49.51% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 102: Ch. 102 Lucius' Bad Day

บท 102: Ch. 102 Lucius' Bad Day

-the day of the trial, some asses house.

Today was a good day for Lucius Malfoy. He woke up to his wife being pleasantly occupied with somethings and not harassing him about their son or declining businesses.

'I will one day find that mudblood and torture him slowly. He thinks he is worthy to stand besides his betters? Hmph!' He thought as it gave him some amusement to imagine.

He neatly arranged his long platinum blonde hair, dressed himself in a proper noble robe and looked into his own cold grey eyes.

'Ever since that filthy disgrace of a slave was freed by that conniving little Potter, I've had to do all of these mundane tasks. I really must talk to Narcissa about getting a proper one.' He thought to himself.

But this wouldn't put him off his day. Today was good. He would show Dumbledore once again that he is able to control him even now.

'The senile old fool thinks I cannot interfere now that I am no longer a governor. I'll show him by getting rid of his filthy Half-giant pet. First the overgrown chicken which Narcissa insisted died due to injuring our son, then the incompetent buffoon they now call a professor.' He continued to think to himself, making an cocky smile appear on his face.

So he walked down the halls of his manor, to find a proper breakfast waiting for him in the dinning hall. His wife already sat in her chair at one end of the table, eating in a prim and proper manner. Without a word he sat he did the same.

"Do make sure that filthy beast that hurt my Draco gets its head properly removed Lucius, or you will hear plenty from me." Then coldly announces his wife as she finished her meal and stood up.

"Do not worry Narcissa. I have everything under control. Those old fools in the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures were easy to get a hold of. Even Dumbledore and that oaf didn't try to save the beast. It is as good as dead." He calmly reassured her of his impending success with a small smile.

"Good." Was her only response as she left with an emotionless face.

With a sigh at how used to this married life he is, the man finished his meal and left as well.

He then met up with an old colleague of his you would say. Back during the old days, the days of the dark lord, Walden Macnair and himself used to work together, he as a respected lieutenant and Macnair as muscle. The man had a penchant for killing. He enjoyed killing those lowly muggles and made it slow, while also hunting Muggle-Borns furiously as the lords old executioner.

Macnair had even been one of the Death Eaters Lucius helped get out of charges to stop them from bringing more evidence against himself and get them in his debt. And now he would be the axeman used to kill the oafs beast.

He was dressed in a black executioners garb and hood, with his axe on his shoulder. An axe made to kill creatures, not humans.

"Macnair." Lucius simply greeted as he looked at the man.

"Mr. Malfoy. Killing the beast today are we?" He asked in a gravely voice laced with excitement.

"Yes. Let us depart. The Floo should be open to old fools office." He answered as he guided the man in his home.

He went to his connected fireplace and tested to see if he could reach the old man's own, but he was rejected.

With a scowl on his face he decided to use it to order him to open it.

"Dumbledore, why is your Floo not open to me? Are you trying to impede me? You know I will bring hell on you if you did this one purpose." Venomously spoke Lucius through the fire.

"Ah. Lucius, to what do I how the pleasure?" Suddenly appeared the aged face of the Hogwarts Headmaster.

"You know perfectly why. Now let us through." Was the sneered reply.

"Oh, you wish to talk about today's events. Very well then." He answered with a smile.

Lucius paused at how welcoming the old man was being, but then thought it was a matter of course. He was Lucius Malfoy and had legitimate cause to being there.

Both men then used the Floo and reached the Headmasters office.

He stood proudly before the man he considered a senile fool.

"This is a pleasant surprise Lucius, but I did not think you would bring a guest." Dumbledore calmly said to the two men. "Lemon drop?"

"Stop your nonsense Dumbledore. We are here for the beast. So either guide us to it or we will find it ourselves, then put in a complaint for the obstruction of the killing of a beast who's execution was ordered." Spat out Lucius with a glare, but feeling proud for ordering the old man.

"I have no idea what you mean Lucius. I thought you wished to discuss something about your own trial today. I am confused as to why you believe Buckbeak is to be executed as well, those charges were dropped months ago. Did you not know?" Kindly replied Dumbledore, not phased in the slightest by the way Lucius threatened him.

"What did you say Dumbledore? My trial? Dropped charges?" Asked Lucius in a frigid voice.

"Yes, dear Hagrid received a notice from the ministry. But do you truly not know? As Head Warlock I've sent you letters about your trial in front of the Wizengamot today. In fact I was writing you reminder when you wished to see me, since I never received a response." Calmly explained The Headmaster.

