33.33% HP: Wizards and Demigods / Chapter 2: The Journey to Hogwarts

บท 2: The Journey to Hogwarts

Draco had begun guiding his personal elves to achieve a way of silent apparition, instead of the usual crack noises they made.

Their appearance was another factor he decided to deal with.

For now, his personal brew of 'minor glamour' was finally substituting the illusions he had to constantly cast on them.

That alone has made his elves grow past the description of terribly ugly and reach a more delicate frame and cute face.

His 'muggle sleeper agents' had turned out to be an excellent investment.

Since his elves would handle the actual missions he needed to, the people he had practiced his mind tricks would help with starting a real estate company for him.

The young Malfoy had ordered his elves to track and capture major professionals with considerable knowledge in regards to economics and law.

While he was at it, Draco's elves were also sent to major universities and hospitals to bring him individuals for him to pillage every bit of medical knowledge that the best and brightest of the UK had to offer.

Hopefully, with a vast amount of medical knowledge to support his magical experiments, Draco's success in altering his elves physiology might be assured.

And after absorbing years of economic and law study, without harming his victims and making them forget about the kidnappings, Draco had his 'muggle agents' start some companies with unexplained funds.

His 'Jedi mind tricks' had solved most of his problems.

Slowly but surely he was expanding his small businesses by picking out some run-down houses in decent neighborhoods and acquiring cheap properties due to their poor structural conditions. With zero overheads involved in flipping properties and using fakes expenses for tax write offs.

The only thing that couldn't be faked was the material costs, and he had to be careful not to sell properties too quickly and risking bringing suspicion onto his fledgling companies.

An excellent way of starting a legitimate money-making scheme, especially with his small army of elves capable of magically fixing things.

Perhaps even start a repair business, being it with antiques, furniture or even vehicles, the repairing charm had a very interesting mastering curve.

Draco had taken the opportunity to improve his safehouses (quarantine magical loot sites) responsible for fencing magical goods with protection wards and expansion charms.

With the increase of workload for his elves, Draco had Dobby run more recruitment drives.

Any elf that was on the market was to be bought, any free elf was offered employment.

He even had them search abroad for unwanted elves, since wizards of all places seemed to be underestimating the greatness of house-elves.

House-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, breed infrequently and only with their master's permission, being usually sold for two hundred Galleons.

Actually, there weren't any professional breeders for elves, and the ones being sold were people just trying to make a few extra Galleons.

With their long lives and struggle of regular breeding, their population has sharply declined over the years.

And eventually, it had become unpopular for any but the oldest of Houses to own one.

Coupled with being undervalued and treated as slaves, made it quite easy for Draco to buy them from their owners.

Particularly when he was willing to pay up to five hundred Galleons per elf after the initial acquisition of all elves available.

The young Malfoy even had some of his 'female muggle agents' buying them.

Having bubbly young 'mudbloods' ranting about house-elves rights and freedom while accompanied by some dressed up and sad looking elves made it all too easy for the purebloods to sell off their slaves.

Especially when they thought they were overcharging, in fact, it had just recently become a running joke between wizards and witches.

Draco had his 'muggle girls' dressed up like your typical muggle-born witch and setting up small stalls in Diagon Alley, buying all house-elves available.

He made it seem like a protest and that his 'girls' were going to release the house-elves after they had taught them independence.

For sure, It was totally a ripoff of Hermione's ridiculous S.P.E.W campaign.

It also helped that Draco had his 'mouths everywhere' starting rumors of his 'girls' having to force elves to wear clothes only for them to run away and also about Hepzibah Smith's 'murder' at the hands of her house-elf.

Almost everyone in the Wizarding community were laughing at 'Draco's girls' stupidity, since everyone knew the cursed race would reject their ideals as vehemently as the wizards and witches did.

So with a sneer they sold their loyal slaves for a ridiculous price, at least for them, and sat back waiting for the return of their elves once she freed them.

Of course, those with something to hide kept their elves, even wizards weren't that stupid to release an elf that knew all of their secrets.

But even the Ministry got on board and sold most of their elves.

Draco ordered the same for every magical community in Europe, and wherever his web of agents expanded, muggle criminals became part of his 'agent forces' without even noticing it.

After his first semesters in Hogwarts, Draco estimated that house-elves would have become as rare as rocking horse shit.

Thinking it best to not overdo it with the recruitment, Draco turned his mind to his other plans, training his elves and buying up lands.

In the UK schools started at age five, and although it might sound completely waste of time finger painting and learning how to read and write at such a young age, his elves could actually benefit considerably from it.

Disguising them as toddlers wasn't as difficult as micromanaging their schedules.

But despite being surrounded by preschoolers, his elves' speech were improving at an impressive pace.

Not to mention, the added training of behaving like a muggle child would certainly boost their espionage skills.

Perhaps one day, Draco might be finally willing to have his elves swapping places with children from influential muggle families.

He already had plans on having his elves bulk-buy ingredients from muggles and learn how to use credit cards.

As for acquiring lands...

Since England was practically home to wizards and was under major scrutiny from most of the world, he decided to invest overseas.

The entire American continent was attractive to him, especially South America.

Not to mention the African continent as a whole.

He wanted to begin with first world countries that had massive tracts of lands while still being sparsely populated.

There were plenty of places with derelict houses, even in expensive neighborhoods.

But Draco's primary focus was in the rich deposits of minerals that were scattered over the world.

Muggles needed larger amounts of manpower and machinery to excavate precious metals and stones. But thanks to his international recruitments, he was building an army of magic elves capable of easily teleporting.

With some effort, Draco was sure he could train them to find gold and diamonds.

And once he reached some large numbers of elves under his personal control, his personal wealth was bound to explode with him having them organized at mining.

The most problematic issue however, would be providing food for his rapidly growing army of elves.

Draco had spent very few thoughts about where his food came from when his family's house-elves brought him his meals, same case on how his family kept them all fed.

From what he uncovered, most house-elves were trained to raid muggle farms to prepare food for their masters. Having a whole system responsible for keeping the losses for the muggles explainable, but not really caring about the financial damage they caused.

