62.17% Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition / Chapter 95: A date with the High School Doctor Prodigy

บท 95: A date with the High School Doctor Prodigy

After yesterday's objective was somehow achieved, today, Eleonora and Keine went on a date. Both couples were agreed with the date and received no complaints from the other girls; they even went so far as to support Keine to have a happy date. Since they have no time to waste it on complaints or get jealous just because of things like that.

Because if they also want a date with Eleonora, they could just do it later, and there is no need to rush anything for now. Eleonora also understands that and respects their decision, so she chooses to be with Keine on today's date. The blonde-haired doctor also voiced her opinion and agreed with it; moreover, she is delighted as her heart went fluttering inside when hearing that she would have a date with her beloved girl and lover.

She is also hoping that today Eleonora would take her virginity and permanently mark her as Eleonora's. Keine is looking forward and eager to start a family with Eleonora. From her childhood, Keine doesn't have good memories about it except when with the Seven Prodigies and Eleonora. Those two are considered the memorable and best memories Keine has had in her mind for years.

Although her intention is somewhat impure or inappropriate in less vulgar words, that cannot be helped since Kanzaki Keine wants to be tied forever and eternity with someone she loves so much, Eleonora Pendragon. The young bluenette is her light and hope for the blonde-haired doctor. She is also the first person who made Keine fall in love, making the blonde experience such emotion within her.

Even though Eleonora Pendragon is younger than her, at very least three years younger apart, Keine didn't mind that and perfectly okay since love has no limit. It shouldn't be restricted or anything by any means. That's why the blonde-haired doctor supports the plan that Mikogami Tsukasa, who is currently the Prime Minister of Japan, establishes a new law about same-sex relationships and anything related to that.

Keine just slightly shook her head as she tried to forget about that for a while. She has to focus on things that matter for now. She has already changed her clothes to something suitable for today's date. The attire is nothing extravagant or flashy since it was simple yet capable of drawing out her utmost charm and making her beautiful even more.

She currently wears a white off-shoulder sweater with grey stripes and a long yellow skirt with black pantyhose and purple zipper-pull tab shoes. That kind of clothes is enough to enhance her gorgeous figure, especially it also radiated her mature and big sister-like aura even more.

Some people that pass by are enthralled by the sight of it. Especially the males' onlookers who were captivated by the beauty of Keine. The blonde-haired doctor has no choice but to wait outside the Yaegashi's house since she prefers it that way. Kind of weird since she and Eleonora currently live and sleep in the same place.

Eleonora wants to reject that, but Keine insists on doing it. She told the young bluenette that it would make it more romantic like in a romantic novel. Eleonora has no choice but to accept it; that's why the young bluenette wasted no time changing her clothes. Although the young bluenette finds it weird, she still complies with Keine's request.

Keine was humming happily with a smile on her lips as she was currently waiting for Eleonora to pick her up. She ignored the unwanted attention from people around her since the blonde didn't really care about that and her mind focused on today's date with her lover.

'Fufufu, I hope today's date will be the most memorable and beautiful memories we have had. Even if my request sounds weird, Leo-chan still accepts it and asks no further about that. She is really kind and caring towards people she loves. I felt like doesn't deserve that treatment…'

Keine looked down with a sad face for a moment. Although Eleonora had already accepted her ugly side, it still disturbed her and made Keine remember about it. Despite her hatred towards Gods, she loves Eleonora, who is closer to that divine being. Keine cannot hate someone so precious like Eleonora. She will never be.

'Honestly, I'm surprised that Leo-chan told me that she was not fully human after her trip to another world. Moreover, she was a few steps closer to being a goddess. Despite my hatred towards them, Leo-chan is different. She is the girl I love; For Leo-chan, I willingly cast aside that hatred and slowly change myself to a better person.'

Indeed. For Eleonora, the blonde-haired doctor would be willing to change herself into a better person. Keine also thinks it's high time to remove that ugly side and shape her personality into a better one to become the kind and caring person she wants to be or maybe her own ideal self.

