41.84% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 100: A Peculiar Quarrel

บท 100: A Peculiar Quarrel

"You see… It's a little bit complicated…" Elise smiles wryly while glancing away.

"How so? Did you already get yourself into something troublesome?" Ria asks, slightly squinting her eyes at the young receptionist.

Elise quickly starts shaking her head and hands. "No, no, no! It's not about me! Well, okay, it is partially about me, but not in the way you think!"

"Perhaps you should explain it to me then. Since Alastair has brought it up, I'm pretty sure it is somehow connected to my work there, right?"

"I can explain it if it's too much," I interject, trying to save Elise from the embarrassment.

She glances at me and smiles. "No, it's fine. I should have spoken about it with Ria anyway. I completely forgot. I'm sorry." She lightly bows her head.

"Alright. No need to apologize."

Elise nods and turns back to her friend, sitting back down on her chair.

"You see, there's that other person who was working at the reception before I came, Cornelia, and she is a beautiful mature lady with an aura of a scholar. She's been a great help to me. She's also part of the girls that call themselves Alastair's wives and is very close to him. She and Alastair often argue with each other jokingly, or more like bicker and tease each other, both knowing it's just for fun. And… she can be a little stubborn…"

Finally getting to the important part, Elise chuckles to herself and starts rubbing her hands together as she continues.

"Not that long ago, she said that my arrival was good since most men like cute girls at the reception and Alastair countered that by saying that there's plenty who love mature women. They made a bet and we started asking our customers about their preferences. But… one of Alastair's other wives suggested that the loser would have to walk naked inside the mansion for a week… So… Yeah… A lot of girls really want him to lose, hahaha…"

Elise finishes with some crimson surfacing on her fair cheeks, what was to be expected. The unexpected part is the little spark in Ria's eyes that I notice when the younger girl explains the consequences of losing the bet. I'm not sure if it was just me or what, but I swear there was something there for a split second.

Ria softly clears her throat and smiles at her friend. "While I admit that it's quite a surprising bet, I don't think it will be an issue. As you can imagine, Elise, it wouldn't be the first time I get to see a man naked. I would be more concerned about how the other person would feel with all the gazes on them."

"We might learn about that soon." I sigh. "But, don't worry about me. I've been through a lot. And I do mean it. It's not even half as crazy as a thing or two that I've already done."

"That sounds like a very interesting story."

"And embarrassing."

She chuckles a bit. "That makes it even more interesting. It's always those stories that end up the best."

I smile wryly and nod at her. "Perhaps I'll share one day. It's not a talk for tonight though. It would take way too long."

"But of course. Let us return to the original topic then. As I said, I don't think I have any problems with that. Something that I can't confidently say about Elise."

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?"

"You are doing amazing keeping your persona at work but we both know how your dating experience looks. The last time, you almost fainted when a guy was just fixing his belt, showing a bit of his lower abdomen."

"AHHHHHHHHH! Don't tell him that!" Elise tries to swat Ria to stop her from saying anything else, sending me some side glances in the meanwhile.

The older woman chuckles again with a teasing smile. "And now we are even."

Elise retracts her hands and pouts at her friend, still slightly blushing. "That's not fair. I thought he was getting into it. They always want to get into my panties."

"Being such a beautiful girl must be hard." I throw in a casual comment that brings some red back onto Elise's face.

"I'm sure a handsome man such as yourself has his own share of struggles," Ria responds with a teasing smile.

"Well… Possibly. But, anyway, I will just have to avoid running into Elise so as not to inconvenience her and it will be fine. Assuming that I lose, of course."

"There's no need to do that! That accident happened long ago! I'm now much better, especially thanks to working at your place!" Elise defends herself."

"Alright, alright. We will see when the time comes. Now then. I assume that you have things to take care of before joining us, just like Elise did, so don't rush anything. And, Elise, can I ask you to help Ria with whatever she would need?"

She quickly regains her composure and nods happily. "You don't even have to ask. I would do it anyway. I'll make sure to introduce her to our establishment better than anyone."

"Great. Just don't try to handle everything yourself. Cornelia will gladly back you up, especially with all the accounting stuff. Now, if you don't have anything against it, I would like to take my leave."

