76.92% Pokemon: Wandering Soul / Chapter 10: A Small Visit

บท 10: A Small Visit

Sorry for the late updates, as I said before, the space bar of my laptop is broken, and since we are in the time of the pandemic, it made the problem harder.

Also, I need some inspiration/motivation in writing fanfics so I just read on these 3 sites, Wattpad, Webnovel, and FanFiction. I really want to finish this story but I will just burn out my imagination if I force myself to write. Another bad thing with forcing myself to write is that the story will drop in quality (Even if it is already bad, it might get worse.)

Another thing that motivates me to write, is to write more than one story in a different anime world. Don't worry, the other stuff will only be posted on Wattpad since I am still a beginner at writing those other fanfics.

Thank you for taking the time to read this fanfic.

Let's go!

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 10

Flashback, 3 years ago

A younger version of Blaze was grinning with his Infernape. They were both laughing as they ventured Wela Volcano Park.

"That trial was easy!" Blaze said as he showed his right wrist which had the Z-ring. A Firium Z was equipped with it. The Infernape let out a cry as it agreed with his trainer. The younger Blaze was talking about how they beat the Totem Alolan Marowak. The two then spotted a young purple-haired boy, it was Soul.

"Maybe we could battle him? The Totem Pokemon on the Fire Trial didn't put up a challenge." The Infernape nodded with Blaze's suggestion, the fire ape needed a little workout.

"Hey, you!" The Fire-type special called out to the younger Soul as the Ghost-type specialist stared at him without any emotion. Blaze smirked as he sprinted towards Soul who was still blankly staring at him.

"Wanna have a battle?" Blaze asked as he saw Soul contemplate for a bit, then nodded.

"A 1v1 battle, is this fine with you?" Soul nodded as Blaze moved backward a bit and Infernape going forward. Soul released his starter and partner, Hunter.

"Using a Grass-type against a Fire-type specialist?" Blaze felt a little insulted and glared at Soul, making him lose his happy nature. Infernape shivered a bit as he saw the look of the Decidueye's eye. The fire ape then look at Hunter's trainer and was surprised by the calm aura that he was exceeding.

Infernape, when he was a Chimchar, had a friend who was a Riolu. They hung out and Infernape pretty much met the Riolu's parents and in the end was reached on how to see Aura, but not use it.

"Since I have the type advantage, you take the first move," Blaze said, grinning. He stopped grinning as he saw a purple glint on Soul's right eye as the purple-haired boy raised his arms.

"Spirit Shackle."

Oh, how wrong Blaze was.

Before they can even react, 3 arrows were in front of the Infernape as they exploded in purple energy. Infernape screeched in pain as he was pushed to a wall, making a crater. Blaze's jaw dropped as he looked between the owl and his starter.

Instead of Blaze being disheartened, he just shouted.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Suddenly, Infernape was behind him, also doing the same. Soul and Hunter looked at each other. As Soul was about to return Hunter to his Pokeball, Blaze and Infernape were in front of him.

"Can you teach us! We didn't even see the arrow come towards us!" Infernape nodded. Soul and Hunter had a bead of sweat on his face. Before Soul can even respond, Blaze answered for him.

"Oh, I think I know, you fought and caught a bunch of Legendary Pokemon right? Then we have to also do that! Let's go, Infernape!" The Infernape screeched and sprinted out of sight along with his trainer. Soul looked at Hunter again as they shrugged and walked off.

Flashback End

"Wait, you didn't catch or fight Legendary Pokemon at the time?!" Blaze said as Soul laughed.

They were walking towards Coumarine City to visit the Gym Leader and get the Grass-type Gym Badge.

"How many Ghost-type Legendaries do you think are there?" Soul asked. Blaze then listed out the known Legendary and Mythical Pokemon that had the Ghost-typing being, Marshadow, Hoopa, Lunala, and Giratina.

"Well, I do have the Ultra Beast." Blaze stopped in his tracks and stared at Soul blankly.

"What? I helped the Aether Foundation with Sun and Gladion. The Ultra Beast I helped out won't leave me." Soul said as he remembered the Ultra Beast almost destroying a part of the Aether Foundation as it heard that it was going to leave Soul. Blaze merely sighed.

"While I struggle to find rare Pokemon, they just come right to you..." Soul ignored Blaze's gloating. Soul stopped in his tracks as he quickly sent a text to 'her'.

