65.38% The OP Anime System: God's Blessing / Chapter 34: Saiyan Vs God

บท 34: Saiyan Vs God

Orion and Beerus rushed towards each other as their fists clashed against one another causing a massive crater to form under them. Soon they were invisible to the naked eye as they started teleporting while fighting at the speed of light. Beerus was definitely impressed with Orion because he had not only the power, but the fighting skills as well. Their clashing was causing earthquakes all around the planet and neither was showing signs of stopping no matter what was happening around them.

Beerus: "This is good, I never expected a saiyan of all species to become a rival to my power."

Orion: "What can I say? I aim to impress."

Soon they were launching ki blasts at each other, canceling each others blast. Orion however made a seal-less shadow clone as it rushed towards the now surprised Beerus. At first Beerus thought it was an illusion but he felt energy coming from it so he flew back.

Beerus: "What is this?.....Your using a multiform technique, no you made a clone of yourself that has your own powers."

Clone Orion: "You figured it out in one glance..... I didn't expect that."

Beerus: "I'm a God for a reason."

Beerus started fighting with the clone of Orion while the real one teleported in the midst of the battle and started fighting Beerus as well. Both Orion and his clone had excellent teamwork fighting skills as they were literally the same person so Beerus started taking a bit of damage from their combined attack. Beerus got a little annoyed so he coated his body in hakai as he used it to power up his attacks as he caught a punch from the clone and used his tail to destroy the clone. He then rushed towards the real Orion and kicked him into a close by mountain.

Beerus: "You're still not serious, I can sense it so get up and fight me seriously."

Soon Orion slowly floated up to the level where Beerus was as he looked at Beerus with a slight smirk.

Orion: "You tell me to use full power and yet you aren't using your full power...that's kinda hypocritical."

Beerus: "You are strong, but using my power against you would kill you so I'd rather not as I have come to tolerate you."

Orion: "So you won't use your full power on me because you think I'm not strong enough to survive it... well let's change that."

Orion teleported in front of Beerus and punched him hard in the stomach, causing him to cough spit and blood. Before Beerus could even think about defending, he was kicked in his face sending him flying into the ground.

Beerus got up and looked at Orion with a mixture of shock and anger. He barely saw Orion move and this was quite shocking to him. He was only going about 60% of his full power and this was more than enough to destroy everyone in the universe except Whis but yet this saiyan managed to not only hurt him, but to also move faster than him.

Beerus: "When I sensed your power, I thought I was exaggerating but now I see that I actually need to be serious to defeat you."

Orion: "I did say not to underestimate me."

Beerus: "It seems this might get interesting after all."

Beerus then rushed towards Orion as they began clashing once more. Only streaks of purple and light green aura could be seen zipping through the sky. Beerus soon began to notice that even tho Orion seemed to be pushing himself, he was still holding back a lot of power. His power seemed like a raging fire that would consume everything around him but at the same time it was like absolute zero that could freeze everything as well but it all seemed to be held back like water was held back by a damn. Beerus actually became slightly fearful when he realized that the boy had yet to go into that green eyed form that he had used in their first battle.

They were now engaged in a fierce hand to hand battle with each other that was slowly destroying the surrounding areas. As their fists clashed together, the collision of the impact sent waves of pressure and power throughout the universe, causing the close by planets to disintegrate, the only reason why the planet they were fighting on wasn't completely destroyed was because Whis was using his power to sustain it.

(Meanwhile on the Planet of the Kai's)

Supreme Kai and his assistant, Kibito, were just enjoying a cup of tea with each other when an influx of power shattered their tea cups and sent their senses into overdrive. They jumped up as Shin could clearly sense that Beerus was responsible for this but at the same time he sensed another powerful energy that was rivaling Beerus.

Shin: "I know that this power belongs to Lord Beerus but this second power concerns me... I-It's a saiyan?"

Shin just stood there in shock as he could literally do nothing but stay there with Kibito and observe the fight and hope that it doesn't rip the fabric of the universe.

(On Earth)

The girls were just having a spar, keeping up their training when a rush of power hit them making them hold their ears as it was causing their eardrums to start ringing. They all looked into the sky as they tried to figure what the hell was going on.t was Goki's eyes that widened as she felt a familiar ki signature.

Goki: "I sense Orion's Ki guys. He seems to be fighting somebody but the weird thing is that I can't anyone else with him. I can't even instant transmission to him because these waves of power are messing up my ability to focus and teleport.

Martha: "Well what can we do then?"

Vegeta: "Hmm I think we should do nothing."

Gine: "What?....explain Vegeta."

Vegeta looked around to see all the ladies slightly glaring at her. She then understood that they misinterpreted her.