Ria stands up at the same time as I do and extends her hand for me to shake it. "Of course not, Alastair. There are people waiting for your return. Thank you for the opportunity and I hope we'll meet again soon, as colleagues this time."

"With pleasure. Have a good night, ladies." After making a light bow, I place a hand on Elise's shoulder and push her back down onto her seat. "You stay. Cornelia is already there so there's no need for you to hurry back."

She glances at her friend and then up at me. "Thanks. See you tomorrow then."

With one more nod, I walk away and leave them alone, catching the beginning of their conversation with my slightly improved senses. I manage to hear Ria starting to tease Elise about me before I tune out to not eavesdrop on them.

When I get back to the establishment, the business is booming. There are plenty of people socializing around, both on the top and bottom floor. A few of the non-working maids are moving amongst the guests with silver trays that hold various drinks, brought from the bar on the upper level. As expected, there are also groups of noblewomen waiting for their turn.

I join everyone and help wherever it is needed, lending a hand to whoever asks for it, or who doesn't, like a certain Dogkin maid that is still a bit too shy after our brief intimate meeting to do so. She's a real hard worker. I give her ears some additional scratches while opening a bottle of champagne for her.

At one point in the night, Nebu shows up on the railing of the upper balustrade, grabbing onto it with her claws and perching on it. She naturally catches the attention of almost everyone after one person points out her appearance. She's wearing dark green shorts and a tank top, looking as cute as ever.

Spotting me in the crowd, she waves my way with her wing and takes off, making a few circles under the ceiling. The people sigh and gasp in admiration of the unexpected show. I can tell that she's enjoying the attention a lot. Nebu got very proud of her feathers after a few of our intimate sessions.

Gently so as not to damage my suit, she perches down on my shoulders and engages in a short conversation with the guests that I've been talking to before her arrival. It must look comical seeing her just sitting on my shoulders and hugging my head with her wings.

After getting enough fun, she leaves in the same way, disappearing into the upper west corridor, making sure that the guests get a good view of her wings spread wide. I chuckle at her antics while shaking my head. I'm glad she's having fun.

Time passes quickly while we are all working hard. Everyone does their best as usual. It might be weird coming from the owner of a brothel, but they really make me proud. Things are doing great thanks to their incredible efforts, both during and outside of the working hours.

Around two hours from closing, I'm engaged in a friendly chat with a customer post service, telling me how glad he is our establishment exists in this city. He's actually a quite regular visitor and someone who was a bit sceptical about non-human girls at first. But, that changed after a few meetings with our playful Tieflings.

"Thank you for all the compliments. I'm really happy to hear that you are enjoying yourself in our company." I bow lightly after listening to his praises.

"Sir Carter, please, you and your girls have never let me down. In fact, every time I come here, I'm always more and more in awe. I can't believe I was missing out on so much due to my views."

"Hahaha. It do be like that. Don't let it get to you too much, dear customer. A man can never know when he stumbles onto something enlightening."

"True words, sir Carter, true words. And that's why I'm doing what I can do help my friends understand—"

"Excuse me, sir Carter. I apologize for rudely interrupting you, but I just wanted to ask how long is the queue to—"



Shortly after a pretty, middle-aged woman wearing an elegant dress that still can be considered something a decently wealthy commoner would wear steps closer and brings forth her inquiry, my conversation partner raises his eyebrows in surprise, clearly recognizing her. She turns to him with a frown and responds with the same.

"So that's what you have been doing when going out with friends, you damn scoundrel! I knew something was off when you were returning from those meetings barely tipsy while Roger and Peter would be dying from a hangover the next day!" the woman puts her hands on her hips and shouts at the person named Pablo.

"What the hell are you doing here? You are always asleep at this hour! And who is staying with the kids? Did you leave them alone?" he barrages her back with questions, making me realize that they might be more than just friends.

Rose scoffs at him while scrunching her face. "The kids now? Why do you suddenly care? Marie is helping me out when I want to have some time for myself too! And don't you dare to try to change the topic! Oh, I wonder what will your mother say when she learns that you've been sneaking out in the night to go on a fucking spree in a brothel while leaving your wife alone with all the work!"

He opens and closes his mouth a few times, completely flabbergasted. After a few short seconds, he gets his bewilderment under control and raises a finger at Rose.