"Do you take me for a fool Dumbledore! I have a letter declaring the execution of the beast right here!" Viciously shouted Lucius as he slammed the letter on the desk.

The Headmaster read the letter before quietly putting it down and bringing out his own.

"Your letter seems to be missing the three stamps to approve the letter properly Lucius. It seems you are not aware of the proper proceedings for that Committee, but mine seems to have all required stamps. It looks like you accidentally received a copy of the draft which was written before your own charges were brought up." Calmly said the old man after reading the letters over.

"Preposterous!" Replied Lucius as he looked over the stamped letter.

With his face losing any signs of emotions, the man took both letters and walked back into the fireplace.

"If this is a trick Dumbledore, I will have you out of this school and before a trial by the end of the summer." He venomously spoke as a confused Walden watched him Floo away.

The man rushed through the halls of the ministry, heading towards the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He blew past anyone who tried to stop him.

'Those blasted old geezers think they can pull one over me! The seem to forget their place beneath my feet! Groveling in the hopes in don't tell everyone of their dirty secrets.' Thought a furious Malfoy.

As he reached the department, he immediately walked past the receptionist and burst through the door of the Committee's office. He stood in front of a few elderly members and slammed the two letters in front of them.

"What is the meaning of this." He asked with a voice that brought chills to the hearers.

Reading the two documents, the old men gave the same response as Dumbledore, that this seems to have been a mistake on someone's part.

"And why exactly is the beast not being executed?" Lucius asked with narrowed eyes.

"We-well you s-s-see Lord Malfoy, the b-beast is p-property of another noble f-f-family and this was done without going th-through them. This case shou-should have n-n-never been in our department in-in- in the first place." Answered a very scared man.

"What did you say? Which family?" The man asked, almost ready to kill the bumbling fool right this moment.

"The-the-the-the B-b-b-Bones family." The completely pale man answered.

Lucius' face went cold, he didn't move but was thinking, until someone run into the room from behind him.

"There you are Lord Malfoy! Why are you here? You're trial started three minutes ago and if you don't hurry you'll be forced to be responsible for every charge. The worst possible punishments too!" Exclaimed a heavily breathing young man.

Lucius' body twitched as he heard what was said.

'What is happening?!? First the beast isn't to be executed! Then I'm told it is owned by that irritating woman's family! And now someone has the gall to push charges on ME!' Thought the very angry Lord.

"Which room?" He answered while trying not to kill everybody in the room.

"Room 5!" Answered the nervous messenger.

And as he came, Lucius left storming as well.

-in courtroom number 5, Level 10 of the Ministry of Magic. Aedan POV.

I stood there, waiting patiently in one of the two chairs placed behind matching desks, with 17 members of the Wizengamot. Each of whom dislike Malfoy, were chosen by me and are very much in favor of my actions. Aside from the chairs and desks, the rest of the room was basically identical to the courtroom shown during the movies, except a bit smaller due to this place being used for less important cases.

"Since Lord Malfoy has decided not to appear on time, I can only start without him." Declared the old man in charge of the case. He really resembled a turtle in man form. Long, narrow and wrinkly neck, soft looking jaw, no visible hair anywhere on his head except for the eyebrows and thin body.

"Now, Heir Bones, you are accusing Lord Lucius Malfoy of Defamation and false accusation against your name, Unlawfully trying to seize and destroy your property, Bribing and Blackmailing Ministry officials. Is this correct?" Listed and asked the turtle.

"Yes sir." I calmly answered.

"And has your client chosen to debate these charges?" He then asked as he looked over to the barrister supposedly in charge of Lucius' case.

I chose to represent myself, due to my status and approval by the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, thank you aunty, making it possible. It means I don't have to have an idiot in front of me.

"My client has repeatedly ignored my attempts at contacting him and has refused to divulge his opinions on the matter. But he should be here any moment now." Answered a sweaty and overweight man in brown robes.

Just as he said that, a very angry and heavily breathing Lucius burst into the room.

Far from looking his immaculately groomed self; his hair now had loose strands on his face or sticking to him due to his sweat, his robes were covered in ash because of his triple floo travel done in haste, his eyes looked around almost savagely and his face was turning red due to his fury.

