kenichi had now been given three days to train before the fiight with ryuuto of course kenichi told niijima to change the meeting place from their hideout to somewhere safe he suggested the fighting pit.
niijima had gathered the troops takeda ukita and kisara as well as hermit seigfried and thor miu joined as well and also renka now with the group assembeled the plan was to prepair for the fight.
kenichi meanwhile was practicing gathering energy from the earth and because of this kenichi had evolved his power wave into the power geyser kenichi also began practicing muaythai developing the styles of sagat and joe hagashi.
as kenichi meditated he began thinking of how he would defeat ryuuto he could probably beat him with just a shinku hadouken or a shun goku satsu but where would the fun in that be he could beat him with his seikuken since technichally he had better ki controll than ryuuto but then it hit him he would just fight him untill they were matched and then finish him off with an ultra move.
the elder wanted to help kenichi in his training when he noticed kenichi attempting something risky,
kenichi activated his satsuki no hado before quelling it with the mu no ken before finally finding balance between the two the results was kenichi had achieved a greater power that put him on par with the elder.
this power is like yin and yang one was the power of inner peace the other the power of unfiltered killing intent thus balancing the two would make him A legendary master in terms of ki even though his body and skills are only on expert level
Kenichi then called out fushin and released a shockwave through the ground similar to how kensei destroyed the bridge with his foot in Canon His Hands then cupped at his side as keni hi then gathered his ki creating a void within his palms before firing of a massive Hadouken with the span of a Five feet. only eight inches shorter than kenichi was.
Hayato had to use his ryozan blast to fend it off.
" How's that Elder did I do well with that Attack." asked kenichi.
" kenichi you have gotten stronger but let's see you use that strength without that fire ball attack me with your fist." said the elder.
" that's the base of the Shinpaku alliance." said one punk.
" Go koga kisara trust you." said Loki.
Koga entered the Area only to cry out in pain.
Loki entered to find koga strung up by his underwear on a post with his face covered in Whipped cream and a group of hungry mice eating a bento box while a cat was scratching the hell outta the boy.
( flashback.)
" Hey tochimaru come here." whispered kenichi.
" Listen I'll give you this delicious packed lunch my sister made if you do me a favor and set up a trap in the Shinpaku alliance for me it is to be used on this kid alone." said kenichi holding up a picture of koga,
" He insulted Miu called her a big tittied whore and Sid he would rape her." whispered kenichi.
Tochimaru's eyes glowed red and he also turned to noir.
" And you can use the boy as a scratching Post." said kenichi.
" Now here's the plan." said kenichi.
a Few moments later Tochimaru's eyes burned with a passion to put the plan into motion while noir simply licked her paw.
( end flash back.)
right as Loki stepped into the area the sound of a small spring recoiling was heard and Loki saw a sckof flower fall towards him he jumped out of the way.
only for him to her a rolling sound and now a bowling ball dropped again he dodged
then another sound could be heard and he dodged a large crate.
" is that all you got." asked Loki.
suddenly he saw a large shadow coming down on him and locked up to only find his face smashed by a clothes iron (don't worry though it hadn't been used in ages.)
Tochimaru high fives Noir.
and he returned to the dojo on the back of the cat.
Kenichi continued his training with the elder the elder was surprised to see kenichi using energy to fuel his punches untill kenichi pulled back and breathed in deeply before he lunged at the elder letting loose a Barahe of punches and kicks at speed even the elder had a hard time guessing even with the seiküken he had trouble as a result Kenichi had delivered several decisive blows that could have ended the fight with any normal person.
" What was that kenichi." asked the elder.
" my Ryuukoh-ranbu." he said.
the elder wouldn't have been able to even timenansingel punch in the attack it was because it came t him out of nowhere.
the training continued well! into the night.
The Shinpaku alliance was surprised to see that Thor nd Siegfried also joined as well as Kisara and Somehow even Miu and Renka joined the fight.
( flashback #2)
Miu was surprised to see Renka she had been called to the gate near the school by kenichi.
Kenichi stepped out of the shadows.
"If you two help me with this battle I promise I will take both of you out on a date each on a separate date." Said kenichi.
" you promise?" asked renka.
" I keep my promises after all unlike most boys my age I have integrity." said kenichi.
" a date for each of us." asked Miu.
" Absolutely." said kenichi.
" Let's bury the hatchet for now." said Renka.
" Agreed." said Miu.
( end flashback#2.)
"we're here to support kenichi." said Miu.
" Yeah." said Renka.
Tanimoto also joined in.
"I owe shirahama Kun a debt this is how I will repay it." said Hermit.
the group agreed to met up at the area.
meanwhile back in the devil's country.
Kenichi was busy trying to master the use of his new power through his swordsman ship he used his own personally crafted gunblade to try and part the water fall.
this was the true extension of his style kenichi's Hadouken could part the very sea as far as 30 nautical miles from the mainland.
so when he swung his sword not only did he part the waterfall he reversed the flow of the entire River if only for four seconds but such power was only on grand master level.
"now all I have to do is get back in time to fight ryuuto." thought kenichi