He was in his room before he knew it. Wheezing in a way that made him think that this was the moment. The moment where the news about his death was announced with the most ridiculous cause.
Huge petals that were once white were now tainted with blood, scattered at the floor of his room. He coughed and coughed until he was breaking a dam when thinking about Jian Yu.
What if the Beta wasn't feeling the same?
What if…?
If so, why?
Why pretend?
Did he pity him?
Why did he do that?
Zeke was coughing his life away while wondering 'why' Until a thought made the Alpha sober up.
There was a cure. Mentioned by Lynn before.
But first, he wanted to know why.
Shallow breaths amidst the pain of his body and Zeke refused to make a sound at all. His coughing fit still continued, muffled by his hands.
It had gotten worse than before.
This novel is currently on hiatus and under mass edit, thank you