[Lucid Dreaming achieved.], my System told me.
Which was great, and all, but I hadn't been trying to achieve such a state. It was just after my last report...
I suppose I should mention that. Never mention to your vengeance god patron that there's a war going on. Well, maybe a quest to kill a hundred enemy soldiers with your own hands is something you'd like. I didn't, especially because the riders I'd already killed didn't count. Sentient mounts only counted if they served a god.
Any god; it didn't matter. Something about soul energy of one lesser erg or greater. <1>
When I objected, Sobek calmly asked me if I were planning on taking out more soldiers, and exactly how long I thought the war would last, and whether I was planning on counting the Tidelands Resistance as part of my wartime activities.
Good to know your god supports your efforts, and thinks you'll survive them.
After much debate, I decided to split the original single dream sequence into two. For those of you who like such insights into the spiritual world, you are welcome. I'll warn the other chapter equally well.
And I'm debating putting these things into a chapter, and just editing and adding as the little granules of math accumulate. Speaking of math, I'm still catching up on Rhishi's XP and cultivation.
But my priority is getting in a chapter a day, which is turning out to be not as simple as it sounds.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: Moe_DaoistWlZI1L, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout to Hopehard, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.