"Hello there!" Ivan declared in a Russian accent while wearing his brilliant smile. "You're right. My name is Ivan (pronounced as 'ee-van'). You know me, right?"
"Yes, Sir!" Dino answered while he still could not believe that he would meet the swimmer this way.
"What's your name?" Ivan asked with a smile.
"Dino," Dino answered as normally as he could yet he still felt tense.
"Wow! Dino! That's a nice name!" Ivan replied cheerfully.
"Thanks, Sir!" Dino answered while he was blushing from Ivan's compliment. "So, how may I help you, Sir?" Dino inquired.
"Please don't call me 'Sir'. Just call me Ivan," Ivan responded while still wearing his bright smile.
[So his name is pronounced as 'ee-van', not 'eye-van'.] Dino thought while also realizing that he has been pronouncing the professional swimmer's name wrong all this time.
"Okay, Ivan, how may I help you?" Dino asked while showing his innocent smile.
"I need your help on something, Dino," Ivan declared while still wearing his smile. "There are girls who have been chasing me, so I ended up going here to hide from them. Could you please disguise yourself as me so that they'll stop looking for me?"
"What?!" Dino asked in amazement. "Me?! Disguise as you?!"
"That's right!" Ivan replied with a nod and a smile. "I'll have you wear these clothes that I'm wearing right now. Then you will get out there so that they'll mistake you for me. You'll come back here to return my clothes after that."
"Oh…" Dino muttered while also thinking if he will agree to it and the possible consequences of doing Ivan's request. "Well...Will this work though? You're much taller than me and I don't have your blonde hair."
"It's okay. It will work!" Ivan answered positively. "So, will you do it for me, Dino? Please?" Ivan requested nicely while showing his bright smile.
[Oh...he's so handsome! I'm finding it so hard to refuse his request!] Dino thought.
"Okay, I'll help you," Dino answered after letting out a sigh.
"Really?!" Ivan asked with a voice full of joy.
"Yes!" Dino replied while showing his innocent and beautiful smile to Ivan. "Please lend to me your clothes."
"Thank you, Dino!" Ivan answered merrily. "I'll be taking off my clothes then!"
"Okay, but please take your time. I'll go pee first," Dino replied while pointing at one of the cubicles.
"Okay, please go ahead," Ivan responded while showing his bright smile.
"Thanks," Dino replied before proceeding to enter one of the cubicles and pee.
[I really can't believe that I met him this way, and when he's right in the middle of a rather awkward situation!] Dino thought awkwardly while he was inside the cubicle. [Plus, I'll be wearing his clothes! But those would be oversized for me!]
Once Dino was done peeing and flushing the toilet bowl, he went out to get back to Ivan. To his utter amazement, he saw that Ivan was already naked and just wearing his boxer brief and shoes. Upon seeing Ivan's nicely sculpted abs and lean and muscular body, he turned away, with his face turning red from embarrassment. Even though he had seen Ivan's muscular body on television multiple times before, Dino thought that it was a different story to see the swimmer stripping like that in front of himself.
[Oh my goodness...I can't believe he stripped just like that!] Dino thought with his red face turned away from Ivan. [Even though I've seen his body on TV many times before, I still can't believe that he would strip without feeling any embarrassment!]
"Oh, Dino! You're back!" Ivan exclaimed joyfully. "Please take my clothes and wear them now."
"Okay," Dino answered before facing Ivan again and taking Ivan's clothes.
"Dino, are you okay?" Ivan inquired worriedly upon seeing Dino's red face.
"Yes. Why?" Dino responded.
"Your face is red," Ivan replied anxiously as he stared closely at Dino's face.
"Oh, it's nothing! Don't mind me!" Dino answered rather awkwardly even when he tried to act as normally as possible.
"Are you sure? Don't you have any fever?" Ivan asked in a worried tone before placing his right hand on Dino's forehead, making the latter blush even more.
[Oh my...he's touching me?] Dino thought while also feeling Ivan's hand on his forehead and staring at Ivan's beautiful blue eyes.
"You seem to be fine," Ivan declared in relief with his smile back on his face. "I guess I was worried for nothing. Am I right, Dino?" Ivan asked nicely after taking off his hand from Dino's forehead.
"Ah, yes!" Dino replied rather awkwardly with his face still red. "So please don't worry about me. I'll be going to a cubicle now to change my clothes!"
"Okay," Ivan answered with a gentle grin. "Go ahead, Dino."
"Yeah!" Dino responded with a nod before proceeding to go inside one of the cubicles.
[That guy, Dino...He's so cute!] Ivan thought while grinning as he waited for Dino to come out from the cubicle. [I like him! And if possible, I'd like to meet him again after this! That's why I'll get his contact and social media account details!]
