57.69% The OP Anime System: God's Blessing / Chapter 30: Peace Meeting with a Twist...

บท 30: Peace Meeting with a Twist...

After the whole situation with the innocent nun, the tsundere loli and the busty blue head... nothing interesting really happened. He just went to school and came home as usually but of course he still had Rias following him around. The good news was that she wasn't annoying him like before which was a big plus in his book. He greatest thing that happened to him is that he got to kick the shit of of Issei and his two friends.


Orion was just walking to go to his usual spot to eat lunch when he heard rustling behind some bushes. He quietly walked over to there to find the three dumbasses struggling to peep through a little hole in the wall. So he walked over there and kicked all of them in the dick. They all fell down crying in pain, and when they looked up and saw him they became angry.

Issei: "What the hell man?"

Matsuda: "Why would do that dude?...we're just trying to see some tits."

Motohama: "Yea man we ain't bothering you."

Orion: "Well you're all a disgrace to all the decent males in the world so yes you're a bother to me."

Matsuda: "Why you stupid pretty boy!!! We will show you."

Issei: "Yea!!! After we beat you, all the girls will love us and we will finally get our harems."

Motohama: "Yea let's get him."

They all rushed towards Orion but Orion wasn't having no of that shit so he dodged and kept on kicking them in the nuts which caused them to scream in pain every time. This continued for about 15 minutes until they were all on the ground holding their nuts.

Motohama: "H-He keeps kicking me in the dick.....WHY!!!!!.....Why does he keep kicking me in the dick?"

Issei: "I-I think I might have a way to beat him."

Motohama: "If you say hit him really hard, I swear to God, I will kick you in the dick!!!"

Issei: "Well we can hit him....really hard."

Motohama/Matsuda: "GRRRRRR!!"

Issei: "Together?"

Motohama/Matsuda: ".....Whatever."

They all rushed Orion and hoped to punch him but he just simply side stepped them and extended his leg causing all of them to fall. He turned around to find all of the kendo girls staring at the scene.

Orion: "Well you sure took your time in getting here."

Murayama: "S-Sorry senpai, we were putting on our clothes."

Orion: "Well my job here is done, have fun girls."

Orion started walking away with the sound of cries and begging for mercy behind him.

Flashback End

Orion laughed a bit at the memory since it was quite hilarious. Today was when the parents would come to the school but since his mother was legit in a whole different universe she couldn't come. When he was questioned about his parents, he simply said that they were too far away to attend. The day ended and he saw Rias and her family but before any of them could see him, he walked out of the school and went home. He already didn't like them and just wanted to avoid them since Rias' parents... well her father, literally sold her to Riser anyways. When he arrived he walked in to be greeted by Kalawarner, Asia and Raynare wearing only an apron.

Orion: "Ok I understand why Raynare is doing this since we have had sex before. I understand why Kalawarner is doing it because she wants to have sex with me. But I don't understand why you're doing this Asia."

Asia: "W-Well Kala said that men like when women greet them like this when they come home."

Orion: "....."

Orion: "Ok Kala you win."

Kalawarner: "YESSS!!! Finally, so can we do it tonight?"

Orion: "No, not tonight, I have a meeting tomorrow. Maybe after that we can do it."

Kalawarner then walked off swaying her hips. Raynare looked a little annoyed while Asia was blushing. Orion turned around and gave them both a smile.

Orion: "Asia you said that you wanted to sleep with me. You can sleep with me anytime you want....and Raynare meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes."

Orion then walked away leaving a blushing Asia and a smirking Raynare. He went into the bath and had a quick shower followed by a steamy sex session with Raynare, (Y'all had a r-18 last chapter.....calm down you horny delinquents), afterwards he went to bed with Asia, Raynare and Kala cuddling with him.