It seems that the anger for the persecution from the witch-hunting era was never really forgiven, just satisfied through other petty ways.

And house-elves either fed themselves with their masters' scraps or went dumpster diving in muggle trash.

It was something that Draco should have noticed by now as he had yet to see or hear about any magical shop selling fresh produce or food other than ice cream or magical treats.

There was simply no chance that wizards and witches entered the muggle shops to purchase their food, as they would then be up with the fashion and technology otherwise, even if it was only to blend in.

The fact that Arthur Weasley, one of the most muggle loving and tolerant wizards, had no idea the value of muggle currency was also very telling of it.

If not for Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, they would have just magically created their own food.

Even those without house-elves just summoned food and never really thought about where it came from.

Perhaps the fact that his elves were growing past their weak physique was also proof of their poor diet habits.

Looking again at his expanding sea of healthy and better looking elves, Draco was once again reminded of the versatility and overpowered bullshit that magic was capable of.

With a better grasp about portkeys, their main base would be in his suitcase.

It had already been expanded several times to accommodate for the growing population and need for storage space for cash, jewelry and weapons collected by his elven ninjas.

An auditorium had been constructed, between the storage space and the elves community.

His suitcase was becoming his private pocket dimension, with his farm of ingredients now sharing space with regular farms to provide food for his elves.

Just like their uniforms and weapons, decent food would be seen as their reward for loyal and dedicated service.

The trick was not going too far and giving them ideas to rebel.

Luckily, magic bonds and a lifetime of servitude all but removed that probability, Draco just made sure to frame himself as their God.

It was around the time he was checking his fledgling companies that Draco came across a peculiar fact.

Even though he should have totally guessed it, Draco Malfoy not existing in the English database still caught him by surprise.

With a bit of mind magic to enter into some hospital of his choosing files, he had crafted himself a muggle identity.

With perfect recall of his past life thanks to Occlumency, he was sitting on a gold mine of profitable companies to invest in.

Draco planned to have stockbrokers buying up shares in companies that he remembered being successful in his past life.

Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Home Depot, Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, IBM, Sony, Nintendo and Sega were the main ones.

But any company that would still continue to remain strong for the next decades were fair game for him.

Nokia, Yahoo, Google and Amazon were put on a list of 'to be purchased as soon as they opened on the stock market'.

Draco was well aware of the ripples caused by the massive stock market crash of 1987, and had full intention of dealing and exploring it to his benefit as much as he could.

But honestly, any oversight in trading could be swiftly resolved with a time-turner.

The Malfoy heir was pleased to hear again some hit songs that he had liked in his past life on the radio.

Controlling the media was basically the same thing as controlling the world.

TV, Radio News, Newspapers, Magazines could be funded by his own recording label while signing bands and artists that would be popular in the future.

Draco could also produce a Media and Entertainment branch, either by buying or by creating his own News TV, radio programs, recording label and acting agency.

His eidetic memory allowed him to list who was more suited to be recruited from the music and movie (and even gaming) industries.

And that was just the beginning of his plans.


September 1st, King's Cross Station.

"We expect to see you again by Christmas." Lucious stated with his usual composed tone as he and Draco exchanged understanding nods. "Wish you a smooth semester."

Narcissa hugged her son affectionately. "When you arrive at school, send us an owl to let us know that you made it safely and keep sending letters every now and then."

Draco kissed his mother's cheeks. "Don't worry too much about me, I won't disappoint your expectations."

Walking away from his parents towards the train, Goyle and Crabbe joined him without saying a word.

The young Malfoy's luggage was all stored in his suitcase, for obvious reasons.

The trio was eventually joined by Theodore and Pansy after they finished saying goodbyes to their own parents.

While Theodore had a more relaxed expression, Pansy was extremely anxious about going to Hogwarts.

As they walked through the station, Draco offered Pansy a hug that she quickly accepted.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you." Draco told her while caressing her back.

"Thanks Draco." Pansy rubbed her eyes and looked at him. "Does my face look fine?"

"Cute as always." He told her with a wink, provoking a small blush on her face. "Let's go, we don't want to miss our train."

Pansy simply nodded and began following his lead alongside the other three boys.

"You know, you can cry if you want." Theodore said to Pansy with a grin.

Pansy just stuck her tongue out to him in annoyance before getting inside the train.

The group of five quickly found an empty compartment for them to settle in.

Draco took the opportunity and left them for a moment.

Making himself really hard to notice with his new wand, he found the Weasley twins' compartment nine doors away.

The two brothers were so happy playing with Lee Jordan's tarantula that they never noticed the door slide open slightly.

With the 'sudden' urge to sleep, the three boys in the compartment nodded off, not even stirring as the massive spider crawled over them.

A summon charm yielded no results, indicating that it must be in one of their school trunks.

Being weary of the two containers thanks to their penchant for pranks, he opened them from a distance using his levitation charm.

No magic activated so they must have not been booby-trapped.

Another summoning charm had a blank piece of parchment flying out of one of them into his waiting hand.

A couple of obliviate charms concerning the map had Draco confident that he would not have two red headed mischief-makers hunting him down for it at a later date.

Making his way back to his own compartment, Draco joined his friends.

Almost immediately after his arrival, a girl with bushy brown hair came in. "Excuse me, but is there room for one more person to sit?"

Sitting beside the window, Pansy looked at the girl from head to toe and just ignored her as if she wasn't worthy of her time.

Theodore, Vincent and Gregory were respectively busy reading a book, resting and staring out the window, so neither of them bothered to answer the girl.

Ignoring his friends' behavior, Draco replied charismatically. "Sure, come in."

"Thank you." The girl with bushy hair said while trying to pull in a heavy suitcase.

"Allow me to help you with that." Draco said while rolling up his sleeve and snapping his fingers. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The suitcase floated up and settled itself on the upper shelf smoothly.