Soul: Talk later, I just arrived at Coumarine City.

Valerie: Oh, good luck then!.

Soul closed his Holo Caster as Blaze stared at him. He chuckled as they went through Coumarine only to be stopped by a Pokemon Ranger.

"Halt! Please show us your Trainer ID." The male ranger said as Soul and Blaze proceeded to show their ID. Blaz was confused so he decided to ask the female ranger.

"What's happening?" Blaze said as the female ranger sighed and looked at him.

"Someone has taken a multitude of Mega Stones for Grass-types here." Soul narrowed his eyes at the information but it was not noticed by anyone. Blaze could only growl in frustration. He then remembered something...

"Are they people who wore red and had a goofy hairstyle?" The female ranger couldn't help but smirk.

"A very accurate description. One had green hair though, I think she was an admin." Blaze nodded as the male ranger gave their ID back.

"If we ever find those weirdos, we will be sure to tell you rangers or Officer Jenny." Both rangers nodded as they allowed them to pass through. Blaze sighed as Soul was contemplating something. Soul then had something click in his mind.

"Hey Blaze, can we go to Geosenge Town after this?" Blaze rose an eyebrow at his suggestion but just shrugged.

"I don't know but that would mean it would delay your fight with the Fighting-type Gym." Soul just smiled as Blaze was curious about why he wanted to go to Geosenge Town.

"Anyway, if we ever find those bastards, I will give them a piece of my mind..." Blaze said as he cracked his knuckles. Soul just laughed at him. They kept moving until they were in front of the Grass-type Gym.

"Well, let's go-" Blaze was cut off by a Mightyena jumping at him and licking at his face.

"Where did you come from?!" Blaze yelled as he kept laughing while pushing the Mightyena away. They heard a giggle from the side as they both saw a girl who was as tall as Soul. She had long black hair reaching down to her knees. She had a 'skull' hairpin. She wore a black t-shirt with her pink and black skirt, along with her black sneakers. Soul's eyes widened.

"Luna?" The girl named Luna smiled as she approached Soul and hugged him in a friendly manner as he returned the hug. She called her Mightyena to stop and he did so reluctantly. The girl just patted the hyena's head as it let out a satisfied growl. She then approached Blaze and helped him up. Blaze smirked as he dusted himself off.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it?" Luna could only nod with a smile as Blaze said that. Soul was about to enter the Gym but was stopped by Luna.

"You can't fight the Gym, Soul. The Gym Leader is fixing a problem. I think it was about stolen Mega Stones..." Luna said while looking up in the sky in thought. Blaze looked at Soul's downcast expression.

"Relax, Soul..." Blaze said with a small facepalm. He then turned to Luna.

"Anyway, it has been a long time, so why don't we go to a cafe or something to catch up?" Soul just smiled sadly as Luna laughed at his behavior.

"You never changed, Soul."

"So, how is life with Gladion?"

They were in a cafe. They talked about their experiences and just laughed.

"W-Why are y-you asking m-me that?" Luna stuttered while blushing. Blaze laughed at her behavior while Soul had a smirk.

Luna pouted but smiled as she thought about Gladion.

"He is still an 'edgelord' to the very end. I think he also got rid of his overprotective nature for Lillie." Luna said while Soul and Blaze nodded.

"I remembered when Soul was an 'edgelord' himself." Blaze said while Soul agreed to him. Soul was relieved that he got over his 'stage' because no one could handle Gladion's 'edginess'.

"Actually, he got a job at Aether Foundation..." Luna said while Soul and Blaze were surprised.

"What type of job?" Soul and Blaze asked at the same time.

"Well, he runs a daycare there..."

Blaze lost it.

"HIM?! Run a daycare?!" Blaze yelled. The customers and staff glared at him. All 3 apologized to them as they went along with their business.

"Is it that surprising?" Luna said. As soon as she said that, they all stopped and imagined Gladion smiling while holding a Clefa and raising it with Sylvally in its Fairy-type mode smiling along with him. Luna found it cute while Soul found it amusing. Blaze, on the other hand, was denying it.

"Sorry to inform you, the Gym Leader told us that he won't be able to accept any battles as of late. His Gym has been damaged by the so-called Team Flare." The waiter said as he showed up with their beverages. They all nodded and took a sip of their drink.

