30.76% The OP Anime System: God's Blessing / Chapter 16: Explanation and Return to Earth

บท 16: Explanation and Return to Earth

After leaving planet namek to go back to planet neutron, there was a question that wouldn't leave orion's mind.... HOW THE ACTUAL HELL DID GOHAN EXIST????.....It didn't make any sense no matter what he thought about. He even asked Mia for an answer but the only response he got was that there were various ways in which it could have happened. He didn't want to ask her now because she was talking to her mother and martha and bringing up something like that would not be legit at all, so he would ask her later when they were alone. He walked away and went to his room, he had a lot of shit to think about. Seeing him walk away, goki began to question both females.

Goki: "So mom, how strong is orion?"

Gine: "If both myself and martha went full power to fight him, we wouldn't even be able to damage him."

Goki: "Is he that strong?"

Martha: "Most elite class sayians are born with a power of 500 or above."

Goki: "So he had a power of 1000 or something like that?"

Martha: "No he had a power of over 1 million at birth."

Orion had only told her 1 million because he wanted to keep a low profile on his power, as being born with a power of over 100 million didn't sound legit, but even then they both looked shell shocked as orion laughed at them. Goki's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Both Martha and Gine laughed at her reaction as they had similar reactions when he had first told them.

Goki: "That sounds too high to be true."

Martha: "Oh it's true, at only age 6 he proved it to me when he gave me a scouter to read his battle power. The scouter had a maximum detector of 100 thousand and when I used it on him, it was only 3000, I thought he was joking but he revealed to me that he could control is power..... the scouter soon began to detect his power rising at a rapid pace until it exploded."

Goki: "Wow, so what's he like. He seems like a nice person so far."

Gine: "He is a wonderful person. He's smart, kind, brave, strong, selfless..... and the list goes on and on. He is the perfect boyfriend."

Goki: "Wait, boyfriend?"

Gine: "Yea I forgot to tell you, he's my boyfriend."

Goki looked a little shocked because she was sure that orion was supposed to be a lot younger than her mom but she wasn't the type to judge people.

Goki: "Well I guess if you love him then there's nothing wrong with it."

Martha: " Yea, he's the perfect boyfriend for me and gine."

Goki: "....."

Goki might not have been the sharpest tool in the toolbox, but she knew when things were wrong and she felt like someone stepped on her brain. What martha had said to her caused her to lose some brain cells. Maybe she just mixed up her words because the had learnt that martha was orion's mom so something did't seem to right.

Goki: "I think you mixed up your words when you said that orion was the perfect boyfriend for you and gine."

Martha: "No I didn't mix up my words. Orion is my boyfriend as well."

Goki: "...."

Gine: "Umm martha I think you broke her."

Martha: "Just give her a minute."

After about two minutes had passed, goki finally responded.

Goki: "But if he's your son, then how is he your boyfriend as well...it's forbidden for a mother and her children to have relations like that.

Gine: "Martha it looks like you have to tell her the entire story because she won't understand unless you do."

Martha: "I guess you're right, Goki sit down because this might take a minute."

Martha then told goki about how orion was born and how she came to love him as a lover. By the end of it goki had a better understanding of the situation but it was still kinda weird.

Goki: "The way how you describe him makes him sound like the perfect male."

Gine: "He is hunny."

Goki: "The perfect male huh?"

Gine: "Is there something wrong?"

Goki: "No, just thinking about something."

Goki had thought about something but she would need to talk to chichi first. They soon split up as gine started showing her around the ship and her bedroom while martha went to sleep beside the already sleeping orion. About 3 days had passed and they were finally at planet neutron. Nothing much had happened on the ship besides goki sending orion weird yet curious glances. He thought that she was acting like this due to martha explaining their relationship. They had just landed on planet neutron and orion with the girls left the ship and went into the house. Martha went to call and gine went to prepare a room for goki. Now that orion and goki were alone, he decided to ask her now.

Orion: "Goki, can I ask you a question?"

Goki: "Ok sure, what do you wanna ask?"

Orion: "You and ChiChi are together right?"

Goki: "Yes we are."

Orion: "And that young sayian boy is your son right?"

Goki: "Yes he is, what about it?"

Orion: "So if you are both female, how was he born?.... he can't be adopted since he's a sayian.....or at least part sayian..... so how was he born exactly?"

Goki: "Umm orion can you keep a secret?"

Orion: "Ok, what's up."

Goki: "I'm not really married to chichi."

Orion: "....."