The girl looked completely amazed as she sat beside Draco, gaining an annoyed stare from Pansy, who sat on his other side. "A masterful use of the levitation charm. And you performed it without using a wand, from what I've learned, that requires an insane amount of skill." She gushed. "I've only attempted a few simple spells just for practice purposes. Nobody in my family knows magic, it was truly a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased by it." She said, clearly trying to befriend him. "Of course, I mean, Hogwarts it's said to be the very best school of witchcraft there is, or so I've heard." She began talking faster and faster. "I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough to cover for years of never knowing what was going with me— I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?"

Theodore and Pansy looked at the girl with slightly large front teeth weirdly.

Both Crabbe and Goyle, having been close to Draco for years, didn't actually have much prejudice against muggle-borns.

Not that they were fans of them either.

It's just that they didn't really care about their stigma after Draco's constant attempts to make them have a more open minded practical view of things.

Theodore still carried some small prejudices towards the muggle-borns, but he had to admit being interested in the concept of two muggles being capable of producing a wizard while two purebloods couldn't completely avoid the risk of siring a squib.

He was also very interested in muggle items that Draco showed him, from TVs to guns.

So even though Theodore still had a sense of superiority, it wasn't to the point of hatred.

Pansy however, was a different story.

She had a deep hatred against 'these filthy mud-bloods'.

But since she knew Draco disapproved of the lack of decorum this matter provoked in people, Pansy tried to behave herself while in front of him.

Though she didn't pretend to like them either.

Draco was pleased to see his friends were behaving well, and smiled at Hermione. "My name is Draco Malfoy, but you can just call me Draco." He told her. "This cute girl here is Pansy Parkinson." Draco tricked her to smile at Hermione. "The dork with the book is Theodore Nott." The noun made his friend lower his 'advanced potion-making' book and gave an awkward greeting. "And the two tough guys are Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe." Both boys greeted Hermione with a semblance of respect.

Draco turned back to face her, even though her front teeth were slightly larger, the girl was still very cute.

He decided to help her with any question she might still have about the years to come.

The whole wizarding concept was still very new to her, she had just been informed that she was a witch ago.

She had prepared for studying alongside other children that had grown into families with at least one well accomplished wizard or witch.

But Draco informed her that students usually get their own wands around this age, only to begin practicing and studying properly.

He still warned her about the tracing charm that would snitch use of magic outside of Hogwarts.

From time to time, Pansy joined their conversation just to roll her eyes and shot disgusted looks at Hermione.

"How exactly do they sort us into houses?" Hermione asked him.

Pansy, Theodore, Gregory and Vincent turned to Draco as well, since keeping what the sorting ceremony a secret was a tradition, not even Lucious or Narcissa told him what was gonna happen, but Draco already knew about it.

"They put a talking hat on your head and it will decide your entire future." Draco told her.

"You are joking, right? If you don't know about it too, don't come up with wild stories." Hermione didn't believe him at first.

Draco shrugged his shoulders looking at the others. "If you don't want to believe me, that's your choice."

Theodore leaned forward. "Draco my friend, let's say we believe in you. What would take me to enter Slytherin?"

"Hum. Let me see..." Draco stopped to consider this opportunity. "A trait that nearly all Slytherins have in common is ambition. They want to be the best: the smartest in the class, the most popular in a group of friends, the boss at work. Because of their strong drive and work ethic, it's said that they often achieve these heights, becoming invaluable members of society and powerful in the work world. They are highly intelligent and cunning, able to make the best of any situation. Being highly adaptable and resourceful, Slytherins can find ways to turn even the worst situations to their advantage." Draco looked Theodore in the eyes and smiled. "I'm afraid you are a lost cause my friend."

"Are you completely mad?!" Shouted Theodore as he leaned back with his arms crossed behind his head. "You've literally just described me."

"In your dreams perhaps." Joked Pansy. "Not gonna lie, me and Draco won't be missing you."

Theodore scoffed and noticed both Crabbe and Goyle smiling. "Zip it tweedledee and tweedledum! Seeing how you follow Draco all around, I wouldn't be surprised if you two went to Hufflepuff."

"I don't know dork." Draco said. "These two might surprise you."

"What's wrong with Hufflepuff?" Questioned Hermione and noticed everyone snickering at her.

She looked at Draco, and he promptly answered her. "Honestly, houses are just a useless titles by themselves. We are all gonna have the same classes and have access to the same collection of books."

"But everyone seems to have a problem with Hufflepuff." Hermione noted.

"Obviously, each house carries its own history and dictates what type of people you will be cooperating with throughout your school years." Draco complemented. "Hufflepuff's mindset focuses on loyalty to their own, dedication to most matters beyond study, honesty and humbleness. All in all, not bad."

"But…" Said Hermione, noticing everyone else's scoffs.

"But… that's basically it. You will be relying on others to accomplish things, and as a result, others will rely on you. From what I've heard, they are too naive, their tendency towards modesty makes them fail to see their own worth and despite their dedication, most lack ambition."

"That would make Hufflepuff the direct antithesis of Slytherin." Concluded Hermione. After receiving a nod from Draco she asked him another question. "What about the others?"

"Well… Gryffindor values courage, daring and chivalry. Not as bad as Hufflepuff in my opinion, but wouldn't be my second choice either. They are prone to outbursts of hot-headedness and recklessness, and their 'strong moral compass' makes them perceive the world as if it was split into right and wrong. That last part makes them develop inflated senses of themselves being righteous and become arrogant." Draco said.

"I see your point of it being neither your first nor second choice." Hermione concluded. "So tell me about your second pick. Ravenclaw, isn't it?"

"That's the one." Draco nodded. "The house of the eagle values intelligence, curiosity, creativity and individuality. While not all Ravenclaws are naturally intelligent, all members of the house have a strong thirst for knowledge and learning. One of the main traits that defines them as a House is also a desire for exploration, inquiry, and learning. Ravenclaws are generally highly curious about the world around them and are constantly asking questions to expand their understanding." Draco explained. "They tend to be "out-of-the-box" thinkers and as such can be highly creative with problem solving. Last thing about them is that they are highly individualistic and don't tend to follow the crowd or succumb to peer pressure."

"Amazing." Hermione said. "I can see why you would be split between them, I feel conflicted as well."