"And why are you here? No. I know exactly why you are here. You would never follow me into the town at night. I wonder what your mother and all those conservative friends of hers will think after they learn that you've been leaving the kids under someone else's care to ride on a fake magical dick instead of your husband's! No headache tonight?"

It's the woman's turn to open her mouth in shock for a brief moment. Then, she mirrors his gesture and leans forward with her finger pointed at him too.

"Listen here, you rascal! I'm not the one cheating on my wife on the side! Don't you even dare!"

"Not the one, eh? Real or fake, cock is cock. You are still getting your cunt pounded by one that's not your husband's!"

"Alright, alright. Let's all calm down and not cause a scene. People are starting to notice." I place my hands on their shoulders and glance each of them in the eyes. "I'm sure we can find a common ground here."

They take a look around and slightly shrink under a few curious gazes turned our way. A little less heated, they glance back at me with the woman blushing a little and the man showing an anxious smile. I take this chance to resolve this sudden conflict.

"It's very sad for me to see two of my best customers fighting with each other. I admit I was a tiny bit surprised to learn about your relationship, but so what? Pablo, Rose, both of you come here to get rid of some stress and frustrations, or to enjoy some good time. Both of you certainly deserve that. There's nothing bad in looking for different experiences if it's not exactly working out with your partner, but you should always let them know about it."

Both of them look slightly away, glancing at each other occasionally.

"Now, let's forget about the past. Everyone makes mistakes. Let's focus on the present instead. I would be even sadder to lose such interesting customers as you. Your excited and fulfilled expressions after spending time in our establishment always bring a smile to my face."

The woman blushes slightly again while the man tries to force the rising corners of his mouth to stay put.

I turn to her. "Rose. Do you really care if your husband spends some intimate time with another girl or are you just angry at him for not telling you the truth, potentially him not mentioning this place to you earlier? You are always enjoying yourself greatly with our equipment, right?"

She bits on her lower lip and shakes her head after taking a deep breath. "I guess I don't."

I move my eyes to the man. "Pablo. Do you really care if she has some fun with a toy or two or are you just trying to argue back because you've been caught in an uncomfortable situation? You've never left dissatisfied either, right?"

He sighs heavily. "I guess I don't."

"Then, I see no problem here. Both of you would definitely hate to lose the ability to come here, isn't that right too? Why inconvenience yourselves when you can just continue having a good time, now without any unnecessary sneaking and lying. It will be your little secret. Doesn't this sound exciting?"

They visibly ponder over the idea, going through a few different facial expressions, but, in the end, they give a faint nod together.

"But, the others have definitely heard our names…" Rose says in a slightly uncertain tone.

I straighten my back and glance around.

"Oh my. It seems that we've made way too many vouchers for a whole night of fun free of charge. If only there were some people who didn't notice my blunder during my conversation with two customers to give those away to," I speak with a voice loud enough to reach all the nearby people.

A brief silence follows and…

"What conversation? Do you maybe know what the owner is talking about?"

"I have no idea. Did something happen tonight?"

"I don't know either. I've been too busy admiring that beautiful fox lady over there. I hope I haven't missed anything important."

"Damn. I should have been listening instead of talking with this cute Catkin maid."

"I know right? I really should stop spacing out while gazing at his handsome face."

A bunch of people quickly catch on and the whole bottom floor begins chatting with each other, asking about the events of the current night that they were so unlucky to have missed.

I return my gaze to the married couple in front of me. "And on that note, why don't you two stay for a moment and relax a little bit, also free of charge, getting rid of all that stress and negative emotions. I will throw in a small bottle of our precious revitalizing drink so that you can enjoy the service to the fullest, Pablo, since you look slightly tired," I wink at the man and he cocks his head back in understanding.

"Well… It would be rude of us to decline such a thoughtful gift, don't you think, dear?" He glances at the woman.

She rolls her eyes. "You just want to screw another girl. But, I can't disagree with your statement."

"We will gladly take you up on the offer then, sir Carter." Pablo smiles at me.

"I pity whoever you choose. She'll have to live through the most boring five minutes in her life, barely able to feel anything from your lame moves," Rose throws a jab at him.

"Yeah? Maybe if your vagina wasn't like a bottomless well that even a Minotaur's dick can't handle, you would be able to feel something too," he quickly counters.