Ok he was confused before, but now the word confused was an understatement.... The longer this goes on, he more brain cells orion felt die in his head. This isn't making any sense.

Orion: "Umm what?"

Goki: "We never really got married, but gohan is our biological child tho."

Orion: "Ok goki what you're saying isn't making any sense."

Goki: "Both me and chichi were constantly harassed by a friend named yamcha and he was always asking us to marry him and get together with him, one day chichi came up the idea that we pretend to be married so that he finally leaves us alone... and it worked."

Sigh... of course it was Yamcha..... He was both worthless and now a pervert.

Orion: "Ok I understand that part but I still don't get how gohan was born."

Goki: "I'm coming to that.... After about a year of living together, chichi told me that she wanted to have baby because she always wanted to be mother but she wasn't just gonna go and let some stranger impregnate her, she didn't even want to ask a friend because she didn't want to lose her virginity to someone other than her future husband so I secretly gathered the dragon balls, they are basically wish granting orbs, and we summoned the dragon shenron. Chichi asked shenron to implant a baby with both her genes and my genes inside of her an shenron granted the wish. That baby that was implanted was gohan."

Orion: "....."

Well that explains a lot of shit. So gohan is essentially a test tube baby but with a magically dragon putting him inside of chichi instead. I did not see that one coming.

Orion: "Ok that makes sense when I think about it, but why not just adopt a child?"

Goki: "She wanted it to be her dna, making it her official and biological child."

Orion now understood what was happening. That was an interesting way of gohan being born as he never would have even thought about him being born like that.

Orion: "I did not expect that, but I guess everything turned out alright.

Orion told goki that he would talk to her later and went to his bedroom to get some rest. He didn't think that chichi wanted her own child that badly that she used the dragon balls to get it. I guess I don't need to have a a headache whenever I see gohan again.

One year had passed by quicky. Orion personally trained goki how to her master super sayian form. He also taught her instant transmission. He knew that she would still have the heart virus so he bought a medicine that heals all viruses from mia and secretly gave it to her to drink. It was odorless and flavorless so he put it in some apple juice and gave to her which she drank happily. Goki was much stronger than her canon male counterpart because she had mastered super sayian with the help of orion.

They were all in the spaceship headed to earth as the one year training period had ended. Orion had realized that goki constantly sent him small glances and he found it quite strange, females were too confusing for him to understand them. He also had sex with his girlfriends every now and again and he would laugh when he saw goki blushing and refusing to look him in the eye. Soon they entered earth's atmosphere and the spaceship landed. Orion sensed many powers on the outside of the ship. The door opened and goki, martha, gine and brolia walked out, Orion decided to stay inside the ship as he sensed vegeta waiting outside as well.

Goki: "Hey guys, how did you know where we would land?"

Krillin: "We didn't, but this young man knew."

Goki: "Huh?"

Before they could continue having their conversation, vegeta walked up to goki and grabbed her by her collar. Vegeta was not in a good mood all year. First frieza kills her, then she comes back to life to find the only man she ever fell in love with alive after she thought he had died, then she suddenly disappeared to another planet before she could even talk to him and finally he disappears with kakarotta for a year, she was done waiting.

Vegeta: "Where is he?"

Goki: "What are you talking about vegeta?"

Vegeta: "Where is Orion?... tell me now."

Before anyone could ask who was orion, they heard footsteps coming from the ship. They all turned their heads towards the ship and saw a male sayian walking out. He had black spiky hair that tilted back slightly with black eyes. He had on a sleeveless gi with a black sweatpants. He was muscular and all the females present couldn't help but blush at how godly he appeared to look. Vegeta slowly began walking towards him and before he could say anything, she bolted into his arms and began crying. Everyone almost had a heart attack when they saw the prideful sayian princess crying in the arms of this sayian. How did vegeta know this sayian?. Martha decided to speak up as she saw the confused look on their faces.

Martha: "Hello people of earth, my name is martha. This is gine, she is goki's birth mother."

Everyone froze in shock. Goki's mother was here. They looked at her and they saw the resemblance between her and goki.

Martha: "The other female sayian is brolia, and the sayian that princess vegeta is hugging is orion, my son."

Everyone took a little time to digest this information, they kept quiet but bulma decided to speak up

Bulma: "So how does vegeta know orion?"

Martha: "Before our planet was destroyed, orion was a genius only born every 1000 years so the king had him meet his daughter, vegeta. They became best friends and they were really close but after our planet was destroyed he lost all communication with her."

