
DBZ Universe............again

Orion: "Umm Mia what the hell just happened?"

[Timer for Universe jump has expired, to get unlimited jumps and time host has to defeat Beerus]

Orion: "Wait...expired? What do you mean expired?"

[The Universe jump was a one time item as it only transports host to a new universe for a limited time. Once the timer is up, host will be forcefully dragged back to their previous universe.]

Orion: "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me?"

[No host. I am not fucking kidding you.]

Orion: "...."

All of that work to get Katerea and Grayfia just went down the toilet, he had some more girls to fu...*cough*...meet. Wait....could he even go back?

Orion: "How do I go back there?"

[Host must defeat Beerus the Destroyer to jump universes, however, this process is random and host can end up in any anime universe after jumping.]

Orion: "Oh great so all my hard work just went up a horse's anus, and I was supposed to have sex with Kala tonight...ugh fuck my life. Well at least I'm back home, time froze in the universe right Mia?"

[No host, it moved different due to the fact that universes move at different speeds but it didn't stop.]

Orion: "Wait.....why? I thought you said that it should have stopped?'

[When time was about to freeze, The attendant of the God of Destruction, Whis, felt the disturbance in the time rift and so he used his staff to server the time freeze, causing time to resume once more and he couldn't detect where it came from because host had left to go to the DXD universe.]

Orion: "Wait a minute.... Whis could do that?"

[He is far stronger than Beerus and his staff was created by the Grand Priest himself so this wasn't the hardest thing for him to do.]

Orion: "Well shit, at least I know that time doesn't affect Whis. Why was Whis not affected Mia?"

[Host base power does not rival nor surpass Whis' current power.]

Orion: "Oh shit....let me see my stats."

[ Host status]

Name: Orion

Age: 30 (P.S: His age varies depending in what universe he's in.)

Race: Sayian/Infinite Dragon God/Ancient Devil/Royal Demon/Vampire

Bloodlines: Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian, Dragon God (Great Red, Ophis), Indra Otsutsuki, Lightning Dragon Slayer, Ancient Devil, Royal Demon, Ashura Otsutsuki.

Battle Power: 14,562,154,000,000,000

Lifespan: Infinite

Body State: Healthy

System Points: Incalculable

[ Ki Techniques]

Ki Control (SSS+), Ki Sense (SSS+), Ki Blast, Kamehameha Wave, Instant Transmission, Super Kamehameha, Final Flash, Big Bang Attack, Destructo Disk, Final Kamehameha, Big Bang Kamehameha ,Stardust Fall, Stardust Breaker, Space breathing Technique, Galic Gun, Solar Flare, Burning Attack, Hellzone Grenade, Hakai.

[ Chakra Techniques]

Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu, Inferno Style: Kagutsuchi, Lightning Chakra Mode (3x), The Flying Thunder God Technique, Lightning Style: Chidori, Amenotejikara

[ Transformations]

Sayian :Ikari (20x) , Ozaru (20x), False Super Sayian (50x), Full Powered Super Sayian (1,000x), Super Sayian 2 (2,000x), Super Sayian 3 (8,000x), Legendary Super Sayian (500,000x),Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (1,000,000x), Legendary Super Saiyan 3 (4,000,000x), Legendary Golden Great Ape (40,000,000x), Legendary Super Saiyan 4 (400,000,000x), Legendary Super Saiyan God (400,000,000,000x [X2 due to True God Essence= 800,000,000,000x]), Golden Ozaru (80,000x), Super Sayian 4 (800,000x-8,000,000x),Super Sayian Rage (400,000,000x), Super Sayian God (800,000,000x [X2 due to True God Essence= 1,600,000,000x]), Super Sayian Blue (40,000,000,000x [X2 due to True God Essence= 80,000,000,000x]), Super Saiyan Blue Evolution (4,500,000,000,000x [X2 due to True God Essence= 9,000,000,000,000])

[Due to host being an ancient sayian and a legendary super sayian, all sayian transformations are 2x stronger]

Dragon God : Humanoid Dragon (200x), Dragon God Form (800x), True Dragon God Form (2000x) [X2 due to True God Essence](Having Ophis' power made form 4x stronger)

Lightning Dragon Slayer: Red Lightning Dragon Mode (15x), True Red Lightning Dragon Mode (90x)

Royal Demon: Demon Mark (5x), Assault Mode (25x), Shadow Form (50x), Demon King Mode (120x)

[ Magic Techniques]

Concept of Infinity, the Dreams and Illusion

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic :Lightning Dragon's Roar, Raging Bolt, Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd, Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist, Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist, Lightning Dragon's Jaw, Roaring Thunder, Raiko: Red Lightning.