The following day he decided to just chill at home with the girls. The peace meeting would be fine without him, he would go there when the attack started to get Katerea and then leave. He loved peace and all that but he wasn't planning to permanently live in this world so he didn't see much of a reason to actively be a part of everything that would happen. Right now he was just playing some Among us on his smartphone and he was really enjoying it, it was a great fucking game, but sadly all good things must come to an end.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared under his feet and teleported him away. He didn't even realize that he had been teleported away as he was still playing his game. It was when the game disconnected due to no internet that he looked up to find himself in the middle of a room with a bunch of people that he knew too well.

Sirzechs: "Ahh here he is, he is the one that defeated Kokabiel."

Michael: "This boy defeated Kokabiel?... His power does reminds me of Lucifer's. So this is the supposed son of Lucifer."

Azazel: "Well he did beat Kokabiel so he must have been at least mid Ultimate class."

All the time that they were talking, Orion kept his head down as he was boiling with anger. These motherfuckers teleported him here without his consent or knowledge and they didn't even apologize. Screw being angry.....he was fucking pissed!!!. He had just gotten to be the imposter too and these fuckers made him disconnect. He tried being nice, he tried being calm,, he tried everything and these motherfuckers still decided to mess with him.

Orion: "Who teleported me here?"

The cold tone in which he spoke sent chills down everyone's spine. He was out for blood and he wasn't gonna let it go this time.

Sirzechs: "W-Well that would be me. Since you were the one who killed Kokabiel I decided that it would be a good idea to bring you here....UGHHHH!!!!!"

Orion teleported in front of him and grabbed his throat, shocking everybody in the room. Before anyone could react, a pressure pressed down on everyone causing the weakest ones to fall flat on their faces. This pressure was super class pressure and it was climbing higher at an incredible rate.

Orion: "You think I'm your fucking dog that you can call anytime you like?.... Let me teach you the pecking order. It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Orion's stool, All my women, then Orion!!!... I will wipe out your entire fucking race if you piss me off anymore."

Sirzechs: "B-But you killed Kokabiel so you had to be here."

Orion: "Did you have to basically kidnap me from my house?...You could have come to my house like a normal person and asked."

Michael: "W-Well Orion, please forgive us. God says it's good to forgive others."

Orion's power suddenly shot up and broke through into the God class and all 16 wings burst from his back, shocking everyone in the room. They knew he might have had 12 wings because of how strong he was but 16 wings was just not possible.

Orion: "You don't need to tell me about God....Cause he's right here. And he's fresh out of mercy."

At this point everyone was on the ground, those high class and below were laying flat on the ground while those ultimate class and above were on their knees. Orion then stepped on Sirzechs' back, pushing him into the ground.

Azazel: "P-Please spare us. We were wrong to have brought you here without your permission and we are truly sorry."

Orion: "I want two things then I'll stop."

Azazel: "W-What might those be?"

Orion: "Ok First thing."

He then infused holy magic into his fist and punched Sirzechs in the stomach, causing him to cough blood. This punch was much deadlier due to him adding holy magic and it was actually burning Sirzechs' stomach.

Orion: "That was for all the shit you did.... like breaking into my house. And the second thing is that I want Grayfia."

Everyone: "WHAT!!!"

Sirzechs: "W-What!!!! No she's my Queen."

Orion: "Well she serves my family, The True Lucifer family, and not you. I'm sure that she can sense her blood submitting to me without me even doing anything. That's because she was meant to serve me anyways. And plus you didn't even refer to her as your wife... just to show how pathetic you are. Pick one..... Grayfia or your life."

Grayfia: "I will do it."

Sirzechs: "What!!!! No Grayfia."

Grayfia: "Do you want to die Lord Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs: "....."

Orion: "Well that was easier than expected, Grayfia is coming with me after this. I'm gonna remove the evil piece inside of her as well."

Before he could finish speaking, the entire area became engulfed in a dark aura. Orion looked around and saw all the low level shrimps frozen.... he already knew that this was Gasper's forced balance breaker.

Michael: "What's happening?"

