When a night is two shifts of sleep, each roughly two hours long, I sure do wake up grumpy. "What?" I asked.
"Silence. Gather our things and..."
The fire elemental burst into the chamber, sending <BURN!> everywhere.
I uncorked my water supply. "Move Water! Water Shield!" I shouted, rolling out of bed toward him. He recoiled against a wall.
<Whoa! Wait! Prank! It's just a prank! Don't KILL me!>
I took a step back, angled my shield to let him have access back to the foundry. <Move on, then.>
It looked at me. No eyes, no face, but he looked at me. <Yeah, sure. Thanks.> And then it raced back the way it came.
I cracked my neck, wandered back over to the keg. "Move Water." I said, but instead it just fell straight down, only the smallest portion of it back into the cask. I sighed, and flipped the lid closed.
Okay, have a final schedule from the big boss; I need to arrive at my new office no later than the 8th of January next year. The bosses are thumb wrestling or casting lots or however they determine which office that actually is.
But, hey, I know I'll actually have an office to go to. Maybe my cubicle will even have walls.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: Cagera, Largest single gifter: ApexAesir.
Daily shout to CardinalSeven and Hopehard, our top daily power stone donors for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.