"Sorry to tell you, but you are not fit to enter Slytherin." Pansy told her with a subtle smile. "I might not know a lot about the houses in Hogwarts, but what I do know is that Slytherin doesn't take m…" She was about to call her something, but noticed Draco's stare and quickly corrected herself. "Newcomers to the Wizarding world."

"What? But that's not fair?" Protested Hermione. "Isn't that some form of prejudice?"

"To you, it might be." Draco told her. "And honestly, that's very possibly the case. But my educated guess about the founder of house Slytherin's dislike for wizards and witches with Muggle parentage might stem from the political climate he lived in, where magic users were persecuted and actively hunted by Muggles." He told Hermione. "I believe you must've heard about the Salem Witch Trials." Draco noticed through Hermione's expression, that she understood what he meant. "I know it might seem petty to you, the idea that a few bad apples can spoil the bunch is primitive at best. But can you blame, if I'm not mistaken with muggle history, a jew for not feeling comfortable around Germans?"

"I-I…" Hermione struggled to come up with words to say. "I can definitely see your point."

Draco placed his hand over her shoulder. "The Wizarding world expects compromise from the newcomers to actually start trusting in them. I believe it is similar to how some muggle countries carry their 'immigration policies'. If by chance a 'newcomer' ends up marrying some wizard or witch, their children will be much more accepted into our community. Not to mention about their children and grandchildren."

"You truly are wise beyond your age Draco." Hermione told him as Pansy rolled her eyes.

Draco smiled. "Nonsense, I'm just a child, with close to zero experience about the real world. I just like to believe that I'm charismatic enough to hide my shortcomings."

"Indeed you are." Joked Theodore, overacting Draco's seriousness.

As they continued to chat, there was a sudden knock on the door of their compartment and a tearful round-faced boy came in.

"Excuse me." He said. "But have you seen a toad?"

When they shook their heads, the boy wailed. "I've lost him! He keeps running away from me!"

"Hahahaha!" Pansy laughed out loud. "I never thought anyone would actually consider bringing a toad."

Theodore laughed too. "Haha, I feel sorry for you buddy… it might be in a glass jar somewhere by now if someone found it."

Even Crabbe and Goyle were having a hard time trying to hold their snickers. For them, the boy's face and reaction were just too funny to resist.

Draco and Hermione were the only ones not laughing.

"I'm sorry about them, I'm sure you will find it." Draco replied as he apologized for his friends' manners.

"Draco, I believe we should help the poor boy." Hermione told him, requesting his help.

"Sure." He replied before turning to the tearful boy. "Let's go then, we will help you."

The boy, still looking pale and worried, thanked them as they began walking towards other compartments.

Crabbe and Goyle moved to follow him, but Draco quickly ordered for them to stay. "Don't trouble yourselves with it, just stay here and enjoy the laugh."

"Hey, are you seriously considering going on a search for a toad?" Theodore asked while holding his laughter.

"Yeah. I'm bored, might as well do something useful instead of just sitting the entire trip." He said closing the door while ignoring Pansy's pissed look.

As they began moving through the train's corridor following the boy who identified himself as Neville Longbottom, Hermione began staring at him.

Draco noticed it and asked with an innocent expression. "What is it, Ms. Granger?"

"N-nothing!" She stuttered a little. "It's just that I'm glad you didn't laugh at the poor boy like your friends did."

"Oh, I'm really sorry for them." Draco told her. "I'm sure that they didn't mean anything bad, it's just that I believe they have never seen someone cry for a toad before." He gave her a smile.

"Stop it Draco!" Hermione smiled back at him, instead of getting angry at him for joking at Neville's expense.

They went from one compartment to the other asking if anyone had seen the damn toad.

It would've been embarrassing if Draco wasn't a natural charmer.

This way they met Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Mandy Brocklehurst, Lavender Brown, Parvati and Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin, Megan Jones, Morag MacDougal, Sue Li, Tracey Davis, Lily Moon, Sophie Roper, Sally-Anne Perks, Alice Runcorn, Sally Smith and Daphne Greengrass.

Draco even managed to make small talk with some senior girls and prefects.

Though Hermione promptly urged him to continue looking for Neville's toad.

Draco knocked and opened up another compartment door only to find a student raising his wand.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" He asked the red headed student, immediately recognizing who he and the girl sitting with him were. But he refrained from turning to look at her.

"We've already told Neville that we haven't seen it." The student said in a dismissive manner, which annoyed Hermione.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then." Was her bossy response as she brought Draco to sit besides her.

The redhead looked taken aback. "Er— all right!" He cleared his throat. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

He waved his wand wand, but nothing happened.

The rat stayed gray and fast asleep.

"I've never heard of such a spell, are you sure the spell isn't fake?" Questioned Draco while secretly planning on stealing again from the Weasley family.

A girl all of the sudden said. "Draco, good to see you again."

Immediately recognizing the girl whose glasses he repaired, Draco replied while pretending to not having noticed her before. "Likewise Harriet, sorry for not recognizing you before." He turned to Hermione and said. "Hermione, this is Harriet Potter. Harriet, this is Hermione Granger."

"Are you really 'The Harriet Potter'?" Hermione asked, getting excited. "I know all about you, of course. You're in 'Modern Magical History' and in 'The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century'."

"Am I?" Asked Harriet, feeling dazed.

"Goodness, didn't you know, I would've found out everything if it was me." Hermione told her.

"Please Hermione, take it easy on Harriet." Draco said while patting her in the back. "In fact, her life so far has just been the same as yours and she too got to know that she was a witch just a month ago."

"Truly?" Hermione asked looking at Harriet who nodded in response.

"Oh! Now let me introduce you three, Ron, this is Draco Malfoy." She introduced them to one another. "Draco and Hermione, this is Ron Weasley."

Ron snorted after he heard Draco's name.

"Excuse me, is there something funny about my name Weasley?" He immediately asked.

"Of course there isn't, Malfoy." The redhead replied with a snarky smile. "I've heard of your family before, one of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Saying you've been bewitched." He faced Draco. "But my father doesn't believe it, and neither do I. Your family never lacked the excuse to go to the Dark Side."