[Just as expected...these clothes are oversized for me.] Dino thought awkwardly after wearing Ivan's clothes and cap. [Anyway, I'll be helping the swimmer whom I have been watching on television and admiring for five years, so I can and will do it!] Dino thought decidedly and determinedly.
Afterwards, Dino came out of the cubicle and saw Ivan still standing naked in front of the door of the comfort room.
[It won't be good if he just stands there while waiting for me.] Dino thought while blushing upon seeing Ivan's muscular body again.
"Ivan, please hide inside one of the cubicles here while waiting for me to come back," Dino requested.
"Oh, you're right!" Ivan answered while smiling. "It won't be good if more people come here and find it locked."
"Yes, that's right," Dino answered with a nod. "Also, please cover yourself with my jacket if you feel cold. Here, take this," Dino declared while handing over his jacket to Ivan.
"Oh, thank you, Dino!" Ivan answered. "But while you're at it, could you please lend me your backpack for a while? The girls saw me without any backpack."
"Oh, okay," Dino replied before handing over his bag to Ivan. "I'll be back, Ivan, so please hide inside one of the cubicles until I come back. Okay?"
"Okay!" Ivan answered cheerfully. "Please go ahead and divert the attention of those women and girls who were chasing me. Thank you!"
"Yeah!" Dino responded with a grin too. "I'll be right back."
Ivan just nodded and smiled and did not say a word while also waving at Dino before the latter proceeded to get out of the comfort room.
As soon as he was outside of the comfort room, Dino saw some women and girls - about ten of them - who were standing from several feet away from where he was standing. The women and girls who were saying Ivan's name and looking for him, making Dino realize that they must be the ones Ivan was running away from.
[So it's them who were chasing Ivan.] Dino thought. [I've got to divert their attention now.]
Then Dino went on ahead to approach the women and girls who were looking for Ivan.
"There he is!" one of the girls shouted upon seeing Dino.
The women and girls approached Dino, with all of them looking and feeling disappointed upon realizing that it was not Ivan.
"It's not him!" the women and girls said in unison.
[So they still thought that I'm Ivan, huh?] Dino thought as he did his best to hold himself back from laughing in front of the women and girls. [I can't believe that they seem to have gotten blind while also thinking that I'm Ivan!]
"Let's go!" one of the girls said in a disappointed tone.
"Yeah, Ivan must have escaped from us already," another girl said before all of them went away.
Dino let out a sigh of relief and thought, [Alright! It's done! Time to get back to Ivan!]
Chapter 4
"Ivan, I'm back!" Dino said after knocking at the door of the cubicle inside the comfort room where Ivan was hiding naked.
Ivan opened the door of the cubicle and happily declared, "Oh! You're back, Dino! I'm really glad to see you again!"
Dino's face reddened again upon seeing Ivan's large muscular body and nicely sculpted abs again before the former turned away from the latter. He also could not believe that he was feeling embarrassed about looking at Ivan's body even though they were both guys.
[Damn it… I'm a guy, but I'm feeling awkward about seeing Ivan's body like this.] Dino thought with his eyes closed and his face red in embarrassment.
"Hey, Dino, there's no need to be shy," Ivan declared in a reassuring tone while grinning brightly. "We're both guys here, so it's okay."
"Okay," Dino replied awkwardly before turning around with his eyes looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry! I just can't understand why I'm feeling embarrassed about seeing your body!"
"Is that so? It's fine, Dino," Ivan responded with a gentle smile on his face. "You can look at me, so don't be shy."
"O-Okay," Dino answered awkwardly while stammering as he turned to look at Ivan again. "But first, I'll be dressing up inside another cubicle. Please wait here."
"No need to go to another cubicle. You can dress up inside here too, Dino," Ivan said in a friendly way.
"Okay then," Dino replied as he tried to make himself more comfortable. "But I have a request."
"Sure. What is it?" Ivan asked while smiling.
"P-Please don't look at me while I dress up," Dino answered awkwardly.
Ivan laughed and said, "Why not? We're both men here, Dino."
"I just don't like to be seen!" Dino blurted out.
"Okay then, if that's you want," Ivan replied with a friendly grin. "Anyway, let's dress up now."
"Yeah!" Dino answered with his face blushing. "But please turn around first."
"Okay, sure!" Ivan replied with a nod and a smile before turning around.
Next, Dino took off Ivan's clothes and handed them over to Ivan. Afterwards, both Dino and Ivan began to wear their own respective clothes. While they were dressing up, Dino kept on looking at Ivan, with the former making sure that the latter won't turn around before the former himself had finished dressing up.
[It's good that he isn't peeking just like I requested him to.] Dino thought in relief before realizing something. [But then...it's unfair for him since I'm seeing his naked body.] Then Dino shook his head and thought, [Nah, forget it! I have seen his body before!]
It did not take long before Ivan and Dino had finished dressing up.
"Are you done, Dino?" Ivan inquired after checking that he had finished dressing up himself.