Keine is not a fool. She knows that her personality may affect her children in the future if she keeps herself like this. The blonde-haired doctor doesn't want that to become one that negatively influences her children. She wants her child to be good and not be bad.

As she slightly shook her head, her purple eyes caught someone she knew very well, causing her to be beamed happily, seeing someone familiar to her. Especially when that person waved to Keine and smiled at her.


Of course, Keine waves back to Eleonora, who nods and walks towards the blonde-haired doctor. Once again, the attention of people around them turned to Eleonora since they had never seen someone with otherworldly beauty like her, as if they were looking at goddesses and beautiful paintings.

Eleonora wears an orange off-shoulder plaid shirt tied in the front-tie top and showing off her stomach, while she also wears blue jeans. She kissed Keine's cheeks and caused the blonde's face to flush as she returned the kiss to Eleonora's cheeks too.

"Hey, Kei-nee. Sorry for making you wait. I hope you're not waiting too long."

"Of course not, and it's my selfish request, so it's given that I have to wait for it."

She said that while wrapping her arms around Eleonora's, the young bluenette offered it to Keine. The females around them swooned because of lovely sights from Eleonora and Keine while the males stared at them lustfully but decided not to do anything stupid that led them to be jailed or the like.

Some of the female onlookers have nosebleeds seeing the charming smile of Eleonora. Especially at how gorgeous the figure of the young bluenette has from their perspective. Yet, rather than jealousy, they admired Eleonora even more, which caused the young chairman to get another batch of fans again. This is an everyday occurrence for her, and Eleonora wasn't bothered since it seems her female fans know how to behave themselves. She was already getting used to this and not fussing over it because that would be unnecessary, primarily since the current her could protect herself from any danger that occurred.

If a mass outbreak happened, she could also protect herself and the people she cared about. Keine chuckled, seeing the situation that occurred around them. She was already getting used to something like this whenever Eleonora was with her.

In fact, becoming Eleonora's lover means that she must ready herself for something like this. If not, she or another girl has to adapt to this situation, and the results won't deceive them.

'Leo-chan really does attract everyone's attention, huh. It's not weird since she is amazing on her own, and people agreed to that. That's why she has many admirers and even fans dedicated to her. Those who can't be her lovers won't let that affect themselves and just continue to support Leo-chan in any way.'

The young bluenette only let out an awkward laugh when she heard what Keine said.

"It is very odd for you to tell me about that. I mean, we're living together in the same place. Even if you tell me that will add up the romantic atmosphere, it still leaves a weird feeling on me."

"Hmm… really? I mean, you kind of did that to Yue-san and her group in another world, correct?"

"… You're right, but still… that still gives me a weird feeling."

Eleonora was saying that while scratching her non-itchy cheeks. This caused Keine to tighten her arms wrapped on Eleonora's and let her large breasts touch the young bluenette's arms, which Eleonora noticed, and she didn't mind the soft feeling she had.

She is not like a virgin harem protagonist who is flustered just because do physical contact with the opposite sex or girl. Eleonora isn't that pathetic, and sometimes she questions why some of them act like that.

"Alright, I'm sorry for requesting something like that, but forget about that for now and enjoy our date. Shall we, Leo-chan?"

The young bluenette nodded, agreeing to the blonde doctor.

"Of course. I'll make sure this will be another best date for you to remember, Kei-nee."

"Fufu, I'm looking forward to that."


I Love Onee-sama: "Everyone, I have something to ask. Is it normal to like someone from the same gender and have a same-sex relationship? I am actually kind of confused about this and want to ask the opinion of everyone in here if I'm not troubled you."

Pudding Lover: "Leave it to me, nepu! I'm an expert on this kind of thing! Anyway, it's normal to like someone from the same gender and wants to have a same-sex relationship. I mean, if I recall from what Noura has said, LGBT+ is kind of acceptable in some parts of her world. I think it's also applied to yours, but I don't know the exact detail about it, nepu."