Harriet didn't understand why Ron was acting that way towards Draco, he was still a kid to be guilty of something.

Hermione simply wanted to yell at Ron for attacking the first friend she had made.

But before anyone had the chance to intervene, Draco spoke first. "Well, excuse me, I don't think I'm welcome here." Draco and Hermione moved to leave the compartment. "Mr. Weasley, make sure to not condemn the children for the 'supposed mistakes' of their parents."

The timing was peculiar as there was a clattering outside in the corridor, and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door.

"Anything off the cart, dears?"

Friendly nods were given all around, except for Ron, as Draco and Hermione declined the old woman's offer and left the compartment.

When Harriet and Ron were left alone after the old woman left, she began questioning why he had been so rude to her friend.

Ron Weasley went on a sermon about how Draco and his family being 'slimy snakes' and preached that not a single wizard or witch that had gone bad wasn't from Slytherin.

Hearing that, Harriet began seeing Ron as a rash and immature slanderer.


Both Draco and Hermione walked back to their compartment after helping Neville.

As they arrived, Draco and Hermione found Theodore, Vincent and Gregory sleeping. But Pansy was still awake, and staring daggers at them.

They took their seats, Draco beside Pansy and Hermione beside him.

Noticing her sour expression, Draco said. "Yes?"

"Hmph!" Was the answer he got from her as she turned her head towards the window.

Not wanting to play into her game, Draco simply shrugged his shoulders and remained silent while Hermione began reading one of her favorite books.

"Hmph! You are supposed to ask 'What's wrong?'!" Pansy said with a frustrated expression.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked innocently.

Pansy looked at Hermione, but the latter wasn't paying attention. "You know what's wrong!" She said, turning back to look at him.

"If that's the case, then why should I be asking you for 'what's wrong?'?." He replied faking ignorance, but he was very effective in making Hermione snicker.

"S-sorry...I'm allergic." Hermione lied meekly.

"God bless you!" Draco replied before laying his head over Pansy's shoulder. "I'm a little tired, do you mind if I rest a little?"

Pansy at first stared at Hermione, but the girl with bushy hair continued to read her book, so she laid her head over his and closed her eyes. "S-sure."


As Pansy was about to open her eyes again, feeling Draco's head moving, she heard a whisper. "Stop grinning like that pug-face! It's creepy."

She instinctively shot a murdering glare at Theodore, who had just woken up. She wished he had sat in front of her, so she could kick him.

"Ignore him, I like when you smile." Commented Draco as he began to stretch his arms. "We are probably reaching Hogwarts by now, so let's change into our robes."

He snapped his fingers and Crabbe and Goyle immediately stood up and began leaving the compartment.

Theodore stared at Draco's antics. "You know what, you too deserve each other."

"C'mon rabbit face, we should let the ladies change first." Draco told him as he walked to leave the compartment.

He could simply have them entering his suitcase, but decided against it.

After waiting for a while, the boys' time to change their clothes arrived.

As they all undressed, Theodore had a comment of his he wished to share. "I hate you guys, we are just entering Hogwarts and you three seem ready to run laps around the property."

Vincent and Gregory smiled at the meekly looking Theodore.

"Draco invited you to train with us." Vincent said.

"Contrary to you two, I do have a handsome face to lose if Draco got a little carried away by making me his punching bag." Theodore argued.

"Wouldn't it be best to just dodge his attacks?" Gregory argued back.

"I learn with my mistakes." Theodore said. "My mistake back then was believing that he would go easy on me."

Draco laughed at his friend's remarks. "I said I would try."

Before Theodore had the chance to reply, the door to their compartment suddenly opened.

Hermione and Pansy who opened the door looked at Draco's naked upper body for a moment before quickly closing back the door screaming.


"Why haven't you locked the door before beginning to change your clothes?"

After a brief moment, while ignoring a laughing Theodore, Draco opened the door again only to find a red-faced Hermione and Pansy glaring back at him.

"Why do you look so angry? You were the ones that took advantage of us!" He told them while gesturing with his arms, pretending as if he had been a victim of sexual assault.

"And whose fault do you think it was, Draco?" All but shouted Hermione in her bossy tone.

"Hey, if you continue to flirt any longer, Pansy might lose it." Theodore said laughing from his seat.

"I hope you do realize that life doesn't require your commentaries to go on just fine!" Hermione shouted at him.

"That must be the understatement of the year." Added Pansy, looking no less angry than Hermione.

Possibly even more.

Theodore remained silent and shrugged his shoulders.

Draco turned to face the girls again. "So, why did you two barged in without checking if we were ready?"

"They wanted to see us naked!" Said Theodore bursting again into laughter.

"Shut up rabbit face!" Both girls replied.

"We just heard a warning that we will be reaching Hogwarts in less than five minutes." Pansy said while staring at Draco's chest, still remembering what she had seen.

"Understood, we are ready." Draco replied.

As the train began to slow down, it eventually stopped moving at all.

Hermione and Pansy pushed their way towards the exit dragging Draco, who wanted to wait until all the people had left before moving.

"Firs' years! Over here firs' years! This way please! C'mon firs' years, don't be shy!" Someone began shouting. "Ah, hello Harriet!" Hagrid's big hairy face stood tall above the sea of heads. "C'mon, follow me everyone! Mind yer step, now!"

Slipping and stumbling, the first years followed the half-giant down what seemed to be a step by step, narrow path.

It was very dark on either side of them, and nobody spoke much.

This time, Draco noticed that Harriet was walking alone, and that Weasley was nowhere near her.

'Have I already managed to ruin the golden trio?' He asked himself before concluding. 'That's ought to make things less predictable. But hopefully that will make it even more interesting to me. A world of new possibilities.'

"Ye' all get the first sight of Hogwarts in a sec." Hagrid called over his shoulder. "Just round this bend here."

There was a loud noise.

A narrow path suddenly opened into the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky stood a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"Now more'n four to a boat" The half-giant called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore.

Draco's group split in two boats as Hagrid's voice came again. "Everyone in? Shouted him from his own boat. "Right then… FORWARD!"

The fleet of little boats moved off all at once, smoothly gliding across the lake.

