Chapter Type: Background/Lore
As always, these are only faithful repetitions of the words as they were spoken in my presence. I cannot swear to the accuracy of the tale, and caution the reader as to acceptance of the tales as fact.
Not that long ago, as stars reckon time, the father of the current jarl ruled. He was a wicked man, known as the Executioner. Everywhere he would look, he would see disloyalty, and always he punished this with death.
We of the wilderness clans withdrew to the north, to the very edge of the wood, and maintained hidden paths by which we could flee should the worst happen. Such is the fear that we lived in, that we stored the bulk of our wealth deep in the woods, in caches both buried and hidden above, in the limbs of trees.
Hopefully sets some backstory in place, and serves as character development.
Shout out to: xueren, DiademReyDraco, and chronoblade64, our top three power stone donators.
Daily shout to HONEYB0NE and elideanoctober, tied for our top daily power stone donor for today.