, whirring as her robotic hand twitches into a handshake. Ignoring her odd remark, for her to visit here of all places… I grab her hand in a firm shake… cold, metallic grip. It's not a damn coincidence at all.

"Kyuu Kitsune, an instructor here at the dojo… we're about to close for the day, what brings you here?"

I add a hint of distaste, to let her know I'm well aware of her questionable presence here. Her cybernetic eyes see right through me, hand on her hips she jests.

"Relax, just came here to take a look, it's rare to see dojos in this age… even harder to find enthusiasts, specially a young radiant lil' beastie."

She nods towards the brat… and begins to stroll over towards the training grounds. What is she doing? I begin to try to stop her when a little round puffy bird lands on my shoulder.

"Wait Kyui! I want to see this…"

Mokuren's voice speaks through it.

"Any idea who this is?"

"No idea… but I can say this, if she wanted to stay hidden we wouldn't know. Now she shows herself more…"

Sura was carrying some training mats back to the supply rooms when she pulled up the mats to hide her embarrassment upon seeing One Shot.

"Eh! You're the teacher that caught me peeping- I mean… hello?"

She caught her what?

"Haha! Well lil' beastie, still got energy for one more fight?"

"You can fight, teacher? Are you sure? You only have one arm-"

One-Shot quickly throws her ragged cloak at the brat. Sura catches it in confusion and the next thing she knew, One-Shot has her hand in front of Sura's face in the shape of a gun.


She whispers. Sura raises an eyebrow…


"You would be already dead if this had been a real fight… you need to focus, beastie, do not take your eyes off the opponent. Do you think bad people will just let you prepare yourself and challenge you honorably? The answer is no."

Her quick firing of lessons fazed even the endless annoyance known as the brat. I suppose she can color me impressed in that regard… Sura attempts to hand over the cloak, upon the moment of touching, One-Shot dashed forward trying to wrap the cloak around Sura. A miss… the brat must've known as she immediately slid under and spins around ready to attack.

"Ha!! Didn't get me this time!! Huh?"

A fast energy ball slaps her butt.

"Ow!! When did you?"

Blowing smoke off her finger slyly, One-Shot smirks. She had set a dormant charge of quanta behind Sura before she reacted.

"Never miss, ha… not bad beastie, but don't expect your opponent to only have one trick up their sleeve."

She had set a charge behind the moment she lunged at Sura, she's no rookie.


Sura throws the cloak at One-Shot and appears at her side, with a swift move, her fist was about to hit One-Shot's metal hide before her torso spins 360 degrees… her legs sweeping Sura. Sura quickly catches herself with her hands and flips away… good reaction brat.

"Ms. One-Shot… you can spin your body? That's so cool! I didn't know you could fight so well!"

"Haha, thanks for the compliment kid, don't let your guard down."

Short, minimal movements. It was pure efficiency and effectiveness in fluidity almost unnatural to her archaic cyborg body. Sura's fists struck against metal in clangs, blocked and directed away. The brat had a hard time keeping up, a dodge to her behind was met by One-Shot rotating her arm backwards to block. It was one surprise after another.

Even with one arm, One-Shot read Sura's movements near perfectly. Sura throws a feint, it's not gonna work-


With a firm strike Sura upper cuts One-Shot's arm joint, knocking away her arm followed with another kick knocking One-Shot back. Metal grinds against stone in screeching pain.

"Now it's my turn to be surprised! How'd you figure it out beastie?"

Sura smiles as she pulls on her long elf-like ears.

"Every time your body moves, it makes a small whirring gear sound! Each part of your body made a slightly different noise! So I listened carefully to know when you moved to strike or block!

…impressive brat, real impressive. I hate to admit, but I didn't even think of that.

"Well I'll be damned haha, maybe I should get some maintenance and lubrication."

The casual expression of hers drops, replaced with cold sincerity.

"I hope you take my advice, beastie, there's a lot more worse things… always be on the ready."

"Worse... things?"

Leaving things ambiguous, One-Shot takes a break and kicks back, leaning on one of the pillars of the dojo under some shade. She's acting like a teacher more than having fun.

"Kyui, what can you tell me about her attacks and style?"

Mokuren whispers in my head, as if afraid the cyborg would somehow hear her. Her bizarre body made up for the limits of the natural body… but

"She's skilled… far more skilled than I imagined. But she's always on the defense and countering rather than directly attacking once the brat starts taking it more seriously. Even though Sura is holding back a lot, One-Shot is making up for the lack of pure power with skill… all of her moves are fast, efficient, and deadly. "

Klara was watching too, having come out of the dojo rooms hearing the commotion.

"Her moves, doesn't seem like some of the things we've taught here yeah? Almost feels a bit like a mix of free style with military CQC. Beyond anything we've seen that's for sure. Each strike can kill if the opponent does not protect themselves or is surprised… what kind of pretty cyborg is she?"

These skill sets and attributes are similar to that of a-


Mokuren finishes my dreaded thought. Some new "teacher" enters Heiwa right after Sura is born. It was only then I noticed mom casting a shocked, resentful glare at One-Shot. I don't see mom angry often at all… few enough to count with one hand.


One-shot merely nods

"Yes, me… my, I had almost forgotten why I came here! if you'll excuse me Kyuu sensei, may I have a private talk with your mother? You could say we're old colleagues."

Mom stands up, arms crossed with the most hateful scowl… oh boy.

"You… what are you doing here?"

"Not even a greeting, Ohari? We need to talk… please. I've never been one to use that word but the times call for it."

"Not without me."

I intervene, putting an arm in front of mom. She gently pulls down my arm… mom?

"It's fine, Kyui… thank you. It'll only take a moment."