Everyone got silent as they began staring up at the great castle ahead, it towered over them as they approached the cliff on which it stood.

As Draco marveled at the site of the magical castle, he had to admit to himself that it was impressive. Not the most defensive looking castle, but undoubtedly beautiful.

And he all but lived in one at Malfoy Manor.

"Heads down!" Yelled Hagrid as the leading boats reached the cliff. They all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff's front.

They were all carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taken them right underneath the castle until they reached a kind of underground harbor, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.

The half-giant checked the boats as the first years climbed out of them.

Then they clambered up a passageway in the rock after Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle.

They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door.

"Everyone here? Good!" Hagrid raised his gigantic fist and knocked on the castle door.

The door swung open at once.

A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there, her face looked very stern.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall." Said the half-giant.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." The woman said as she pulled the door wide.

The stone walls were lit with flaming torches, the ceiling was too high to make out, and the magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors.

They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor.

Everyone could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right, but Professor McGonagall showed the first years into a small, empty chamber of the hall.

They crowded in, standing rather closer together than they would usually have done, peering about nervously.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" Announced Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses." She gestured towards the place she would be taking the students. "The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." The woman inspected them with her stern eyes. "The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

'What benefits does winning the house cup bring?' Draco couldn't help wondering. 'Aside from honor and bragging rights.'

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." Her eyes lingered for a moment on some of the students. "I shall return when we are ready for you." Said Professor McGonagall as she began to leave the chamber. "Please wait quietly."

Draco looked around and noticed Harriet looking at him. Before she had the chance to approach him, about twenty ghosts had suddenly just streamed through the back wall.

Pearly-white and slightly transparent, they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years.

They seemed to be arguing.

What looked like a fat little monk was saying. "Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance…"

"My dear friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost… I say... what are you all doing here?"

A ghost wearing a ruff and thighs had suddenly noticed the first years.

Nobody answered.

"New students!" Said the Fat Friar, smiling around at them. "About to be sorted, I suppose?"

A few students mutely nodded.

"Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" Said the Friar. "My old house, you know."

"Move along now." Said a sharp voice. "The Sorting Ceremony is about to start."

Professor McGonagall had returned.

One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall.

"Now, form a line..." Professor McGonagall told the first years. "And follow me."

Hogwarts was similar to what Draco had read in the book, a strange and splendid place.

It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting.

These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets.

At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. Professor McGonagall led the first years up there so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them.

The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight.

Dotted here and there among the students, the ghosts shone misty silver.

Hermione whispered to Draco. "Did you know that it is bewitched to look like the sky outside? I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

"Of course he did!" Pansy told her.

Draco simply ignored both girls as he enjoyed the view of the ceiling. He did have found memories of this setting.

Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years.

On top of the stool, she put a pointed wizard's hat.

This hat was patched, frayed and extremely dirty.

Draco's group began looking at Draco with surprised expressions.

They were about to comment how he was right about the hat when suddenly, the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth, and the hat began to sing.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all."

Draco's group simply couldn't believe they were being sorted by a talking hat.

"There's nothing hidden in you head

The sorting hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be."

Draco didn't like that part.

"You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart"

'Love lions, but I'm not a big fan of Gryffindor. I'm more of a lion from house Lannister' Draco thought as he noticed Hermione shaking her head in disapproval of the house as well. 'It seems I've managed to sway her opinion on this regard.'

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;"

Most of the first years seemed to dread being selected by that house.

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

where those of wit and learning,

will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends."

Draco noticed Hermione glancing at him.

"So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You are in safe hands,

though I have none.

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The whole hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song.

It bowed to each of the four tables and then became still again.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." Professor McGonagall said.

"Abbott, Hannah!"

A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of the line, put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down.

A moment of pause later and…

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Shouted the hat.

The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table.

"Bones, Susan!"


"Boot, Terry!"


The table second from the left clapped this time; several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!"


"Brown, Lavender!"


The table on the far left exploded with cheers.

Slowly the students were sorted the same as canon, safe for some interesting alterations.

New Draco's presence was already revealing some ripples in the canon script.

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"..."SLYTHERIN!"..."Corner, Michael!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Cornfoot, Stephen!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Crabbe,Vincent!"..."SLYTHERIN!"..."Davis, Tracey!"..."SLYTHERIN!"..."Entwhistle, Kevin!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"..."Finnegan, Seamus!"..."GRYFFINDOR!"..."Goldstein, Anthony!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Goyle, Gregory!"..."SLYTHERIN!"

"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione waved at Draco, almost running to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head.

"RAVENCLAW!" Shouted the hat.

A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

"Greengrass, Daphne!"..."SLYTHERIN!"..."Hopkins, Wayne!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"..."Jones, Megan!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"..."Li, Sue!"..."RAVENCLAW!"

"Longbottom, Neville!"

As Neville was making his way towards the hat, he fell over to the ground before standing up again and continuing on his way. The hat took a long time to decide with the boy that kept losing his toad.

When it finally shouted. "HUFFLEPUFF!" Neville ran off still wearing it, and had to jog back amid gales of laughter to give it back.

"MacDougal, Morag!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Macmillan, Ernie!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Malfoy, Draco!"

"See you guys at the table." Draco said walking over the stool with confidence in his step.

As he approached the stool, Draco casually raised and waved his hand, performing a cleaning spell and getting 'rid' of the dust coating the Sorting Hat.

The Malfoy heir then sat on the stool, noticing everyone's amazed stares pointed at him.

Even the professors were surprised, no one had dared to perform magic in front of everyone over the course of many years.

The wandless magic was simply the cherry on top, even his godmother was showing signs of being impressed.

Theodore was looking at Draco's arrogant look in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Show off!"

"Classic Draco." Laughed Pansy.

"So which house should I sort you in?" The voice of the hat sounded in his head. "Wait… who are you?"

Draco widened his eyes in utter shock.

"Ernie Macmillan?" It asked, to Draco's confusion. "No, completely different hairstyle."

As the hat continued to try guessing his name, Draco informed it. "My name is Draco Malfoy."