"You are asking for it!"

"No, you are!"

"Erm…" I raise my finger.

"One room!" they shout at me together, suddenly turning their faces my way after I attempt to interrupt them, and then go back to their staring contest.

"I'll show you how good I can make a woman feel!"

"Too bad I will be too busy moaning to the heavens from something that can actually pleasure me!"

Completely ignoring me, the bickering duo departs together towards the reception. I quickly relay to Cornelia what has happened in case she didn't hear everything. I'm pretty sure they won't stop arguing the whole way to their assigned room. I just hope things will work out somehow.

With the incident resolved, at least for now, I return to the usual. There are still other guests and I need to make a visit to Neira. Only she can save me with some quick design for the impromptu vouchers.

Fortunately, she isn't mad at me for suddenly bringing something like that out of the blue. Quite the opposite, rather. She is thrilled with the task, saying something about the time limit being very helpful at gaining inspiration.

For the next twenty minutes, I accompany my very dedicated artist and lend a hand in whatever I can. Neira doesn't disappoint. What she has created can't even be called a draft or first iteration. With a few suggestions from me, she ends up producing pieces of paper closely resembling movie tickets from the '90s. Just amazing.

I give her a loving kiss and promise to model for any of her ideas when I return from the upcoming expedition. I've been of course fulfilling the wishes of my artist wife now and then, but I know she's been holding back to not look too needy. They are too selfless.

The ticket-vouchers quickly gain admiration from the crowd. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't like their design. And I can understand that easily. I love them too.

Around half an hour later, I'm just standing in the lobby and courteously nodding my head at the passing customers when I spot the bickering duo again. But, this time, it doesn't look like they are arguing. At least I don't think walking with entwined arms and smiling at each other can be considered arguing.

I don't know what exactly happened but I'm smart enough not to interrupt the moment and I make sure that they don't notice me on their way to the exit. Pablo escorts Rose through the whole lobby, supporting her slightly unsteady step. She must have gone quite hard with the toys.

Shortly after the married couple disappears, I rush to the reception desk. Cornelia lets me know that she has given them a Pleasure Chamber and Vii accompanied the pair inside. Checking the foxkin's location, I find the fox lady in my chamber, most likely taking a shower. I let everyone know that they can use my bathroom whenever they need it, especially during working hours if they don't want to visit the public one.

She must have sensed me coming because the door opens shortly after I reach the place. Vii shows up on the other side, only partially covering her nether regions with a towel she's holding in one hand. I can hear the sound of water coming from the still activated shower in the background.

"Would you like a report, Alastair?" she asks with a beautiful smile, not making anything out of the fact that her voluptuous breasts are on full display.

I give her alluringly chubby body a glance, taking in the sight of her wet and covered in droplets fur, and shake my head with a wry smile. "It could have waited until you were done."

"I can also give it to you in the meanwhile. Unless you wouldn't like that?"

"If that doesn't bother you, who am I to decline?"

Vii chuckles softly and makes space for me to enter. After closing the door, she starts walking back to the open bathroom, swaying her wide hips and very plump butt as seductively as she can while I follow after her. She throws me a glance over her shoulder with a knowing smirk.

After getting inside, she places the towel on the sink and jumps back under the shower, sighing contentedly as hot water washes over her body again. I lean over the wall with crossed arms. She's clearly giving me a show with how her hands roam over her fur and I might as well fully enjoy it.

"I was a little worried at first. I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle the situation properly without having it escalate into something dangerous. But, fortunately, I didn't have to do much. It somehow worked out."

I raise a brow at her. "Interesting. Can you tell me what exactly happened?"

"But of course."

She nods at me and grabs a bottle with shampoo from the nearby shelf. After a second of her looking at me, I get her intentions and move closer. She pours some of it onto my hands and turns around, letting me apply it on her back. Vii releases a few dreamy sighs as I spread the gel over her fur, taking great care of her adorable tail.

"They were still arguing when I brought them to a free Pleasure Chamber. The man came with me to the bed while the woman pulled a rocking chair and a few additional toys of various designs closer to it. They were quick to get into it but thoughtful enough not to rush things, which was certainly surprising. She began pleasuring herself while I was with him."

