We came upon a hut, much like we might have found in the woodlands of Achaea. It had a garden for vegetables, pens for rabbits, and what might pass for a field, already planted with … well, calling them crops would be generous. Foods that weren't in the garden.
There was also evidence that the residents were removing stumps, even if they were cutting down living trees to expand their glade. Through the woods, if you got the right angle, one could see their neighbors, a glade all but identical to the one we were approaching.
"Ask why we're here, Rhishi." Wendi ordered.
"Are we sure this is the right house?" Gwendolyn asked.
"If not, they'll know the right one." Wendi confirmed.
"Why are we here, masteress Wendi?" I asked.
"Because you are absolutely right." she said. "A growing lizard-boy with a Legendary weapon is easy to spot."
"And we trust these people to not talk about it?" I asked.
Okay, so I explored the world of AI text-bots. They're amazingly advanced, but it's still easy to tell them from real people.
On that topic, a reminder. Rhishisikk is a person, but he is not human. I've had time to remind myself of exactly that, and I'm sorry if that comes as a shock. Re-reading the article, the changes are subtle, which may be a limitation of my writing.
As always, thank you for waiting so long for me to return to writing, instead of just reading. It is knowing you were here that brought me back from a very deep abyss.
— ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ — เขียนรีวิว