"Looks like you won't be able to get the Gym Badge, Soul." Blaze said. Soul sighed as he knew Blaze was correct. Soul had 4 days to head to the dance Valerie was talking about. Blaze then remembered something that Soul said.

"You wanted to head to Geosenge Town, right?" Soul nodded. The 3 finished their drinks and left the cafe.

"Hey Luna, want to go with us?" Soul said. Luna nodded with a smile. "It has been a long time since us 3 hung out together..." He said while remembering the past.

Luna nodded and it brought smiles to both Soul and Blaze's faces.

"AHHHH!" Blaze was screaming as he was getting chased by a few Pidgeys and Fletchlings.

"Don't just stand there! HELP ME!" Blaze kept running. Soul sighed in annoyance as Luna giggled at his predicament. Soul looked at Luna and gave a nod. Luna nodded back and released a Pokemon.

"Go, Murkrow!" A small crow-like Pokemon appeared on the field as it flew towards Balze and attacked him along with the others.

"YOU ARE MAKING THINGS WORSE!" Blaze yelled as he decided to attack back.

"You made me do this, go Mol-" Blaze was about to call Moltres but stopped as he saw a Shadow Ball hit the ground between him and the bird Pokemon. Blaze was about to say thanks to Soul only to get bonked on the head.

"What was that for?!" Blaze yelled. Soul gave him a look that said, 'Are you stupid?'.

"You were about to release a Legendary Pokemon, on BABY Pokemon." Blaze stopped arguing as he sighed returning Moltres's ball to his belt.

"Hey, we finally reached Geosenge Town," Luna said pointing at peculiar rocks. Soul looked at his Holo Caster and it was true. Soul thanked her and they approached the town. They were greeted by a woman who was talking to Officer Jenny. They then heard the conversation.

"Have you seen my little girl by any chance? She has short dark hair, she is about 7 years old. Have you seen her?" The woman was talking in a stressed manner while Officer Jenny tried to calm her down.

"Relax ma'am, we will find her." Officer Jenny was struggling to try to calm her down so Luna acted.

"Hi there ma'am, where was she last seen? Maybe my friends can help you, you don't mind Soul?" Luna said as she looked at Soul for confirmation. Soul gave her a nod indicating that it would be fine. The woman then let out a soft smile thanking them for their help. She introduces herself as Caila Crystal.

"I had my Carbink follow her so that she will be safe because she was picking some berries in the outskirts of the forest. I am worried because both my Carbink and daughter have not returned!" The woman said while she had tears on her face as Luna took a handkerchief and offered it to her which she accepted.

"Don't worry, we will find your daughter, believe it!"(1) Blaze said offering a thumbs up while Soul let out a laugh and a smile at the woman.

"As my friends said, we will help you find your daughter, what is her name?" Soul asked. The lady then finished wiping off her tears as she let out a small smile.

"Hyla Crystal."

"HYLA!" Blaze shouted. It caused some of the bird Pokemon to fly away, startled by the noise. Soul and Luna also shouted her name. Blaze then thought of something grim.

"You don't think she went inside the forest, right?" Soul contemplated what Blaze said. He narrowed his eyes at the ground.

"I think she is, she is safe with her mom's Carbink but I don't think it can handle opponents like an Ursaring," Soul said while holding a Pokeball. He then threw it and there appeared, a Driftblim.

"Heily, can you search up from above? You should send out a Pokemon too, Luna." Heily the Driftblim nodded as she floated up to the sky, manipulating the tailwinds. Luna nodded as she released her Pokemon.

"Go, Honchkrow! Help Soul's Driftblim on searching for that girl, okay?" The Honchkrow just nodded and flew off along with Heily.

"Hunter, survey the area, would you?" As Soul said that, a hoot came from his shadow as it formed into an owl. Hunter looked at Luna and gave a wave as he sunk in the ground again.

"He is very strong, Soul." Soul just nodded to what Luna said as they continued their search.

After a few minutes, there were no clues to where Hyla was until they heard a childish scream. They noticed the scream and quickly acted. They ran towards the scream as they heard the growl of a Pokemon. An Ursaring.

They saw a Carbink trying to protect a child from the Ursaring and saw that it was really exhausted. Blaze quickly acted and threw out Infernape.

"Mach Punch!" Blaze said as Infernape's fists turn white as he disappeared in a flash then reappeared in front of the Ursaring and punched it right in the face. The Ursaring growled as it reacted with a Mega Punch.