Azazel: "It looks as if the vampire boy was put in a forced balance breaker."

Michael: "Wait look outside.....are those magicians?"

Serafall: "How rude... they're ignoring the real magical girl."

Everyone just chose to ignore her comment causing her to pout, she actually looked really sexy with her pout but there was no time to think about cute girls of any suspect age.

Azazel: "Well Valian, how about you make up some trouble. I'm sure seeing the white dragon empress will stir up their ranks."

Wait...what? Orion looked over to see a tall girl with silver hair and blue eyes. She was looking at him with a sexy smirk. She had on a black leather jacket with black jeans pants. She looked sexy as fuck and Orion had no doubt what had happened. Orion was used to the universe fucking with him so it didn't give him a stroke. He decided to give them an even greater shock.

Orion: "Let's see which heavenly Dragon can get more kills."

Everyone turned around to find to find the boosted gear on his right hand with it's gem glowing brightly. Valian looked surprised but her smile became even bigger as her dividing wings sprouted from her back.

{Vanishing Dragon: Balance Breaker}

[Welsh Dragon: Balance Breaker]

They both entered their balance breaker and flew outside to fight the magicians. Orion didn't need the boosted gear, but he did it because Valian did hers.

Orion: "Ok, the one with the most kills wins."

Valian: "I can work with that."

And with that being said, they both took off and started ripping through the magicians at high speeds. It was easy for them so the number of dead magicians increased per second.

Orion: "This is way too easy."

Random Magician: "Kill him!!!"

Orion: "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

Random Magician: "Do you think you're cute!!!!?"

Orion: "Bitch I'm adorable."

Suddenly a large explosion happened behind Orion, he turned around to see the Three faction leaders holding up a barrier while Katerea stood there.

Katerea: "So the three factions are working together now... how pathetic. We will take over the world now that God is dead."

Azazel: "Wow, you must be overly confident in your skills. Those are usually the last words of someone who is gonna die. The leader of Fallen angels vs the descendent of Leviathan... I wonder who will win?"

And with that being said, they took to the sky and started fighting. Orion simply just killed the remaining magicians around him because he wanted to watch this fight. In the anime, Azazel had used the downfall spear to win but since Mia basically stole it from him, he wondered how Azazel was gonna win. And it seemed that the fight was coming on quite well but there was something else he wanted and was waiting for the right time to snatch it.

Azazel: "I'm surprised you're able to keep up with me, well it seems I have to take you seriously now."

He then took out a short dagger that had darkness and light as it's blade at the same time. This was the Blazer Shining or Darkness Blade. Orion was quite surprised seeing this, Azazel really did have a backup plan.

Azazel: "Now, balance breaker."

Suddenly the blade started to glow as it grew longer into a katana and five blades of light and darkness formed around Azazel.

Azazel: "This is the first time I'm using this balance breaker.....you should feel proud of yourself."

Katerea: "Well it seems I have to use my backup as well."

She took out a small vile and was about to open it...until Orion teleported in front of her and grabbed the vile out of her hand.

Katerea: "What!!! Who do you think you are?"

Orion: "Katerea, Ingvlid is alive and I can cure her."

Katerea: "W-What?... How do you know about Ingvlid? Where is she? She disappeared over 100 years ago and how can you cure her if the best doctors in the underworld couldn't cure her?"

Orion: "Let's just say I'm built different. Just come with me and I will bring you to her and cure her as well."

Katerea: "Who are you anyways? "

Orion: "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself."

Suddenly 16 devil wings came out of his back, causing Katerea to choke on her spit.

Orion: "My name is Orion Lucifer, nice to meet you Katerea."

Katerea: "H-How do you have 16 wings?...T-That's not supposed to even be possible."

Orion: "I told you, I'm just built different."

