HILDRED looked at his Terminal, wondering what had suddenly gotten into Wulf. But as an obedient member of Fenris Squad, he still did as he was told. He called the manager of the club and requested the list of guests today and the reason why they were here. The manager knew that he was friends with the owner of the place that's why he didn't hesitate to adhere to his request.
It didn't take long before his Terminal received the information he requested. He scanned the information with his eyes and he was surprised when he saw a particular name.
Astrid Townsend.
Wasn't this too much of a big coincidence?
Ed: How come the general's temper became more and more unrealiable? Now, he's even getting angry for no reason?
Hil looked indulgently at Ed and stroke his partially bald head: It's okay if Ed doesn't understand. Being ignorantly innocent is one of your charms. (^∀^)
Ed: (-_-)ゞ゛