The Nightmare: "I'm the same with Neptune-san since I can vouch for it. Although there are still many hetero-relationships, it's undeniable that some people also have same-sex relationships. Even yaoi and yuri entertainment are kind of popular here."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "How about asking Eleonora directly? I mean, she is by far the real expert. Neptune is just boasting about it since she is a virgin and has no full experience. So my advice is like that, just talk directly about it with Eleonora."

Pudding Lover: "Σ(°ロ°). How cruel are you, Yuwe?! I'm definitely an expert at yuripedia! I have a lot of books containing that, nepu! It's 100% legit and valid. You can check it by yourself as I send it to the chat!"

Titania The Fairy Queen: "I-I see… an expert on yuri knowledge. If I want to say, what @Eleonora True Soulmate said is definitely true since @Queen of Sweets is already proven that. She is the only one who has that kind of relationship far longer than us anyway, so it's normal to think of it like that."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "That's right. @Queen of Sweets is far longer in yuri relationship than any of us, and I'm sure she has many to share with us if she wants. Something like tips or anything that may help anyone."

Sword Princess: "As I have expected from Eleonora. She is really amazing and made me love her even more. The warm feeling inside my chest was fluttering even more than before. I like this feeling and want it to stay like this forever."

Demon Sword Murasame: "You're really bold, @Sword Princess. You can just keep that on yourself, you know. There is no need to tell everyone in the group."

Sword Princess: "I know that, but I just want to tell it. Something within me as if trying to tell me that telling all of you about my feeling towards Eleonora is an important thing and must to do."

King of Knight: "That's… certainly brave, to admit your feeling towards someone without being afraid of it. Besides being brave, confessing that without the slightest hesitation and shame within is also very bold. Other people would find it hard to do that."

Sword Princess: "I don't think it was something to be embarrassed about."

The Florist Succubus: "Whoah, whoah…! You are the one who easily admits that is really incredible, @Sword Princess-san! Like what @King of Knight-san said, sometimes it takes a lot of courage to say something like that, especially with many people and not doing it with two people alone."

I Love Onee-sama: "Uhm, it's indeed not something that easy to be admitted by anyone. Most people, either young or old, sometimes have a hard time doing that. But I'm not saying it's wrong to be bold like that. It's just something rare."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Only if you were inexperienced in love, though. But I think it's amazing for @Sword Princess-san, who said that she is inexperienced to say that without stuttering or anything. Anyway, same-sex relationship laws are different in each place, region, etc. Furthermore, in a multiverse like this, it's hard to say that everything is the same."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Indeed. Each law in each place is applied differently. Not every place has the same thing, but there's no denying that some share the same thing, especially laws. Either they adopt it because it fits or modifies it to make sure it fits. But love itself shouldn't be limited and restricted; anyone can freely love someone they feel match."

Demon Mommy: "I'm not bothered if someone decided to have a same-sex relationship. Instead, I would be delighted if someone follows what their hearts want. Just because an opposite-sex relationship is a majority doesn't mean that you have to follow it and force yourself to be a part of that."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "Exactly. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Don't worry about it if you were bothered that a same-sex relationship cannot produce a child. Everything is possible as long as you do not give up. It's only impossible if you didn't start it."

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Mhm. She's right. Look at Eleonora; she can impregnate someone to bear her child since she is right now futanari. Magic, science, anything else; if you use them correctly, then you can do similar things like that."

Pudding Lover: "Nepuuuuuu?! Noura is futanari?! Yuwe, how did you know about that?"

Eleonora True Soulmate: "Because I did it with her, of course. She is really better than Hajime at that. Eleonora really makes me come a hundred times or so. I've completely addicted to that, and I gain some upgrade or evolution because of that. I can shapeshift myself and choose whenever I want to be young or adult."

The Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Oh my. That is… something."

Demon Mommy: "Uhm. I don't think that…."

The Nightmare: "Fufufu, Yue-san so bold at telling us of that."

King of Knight: "C-Certainly. But I must tell you to refrain from saying that in the future… please."

Titania The Fairy Queen: "Y-Yes… uwah!"