"Yeah!" Dino answered with a grin. "And you?"
"Yeah, I'm good now," Ivan responded with a grin. "Let's go now."
"Yeah!" Dino replied in a lively manner.
[At last… We're both dressed up now.] Dino thought in relief. [And he didn't see me naked.]
"Thanks for your help, Dino!" Ivan declared cheerfully while both he and Dino were fixing and grooming themselves in front of the mirror.
"Y-You're welcome, Ivan!" Dino replied while wearing his innocent and beautiful smile.
[That smile...I like that.] Ivan thought upon seeing Dino's captivating and mesmerizing smile. [Looking at him closely, he's definitely my type.]
"So, how should I thank you, Dino?" Ivan inquired while wearing his bright smile.
"Oh, no need for that!" Dino answered while also feeling awkward.
"But you must have wasted a lot of time while trying to help me," Ivan responded while still wearing his smile. "I owe you one, so I should do something for you in return."
[Oh well...He's kind of...Persistent!] Dino thought. [Yeah, maybe I should ask him to buy some groceries together with me, but it's too risky for him since he might be recognized and chased by some women and girls again.]
"Um...Ivan, shouldn't you go back to your apartment right now?" Dino suggested. "Some women might recognize and chase you again."
"It's fine, Dino," Ivan reassured while grinning. "I can just wear a mask so that people won't recognize me. Although I don't have one here with me right now."
[Oh, right! I have one here!] Dino thought.
"I'll let you borrow mine then," Dino declared while smiling innocently.
"Really? Thank you!" Ivan replied cheerfully. "I'll give it back to you later."
"No problem!" Dino responded with an innocent smile. "Also, I would like you to come with me since I'll be grocery shopping. Is that fine?"
"Sure! No problem!" Ivan answered cheerfully.
"Thanks!" Dino returned while wearing his innocent smile.
"So, Dino, shall we go now?" Ivan asked before kissing Dino's right cheek, making the latter blush in embarrassment.
"Yeah!" Dino answered while touching the part where Ivan kissed the former.
[This guy… Does he really normally kiss people like that?] Dino thought shyly.
"It's okay, Dino," Ivan said while smiling from ear to ear. "Don't be shy. Anyway, please let me borrow the face mask before we go."
"Oh, right!" Dino blurted out before taking the mask from inside his backpack and handing it over to Ivan. "Here! Please wear this!"
After wearing the mask, Ivan declared, "Alright! Let's go now, Dino!"
"Yeah!" Dino answered happily before walking side by side with Ivan as they went out of the comfort room.
[I feel happy about being able to talk and walk with Ivan like this.] Dino thought while stealing glances at Ivan occasionally as they walked.
After buying some groceries, Dino remembered that Ivan must buy new clothes if the latter did not want to be recognized by other people.
"Ivan, how about you buy some new clothes?" Dino suggested.
"What for?" Ivan asked with a puzzled look.
"So that people won't recognize you," Dino replied.
"No need to," Ivan answered with a grin. "Nobody else has recognized me so far, so I just need to buy a face mask."
"Oh...right! Just a mask is enough!" Dino responded before letting out a laugh. "I know where we can buy some. Let's go there."
"Okay," Ivan replied cheerfully with a nod.
Afterwards, Dino and Ivan looked for the section in the department store with the face masks. Ivan took and bought three of them.
"Okay! I finally have what I need!" Ivan exclaimed joyfully. "Dino, let's go to a comfort room."
"Okay," Dino responded with a smile. "Follow me."
It took a few moments before Ivan and Dino arrived at a comfort room wherein there were no other people except for the two of them. Next, Ivan took off the face mask that Dino had lent to him.
"Here," Ivan said while smiling brightly as he handed the face mask over to Dino. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Dino replied with an innocent smile as he felt happy about being able to help the swimmer he has been watching and admiring for five years.
At that moment, Ivan felt that he could not resist from kissing Dino anymore. He felt weak against Dino's charming smile.
[This boy...I really like him.] Ivan thought while admiring Dino secretly. [I guess I should kiss him.]
"Dino, I have something to give you to express my gratitude," Ivan declared while looking at Dino lovingly.
"What is it?" Dino asked curiously.
Ivan approached Dino before the former leaned forward to kiss the latter on the lips. Dino felt Ivan's soft lips pressing against his own lips.
[Huh? He's...kissing me?] Dino thought surprisingly with his face blushing. [But his kiss feels so good. I...I like it.] Dino thought before closing his eyes.
Dino responded by pressing his lips hard against Ivan's. Ivan, who felt Dino's response, deepened the kiss, licked Dino's lips, and inserted his tongue into Dino's mouth. Afterwards, the two of them began to lick each other's tongues, with both of them feeling the warmth and softness as well. Ivan and Dino also embraced each other as they continued to kiss each other passionately.
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