Done with the back, Vii turns around again, as expected, and gives me a soft smile while waiting. She's not going to continue until I start doing the front, isn't she?

And just as predicted, Vii resumes speaking the moment I begin applying the slimy shampoo on her impressive breasts.

"For the whole time, they were really going at each other with insults and snapbacks. The woman was getting more and more ferocious with the toys, mostly focusing on the model you said was designed to resemble a Dragon's genitalia, moaning very ostentatiously, while the man kept trying to make me feel better and better. It was… a weird situation to be part of."

"I'm sorry to put you through something like that," I apologize while taking care of her thighs.

"No, it was fine. I didn't mean that it was bad. Just unusual. And I guess even a bit interesting or intriguing."

She quickly shakes her head, spraying my face with some droplets from her soaked hair. We both chuckle and I wipe them off, standing up as I've been hanging in front of a very stimulating sight for quite a few moments now.

Vii winks at me and steps under the running water again, rinsing her fur while continuing.

"Then, things got even weirder. I thought they would just keep at it until both of them ran out of steam, but I was mistaken. The insults continued until the man told the woman to look how amazing he was doing, making my body shiver from pleasure, and she responded by saying that his tiny prick would never be able to make her orgasm so many times in a row while she was thrusting the stylized toy into her pussy quite fast."

With a very mischievous smile, Vii takes the cordless showerhead, with a few gems embedded into its top, off the holder and steps a bit closer to me. She places one foot on a side shelf at the height of her knee and slightly spreads her legs in front of me, starting to delicately take care of her precious place with her hand and properly aimed streams of water. She's having way too much fun from this.

"Somehow, he took it as a challenge. Leaving my side, he started walking towards her. She stood up and did the same. After meeting in the middle, they exchanged a few more insults and suddenly kissed. Moments later, they were at the bed together, having quite intense sex by my side, completely ignoring my presence. I just watched over them for the remaining time while they shared quite an extraordinary moment, even using a few vibrating toys in their play."

"That's… unexpected. At least."

Vii chuckles and turns the water off. I pass her one towel while holding another for her hair, earning myself a peck on the cheek.

"Afterwards, the atmosphere between them has changed completely. I guess it was the best sex of their life? They forgot about me—it was hilarious watching them dress up while talking like normal people—and left the room. And that's all." She finishes the story as I'm helping her dry those long mesmerizing threads on her head.

"I'm not really sure what to say to that. Thank you for seeing through it to the end. That sounded like one hell of a ride."

"No worries. It was a fun experience. Something I would have never expected to take part in. And I wouldn't have gotten that chance if I wasn't here so thank you for that. And for going with my silly request."

I stop using Livelihood Magic to create hot air that helps dry Vii's hair and smile at her. "The pleasure is mine. I would never say no to witnessing your beautiful body."

She puts her hands on my head, standing on a slightly raised shower platform, and pulls me into a hug, placing my face right between her soft and mushy breasts. Vii wiggles her chest a bit while chuckling adorably and causing her impressive mountains to jiggle against me.

I'm released after a few short moments and manage to glance up while still lightly pressed into her incredible fur, now dry, warm and releasing a pleasant fragrance.

"Just so you know, I only shivered because I was a little cold. I don't think there's anything that could make my body tremble other than you, Alastair. That night back in the Community was unforgettable." She winks at me.

I pull myself higher and use one hand to caress Vii's fluffy ear, making her close her eyes while enjoying the pleasant rubs.

"Now comes the part where I say that I guess I should take the responsibility for it, right?"

She releases a lovely moan, followed by a sigh of pleasure. "That would certainly be wonderful."

"You always know where to find me. Just, let's not initiate it like Hari did."

"She got what she deserved."

We both laugh.

"Don't worry. Such actions aren't really my style. I'll happily approach you through some more normal means."

"Much appreciated."

We share a laugh again and I help Vii dress back up into her uniform. We return to the lobby together and part ways after she notices her furry friends on the side, walking up to them, most likely to share the funny story. It's certainly something, mending an almost broken relationship with minimal effort.

Soon, the hour to close arrives closer and closer. People slowly leave the establishment, with just a few small groups of enthusiasts I have mentioned earlier staying behind until the last moment.

