22.72% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

บท 5: Chapter 4


Harley watched Addy at the bar describing to Reba whatever is going on and Celeste being a nosy person found a close spot to hear them by because she had to know why Addy is so stressed being with Lisa though that woman looked so wore down it bothered her though Deborah hadn't helped her in that matter either by having sex daily since they got together then going silent on her as if their was nothing to discuss because all she wanted to do is be with Addy, she desperately missed her blue eye beauty queen that lit up her world with just one kiss.

"Sis, you won't believe this at all but Addy is marrying Lisa." Celeste said with worry in her voice.

"No, she can't. That isn't right what about me? You have to go stop her from marrying Lisa." Harley replied in her own worry.

Celeste ran out the door to catch Addy, Harley just sat their with bated breath waiting to see if Addy does return to at least talk with her, she did deserve a reason for her walking out like being twins is a bad thing. Her sister maybe evil at times but when it comes to love she'll do anything to make it right most of the time. Celeste came back in the bar with a shake of her head that Addy isn't returning it tore her up more as Deborah just ignored her cries to try and make it right for her with Melissa holding her hand.

"You still have me to see until Addy comes back if you dare to drop Deborah. We were a secret fling before my proposal to your sister." Melissa whispered in her ear sending chills down her spine.

"You love my sister, I won't come between you two again. I did love you long before Addy but I can't again not even make love to you like we used too. I will wait for Addy the timing will come soon I am sure as long as me or Celeste can stop Addy from marrying that dumb ass slut Lisa." Harley replied with frustration.

"You are correct even though Celeste can't keep her legs closed herself doesn't mean I don't love her any less. How do you plan on getting Addy back because you have to leave Deborah before even attempting to be with Addy?" Melissa asked as quietly as possible so Deborah wouldn't hear.

"I have no idea, this is one of those moments where I have to wing it to be with my blue eyed beauty queen, gosh she is so gorgeous." Harley replied thinking to herself of her being with Addy once and for all.

Harley saw Ariel smiling at her with a gleam in her eyes knowing that she is up to something.

"You want Addy back?" Ariel asked.

"Yes, of course, I am in love with her." Harley said.

"We all knew that including Celeste who loves playing around with other females." Ariel replied.

"What I needed a good fuck and she was damn good, I must say." Celeste responded proudly.

"You did what?" Everyone shouted in the whole bar.

"I fucked Addy before she got with Lisa and I must say that girl is great in bed." Celeste responded with a big grin.

"Sis, why in the hell did you rape Addy? You know she is too delicate to hurt." Harley replied through tears, now she knew why Addy hated them both.

"I had to know plus you were with Melissa so it made no difference of what I did." Celeste responded keeping her pride up of what she has done.

"NO FUCKING WONDER SHE HATES ME, YOU FUCKING RAPED HER! I HATE YOU, CELESTE, I HATE YOU!" Harley shouted so loud that the whole place went silent.

"You won't hate me forever, sis, I did apologize to her for what I did to her." Celeste replied feeling a pit in her stomach.

"You still have no sympathy for those that suffer the consequences of your actions until afterwards. Now, I have to fight twice as hard to get Addy back because you couldn't keep your pussy inside your pants for one woman. ONE WOMAN, that being my woman. I hope you are proud of yourself Celeste because you done loss this fight for Addy." Harley responded feeling no remorse at all for Celeste.

Harley left the bar without another word to Celeste she had to get out of there without Deborah following this time, she needed to be left alone this time her feet were headed toward a park that she knew growing up out here that her and Celeste would go to as kids. About another quarter mile she found the lights lit up for the park as her mind finally settled for a swing at the near the park. Harley sat their in silence just swinging back in forth being lost in thought without a care in the world to who found her. That is when she heard someone behind her.

"Harley, I know you didn't want to be followed at least by everyone else. I want to discuss with you on ways to get Addy back." Ariel said.

"What are you going to do to help me? We don't even know when this wedding is or anything else." Harley replied through tears streaming down her face.

"If I know Addy from what Reba has told me that she isn't happy by far. The least I can do is help figure out when this wedding is and you can help set up the location to meet Addy alone. Everyone around us sees how you look at each other, it is hard to miss when two people are in love but can only feel it on their insides and not express outward. Addy might be scared for all we know that is why she is with Lisa. We just have to wait and see in the meantime, you need to go be with Deborah or Melissa and figure yourself out." Ariel responded with such enthusiasm that she saw Harley wipe her tears and smiles.

"Thank you, Ariel, you are so nice. Guess we should head back together." Harley replied feeling relieved someone is watching over them.