"Oh Lord Malfoy you made it. I am so happy we don't have to resort to harsh punishments over what I am sure is a horrible misunderstanding. Quickly, come and sit. We shall discuss this like proper gentlemen." I happily said to the man with a bright smile on my face.

To anyone not involved, this would have sounded very honest and sincere, but to everyone present it was me teasing the crap out of the man. And boy did it work. I've used the exact same way of talking every time I fucked with the man and he remembers vividly.

"This is your doing you little half-blood welp!" Was the mans response, almost hearing his desire to attack here and now.

"I had to defend myself and my property Lord Malfoy. You of all people should understand a nobles pride. You slander me, try to kill my property, and then I found that you supposedly did some less then legal things to stop me from hearing about all this. I was greatly worried when I heard this from my hired caretaker. But I could not truly believe such an upstanding member of our community could do such things. I tried to contact you, but it was to no avail, hence this trial being my only recourse to deal with such actions. I hope this doesn't affect our wonderful relationship." I said so sincerely that all of the Wizengamot members were looking at me in awe for my acting, or were trying to hold in their laughter at how much I'm playing around.

Lucius on the other looked like he was about to murder me.

"You damnable little-" started to swear Malfoy, but was interrupted by a gavel smacking sound.

"Lord Malfoy! We have waited for your arrival and continue to do so. Please find your seat so that we may continue this hearing." Strictly inform the turtle man.

'Wow, he's got more balls than I would have thought. Not many people are actually brave enough to talk to the man like that. Should tell aunty, she'll probably give him a promotion for this.' I thought with a smile.

Lucius harrumphed angrily and joined his barrister. The charges were then repeated and the man's expression continued to drop as he then turned to glare at me murderously, to which I gave him a bright smile.

"I plead not guilty to all charges! The beast nearly killed my son and I want it dead! This child has no reason nor evidence for any of this!" He shouted angrily.

"Actually Lord Malfoy, the evidence against you is frankly staggering. And you have not given any sort of counter evidence nor testimony to fight any of the charges laid against you." Plainly stated the turtle.

"That is because I was never notified of this farce! I learned of these ridiculous charges today and demand that this trial be dismissed on the grounds of not following proper procedures and failing to notify me in the first place!" He angrily responded.

I smiled really deeply for a very fun reason.

"But Lord Malfoy, we have a signed and certified acknowledgement of this trial with your signature and signet stamp." The answer came, making the man burst out.

"That is preposterous! I've learned of these proceedings this morning! I've never received such a letter, much less signed it!" He yelled out.

Which is true, but I got a certain little ex-Malfoy house-elf currently working in Hogwarts to help me a little with that. It took a bit of convincing, but he was quite happy to do this and get back at the horrid man. Paid him properly for his work and I am even thinking about hiring the excited little house-elf for me and Tory's place once we graduate.

"I am afraid you're words hold little merit at the moment Lord Malfoy. This is more than enough proof that you acquiesced to the trial and we're ready to defend yourself." Was the calm reply, shutting the man up immediately.

"I still claim not guilty on all charges. Let me hear this drivel I am accused of then." He coldly said after a pause.

"On the charges of defamation and false accusations, Heir Aedan Bones claims that you have attempted to hold his Hippogriff accountable for the actions of your own son and that you have put forth false claims to do so. Mr. Bones has stated that these claims are purposefully harmful to his reputation as a responsible and upstanding businessman. What say you?" Asked my rapidly liked turtle man.

"My son was nearly killed my his dangerous beast! I demand justice!" He simply answered.

"But it seems like the evidence collected stated that your own son rushed towards a Hippogriff and tried to mount it, after seeing one Harry Potter doing so with proper instruction from the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor. We have 16 eye witness accounts of the event and the school report. Clearly your son is at fault for recklessly approaching a XXX rated creature." The man cited against the Lucius.

"It is simply a beast. It has nearly killed a noble heir and deserves death. Plain and simple." He responded back.

"That argument also appears to be false. The medical record, account of the school matron, her apprentice and Heir Bones were all recorded saying that the wound itself was smaller than an injury students get from some pranks. He was healed within seconds and cleared from the school infirmary. What's more is that the boy then decide to wrap his own arm and make himself a sling, then complained in the Great Hall that he was nearly killed for weeks. We have over 200 reports of that. But absolutely no evidence of any near fatal injuries." Was the counter argument, leading to the turtle having a small smile and chuckling to be heard across the room.

"You brat. How dare you!" Then said Lucius as he looked at me with rage.