Demon Sword Murasame: "I need to step up myself… I have a lot to learn."

Sword Princess: "Mhm. Me too."

Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Oh dear… this is suddenly turned into a difficult situation."

The Florist Succubus: "The awkwardness…."

The Strongest Ice Queen: "O-Oh…"

I Love Onee-sama: "T-That's certainly… inappropriate, but please don't casually say that, and I thank you for the advice, everyone."


Lefiya Viridis, the one known with her alias "Thousand Elf" and one of the members of Loki Familia, has complicated feelings towards a certain someone. She was supposed to admire and love the star of her familia, Ais Wallenstein is known as "Sword Princess," but these past days, she has developed a new feeling towards someone other than Ais. Lefiya is supposed to admire and love only Ais, but that feeling is somehow distracted, and she begins to share the same feeling with another person.

Yes. Lefiya Viridis begins to grow a romantic feeling for Eleonora Pendragon, although they didn't meet. Just because Ais showed her the picture and information about Eleonora, the young girl who bears "Thousand Elf" as her alias, felt that within her. It's an extraordinary phenomenon for her, and she began to know why her idol's behavior was kind of strange and became more lively or… happier?

She doesn't know and cannot come up with the correct answer. The young elf with long golden yellow hair could not come up with a real solution, she was kind of confused at this moment, and the fluttering and warm feeling within her wasn't helping her out of this.

'Why do I have this kind of feeling towards someone other than Ais?! Didn't I love only Ais? What's wrong with you, Lefiya?!'

Her cheeks were suddenly hot, and her whole face reddened when she was beginning to remember the appearance of Eleonora back then. She cannot believe that someone has a beauty that matches or even surpass the goddess of her world. The moment her round dark blue eyes saw Eleonora's picture, a tiny spark of love formed within her heart.

She began to feel her heartbeat faster than when with Ais. Lefiya knew at that moment that she began to see and love someone other than Ais, and her feeling towards the Sword Princess was replaced by the feeling of love to Eleonora. She became excited when Ais told her that Eleonora, Ais' friend from another world and chat group she had talked about a lot, would visit their world.

'I want to meet with Pendragon-san… I want to meet with her! I… I don't know why, but this feeling gets stronger each time her face appears on my mind. I didn't even meet with her! But… Ais said that Pendragon-san is a wonderful person. She is kind, full of compassion, caring, strong—the ideal person she ever meets.'

Lefiya stopped thinking of it for a second before continuing it.

'She is what Ais wants to be and the person… that really… meet with my ideal… lover! Oh god, she really fits my criteria! What should I do? Which one I love more, Ais or Pendragon-san?'

She then shook her and decided on one thing she thinks is the most correct choice.

"It's pointless thinking about it right now. I have to wait until the time comes and Pendragon-san come visit our world. Yes, that's the correct choice!'


Noon or lunchtime has come, and Eleonora with Keine currently make their way to a certain café for their lunch today during their date. That café was recommended by Keine, and after hearing the place has good service and food, Eleonora then decided to agree with her lover to choose that place for their lunch. Although Keine hears the café from Shizuku, who are local in this Japan and area, it's not entirely her idea, but Eleonora didn't mind it.

"If this café were really as what you have said, then it would be amazing, Kei-nee."

Eleonora said that with a beaming smile on her face.

Seeing the enthusiasm from Eleonora caused Keine to chuckle in amusement. The blonde thought it was cute, and she wanted to see it even more, but she knew that time would come if Keine was patient. If she just asked Eleonora, Keine would get it, but it won't be fun since seeing it by accident is sometimes good.

"But it's not me who found it anyway. I just got this from Shizuku-san, who told me about it. She is very knowledgeable about things like this."

"No worries about it. The fact that you were going so far as to ask Shizuku means you care about our date. It's supposedly me that do things like that, so I'm sorry if I had to make you do that."

"Leo-chan, you don't have to do that all time for each date. You were supposed to portray yourself as the 'lead,' we knew that, but you also have to let others do the part. I'm sure the other girls would share the same thought like me."