Bulma: "Wow, I've never seen vegeta show emotions besides anger before, this is completely new."

As they finished talking, orion had simply looked over to them and gave them a two fingered salute. He turned his attention to vegeta who had stopped crying, but she still hugged him tightly.

Orion: "I missed you my princess."

Vegeta: "I t-thought you had died, h-how did you survive?"

Orion: "I overheard frieza talking about destroying the planet so I took my mom and goki's mom and left the planet."

Vegeta: "I missed you so much you stupid idiot. Don't you ever leave me again."

Orion: "I won't, I promise."

Before they could continue talking, a cough grabbed their attention. Gine had coughed making them realize that everyone was watching them. Vegeta blushed then looked angry.

Vegeta: "If any of you talk about this to anyone, I will obliterate you."

Everyone, especially the other males, nodded their heads.

Orion broke the hug and introduced himself.

Orion: "My name is orion, nice to meet you all."

Gohan: "Mom so is frieza really dead."

Goki: "Yes he is, orion killed him."

Orion: "Actually he isn't dead."

Everyone: "WHAT!!!"

Orion: "Calm down I didn't kill frieza, I erased him from existence itself. When someone dies, they can be brought back to life, but when they are erased, it's like they never existed in the first place."

Krillin: "So frieza is gone permanently."

Orion: "Yup."

Krillin: "So goki, this is the man that killed frieza's father, he says he wants to talk to you."

Orion: "Ahh trunks, am I right?"

Trunks who was quiet the entire time heard what orion had said and his eyes widened. That was impossible, how did this sayian know his name?. He was already confused enough seeing his father as a female and goku as a female but now this sayian knew who he was.... he needed to talk with this sayian.

Trunks: "Yes I am trunks, I need to speak to both you and goki."

Orion and goki nodded their heads and flew a little distance from the others.

Trunks: "First of all, who are you and how do you know who I am?"

Orion: "I can see into different timelines and I saw that you came from a future alternate timeline. Don't ask me how I have this ability as I was born with it."

Trunks: "Ok then back to what I was saying I came back to tell you tha..."

Orion: "That the androids are gonna appear in 2-3 years from now and they will cause mass destruction and you also brought medicine for goki's heart virus, don't worry I already cured it."

Trunks looked at orion in utter disbelief, he said everything he was about to say, he was now very cautious of this sayian.

Goki: "Wait what heart virus?"

Orion: "You had a heart virus that would have eventually killed you, but I cured it."

Trunks: "How did you do that?...My mother only managed to make a cure many years in the future."

Orion: "That my friend is a secret. Trunks you can go back to your timeline, I will take care of everything."

Trunks: "Well I guess I can leave everything up to you, but first let me test how powerful you are."

Trunks then super sayian, and everyone felt his power jump and looked slightly shocked. Vegeta clenched her fist in frustration as she looked on the golden glow radiating from trunks. Goki smiled slightly and powered up to super sayian as well making everyone's eyes widen. Orion looked kinda off being the only one not in super sayian, so he decided to change that. He went super sayian as well causing the wind to start picking up pace and rocks to start floating. All the watchers felt true terror as they couldn't sense a limit to his power, they were truly happy that he was on their side. They also noticed that his super sayian form had a bit of green mixed into the golden color.

Orion: "Well go ahead then, I won't stop you."

Trunks: "I don't think that's necessary anymore, you power is so vast that I feel as tho my power is like a drop in the ocean compared to you."

They all went back to base form and trunks flew away to go get his ship. As orion and goki went back to the others, they saw trunks in the time machine, he waved his hand then disappeared.

Goki: "Wait, where will you guys be staying?"

Orion: "That's fine, I will just make one."

Gohan: "Mr. Orion, that's not how it works."

Orion smirked as he pulled out the house that he had on planet neutron. He put it in his inventory so that he an use it again. Everyone choked when they saw a massive mansion appear out of no where. They all looked at the house in shock then gine spoke up.

Gine: "You will soon learn not to question what orion is capable of."

Orion put the house back in his inventory and told his girls to come. Vegeta saw this and went with him, refusing to leave him again.

Orion: "Goki, you know how to find me if you need me."

He then told all of them to touch him, which they did, then he instant transmissioned away, leaving shocked and slightly scared people.

The_Wild_Trill The_Wild_Trill

chapter 16 is here, Please like and comment on how you liked it and what you think about it. PLEASE GIVE GOOD REVIEW.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I read all comments. ENJOY!!!!!!

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