It is times like that which I wish the bards were correct; that angels were assigned to hear the prayers of priests. You have heard, perhaps, that those who can ask not to be eaten ought not to be? And yet, here I was, assigned by Sobek (or by the Sobeki council, those who most often wore Sobek's mask) to this Agoge. And yet, here, I was assigned to exactly that task.
Spear and stealth, and not much sunlight left to track the Awakened by.
Oh, let me see if I can remember them all. There were nine of us.
Naggar, you know. He had all the archery skills one would expect from a newborn babe, were one careless enough to place a bow into its hands. He sighted a blood trail and was off running.
Armon of Bleak Hope, uruk, was also from Charon's sqadron.
Of Dagon's squadron, Astrolocus and Krassus, the humans, had failed to score kills with the bow.
Oh, god. THIS should have been two chapters. I had to trim all the cross-talk that makes characters seem like real people. The conversation with cat-mother had to be cut short...
So many lessons learned with this chapter. But that's all okay; it's not my best chapter ever, but it's done and hopefully not too confusing. I wanted to do a whole two paragraphs about how a shattered tusk burned like having a star in his mouth.
As always, thank you for your continued support. It means more to me than the income dashboard, which says this is my best month in over a year.