8.08% Obsidian's Moon / Chapter 7: SEVEN

บท 7: SEVEN

Noah's eyes narrowed. With his jaw clenched slightly, his hand reached out. Noah's fingers caressed a strand of her hair.

"Do not think of yourself as insignificant, because you're not..."

Lara blinked. W-What?

Seeing the confusion on her face, Noah continued. "Don't degrade yourself, especially not in front of me. Because if you aren't important you wouldn't be here, sitting in my office, right now." He said, meaning every word.

Lara's heart hammered inside her chest. She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips. 



She doesn't understand... Why does it feel like he's telling her something more?

"And to answer your question- it's quite simple, really." He added, the corner of his lips rising in a confident smile. "Starting today, you're going to work here as my new secretary in training..."

With that shocking revelation, Lara unconsciously leaned away- away from Noah because of the initial shock she was feeling.

"Y-Your secretary..."

"Yes, Miss Louis, my secretary." He repeated, quite amused at the alarm on her face, "You're going to replace Miss Anderson and become my secretary for a year. After that, we'll discuss again if you still want to renew your contract, 2 months before the year ends."

"B-But... Sir, I regret to say this but I have to decline. I'm not qualified to be your secretary. I have no job experience and-"

"I know that." He said, cutting her off. "I know you're a fresh graduate and you lack the experience and all. But..." He paused, glancing deep into her eyes and into her soul. "With the right teacher, I think you have what it takes to become my secretary."

Lara blinked.

"But the question is... are you willing to take the challenge, Miss Louis?"

All her life... Lara had always been looked down upon by her people when she was growing up. As a result, she always underestimated herself and thought of herself as an insignificant and useless half-breed. It might be because of who her mother was. But all she wanted was a place to belong. A place where her parentage wouldn't be questioned and to be accepted for who she is.

She came to the human world to experience a different life, with a new identity as Lara Louis... and she was enjoying her life so far. But she hasn't found the place she was looking for.

And now, someone here is giving her the chance to prove herself without questioning her credentials. He was giving her a chance to prove to herself that she was more than just a newbie employee.

By becoming his secretary, he was willing to prove to her that even when she was lacking, she was still important.

But there was something weird about this whole situation...


Before Lara could express her doubts, Steffi entered the office with a wide grin on her face.

"I'm back!" She placed the tray she was carrying on the table before facing Noah and Lara who were too close to each other you'd think there was something going on between them. "So, what did I miss?"

Noah casually backed away from Lara and stuck his hands inside his pockets. He did not step away from her... he did not look embarrassed at all, either.

Lara's face on the other hand was red from embarrassment.

"She accepted the job."

Lara blinked in confusion when Noah said that. "I-I did?"

"S-She did?" Stefani didn't believe her ears either. "How..." She narrowed her eyes disappointingly at her childhood friend. What a big bully!

She thought Lara was going to make him suffer for a bit when she left but apparently, she was wrong. Noah was on top of this situation, and the man didn't even flinch at his blatant lie.

"She's going to be placed under you for training starting today." He said and went for the coat hanger to fetch his suit jacket. "Teach her everything she needs to know. Tomorrow, I want her to know the basics, understood?"

Stefani smirked. "Yes, your highness." She replied with a wide provoking grin on her face. 

Stefani is used to acting disrespectful towards Noah. And that will never change even if it's in the presence of his mate. 

In the future, Lara's going to be their alpha female. Their Luna. Just thinking about it made Stefani super excited. But first, she has to show her the ropes, and acting as their cupid will be for later... since Lara's not going to be a normal secretary anyway, Stefani smirked.

Noah ignored the sarcastic remark and wore his jacket fluidly. "I'll be back after my lunch meeting. Teach her well, her performance will reflect on your salary this month."

Stefani just mockingly laughed at him. "Yeah, yeah. Still threatening me with my wage, I see. Nice try, your douche-ness, now, leave. Shoo!"

Noah frowned at his secretary. He's suddenly embarrassed that she's driving him away in the presence of his mate. 

Lara, on the other hand, didn't know how to react to the scene in front of her. Should she be laughing, or just keep her silent until he leaves?


Fast Forward...

Steffi looked at Lara's computer screen, checking her disciple's work.

"You getting the hang of it yet?" Stefani asked, leaning over Lara's shoulders with a smile on her face.

Lara nodded, tapping her fingers on the keyboard- completely focused on her work.

"Yeah, I'm good. Still adjusting, but good..." She replied, typing away...

"Hmm." Stefani eyed the document and then nodded her approval. "Looks good."

"Thanks. This wouldn't be easy without your help, actually." Lara gratefully said.