"That is simple evidence to clear myself of wrong doing lord Malfoy. You can't blame me for protecting my interests." I said with a calm smile on my face

"With no counter evidence or argument, the charges of defamation and false accusations are found to be guilty, with proper compensation to be determined at the end of the hearing. On the charges of Unlawful Seizure of Property you are accused of using the previous accusations to try and kill said Hippogriff through the improper channels, without alerting the owner and without trying to find the proper solutions to your grievances. Your argument?" Said the head turtle.

"It was owned by that bumbling half-giant fool they now call a professor, not the welp! Nothing was wrong there!" He replied with great certainty this time.

"According to the ownership at the time of the incident, the Hippogriff known as Buckbeak belonged to one Aedan Micheal Bones, And was on loan as a creature to excite newcomers to Care of Magical Creatures, since the designated caretaker was the current professor for the class." Read out the old man.

"Impossible!" Yelled out Lucius.

"We have the certificate of purchase, loan request and permission given by Heir Bones right here. So unless you have anything to disprove these legally binding and official documents, you are to be found guilty." Stated the man in response.

Hearing nothing coming out of the stone faced man, the man in charge simply banged his gavel again to announce his guilt.

"And now the most serious charges of the evening: bribery and Blackmail. You are accused of avoiding the proper steps to handle this minor incident involving your son, by bribing officials in the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures and blackmailing those unwilling to follow. We have the records of the money exchange, as well as letter signed by both participants, and witnesses to the threats. The accusations you were found guilty of last year, removing you and several of your former colleagues from Hogwarts Board of Governors, are also setting a clear precedence for such actions. Your counter-argument?" Finally asked the turtle man.

There was now tension in the room. Lucius stared at everyone present with an expression devoid of any emotions, and his cold grey eyes then landing on me.

"Lord Malfoy, I truly don't want this to come between our splendid relationship. So how about this? Instead of compensating me, we have you fund the Care of Magical Creatures course at Hogwarts. You could help further the education of young Magizoologists and atone for these inappropriate actions. After all, you were simply too distraught over your child's injury, so what better way is there to make sure he is properly taught in the field. Maybe next time he can avoid such a reckless mistake. As for the other charges, we can simply let it rest as a warning and say, if in the next 5 years such a thing occurs then severe punishment can be given. Fair?" I say with a bright smile.

"Are you sure Heir Bones? These are serious accusations and you could receive much in terms of compensations." Asked the cool turtle gramps.

"Yes it's fine sir. Lord Lucius and I are such good friends. I would hate to sour our relationship by such things between us, and I love to help others learn. A win-win." I answered happily.

"If that is the compensation you deem agreeable as the plaintiff." Responded the judge.

"That's good. So what do you say Lord Malfoy? Shall we shake on it and keep our friendship going strong?" I say brightly to the man in front of me.

If looks could kill, i would have probably died a few dozen times right now. I'm dragging his and his sons name through the mud, making him basically apologize for Buckbeak hurting the idiot by funding a being he despises, who works under a man he hates, and he now has to thank me for letting things end here and shake my hand to say we are friends.

Everything I'm doing his to his advantage, but I'm doing it in a manner that would make any blood purist, Death Eater, Muggle supremacist pureblood want to vomit blood in anger. It's great.

"Of course we are still friends. Thank you for for candor Heir Bones." He said through gritted teeth.

"Then since both parties agree, the charges will now be settled. You will both sign the contracts provided and the case will conclude here." The turtle declared with a bang of his gavel.

After everything was done, Lucius couldn't have left faster if he tried. The man ran past everyone trying to stop him and Flooed away in a flash of green.

-Malfoy Mannor

Feeling his magical energy going completely wild with rage, Lucius was breathing heavily as he came out of the fireplace, finding his wife siting there.

"Is the beast dead then?" She off-handedly asked.

Lucius just snapped at that moment.

"I WILL MURDER THAT FILTHY HALF-BLOOD BASTARD FOR TODAY HUMILIATION!!!!" He roared as fragile objects in the room cracked under his wild magic.

"Lucius!?" Exclaimed the surprised Narcissa.

But then suddenly, her husband coughed up some blood and passed out in his anger.


Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Longest Chapter I’ve written. Kinda worried I wrote too much about this or did it weirdly, but oh well. This is how it came out.

It is fun messing with Lucius this much though and before people get upset about the punishment being super light, Aedan can honestly kill him whenever he wants. This is just to fuck with him.


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