I found Maximus early in the morning; it wasn't hard. Not that our numbers had dwindled that much (though they were shrinking), but rather that Maximus was a creature of habit.
He looked up at me from where he was bathing and snorted. "Whatever it is, it can wait until after I have bathed and breakfasted."
"Actually, it must not wait." I said. "I need you to forbid hunting parties from stalking deer."
"You are too late to save your four legged friends." he said. "The hunting parties left before dawn."
"I wasn't... okay, I was trying to save them, as well." I said.
He chuckled. "Whatever their minds, they are only deer."
I sighed. "If any of your hunters survives, I'll let them tell you differently."
"If? Deer are known only for their stealth."
"Maximus, there must be a horn or something. These aren't the arena sands. Stealth is often enough."
At last! The first of far too many placeholder chapters is today finally replaced. Two weeks, perhaps three, and this statistical lull will be over.
And yes, this chapter reveals part of why Rhishisikk doesn't think like "normal people" do. He's NOT normal people; as much as he and his siblings can do, they are endangered species. But more of that in due time.
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