Well, it was true... The moment she sat on the secretarial chair, her mind immediately panicked. A thousand negative thoughts came inside her mind but Stefani encouraged her all the way and patiently gave her instructions on what to do since experience beats theory, she said.

Stefani smiled and patted Lara on the head. "You're welcome, peanut."

They look like an older sibling is praising her cute, younger sibling. It was an adorable sight. Really.

"By the way, did you finish the PowerPoint presentation we're going to use next week?"

Lara snapped her fingers, "Oh, yeah, that one. I actually finished it a while ago..."

Lara minimized her current work window and then opened a new file on the screen.

Stefani started reading the PowerPoint and Lara nervously watched the reaction on her face.

"Actually I think it needs a little more editing and adjustments. I want to ask for your opinion so please don't hold back and tell me if something's wrong with it..."

"Mhmm. Well..." Stefani scanned the PowerPoint and then started pinpointing stuff that Lara should watch out for and change. She also pointed out mistakes and errors in the presentation until they both reached the last slide.

"Now you're done!"

"Thank you..."

Stefani chuckled, "Stop thanking me, really." She patted Lara's head again. "It's only natural I'd help you so minimize the thanking, okay?"

Lara tilted her head, looking confused and adorable at the same time. "But... I think saying 'Thank you when I'm being grateful is a must..."

Stefani chuckled again. "Awe, you're cute... And since you're adorable, let's make a deal. I'll permit you to say 'Thank you 5 times a day. But only that. No more, no less."

"What? Why 5?" Lara felt hesitant. She didn't want to agree to the deal Steffi proposed but... Steffi looked like she was not going to change her mind. Or even permit any further negotiation to increase the number of times she can say Thank You so she gave up and agreed.

Since it was what Stefani wanted. She can't say no.

"By the way, I think it's almost lunchtime." Stefani backed away and glanced at her wrist to check the time.

"Yeah, 5 minutes to 11." Lara checked hers too.

"Didn't you plan to eat with your friends?" Stefani asked.

"Oh right!" Lara slapped her forehead and grimaced. "I almost forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me."

Stefani grinned. "No problemo. Anyway, remember... 1 down, 4 to go." She said, talking about the Thank You limit.

Lara giggled. "Right."

"Anyway, you can leave and meet with them. Don't mind me. I'll stay here and finish some more work."

"Oh, okay... But your lunch..."

Stefani smiled.

"Don't worry bout me. I'm good," she said, showing me the bento she made for herself for lunch. "The only thing missing is a cup violet potato latte. Anyway, they must be waiting downstairs. Go."

Lara gratefully smiled, standing up she thanked her. "Thanks! I'll bring you your latte when I come back."

"Really?" Stefani's eyes sparkled hearing she'll buy her favourite drink. "Aww! So sweet..."

"I'll see you later then."

"Sure! Byeeee! Enjoy your lunch."


Minutes later...

Lara reached the ground floor using the CEO's private elevator.

It was one of the privileges exclusively given to the CEO's secretary according to Stefani, which was great considering Lara wouldn't have to force herself inside crowded elevators anymore. It was also easier for her to go to each floor without riding with the rest of the employees.

"Lara! Here!"

She smiled when she saw Chance and Rachel waiting for her on the table they used yesterday. She went to the queuing line to order her usual serving of steak- since she started loving their steaks here.

Compliments to their chef.

Then went directly to their table afterwards with a wide smile.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late!"

"No worries. So, which department did Sir Noah transfer you to?" Rachel didn't beat around the bush and immediately asked her, resulting in her almost choking on the drink she was drinking when she asked.

"U-Uhm. Actually..." She coughed her words.

"C'mon, Lara. Spill it..." Rachel urged her, itching in anticipation while Chance was rubbing Lara's back to help ease her coughing fit.

When she was able to recover, Lara spoke,

"A-actually, Um, Sir Noah gave me the position as his new secretary. I will be replacing Miss Stefani when she resigns..."

Chance and Rachel immediately reacted loudly at that.


"You're kidding me."

"Shh!" People looked oddly at their table so Lara tried to quiet them down. "I'm not joking."

"Wow, that's just- I mean, wow. Why you though?" Rachel looked like she couldn't process the whole reason for it all. "I mean no offence, Lara, but you? A secretary?"

Lara sighed in disbelief, "I know..."

"You don't even know the first thing about being a secretary," Rachel added making Lara feel even worse.

"My point exactly." She's glad it was not only her who thinks the whole thing was made on a whim. "I asked Sir Noah about it, and he said why not. He was really serious about giving me a chance even though I had no experience..."

Chance who was listening talk rubbed her cleanly shaved chin, "Maybe, Sir Noah wants to tie you to his side because he wants you close..." He randomly said and that earned him a pair of weird gazes from Lara and Rachel. He swallowed uncomfortably. "Just saying..."