Just like that, the sliding door shuts before me… through the slightly thin sheet of the door, Mom's shadow sits down while the other leans on the wall.

"Where did mom go?"

Coming back for a rest, the brat plops down on the wooden floor… her hair is messy but I don't think I've ever seen her sweat before. Well she doesn't need to drink water too… no matter how many times I think about it, the brat really is weird.

"She's having… a meeting behind these doors. We'll head home afterwards."

As we waited, I couldn't help repeatedly glancing over the doors. It didn't take long, but even from here I could see bags of worry under mom's eyes when she came out. Her hair was all fuzzy… a classic fox sign of anxiety.

"Mom, are you ok?"


She's been looking around haphazardly the whole time walking back home.

"You're clinging to the brat pretty tightly."


Mom was pressing Sura against her side protectively, never letting go… of course the brat didn't mind as she snuggled into her soft side. When was the last time I did that as a kid? What? No no I'm not jealous…

"Oh that haha, I just wanted to snuggle with Sura-chan that's all… do you think we live too far away from the center of Heiwa? What if it's not as safe?"

"What? Mom, there's not been one safety issue with Heiwa much less Goddess Myriam watching as well. We're a neutral planet too… where did this question spring out of?"

"Oh silly me… I was just wondering that's all."

It was like this the whole way back home… mom gets worried a lot for my safety, stubbornly so many times before. But this, this is dread, this is a fear of real threat.


Putting the dishes back on to the rack, I catch mom carrying Sura in her arms to bed. The brat must've tuckered out today. I pick up on the slowly increasing rapid footsteps of retreat to the bedroom.

"Nuh uh. Not so fast mom."

"Ah… I'm caught~ haha…"

"Mom… tell me what's wrong. I can tell that "One-Shot" was no ordinary person. There's no need to lie to me."


Mom settles down by the chair next to the window, looking out towards the direction of the memorial garden. I prepared two cups of lavender tea… setting them down on the table. Helps calm nerves, Mokuren taught me.

"Thank you, Kyui… I… I think someone might be coming for Sura-chan."

"What? Who?"

"I think… someone from the Prometheus clan."


"I thought the Prometheus clan already knew about Sura."

"I know Kyui… Myriam and I, we lied. In truth, only a few select people know about Sura from the Prometheus clan, to keep rumors from getting out. But it seems it might be too late… someone might come to harm Sura."

"But… why would anyone from the Prometheus clan want to harm the brat. They're protectors of people… interplanetary group keeping peace."

Mom drinks a sip of the lavender tea… the pale moonlight enveloping her face illuminates the soft, tired wrinkles of age.

"... that's true… but, there's some people in there who are, say, aggressive towards certain gods. Ones who know the history of the Primordials."

Sura's powers… damn it, I didn't know how to teach her to hide her energy signature. It's similar to Quanta yet, it gives off such an odd feeling. Perhaps now, would be the time to tell mom.

"Mom… I know that… you were once part of the Prometheus clan. I know that, my other mom didn't just die in an accident."

Her eyes widened but not in shock, but perhaps just mere surprise.

"Kyui… I always had a feeling you knew… I'm sorry for hiding it this whole time. I wish I could tell you more, but I'm scared to panic. But, please keep an eye on Sura-chan…"

What timing.

"Haha… you say that, but we're going to the beach in just a few days. I'll make sure to ask Goddess Myriam to come and watch over Sura."

A few faint-hearted chuckles was what I wanted to hear. Just to see some color return to mom's face.

"Hehe~ that's true, Sura-chan has never seen the beach before. I'm just... don't know what to do. I wanna keep Sura-chan safe, but I don't wanna keep her so sheltered. That wouldn't be living... but, but-"

Her voice started to quiver, little gasps of terror as she struggled to say her mind.

"What if the clan decides to recruit her? Use her?! What if she gets sent on missions or is locked away or she might! She might die just lik-"

I hug mom.

"I'll protect the brat.. I'll protect Sura. I promise, mom. I would say keep her locked in home but that brat will pester me to death if that happens. Can you imagine the tantrum she'll throw if she couldn't go to the beach?"

A few faint-hearted chuckles was what I wanted to hear. Just to see some color return to mom's face... to not feel the warm drips of wetness on my shoulder. I pull back and see mom sniffle, wiping her tears.

"Hehe, that's true. I'm sorry for looking this way in front of you... I have such a loving daughter and such an adorable little one too."

"Nonsense, crying is not a weakness. It shows how much you care, love you, mom."

I give her another hug.

"Make sure to pack sunscreen and swimsuits ok? I'll look through some swimsuits that still fit you haha… and make sure to shave a little so you don't overheat under the sun ok, Kyui? Oh and make sure to-"

"I get it, I get it, Mom! Geez…"

I've always looked up to mom, even if she's a bit fragile now. But her heart has always been strong, it was one of the reasons I dreamed of joining the Prometheus clan. To serve like she did, to protect others… well I guess I am kinda doing that, to the brat.

As I lay on my bed, looking at the new poster I put on the wall of Alycia Sapphire. Something I guiltily got of from requesting a custom made poster fanart. Can the Prometheus clan really be a threat?

Her brazen sapphire eyes, flames of courage, and bravery to protect others... what would she do in this situation? Is the last question I ask myself, fading into sleep.

Wild_Silver Wild_Silver

Hi everyone! It's been a while hasn't it? As always, I'm busy, I'm flying over to Colorado to do some intern training. Then coming back to drive over 12 hours to a Redwood National Park to intern there. This will last for 3 months, until the beginning of my next semester... whoopee, I am tired.

I do feel this is taking a toll on my writing quality so please, as always, criticize or point out things! suggest stuff!!

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