Vegeta: "I don't mean that I don't care about what happens to him. I meant that we don't need to worry because Orion might just be the strongest being to ever exist. Think about it..... we all fought him in our strongest forms and he beat us without transforming, and he was drinking a milkshake at the same time as well."

Vegeta: "I'm confident that he is strong enough to defend himself from any trouble that might appear."

Brolia: "That is....true."

Vegeta: "See.....even Brolia agrees with me and she barely even speaks to anyone other than Orion."

Martha: "I guess you are right."

Vegeta: "And plus there is the fact that he might have some new form that he hasn't even showed us as yet. I'm confident in my husband."

All of the females started smiling as they started up into the sky.

(Universe 6, Champa's Planet)

Champa had just returned from his scheduled planet destroying along with Vados. He was feeling quite lazy as he sat down on a near by chair. Vados just watched him and shook her head with a sigh.

Suddenly a wave of power of sweep through their bodies, putting them on high alert. Their eyes went wide when they sensed that this was Beerus but he seemed to be fighting someone quite seriously which was quite astonishing.

Champa: "I-Is that Beerus' power?....and who could have pushed him to the point where his power leaked into my universe?"

Vados: "I have no idea my Lord, let me look."

Vados then looked into her scepter and saw Orion and Beerus fighting while Whis was watching with a small smile on his face. Vados and Champa watched as the Destroyer God and the Saiyan clashed against each other causing ripples throughout universe 7 and it was so strong that it tore a hole through the universal barrier and went into universe 6.

Champa: "I can't believe that a mortal is causing Beerus to get serious in battle. As much as I find this amusing and slightly interesting, it's none of my business. I'm gonna go take my nap now"

Vados: "As you wish my Lord, however I will continue watching this battle as I am quite intrigued about this saiyan."

Champa: "Do as you wish Vados."

Vados stared at the saiyan who was fighting Beerus as she wondered how was a mortal keeping up with a full powered Destroyer God. This saiyan just became interesting to her and she couldn't wait to meet him one day.

(Back to the Fight)

Beerus and Orion were now in outer space as their fight continued. Beerus was now going 100% and he realized that even tho he was slightly stronger than Orion, Orion had a lot of tricks that helped to even the playing field. Beerus' black eyes started right into Orion's red and black eyes.....wait what?

Beerus: 'Why are his eyes red with three black dots?.....Were his eyes always like that?....No his eyes are black and when he was a child and we fought his eyes turned green, not red and black so this is definitely new.'

Beerus: "Let's end this now Orion, Let me show you something that took me years to learn and I have still yet to master it."

Orion: 'Wait...he can't actually be talking about what I think he is.'

Beerus then started powering up as he began glowing. Orion used his sharingan and saw every muscle in Beerus' body become relaxed to the point where it was as if he was sleep walking. Orion smirked as he got a glimpse of Ultra Instinct before the Tournament of Power. He could have gotten it but it seemed too easy. He wanted either Whis or Beerus to teach him it would be more fun that way and also he didn't necessarily need it, but he wanted it as a flex.

Beerus now coated in blue and silver aura looked at Orion with a serious face. Before Orion could even move, Beerus had already punched him in the gut, sending him flying through space. He regained his balance as he stared at Beerus with slight shock.

Orion: 'Well this is what Goku used to shit on Jiren in canon so I shouldn't be so surprised. Even if it is an imperfect version, it still massively increases ones power to the point where it seems stupid. Goku's version surpassed Ssj Blue Kaioken x20 and that was literally already a God level transformation.'

Orion: "So this is your true power?"

Beerus: "This is called Ultra Instinct, I have yet to master it but I still far surpass your current power."

Orion suddenly broke down laughing, confusing Beerus and Whis who was watching. Beerus got slightly annoyed at this.

Beerus: "Why are you laughing? Have you gone insane or have you realized that you can't win?"

Orion: "Wanna know a secret?"

Beerus: "What might that be?"

Orion: "This isn't even my final form."

Beerus: "WHAT!!!!"

Orion: 'According to Mia, when he uses Ultra instinct he has a power of 50 Quintillion which is a 250x multiplier on top of his base which is really really low for some reason.'

Mia: [Beerus is a God so his cells are already saturated with his God Ki that his body naturally produces, Mortals do not naturally produce God Ki so this allows the power of Ultra Instinct to fully infused into their cells, which is why when Son Goku used it against Jiren his body began to give off a lot of heat due to his cells slowly absorbing the full power of Ultra Instinct.]

Orion: 'That actually makes some sense when I think about it but now is not the time to be thinking about it. I believe my Ssj is a 1000x multiplier which is far more than Beerus' power right now so I think it's time to end this man whole career.'