"Anyway, if I have a secretary like Miss Stefani I wouldn't let her go. She's like... the perfect secretary!"

Lara nodded in agreement with Rachel's words.

She's right... Miss Stefani was beautiful, competent, and most of all experienced. She can't compare to her when it comes to being the CEO's secretary.

"But our Lara is not that bad..."

Rachel gave Chance a look.

"I know Lara here is a charming and reliable woman who's a class of her own, but Miss Stefani is on a whole other level."

Rachel and Chance continued to bicker while eating their food. Lara just listens to their conversation in silence, laughing from time to time. It's fun seeing them hurling insults at each other like this. It makes their group look fun and lively in her eyes.

"Hmm." Lara's thoughts were slightly distracted when she remembered her gorgeous boss, Noah James Smith.

Normally, a rational boss would choose a capable secretary with solid work experience. But why didn't he? That's the big million-dollar question there. What are his intentions really?

She thinks there's a hidden motive behind it, but she couldn't guess what they were and why he was doing this.

Lara suddenly remembered what Chance randomly said a while ago; "Maybe he wants to tie you to him because he wants you close..."

Lara shook her head. No, it can't be. It can't be that reason.

It's too farfetched. Why would Noah want her? She's too… ordinary.

And he'll look at her differently when he finds out what kind of creature she truly is.

After lunch, the three decided to meet again after work to have dinner together, and Lara said her goodbyes to her friends before she bought a cup of violet potato latte from a coffee shop across the street since she promised one for Stefani when she comes back.

Riding the private elevator again, Lara smiled when she saw Stefani tapping nonstop like a machine on her computer. This reminds her so much of the first time she met her…

"Hi, Miss Steff!"

Stefani stopped typing and look at her. "Hey, Lara! How's lunch?"

"It was fine... Did you eat your lunch as well?"

"Of course!" Stefani shook her lunch box and a jiggling noise from inside can be heard. It was now empty. "See?"

Lara happily placed the coffee cup beside her. "Here's a violet potato latte you requested."

Stefani clapped her hands in delight. "Thank you!"

Lara smiled and nodded. "My pleasure..." She then went to her desk and started tapping on her keyboard, finishing the work she left behind before she went for lunch.

As she was busily typing, a thought suddenly entered her mind.

"Miss Steff,"


"Why do you want to resign?" She asked.

Stefani stopped typing and then looked at her. "Why do you ask?"

Lara felt a little shy at the question so she fiddled her fingers nervously, "W-well, you're dubbed by everyone as the perfect secretary and I'm just me so I'm curious as to why would a perfect secretary like you want to quit the job she's really good at."

Hearing her out, Stefani smiled at her question, "Of course, the answer is very simple."

"It is?"

"Yep! Being a secretary doesn't make me happy, I mean not anymore. Before it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment and belongingness. Now, my priorities have changed. I also think I haven't told you this but I'm getting married in three weeks."

Lara's eyes went wide as saucers after hearing the news. "W-with the CEO?" She stuttered. She doesn't know why, but she's afraid her guess is true.

Stefani looked incredulously at her, "What? Ew! Gross, Lara! Noah is like a brother to me. We grew up together and I've never, ever developed feelings towards him aside from feelings of friendship and family. The person I'm marrying is my soulmate and 4-year boyfriend, Miggy."

"Oh my Gosh!" Lara covered her mouth and gasped. She was wrong! "I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I…"

Stefani laughed, "It's alright. I understand where you're coming from. You've heard a lot of bizarre rumours about me and Noah from the company employees, I know... But one thing is certain, and that is- Noah and me, we're not together."

"I-I see..." She sighed.

Stefani stared at Lara for a long time, seeing the relief appearing on her face after learning the truth about her relationship with Noah.


A wide grin appeared on her face.

"Why did you think I was marrying Noah?"

Lara was taken aback by Stefani's question. "W-well, I... l-like you said, I heard rumours that the CEO is already engaged so I suddenly thought maybe it's with Miss Stefani because you're beautiful, super reliable, and... perfect."

Stefani laughed. "Stop filling my head with compliments, Lara. I'm one of those things but not all. Especially, not perfect."

"Ah, hahaha."

"One more thing, the CEO is not engaged, if you're curious about it."

"I see."

"-But he will be engaged soon."

Stefani cut her off with an amused grin, making Lara's thoughts jumbled in disarray.


"Though, it depends when will he confess. She's a tough nut to crack y'know, even though she's such an adorable lady..."

Lara blinked. Uhhh... What?

AtlasWorld AtlasWorld

Stefani is really a character of her own. XD So, what do you think of the new chapter? Hope you're all doing well!

Please don't forget to vote and join or discord server!

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