"You are?" It questioned. "Boy, you are either the world's biggest airhead or the youngest master of Occlumency that I've ever met. Your head is a wasteland to me."

"Does it really matter to you?" Draco asked, trying to sound polite. "I mean, is it a crime or something?"

"What?! A crime?!" It all but shouted in his head before laughing out loud. "Of course it isn't! I just needed to know you well to sort you into a proper house."

"Would you be open to allowing me to decide?" Draco tried his luck.

"Er… since I simply can't find anything about you in this maze of a head you have… sure." It replied, and after hearing his response it shouted. "SLYTHERIN!"

Draco requested to be put in Slytherin because he would have enough friends and support there.

Ravenclaw wouldn't be bad either, but since he had the choice, he might as well do himself a favor and boost his opportunities.

By entering Slytherin, he might have a better chance to pull the dark wizards and witches to his side.

Even though Voldemort is strong, a considerable amount of it comes from the loyal Death-Eaters that are obedient to him, who are willing to kill and be killed for him.

And that's exactly what Draco wanted, loyal companions. And since controlling the Ministry of Magic is also easier with support of other purebloods, that's the path he would take.

As Draco stood up, he looked at Snape, who nodded at him while she showed him a rare faint smile.

Draco nodded back in agreement and walked towards the Slytherin's table, being greeted by his seniors and fellow classmates as he sat in the place that Vincent and Gregory saved for him and his friends.

"Malone, Roger!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"..."Moon, Lily!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Nott, Theodore!"


He joined Draco with a smug expression in his face.

"Parkinson, Pansy!"


She joined Draco as well.

"Patil, Padma!"..."RAVENCLAW!"..."Patil, Parvate!"..."GRYFFINDOR!"..."Perks, Sally-Anne!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Potter, Harriet!"

She stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall.

"Potter, did she say?" A senior student questioned.

"The Harriet Potter?" Another one asked.

Everyone was whispering things as sorting hat got put on her.

After a moment of conversation with the hat, it shouted out. "SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin's table cheered the loudest as Harriet went over and accepted Draco's invitation for her to sit with his group.

"Rivers, Oliver!"..."HUFFLEPUFF!"..."Roper, Sophie!"..."SLYTHERIN!"..."Runcorn, Alice!"..."GRYFFINDOR!"..."Smith, Sally!"..."GRYFFINDOR!"..."Thomas, Dean!"..."GRYFFINDOR!"..."Turpin, Lisa!"..."RAVENCLAW!"

"Weasley, Ronald!"


That was another unexpected surprise for Draco as he heard the young ginger mutter. "Bloody hell!"

And since their last exchange had not been all that friendly, added to the fact that Ron had zero friends or family amongst the Slytherin students, he sat alone by himself in the far end of their table.

"Zabini, Blaise!"..."SLYTHERIN!"

After everyone of the first years had been sorted, Dumbledore got to his feet.

He was beaming at the students, his arms opened wide as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.

"Welcome!" He said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!...Thank you!" He sat back down as everybody began to clap and cheer.

As soon as Dumbledore sat down, the golden plates in front of them were filled with dishes that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

There were many dishes on the table, roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled and roasted potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup and the likes.

It looked delicious, but as proved by Fred and George with their pranks, anyone could tamper with it.

It was for that reason that Draco had some of his best ninja elves infiltrate Hogwarts house-elves.

Well, not exactly infiltrate, since there was no protection at all against foreign elves.

The Hogwarts house-elves didn't seem to mind (or even notice) the new additions, and there were no wards to prevent their magic or teleporting abilities.

At least according to the elves he sent on ahead.

A plate of food appeared in front of the Malfoy heir with the correct markings on the plate to identify it as something prepared by his personal elves, so he happily started eating.

"Hey, is he a bit mad?" Asked Pansy about Dumbledore as she offered a plate for Harriet.

"In my father's words, yes." Draco replied before munching on a piece of meat. "Although, his words seem to have some meaning to them. Each word for each house. Nitwit means idiot, the worst thing you can call an intellectual Ravenclaw. Blubber refers to fat in excess, the worst thing you can call a proud and vain Gryffindor. Oddment is the same as weirdo or outsider, the worst thing you can call a Slytherin, who are usually cliquey. And Tweak stands for fix or change, a familiar criticism to eccentric Hufflepuffs. All of them symbolizes a stark contrast between each house's values."

"Let me guess, the hat was taking so long to decide if you should be in Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin?" Questioned a nearby female student. "Did I get that right?"

"Isn't it rude to ask someone a question without introducing yourself first?" Pansy snapped at the questioning blond girl.

"Oh, I apologize, I'm Daphne Greengrass." She replied with a smile not seeming to get offended at Pansy's words. "I know you are Draco Malfoy and Harriet Potter…" She said, looking past Pansy before turning her gaze back to her. "And you are?"

Pansy snickered on the side not replying to her.

Theodore, seeing that, started laughing. "I'm really sorry for her behavior. Her name is Pansy Parkinson and I'm Theodore Nott." He said as he pulled Daphne's hand to kiss it, but to his surprise, the girl pulled her hand back and gave a creeped out look to him.

Pansy, Vincent and Gregory (and even Harriet) were trying their hardest to not laugh, but Theodore looked at Draco with teary eyes. "Hey, not fair! Why does it only work when you do it?!"

Pansy decided to not hold her laughter any longer. "Hahahaha… Rabbit face, you don't have the same charm as him."

"Don't be ridiculous! Charm?! Have you seen his face? He looks like the typical villain of stories, the one that always kidnaps the princess away from the hero." Theodore clicked his tongue.

Instead of being mad at being called villainous, Draco lazily waved the fork in his hand. "My dear friend Theodore, at the very least, I have the bad boy charm. As for you, I'm afraid you barely cut for being the thug who gets beaten up by the hero on his first day of adventure."

"Hahahaha…" Pansy, Daphne and even Harriet started laughing seeing Theodore's face of disbelief.

Draco then turned to look past Pansy, staring directly into Daphne's eyes. "I'm sorry my lady for ignoring you, what is it that you wanted to ask?"