Golden green aura erupted around Orion, pushing back Beerus a bit but that wasn't what shocked him. Orion's energy went through the roof and it felt unreal that a mortal could possess this much power. Whis felt this as well as his eyes went wide at the sheer amount of raw power and energy that Orion was emitting.

Beerus could only stare at the transformed Orion. His hair was standing upwards and it was now a golden color with a tint of green and his muscles were a bit firmer. His Golden green aura danced around him as he smirked towards Beerus.

(Orion's hair looks similar to Shallot's hair)

Orion: "Well let's continue our fight shall we?"

Without anymore words Beerus rushed towards Orion, not believing that the power he was generating was real. He tried hitting him but Orion dodged every punch and kick effortlessly as his power and speed had far surpassed even an Ultra Instinct Beerus. As Beerus tried to land a punch once more, Orion caught his fist and punched him in the face sending Beerus flying towards the planet where the fight began. Beerus landed and created a massive crater that spread miles and was so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen with normal vision.

Orion floated above the crater as Whis teleported beside him. Whis was shocked beyond belief but he didn't show it. The same boy that challenged Lord Beerus several years ago and lost easily had now beaten Lord Beerus with power that surpassed Gods of Destruction, he could even beat some of the angels as well.

Whis: "Well this was unexpected."

Orion: "I aim to please."

Whis: "Something tells me that you have yet to truly go all out."

Orion: "Oh you have no idea."

Orion then flashes his super saiyan 2 state for a second which is a 2000x multiplier which almost gave Whis a heart attack when he sensed the amount of power he was giving off.

Whis: "You are different from any being I've ever encountered. How did you attain this level of strength?"

Orion: "Pushups, sit-ups and plenty of juice."

Whis chuckled a bit. This saiyan was by far the most interesting person he has yet to meet.

Whis: "Well I guess it doesn't matter. It seems like Lord Beerus was knocked out by your final blow. I will take him and go back to his planet. I will most definitely be keeping in touch with you."

Orion: "Oh well I actually have been wanting to talk to you too so I guess we can have that talk soon."

Whis: "That is quite fine Orion, goodbye for now."

Orion: "Goodbye Whis, talk later."

Whis somehow tapped his staff on the air and Beerus body floated from the crater and started levitating beside him. He then smiled towards Orion as both he and Beerus were engulfed in light as they disappeared from the spot as they headed back to Beerus' planet.

Orion: "Oh God that was fun, and it was hilarious to see their reactions as well.

[DING!!! Host has beaten Beerus the Destroyer, Host is free to roam the Anime Multiverse- Skill Universe Jump has now become permanent]

Orion: "Oh finally but the thing is that it teleports me to a random universe...I will blow up that bridge when I get there."

[DING!!! Mission: Defeat the Grand Priest and The Omni- King]

[Mission Rewards: Omni- Class Box]

Orion: "Nope I ain't doing that...well I ain't doing that anywhere near now. I have shit to do and defeating Omni- King sounds like a pain in the ass since the dude uses planets as chess pieces. I might think about it later but right now I think I will pass. Call me a pussy but I think I will wait out this one."

Orion could have probably beaten the Omni- King and the grand Priest if he got serious but he wasn't sure of their powers and abilities. The only power that the anime showed was the power to casually destroy universes but there wasn't anything other than that so he was kinda being cautious in a way. He wanted to meet them first before he went ahead with actually challenging them.

Orion: "I think I'm gonna wait until I deal with Buu before I go jumping anime universe again. Also I need to either tell the girls before I leave or find a way to carry them with me. Maybe I can buy my own universe and put a copy of earth in it and build some houses for us so they can live in there while I travel....I think I will do that."

Now that Orion had beaten Beerus, he could now continue training his techniques as that was his original reason of coming to the planet.....well it shouldn't be called a planet anymore since more than half of it was now space dust. The future looked a lot more interesting, now since he now had a connection to Whis this early.


Hi guys...Happy New Year to ya'll and I hope 2021 will be better than 2020 for you guys.

Ever since December 23, I have been getting myself drunk and that messed up my writing schedule but can you sue me for having fun.

I actually have the chap ready to post but I kinda forgot about it and remembered roughly 20 minutes ago while at the gym...Oops.


Also I'm doing this again since the last time the winner was going back to dxd but I wanna make sure.

1. DXD

2. Naruto


4.The Testament of Sister New Devil

5.Rising of the Shield Hero

6.How Not To Summon A Demon Lord

Vote guys....and it's in order of most wanted to least wanted. BYE!!!

The_Wild_Trill The_Wild_Trill

The usual stuff, like and comment. Love Ya'll to death

Creation is hard, cheer me up!....those stones seems nice too

LETS GET IT!!!!!!!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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