"Finish it off with a Close Combat!" Infernape smirked as it raised one fist and collided it with the Mega Punch. Then he raised his other hand and punched the Ursaring multiple times as it let out a growl and left the scene.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked the little girl as she was in tears.

"Please help Carbi! He is really hurt!" The girl said while pointing to the injured Carbink. Soul quickly took a Max Potion and sprayed it carefully on him. The Carbink then floated upright as the girl stood up and tackled him with a hug. The 3 smiled at their actions.

After a few minutes of calming down, they returned their Pokemon went back to Geosenge Town saw another heartwarming scene.

"MOMMY!" The little girl yelled as Calia had tears on her eyes and opened her arms to accept a hug to which Hyla did. Calia thanked the 3 of them.

"Sorry, sweetie! I should have not left you alone." Calia said while she cried.

A few minutes of moody time...

"Thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you enough!" Calia said while hugging her daughter. Soul waved off the thanks.

"No need for that, Ms. Crystal," Soul said while the mom and daughter pair broke the hug. Hyla quickly tackled Blaze in a hug too which surprised him but he smiled nonetheless. The trio then waved goodbye to Calia and Hyla. The mother then stopped waving as she widened her eyes in realization.

"Oh! I know how I can repay you." Calia said as she ran towards the group and grabbed hold of Soul as she quickly dragged him to a near shop.

Luna, Hyla, and Blaze laughed at Soul's predicament as they followed the confused Ghost-type Specialist.

She dragged them to a jewelry store that her husband owned. Soul was about to refuse but saw the cold smile Calia was giving as he gulped and reluctantly agreed. They then met her husband.

"MY LITTLE GEM! WHERE WERE YOU?!" The father comically screamed as he ran up and gave Hyla a big hug to which she just giggled and returned the hug. The father saw that his wife brought a few guests.

"Myname is Wilford Crystal and welcome to this fine establishment." The man named Wilford said in a serious voice. The trio was amazed by the sudden shift of attitude.

"Come on, honey. Don't be rude to the one that found our daughter." Calia said with a smile while closing her eyes. Her smile sent chills down her husband's spine as he quickly bowed towards the trio.

"THANK YOU FOR SAVING OUR DAUGHTER!" He quickly said as Calia let out a laugh. Soul and Blaze gulped.

'Women are scary.' was the only thing running through their minds.

"You may take one accessory with you for free! It is the only thing I can do to repay you for finding my daughter." Luna and Blaze looked at Soul with a smile, they should have known what was Soul looking for in this town.

In the end, Soul picked out an item that was hidden in a case and kept it a secret from his friends to which they reluctantly allowed him to do so.

"I am sure your girlfriend will like that," Calia said as Soul chuckled and hid the case in Mimikyu's shadow. Luna's Holo Caster ringed as she answered it. She smiled.

"The Gym of Coumarine City is now open. Hm, what impeccable timing." Luna hummed as Soul smiled. Calia then widened her eyes as she took something from the counter.

"Please deliver this to the Gym Leader of Coumarine City, if you don't mind." Soul smiled and accepted the small package.

"Come back and visit again if you want to buy a ring!" Calia teased Soul who flinched at the implication of a ring. Luna and Blazed chuckled as they followed the flustered Soul towards Coumarine City.

Author's Note: WEW, that was a long chapter to write.

(1) I wanted to put a Naruto reference, sorry.

What is Team Flare planning with the Grass-type Mega Stones? What did Soul buy from the jewelry store?

Those will be answered in the future.

As I said, sorry for the late updates...

I am struggling with writing the chapter because of the fact that my 'town' had a power interruption that lasted for 3 days and that I couldn't write at that time. Also, I am really, REALLY sorry for the late updates.

Anyway, thank you for supporting me in my work and I hope that you have a better day than mine! The next chapter will be released at least before a month if I have a plot in mind. The next chapter will be the battle chapter so stay tuned for that.

Again, thank you for supporting me.

I know I am supposed to 'promote' my work so I will do so. Please review this story so that I know that people like this story. Hit that follow and favorite button, lol. Special thanks to Flyg0n for motivating me in my writing and to TrueRising for being an inspiration to writing this story.


This is from another site that I am working on so, it is pretty weird to see the Author's Note but yeah...

Anyway, no need to waste Power Stones here, just read and comment on some stuff.

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