Ancient Devil Magic : Primordial Power of Darkness, Primordial power of Dark Light (Due to Lucifer bloodline), The Powers of All 72 Pillars of the Underworld.(DXD)

Vampire Magic : Shape Shifting, Blood magic, Blood healing, Vampiric Link

Divine and Devil Magic: The Lost powers of the Dead God and the 4 Devil Kings

Normal Magic: Reflect

[Sacred Gears]

Artificial Sacred Gear: Golden Spear of Fafnir/Downfall Dragon Spear, Sword Birth, Twilight Healing, Blade Blacksmith, Incinerate Anthem, Boosted Gear, Sacred Gear Extractor.

[Devil Fruits]

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit, The Flame-Flame fruit, The Dark-Dark fruit,

[Kekei Genkai]

Lava Style, Uzumaki Adamantine Sealing Chains, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

System Bloodlines and Powers: Killua's Godspeed, Quirk: Overhaul, Kagune: Rinkaku, Poison Resistance to the Blood of Samael

Dojutsu: Six Tomoe Rinnegan, (Indra Otsutsuki Bloodline Infused with Ashura Otsutsuki Bloodline = Hagoromo Otsutsuki Bloodline), Dragon God's Eye, Tenseigan

Noble Phantasms: Gates of Babylon, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Inventory: Senzu beans x73, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Rebellion, Spaceship, God Slayer Sword, Holy Sword Caliburn.

Orion: "My power went up a bit... nice, and my powers combined too. Well I think I need to get going. How much time passed since I left this universe?"

[Host has been gone for half a year.]

Orion: "Wait what? I was gone for a little over 3 months."

[Time in the anime universe is inconsistent so there isn't a time ratio for how long you can stay in different anime universes. Sometimes it slows down, sometimes it speeds up and sometimes it remains constant.]

Orion: "Whatever man, I'm gonna head back to my girls. They're gonna kill me for disappearing but sadly I can't die..... immortality is a bitch."


[Secret Mission Completed: Go to your first Universe and travel back]

[Mission rewards: Supreme Class Box]

Orion: "Holy shit!!!! It's the first I'm getting such a high level box. Damn I'm afraid to open it now, I may get something super op. Well it's not like I can get anything to make me even more op right?....RIGHT???"

Orion: "Ok I'm gonna calm down, Mia open the box."

[DING!!! Opening Supreme Class Box]

[DING!!! Supreme Class Box has Opened]

*Congratulations you've received- ( True Incubus Bloodline)

*Congratulations you've received- ( Aizen's Kanzen Saimin)

*Congratulations you've received- ( Vector manipulation)

*Congratulations you've received- ( All Fiction)

*Congratulations you've received- ( The Demon Lord's Ring)

Orion: "....."

Orion: "You know what....for my own sanity I won't think about it until I've had a nap."

He took to the sky as he sensed Gine's and Martha's Ki signatures not too far from where he was. Upon arriving at where they were, they saw him and their eyes widened as they rushed towards him. He opened his arms expecting to be hugged.....only to get decked across the face, sending him flying through a couple trees.

Orion got up and looked in shock as both female Saiyans looked royally pissed off as they had already entered their SSJ2 states. The look that they were both giving him was scaring the living shit out of him.

Orion: "N-Now ladies, we c-can talk this out."

Martha: "Shut up and accept your punishment like a man."

Gine: "You just disappear for half a year without saying a word and expect us not to kick your ass."

Orion: "I-I have a really g-good explanation of what h-happened."

Gine: "Well too bad, that will have to wait until after teach you a lesson. You see, we started training really hard after you disappeared and I think this is a perfect opportunity to test just how strong we've become.....don't you think so Martha?"

Martha: "Great idea Gine, let's show him why saiyan men are afraid of their wives."

They both started powering up, causing the ground to shake due to the power they were generating. Lightning started generating all around the area as they power continued to grow at a massive rate.

Orion: "They couldn't have gotten it in just 6 months...could they?"

Their hair started growing longer as the electricity around their bodies intensified, they roared as they were surrounded by a blinding light that caused Orion to look away briefly. He turned back around to see them both in their Ssj3 forms smirking at him. They started walking over to him with a smile that would make the Grinch proud.

Orion: "....."

Martha: "Aww he's silent.....good. That makes things even easier."

For the next 5 minutes they proceeded to beat the crap out of him. The truth was he barely felt it and plus he healed almost instantly as he took the beating but he took it because he honestly deserved it. After they were done, they powered down and started hugging him and kissing him, then they started crying, then they went back to being angry..... and they tell me that women aren't bipolar.

Orion: "So you ready to listen now?"

Martha: "Yes Orion, tell us why you disappeared without a trace for 6 months."

Orion: "I was pulled into another dimension...well it was an entirely different universe actually."

Gine: "Wait what?"

Orion: "I was in a different universe this whole time."

Martha: "Are you being serious?"

Orion: "I'm as serious as a judge."

Gine: "So you didn't run away from us?"

Orion: "Why would I run away from the people I love?"

They both blushed a bit and they cuddled with him on the grass, he honestly missed the warmth that these two made him feel. He needs to find a way to make them follow him into different anime universes.

