I won't bore you with the details of what I did over those three years; you've read through my account.
"What about the Thorns blockade of Miletus' Glory?"
Guur shrugged. "We didn't have a port before. We don't have a port now. They've learned to stay out of catapult range, which means they've never tried to land troops."
He unfurled a map, but it had the Twelve Daggers in the wrong places relative to each other, which was an indicator of how far we should trust it. "We have mountaineers skirmishing with their mountaineers, but for the most part, it's nothing organized. It's more like high altitude survival training with another tribe out there also trying to survive."
"As you can see," he said, "They don't have enough remaining woodlands to build the ships they need to invade us from the sea. So unless they plan on swimming in heavy armor, they literally can't invade us without giving us a week's warning, possibly two, by coming around the mountains."
Ditto this chapter, originally a copy of 251, also accidentally posted to the Crafter timeline.