It was quite a night. Forgetting about the whole incident with Rose and Pablo, we also had another peculiar visitor. Ross showed up while I was gone to talk with Elise and her friend. Supposedly, he had a great time after choosing Feriha, the half-blood Catkin. Cornelia has told me that he was slightly anxious about going with Hari after reading her bio and I'm not really that surprised.

All in all, a great night. We host a quick debriefing as usual and everyone heads back to do their own stuff. Of course, I mention Ria's employment during it and also bring up tomorrow's departure again. Garrena really wants to take over Teffith's position for the time we would be gone and I agreed.

Not that it was necessary to appoint another bouncer since pretty much anyone could step forward if something was happening, but she looked quite excited about the idea so why not. Any change in their life here is welcome. There's nothing worse than getting bored of the monotonous routine. So far, no one said anything when I asked, but some of them surely just don't like to speak up.

With everything wrapped up, I head to bed just like everyone else. Safi and Emi are already waiting for me on top of it. Even though they aren't technically my wives and those were usually part of the rotation, no one had the heart to kick them out of it as they are quite attached to me as their master. And well, they were here first so I guess that should give them at least some privileges.

We chat for a short time about various topics, mostly brought up by the cheerful Emi, while I share my mana with them, released through my fingers that stroke their warm cores. It's been their favourite activity since forever. I think only getting mana through a bit more tiring means is above that, carried by a certain liquid instead of fingers.

Closely snuggled together, we drift off. But, it doesn't seem like I'm going to get much sleep, unfortunately. I constantly wake up from time to time, with the two colourful blobs resting soundly on my sides.

After the sixth time, I give up on attempting to catch some more z's and decide to spend that time doing something useful instead. Well, it can partially serve as a rest since I jump into the few meditation techniques that Ailish has shared with me to train my mind and soul.

It feels slightly different today for some reason. I can't really pinpoint how but there's no doubt there's a change. Choosing to look out for any hints, I continue to apply Ailish's teachings to my exercises. My consciousness flows through my body, my very being, much easier and I have every intention of using this opportunity to the fullest.

Suddenly, I hear a feminine gasp coming from not that far ahead. One that I'm quite familiar with.

Opening my eyes, I find Ailish's face right in front of mine. But, with a certain detail that makes me frown in confusion.

"Why are you upside down?"

"Rather than that, why are you floating in the air in a lotus position while upside down?"

Her words make me realize that I'm no longer sitting on my bed and I glance around, spotting a pinkish sky that should be above instead of beneath me. That causes another realization which breaks my concentration and results in my body crashing headfirst down onto the dark rosy grass.

Ailish chuckles at my pained groan and shows up above me. "So, you've finally made it. That was really fast."

I take her hand and sit up. There's no doubt that we are inside my Soul Realm. All the shades of the pink present in everything are enough to prove that. And Ailish herself too.

"I guess that's why I was having a hard time going to sleep. Did anything change? I felt like it did."

"You are now in full control of your Soul Realm, which is amazing. It's not that easy controlling one's soul. Anyway, you can now do pretty much anything here, like in a dream. You are the god of this small world which will expand as you grow stronger. You should be able to enter and exit this space at will."

I focus my mind once more and notice that it's definitely much easier to even think about things than when Lumina brought me inside. In a flash, a lump of violet earth rises a bit to our left and shapes itself into a cosy log cabin with a nice veranda.

"Neat," Ailish comments with a smile. "This place could use some upgrades. Permanent ones. All previous changes would disappear after you stopped focusing on them. It should be different now."

"Just let me know if there's anything you'd like to see and I'll have it done. This is pretty much your home now, isn't it?"

Ailish bits on her lower lip while giving me a glance over. "There's certainly something I would like to see but I don't think it's part of the environment."

I chuckle and she squeals in surprise when her body suddenly gets pulled towards me through the air, landing on my lap while facing my way. Ailish wraps her arms and legs around me and laughs too.

"I've made you wait for quite some time. Would you like me to carry you to our newly built house to receive your reward for helping me figure all of this out?" I ask while brushing my fingers over her long and thin tail, evoking many quiet sighs from my violet-skinned Succubus.

"Grass is fine. Just do me. Hurry up!"

And she pushes me down with her body, diving for my lips like the lust-filled demon she is.

Saileri Saileri

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