Orion: "So you guys wanna tell me what's happened since I was gone."

Martha: "Nothing much happened, after you disappeared we looked for you and couldn't find you. We even summoned the dragon and asked him where you were but he said that it was beyond his power and that he didn't sense you. Vegeta was pissed and she started training really hard, Goki and Chichi were sad but they believed you would come back, surprisingly Bulma and Android 18 were sad as well. Android 18 is staying with Bulma by the way. Brolia was kinda angry but she didn't show it as much but I could tell that she was upset. You better watch out, both Brolia and Vegeta are probably gonna beat you worse than we did."

Orion: "Oh so that's it huh, I guess I deserve it tho. Let's head to the house, I had quite an adventure in the other universe."

Gine: "Oh we want to hear it, every single detail."

Orion: "Yea sure but it's gonna take a while. I actually spent over 3 months there. It turns out time moves differently in each universe since you said I was gone for over 6 months. You know what, let's go home I will tell you everything once we are there."

He then held both of them as he used Instant Transmission to teleport to where he felt Vegeta's Ki. She was actually in the training room at the house when he suddenly appeared with the two ladies behind him. Right as she saw him she rushed towards him and punched him in the face, sending him flying into the wall. She ran over to him and started hugging him while kissing him. He felt kinda bad that he made his girls worry.

Vegeta: "How dare you make me worry about you!"

Orion: "I'm sorry let me explain what happened."

Before he could continue, Brolia burst into the training room, it seemed like she had sensed his energy. She immediately rushed towards him so he braced for another punch but was surprised when she jumped on him, wrapped her legs around his waist and started making out with him.

Shocked would be an understatement because everyone else punched him in the face, then kissed him afterwards but Brolia went straight for the kiss. He broke the kiss and pulled back a bit but realized that Brolia's grip on him was getting stronger and stronger. He looked into her eyes and realizes that they were yellow with a pupil instead of all black as usual. She then gripped him by his hand and started pulling him.

Brolia: "We'Re GoInG To ThE BeDrOoM NOW!!!!"

Orion: 'Mia what the hell happened to her!!!!"

[Brolia's Legendary Super Saiyan has greatly enhanced her sexual frustration. A female Saiyan's sexual frustration is enough to drive them insane, but a female legendary super Saiyan's sexual frustration is 5x greater. A female saiyan will not touch another male and will only want her chosen mate.]

Orion: "...I'm fucked."

Gine: "Oh it seems Brolia has her priorities straight, I think I'm gonna join."

Martha: "I second that one, I've been training too long and I need my stress reliever."

Vegeta: "I agree, I've been very pent up lately and he is the only one who can release everything I've pent up."

They all pulled him to his bedroom where they shut the door behind them. For the next 3 days only screams and moans of pleasure filled the house. They only stopped to eat food, rehydrate, use the bathroom and then they were back at it again. They had sex all over the house and in every room....they even had sex on the balcony. They had sex in their base form, in super saiyan, in Ssj2 and they even went Ssj3. Surprisingly Vegeta also went Ssj3, it seems she actually managed to achieve it unlike her male canon counterpart. Brolia didn't go Ssj2 or Ssj3, but her Ikari and her Lssj were more than enough to keep the party going.

Orion could be seen lying down in his bed with all 4 ladies naked and cuddling up next to him. He had the most shit eating grin on his face as he remembered the previous days. If he didn't basically have unlimited Stamina, he would have died.

Orion: "Girls, I'm gonna visit Goki and Chichi to let them know that I'm back. I'm also gonna look for Bulma and 18 since I can tell that they have some feelings for me as well."

Vegeta: "How do you have so much energy?"

Orion: "You're acting as if you don't love it."

She blushed a bit and didn't respond. Orion then got up and put on his Goku Black outfit....If Goku Black came right now he would be pissed that someone copied his swag.

Orion: "Well I'm off now, you all need to rest for a bit until I come back."

They all smiled and closed their eyes to get some sleep as they haven't slept in 3 days. Orion then opened his window and flew out and headed for Goki's and Chichi's place since it was closer. He loved his life and he wouldn't trade anything for it. Right now he was focused on his task as he started flying even faster towards Goki's Ki.


(Ok Y'all thought I was gonna take a week to upload.....HO HO HO, you underestimate me. I'm focusing on getting that Bulma, Goki, Chichi and Android 18 (R-18) soon. Either next chap or the following one Bulma is gonna get her cheeks clapped....p.s: Suck on this second cliffhanger.)

The_Wild_Trill The_Wild_Trill

Once again I'm here..........comment and like. tell your friends to read or something like that. Give a good review if you liked it. You can even give it 5 reviews if you want chapters faster. LOVE Y'ALL TO DEATH. ENJOY AND DON"T FORGET TO DROP STONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE OUT

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Stone -- หินพลัง



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