In the wake of a joyous night of celebration, Emery's resolve led him to the Nephilim Training Ground the following morning. Emery began his self-assessment, meticulously gauging the evolution of his strength and capabilities. The numerical reflections of his progress illuminated the holographic displays:
[Emery Ambrose]
[Battle power 428 (475)]
[Soul force 429 (545)]
[Law of Nature - 19 (22)%]
[Law of Light - 7 (16)%]
[Law of Space - 8%]
[Law of Gravity - 4%]
[Law of Devour - 4 (5)%]
[Law of Sword - (1)%]
[Law Comprehension - 42 (55)%]
These enhancements painted a vivid picture of his growth—50 battle power augmented, 13% law comprehension refined, and a breakthrough achieved in the intricate realm of the Law of Sword.
please be patient as author is currently preparing the next arc