Orion turned around and almost burst out laughing, everyone had stopped fighting to look on him and his 16 wings. Everyone had a face of shock even those who had already seen it before, even Azazel looked shocked. Valian who had exited her balance breaker was looking at him with a mixture of lust and confusion...well he was technically her Grand uncle because of the lie about being Lucifer's son. He was kinda confused as to why she was giving him the look that screams 'I want the D' since she was supposed to know that they kinda related. Well you know what they say, Incest is Wincest.

Orion: "So my work here is done, come Katerea. We will go to Ingvlid after we leave here."

Katerea: "O-Ok."

Orion felt the atmosphere change so he knew that the time stop had been released and gasper had been rescued. He descended to the floor with Katerea right behind, she was still staring at him."

Serafall: "Wait why did you stop fighting?"

Orion: "Because she is coming with me..... and please don't ask me why, it's family matters so kindly fuck off. I take full responsibility for anything that she does from now on."

Azazel: "Ok then, once she doesn't go trying to take over the world again I'm good."

He was still in the air but he was slowly descending, but suddenly he was kicked into the ground causing him to create a small crater in the ground. He got back up with a smile on his face and looked up in the air.

Azazel: "Well it looks like I'm getting rusty, ain't it Valian."

Valian: Sorry Azazel, but it's more fun on this side."

Michael: "So she was the one who betrayed us."

Azazel: "I've been doing some research on this new organization that appeared out of no where. They call themselves the Khaos Brigade, you seem to have joined them."

Valian: "Yes I have, we are being lead by Ophis."

Sirzechs: "The Dragon God of Infinity created a group?.....for what purpose?"

Valian turned to Orion and licked her lips, causing Orion to feel a chill in his spine.

Valian: "My destined rival turned out to be my own family member, I won't fight you now because I know I can't win however I will defeat you one day."

Orion: "You're welcome to try."

Valian: "Oh I will try.... I will try so much~"

Suddenly Bikou broke the barrier and landed beside Valian. Right as he appeared a portal appeared as they began to sink into it. She looked at Orion and winked at him causing him to chuckle a bit. After she left he turned around and faced everyone.

Orion: "Well it looks like my work here is done, Katerea and Grayfia let's go."

They both walked over to him as he teleported them to his house, before they teleported he saw Sirzechs and he looked like someone killed his puppy in front of him but Orion didn't give a shit. After he teleported home, he simply told them that there were three fallen angels and a nun living with him and they were to try and get along. He had something to do so he went into his room and quickly sealed it off. The then took out the vial with Ophis' power that he took from Katerea.

Orion: "Mia, can you assimilate this power into me?"

[Yes Host]

Orion: "Ok do it."

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 1%]

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 23%]

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 47%]

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 71%]

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 89%]

[Absorbing Fragmented Essence of Infinity 100%]

[DING!!! Power of Infinity has merged with Dragon of Dreams and Reality to form:

Infinite Dragon God of Dreams and Reality]

[DING!!! Host has broken through to True God Class]

Orion: "Yes, that actually worked.....well let me get some food. All this fighting made me hungry."

He unsealed himself and went downstairs and saw the girls talking, but as he was about to enter the kitchen a black hole opened up beneath his feet and started pulling him in. He tried to fly out of it but it wasn't working. The girls saw this and ran towards him but it was too late, the hole had sucked him in and closed. They all stood there in shock wondering what had just happened.

Orion was being pulled through a black hole and his powers weren't even working. He suddenly got thrown out and crashed into ground causing a massive explosion.

Orion: "Ughh what the hell happened?"

[DING!!! All Powers have been Unsealed, Returning all Powers and Items.]

Orion suddenly felt himself get much stronger as he felt his Ki and chakra return.

Orion: "What the hell just happened?

(Cliffhanger motherfuckers.....p.s sorry for the super late update.)

The_Wild_Trill The_Wild_Trill

Leave comments as usually, tell me what you like and what you would like to see happpen in the future. LEAVE STONESSSSSSSSS and give good review.........Love ya'll to death. PEACE MOTHERFUCKERS. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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