Taking a deep breath, the silverette Beta slacked against the wall of the cave. The storm outside hadn't diminished in the slightest. The mouth of the cavern was foggy and dull with the only light source coming from the small bonfire, creating a curtain of yellowish brown motion.
It gave the stone walls a slightly chilly feeling.
As far as he could recall, it wasn't just due to the weather that was making the place feel cold. The cave was also humid and damp, making the temperature inside the cave much lower. In the end, their only source of heat was the small bonfire that looked like it was fighting for its life to keep the fire up.
Concerned about the big Alpha sleeping on the other side, Jian Yu got up-- receiving a small whine which he shushed softly with some sweet promises-- and went to pull the thin travel blanket from the pack he got from the examiner.
what do you say about a new family member?
This novel is currently on hiatus and under mass edit, thank you