Harley and Ariel walked back to the bar chatting about everything that can spark a conversation from being able to see a wedding with Addy an so much more. A life that Harley wanted more than anything but Ariel stood correctly pointing out that she has to figure out what to do with herself first before they can get her and Addy talking again at least. Arriving back at the bar Deborah ran over to Harley with a smile knowing that it is time to head back and have more sex before the day is done. Though all Harley wanted to do was go find Addy and bring her back to be with her then make their own home to share since she is with Lisa that made it nearly impossible to just accept that her life is now without the one she wants because of Celeste. Walking the miles back to the apartment didn't take no more than twenty minutes since everyone close to them lived within the vicinity of the bar that they all loved. Reaching the apartment complex Harley sighed as she turned the key to their own apartment that is when she felt Deborah shove her inside and devouring her with kisses that made her melt though they weren't Addy's, and she still felt spark between them. Harley and Deborah ended up in the bedroom cuddling.

"I am going to get showered and make something to eat." Harley said.

Deborah stayed silent it drove Harley nuts that no matter what she spoke that it always ended with silence and here Harley thought this was a smart move to be back with Deborah there is always silence between them even after sex. Harley trudged her way to the kitchen finding that there is only a few items left in the fridge so she made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to satisfy her hunger that always bothered her mid-evening. Making her way to the office she found interesting information on the computer reading on Addy Keith it rather disturbed her because that meant Deborah is assuming she has cheated though they only shared a kiss and that was it just one simple kiss. Eating her sandwich while reading the information turns out that she is scheduled to marry Lisa in two weeks that is no way enough time to even try to get Addy that is impossible. Harley slammed her fist on the desk as her sandwich lands on the floor half eaten and managed to just type a quick little message to Addy.


I know we aren't on speaking terms but whatever you do, do not marry Lisa. You could marry Taylor, Reba, Abby or anyone else but do not marry Lisa please I beg of you.


Harley Rayne

Soon as she sent that it became a blur of rage because she couldn't see Addy marrying Reba either but possibly Abby or Taylor. Taylor is her best friend in this whole scenario and hasn't messed with anyone to give any type of signs though Taylor has been up Reba's ass this whole time too. She wondered if she could part them two because Taylor seemed to hate it when Lisa would come strutting in like a slut holding down the bar but she wasn't one to destroy relationships either. After listening to her own thoughts a message popped up from Addy.


I thought we were done having this discussion on leaving me alone what part of that don't you comprehend. I am marrying Lisa in a few weeks if you don't like it better plan you're funeral because I am walking down that aisle to Lisa.



Harley had enough throwing the computer down with rage as she grabbed her sandwich off the floor tossing it in the garbage then getting out of the apartment as quickly as possible with a change of clothes. Deborah didn't bother stopping her either. She left in a fit of rage that she couldn't handle herself being around Deborah as it is and now she has to deal with Addy denying their love still. It is nearly impossible to deal with when it comes to being in love with someone else. The bar wasn't open again until later on so she went straight to Addy herself preparing to fight for someone she is dearly in love with because this wasn't going to be her life with Deborah since her sister is marrying Melissa she had nothing to worry about. Seeing the apartment of Lisa's in the distance Harley cursed herself as she realized that her conscious caught up to her realizing that there is no point in disturbing them two as she trekked her way back to Deborah with her head hung to the ground.

Harley felt herself bump into someone on the sidewalk feeling herself about to cry as she apologized then she felt her arm being stopped mid-walk.

"Harley, are you okay?" Ariel said in a soft voice.

"No, love of my life isn't going to take me back. She is marrying Lisa no matter what in two weeks." Harley replied fighting tears.

"I doubt Addy would be wanting to marry Lisa since the last time they were at the bar, Addy looked bored and ready to leave herself. I am surprise neither of you have fell back in one another's arms already." Ariel responded smiling.

"It is impossible to win her love back when I didn't have it to begin with. I am in love with someone that I can't have." Harley replied as she wiped a tear away.

"Don't give up so easily. Addy will come around she still might be stung over the fact that you have a twin." Ariel responded.

"Okay, sure that is what Addy is going through after almost two weeks. I am going back to Deborah, see you tonight with everyone else." Harley replied releasing herself from Ariel's grip.

Harley kept walking in the drenched rain feeling herself just break down more. She felt arms holding her tight letting her cry her eyes out. Drying her eyes she looked up to see who it is holding her close but they kept her head right on their heart listening to it closely. Harley just wanted to know is holding her unfortunately this soft young lady won't let her go all she kept hearing is soft murmurs of nothing that made her melt into one piece again, she knew it wasn't Ariel, Abby, Taylor, Reba, Melissa, Deborah, Lisa, Marie, or Celeste then she realized that she named everyone but one as her throat caught in saying who it is. It is her true love the one she wants so bad, how did she get away from Lisa? Harley couldn't explain why Addy ran away from Lisa just to hold her but she did finally feel safe though when she tried to see Addy, Addy wouldn't let her look up let alone stop holding her as they rocked together on the sidewalk by a wall that neither of them could be seen.