"I… see. Seems I make you all worried again, huh."

Keine nodded her head twice and smiled at Eleonora, who flashed an awkward smile on her face when seeing her lover's reaction. She seems still to have a long way to change herself to be a better person than her current one.

"Of course! You always had to do that. It's not the time for burdening yourself alone. Learn to share it with others, Leo-chan. Even though you weren't normal humans anymore, we still want you to rely on us sometimes."

Eleonora let out small sighs and huffed while smiling at Keine as she finally understood what she had told her about.

"Alright, I will make sure to do that, but in exchange, whenever I've forgotten about it—any of you would remind me about it. Okay?"

"Definitely. Now, let's enjoy our lunch, or we won't have the time to continue our date."

Keine says that while tightening the arms wrapped on Eleonora's and giving the bluenette a peck on the lips, which surprises Eleonora at the sudden action, the young bluenette also did a light peck on Keine's lips as they went inside the café while smiles at each other.

"Yeah, we still have plenty of time to enjoy our date. Anyway, I'm curious about the café."

"Fufu, don't worry about it, Leo-chan. I'm sure it will satisfy you."

"I have no doubt if it from you, Kei-nee."

While talking to each other, both couples went inside the crowded café, but not to the point of crowding them. They still have some space and do not have difficulty entering the café. They even could find an empty table for themselves as soon as they were in the café.

"Quite bustling, huh… luckily, there's an empty seat for us. But if it like this, then this place is good like what you've told me."

"Well, I'm happy if it lives up to your expectations. We also don't want to spend our lunchtime on a place with bad reviews and such, right?"

Eleonora nodded as they went on the table they set sight off.

"That's true. Right, let's order something. Anything light might be suitable for us today."

While Eleonora was opening the menu, she got a nod from Keine because the blonde doctor agreed with her lover. Something light for their foods at this noon is the best choice. They don't want to be full before their date ends.

"Mhm. And don't forget about the healthy part, Leo-chan. We can't just be dissing that since it's important. Not the mention that we are still growing up. Especially you that is younger than me."

The blonde doctor says that while sending a friendly glare with her 'smile' at the young bluenette. This caused Eleonora to get a chill and shiver as she nodded her head obediently at what her private doctor was saying to her.

"Y-Yeah, I know that, Kei-nee. I won't forget something crucial like that. I mean, every day I keep my body healthy, you know. Let's not forget that because I can use magic and others, then I have to add up some additional works-out."

She replied with a tired sigh and causing Keine to chuckle.

"Yes, but just for a reminder. I don't want my beloved person to catch a sickness and cannot do anything she wants. Everyone doesn't want to be bedridden and cannot do anything they want, right? And it's also my job as your private doctor."

Keine tells Eleonora that with a lovely smile and gentle expression on her face.

"Yes, ma'am. I knew that, and I'm grateful for having such a great doctor like you."

"Good. Okay, let's just order our food and drinks. I already know what I want to order."

"Me too. Excuse me!"

Eleonora called with a voice that could be heard by the waiter, and then the waiter responded to that as she came to Eleonora's table. Both she and Keine were about to order some food and drinks for their lunch, after all.

TetekGede TetekGede

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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself.

And finally, for indonesian readers who wants to support me through donation, I've already made Saweria's link. Here is it: https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

Gosh, I hope there is more readers to read this story. Oh right, please check the ******* since I have added new chapters and new tier!

You can also check the new cover I commissioned!

For those who were waiting the Love Live fanfic, please be patient. I'm trying to find the right time to start writing it while stored some new chapters for Fictional Chat Group. That's why it will be a bit late.

Also please share this novel to those who like it, so that it became popular. Honestly, I'm little lonely with how little the readers, and don't forget to support me through donation since I currently don't have a stable job and my parents won't support me with this lol.

Yeah, I'm desperate because I'm not akikan40 or Einlion, that's why if you don't want to join my p4tr3on, just donate it directly through my paypal with your leftover money.

Keine's Date Outfit: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4579014?q=long_skirt+large_breasts+

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