Anastasia took a deep breath before continuing her words to the delinquents.
"If you are that polite to the victims, I am sure that they will definitely think about helping you and sign the petition." Anastasia gave the most logical input for their good.
"Eh, how could we do that to ordinary people, they do not deserve respect. The education of our parents is very attached to our hearts." The skinny man sat again on the stairs.
"So you guys chose to drop out instead of abandoning stupid manners? Huh!" Anastasia could not stop thinking, how can they stick to family manners even though they previously cried begging for help.
"You may insult us, but don't insult our family!" The stocky man shouted disagreeing with Anastasia's words, and looked at her face with threats.
Instantly Anastasia shuddered and froze after hearing the stocky man not accept when her said about his pride.
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