Daphne's ears turned a bit red looking at Draco, but after noticing Pansy's annoyed expression, she quickly recovered. "Everyone just wanted to know why haven't you been sorted into Ravenclaw. You seem intelligent enough to be sorted there."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. By the way, who is 'everyone'?" Draco asked, tilting his head.

"W-well, you know, me and my friends." Daphne said fidgeting with red cheeks.

"I see...It seems I'm not very popular here then." Draco said. "If you preferred me to be elsewhere then…"

"W-wait! That's not what I meant to say!" Daphne replied. "I was already expecting for someone like you to be in Slytherin since we are from the sacred families and all that."

"Oh, I see." Draco said as he casually put a slice of steak on his mouth. "Someone 'like' me is glad to act so predictably for others to notice."

Daphne felt she had somehow offended him and tried to convince him that she wasn't trying to. "I-I'm really sorry if my behavior has offended you in any way. How can I compensate you for my rudeness?"

"How about a kiss?" Draco proposed with a grin.

Daphne and Harriet turned immediately red since they didn't know what to say or what was even happening.

Draco, who was grinning, suddenly stopped doing so after Pansy shot him an angry look and Theodore kicked his leg under the table.

"I'm joking." He stated, with a wide smile, but Daphne didn't seem more happier with that.

As they continued to laugh and bicker, Draco noticed Harriet behaving strangely.

She was clenching her forehead scar and looking at the teachers table, probably being targeted by Quirrell.

As he was about to console her, all the ghosts suddenly started flying around everywhere, and on the Slytherin side, a ghost approached them and sat.

The ghost was very pale, pearly-white and slightly transparent. He was wide and slightly transparent.

He had wide, staring, black eyes and a gaunt face. Being dressed in robes covered in silver bloodstains and carrying chains, while also carrying a curly powdered wig and with a sword as well.

"So new Slytherins, I hope you can help the house win the house cup for the seventh time in a row." He said with a hoarse whisper.

"I know you, you are the Bloody Baron." Pansy said looking at the ghost in front of them.

The ghost just nodded without saying anything else.

"So, why are you called the Bloody Baron?" Theodore asked.

"Idiot, don't you see his clothes?" Replied Pansy.

Harriet joined the conversation. "But how did he get those stains of blood in his clothes?"

As soon as Harriet asked that, the cheerful atmosphere got cold.

Draco quickly stepped in. "I'm sorry for my friend, she's just curious."

The baron looked at him. "Malfoy?" He asked to which the boy nodded in response.

"You remind me a lot about the previous Malfoy, Lucious." The baron said grimly. "I hope you can continue leading Slytherin to its glory."

"That's my plan." Draco said smiling.

Soon deserts came and it too disappeared, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again.

The hall fell silent.

Clearing his throat, the old man said. "Just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you." Dumbledore looked around, resting from time to time in one particular student before moving on. "First years should note that the forest on the school grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the Weasley twins. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between the classes in the corridors." He turned to the caretaker, noticing the man nod in agreement. "Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch." Dumbledore brought his hands together and continued his speech. "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

Draco struggled not to snicker when he heard that. 'Making people curious about the place by saying such things and expecting them not to go there… what a joke! He must be plotting to have Harriet going there.'

"What do you think is in there?" Harriet muttered to Draco.

"Probably some creepy dark magic artifact." Replied Draco, not wanting to make the others too curious about the place.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Announced Dumbledore giving his wand a little flick as if he was trying to get a fly off the end. A long golden ribbon flew out of the tip of his wand and rose high above the tables as it twisted itself, snakelike, into words.

"Everyone, pick your favorite tune." Said Dumbledore. "And off we go!"

What followed next wasn't that much of a surprise to Draco.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts!..."

Draco's group didn't sign the song at all since they couldn't bother remembering the lyrics of it.

Everyone else finished the song at different times.

At last, only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march.

"...And learn until our brains all rot."

Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand and when they had finished, he was one of those that clapped the loudest.

"Ah, music!" He said, whipping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"

While Draco began wondering what games Dumbledore was playing acting like a child, he noticed Hermione staring at him.

The other party waved goodnight to him and Draco, with a smile, did the same.

Then the Slytherin's first years started following the prefect through the chattering crowds, out of the Great Hall.

The entrance to the Slytherin common room was located behind a bare stretch of stone wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle.

"Our emblem is the serpent, the wisest of creatures; our house colors are emerald green and silver, and our common room lies behind a concealed entrance down in the dungeons. As you'll see, it's widows look out into the depths of Hogwarts lake. We often see the giant squid whooshing by— and sometimes, more interesting creatures. We like to feel that our hangout has the aura of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck." Gemma explained as they entered inside the common room.

The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains.

A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of them, and several Slytherins were silhouetted around it in carved chairs.

It looked very homey according to Draco, he could imagine himself relaxing there from time to time.

Gemma then showed them the way to the boys and girls dormitory.

Since all of them already had a long day, they said their goodnight's and went to their rooms.

The Slytherin's rooms were huge, and each room was reserved for one student each.

The bed was an ancient four-poster with green silk hangings.

One could also hear the lake water lapping against the windows.

Also, silver lanterns were hanging from the ceilings.

The walls were decorated with Slytherin crests.

Medieval tapestries depicting the adventures of famous Slytherins covered the walls.

His luggage had already arrived there, Draco quickly went over to his suitcase.

When others opened the suitcase, they would only see a regular one, like Newt's case.

As he opened his suitcase and let his eagle owl out.

Writing a short letter to his parents, indicating that he had safely reached Hogwarts and entered Slytherin just as expected, and also informed his father that the girl that lived has joined him as well.

Having one of his elves taking his eagle owl outside, Draco quickly changed clothes and went to sleep as he was very tired himself.



*Hey there! Thanks for reading my work! I hope this chapter is of your liking. I tried getting done with the arrival at Hogwarts while hinting about some possible plot threads that I plan to work upon.

Sorry if you expected more of it. 😅

Any ideas for powers, adventure arcs and girls are more than welcomed. I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait that I'll promptly try to fix it. But for that I need your feedback.

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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