Clad only in a homespun peasant's outfit, my inventory as barren as my mana pools, I was marched off between guards. Just two. I could have resisted when they tried to move me from the mystic treatment building, but why?
"Quit calling that damn axe to your hands, or I'll take it from you." said the one on the right.
I extended the handle toward him. "Take it if you want." I said. "It's the axe teleporting, not me."
And this was true. Like all things, I'm sure the axe had a limit. I had no eagerness to find that limit, but I'm sure it had one. But honestly, if I were making something like that, given the reluctance of some of the Legendary Champions... it might take a lifetime or two to just walk its mana pool down.
If it wasn't one of many Inherent abilities the axe seemed to have.
"Taleo, no!" warned the left guard, even as the axe ignited in white flames.
So, I leaned into writing too hard; it became a chore. I took a day off, and then another day, and here we are a week later. I make no apologies; my laundry is clean and organized, the house is... nothing close to spotless, but I can walk around barefoot.
But you want to hear about Rhishi. Yes, amazingly enough getting your smite on in public fountains and leaving trails of Taint along the public road... EXACTLY the sort of things that get you in trouble.
And yes, Rhishisikk is now aware that ALL of his Systems are broken, each in a different way. But he's got some consequences to deal with before exploring that.
As always, thank you for your readership! It means enough to me that it lifted me out of my funk and got me writing again.