"I will let you go if you close your eyes. You don't need to see me." Addy said softly.

Harley nodded closing her eyes, she felt her face being lifted and body against the wall then feeling Addy's soft lips against hers with tears. Harley held onto her closely pushing their bodies against one another. Before Harley knew it Addy was gone not kissing her no more let alone feeling their bodies together. Harley opened her eyes to find that she is placed in an alleyway in the darkness that she held herself missing her other half again. Harley peeked behind from the alleyway to find the sidewalk cleared of no one. Harley got herself off the ground making her way back to Deborah not understanding why Addy did what she did for her even after the term that was made in the message an hour prior not to see one another.

Upon arrival back to Deborah she could hear snoring from the bedroom Harley rolled her eyes as she made her way back to the computer room to find Addy left a message for her, it drew her attention right away that she needed to read it before Deborah found out she returned.


I know you felt me holding you this evening but I had to be there for you after what you witnessed me and Lisa once again. I am not one to stay mad or hate anyone forever but you have to realize if I leave Lisa you need to leave Deborah otherwise we are meant for each other, though I could be wrong about this and you leave Deborah this evening. I am giving you enough time to make up you're mind, I have a very important meeting to attend with Lisa for work related issues. Meet me at Marie and Ariel's bar at 10pm before it closes at 11pm if you do not show up I know your answer.


Harley couldn't believe what she just read after bawling her eyes out over her and Addy is willing to leave Lisa for her. Harley walked into the room to find Deborah with someone else beside her this is when it pissed her off when she only left for an hour. Harley removed the sheets to find some blonde hair chick with fake breasts and her body like a model, Deborah looked at her with shrugged shoulders and a smile.

"What did you expect? You knew this wasn't going to work so I found Justine, and she has been with me every night while you hang at the bar sobbing over the blonde hair chick. You didn't think I notice you fell in love with someone else. So, yeah I am cheating, eh, what's done is done. Goodbye Harley, oh come get your shit in the morning." Deborah said in a snobby voice.

Harley shook her head grabbing what she could in a suitcase and left without another word. She didn't need Deborah though she could've told Addy in a message but so much for Deborah holding out until she was ready to speak but she is right, what's done is done. She noticed it's getting dark and saw the bar lights on as she went in with not a care carrying her suitcase. Finding a spot at the far end where a dark booth is just for her and with hopes Addy would see her when she arrived. Time passed on as she looked at the clock as it read 8pm feeling dreadful sitting her until 10pm for Addy it had been a long day as it is, she just wanted to rest.

Harley felt someone sit down beside her. Keeping her hands to herself she looked to find Ariel with a smile on her face.

"Addy did heed my advice on coming to talk with you. Why are you looking so down in the dumps though?" Ariel asked.

"Deborah cheated on me before I could leave her to be with Addy though what can you expect when she didn't care for you anyhow. I am anxious to see what Addy has in store though." Harley said trying to smile.

"She wasn't good for you anyways. Addy said she is leaving early though she can't say much for Lisa since that woman is still on her tail last I heard." Ariel explained.

"You have gotta be shitting me, Lisa is out to stalk Addy now, and they broke up. This is going to be bad for us all. Good thing we weren't meeting at the park as planned knowing this now." Harley responded.

Ariel shook her head then leaving Harley to herself as her thoughts pondered just how much she loved Addy and what it is she is willing to sacrifice so much more to be with her. Loving her beyond myself was never in the plan and now she can't control the feeling that has consumed her so much more. Harley fell for someone that she has shared very few kisses with an they became more passionate a crave as they got closer to one another. Harley finally saw Addy walk in with Lisa right behind her still begging her to be with her still as if she needed Lisa tagging along tonight for their approval.

"Harley, please whatever you do, do not lose your temper, and listen to me carefully. I am unfortunately unable to stay because of Lisa though I want you to find some place to stay at in the meantime a with hopes I do find you there. Just know I didn't think I would find love until our eyes met but loving you beyond myself was never in the plans. See you later." Addy said.

Harley watched her walk away with Lisa on her shoulders as tears fell from her face second time trying to get Addy and now she has another obstacle to face that is to get rid of Lisa with the help of her sister Celeste because it seems Lisa will now be the bigger problem though she saw Reba head their direction all of a sudden in a hurry with lusty eyes like she finally realized who Lisa is. That can't be good in the back of Harley's mind.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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