With his stamina and constant exercise and training, he was normally the last man standing. This time, though, he was tempted to find the closest bench to sit down and chugged down a drink.
He must have zoned out while trying to subtly catch his breath because the next thing he knew, he heard a warning shout to his left. He whipped around, eyes wide, just in time to duck the incoming dagger that somehow flew out of a customer's hand while trying a new game.
Fortunately, the thing was dull as it was just a toy but it would've still hurt if hitted right on the face.
"My goodness! I'm so sorry!" A woman hurried over, worried in her eyes. "I didn't hit you, did I? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Zeke nodded, waving her off before he walked back into his group of friends, who was watching the whole ruckus, before the woman could utter another word.
Zeke smiled at his friends, sticking close to Jian Yu as best as he could.
This novel is currently on hiatus and under mass edit, thank you