32% A Girl For Her / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

บท 8: Chapter 8

Jana and Angel slept until Avery got them up saying she was hungry an Jonathan in the doorway agreeing. They both sent the kids out as they kissed each other good morning then went to get changed for the day and started bustling around keeping up with the two of them, Jana called the Bakery again explaining she won't be in for at least a week until their kids got used to them which they understood and Angel called the newspaper stating the same thing even though they didn't particularly like it but the job had to be on hold for now.

Jana made smiley pancakes with fruits for eyes and chocolate syrup for a smile it made both kids happy along with some orange juice as she left them to eat knowing Jonathan could handle his little sister for a bit.

Jana pulled Angel behind the stairs whispering,

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm in the mood and I want you so bad, is it possible when the kids go to bed tonight we can ummm....make love."

Angel couldn't believe her ears that Jana finally wanted to go all the way as she whispered back,

"Of course sweetheart, as long as you are sure with yourself on this because I know this is all new to you."

Jana kissed Angel with passion slipping Angel's hand down her pants and panties to feel the wetness then released her hand whispering,

"I am pretty damn sure, we have been together a year and it has been the best yet even with two kids an you haven't even seen another woman since then."

Angel licked her fingers tasting Jana's sweet juices then nodded in agreement whispering back,

"You do got that correct baby it has been the best year with you and I haven't even needed another chick in my life to make me happy."

Angel finished licking her fingers as she went to the bathroom in the hallway and cleaned her hands even though she can't wait until tonight Jana was finally willingly to make love to her and it sent thrills to her spine an more.

As the day went on the kids had fun swimming in the pool that Jana got for them in the backyard along with a swing set thankfully Angel mowed the lawn before it got to much later for the kids to play even though it took most the day to build the pool and swing set but they managed by mid-evening by the time the sun went down Jana and Angel called the kids inside to get cleaned up an ready for bed which gave Angel relief to finally get a little alone time with Jana before she got too exhausted even though they still had to work on getting Jonathan's room ready very soon since he can't be sleeping on the couch forever.

Angel waited for Jonathan to finish his shower as she knew she still had to tuck both kids into bed, Jana did buy Jonathan all new clothes and night clothes for comfort thankfully. Though school starts back up very soon they aren't sure how to get the kids prepared or even how to get them into the new school system in Kansas but they are figuring it out as they go with each passing day. Jonathan finally finished his shower and Avery was already in bed just waiting on Angel as she got the kids their love, she rushed upstairs to shower and get all ready for Jana then as soon as she thought of sweet Jana, the door opens and she climbs into the shower with Angel.

Jana kisses Angel with passion not able to hold herself back any more she wanted her badly and can taste it on her lips. She nibbled Angel's lip with her teeth making Angel purr against her as their bodies fleshed against one another as Angel placed her thigh in between Jana's as they both moaned in motion feeling one another in the hot steamy shower. Jana turned Angel around pushing her against the wall as she lowered herself to licking,nibbling and tasting each breast savoring every taste of them in her mouth as she made them pop to as she bit them a little than as Jana felt comfortable she lowered herself kissing Angel's stomach and working her way to the sweet pussy that awaits making herself feel the wetness surrounding her as she opened Angel's legs more that was when she dove in taking in every inch of Angel's sweet tender clit feeling it within her tongue making it each movement that she did with Angel's hips and hearing her moan lightly trying not to wake the children as Jana kept licking Angel was doubling over as she held on to Jana's hair begging her to keep going that was when Angel let out a silent scream as she held her tongue than Jana licked up every inch feeling herself proud for pleasuring sweet Angel. Jana stood up as she kissed Angel one more time than whispered,

"Wow, I never knew you could taste so sweet, you will be doing me after your shower. I am going to get out of here."

Angel was in a giggle fit as she saw Jana get out of the shower with her sexy ass showing firmly from where Angel left marks. Angel finished up with her shower quickly cleaning off as she rushed to dried off to see that Jana was still naked in their bed and she checked the door sure enough it was locked.

Angel walked over to Jana saying,

"Well don't you look good for round two."

Jana giggled replying,

"Only for you, now come give me some love."

Angel dropped the towel on the floor as she made her way over to Jana she couldn't control her urges anymore she needed Jana, she kissed Jana with passion just like she did in the shower and as she slipped her thighs between Jana again they started moving in motion with one another that sent them in another orgasm then Angel made her way down kissing Jana's beautiful breasts then worked her way lower as she kissed her stomach than all the way down as she spread Jana's legs then dove into her eating inside as deeply as possible making Jana squirm and screech between the sheets wanting Angel to keep going then Angel slipped two fingers inside making it even more thrilling for Jana as she moved them in and out just like her tongue it was making Jana flow beautifully that she was on edge Angel slipped her fingers out then dove back in again eating until Jana exploded which felt amazing on Angel's lips including the juices from earlier, Angel was in heaven with the taste of sweet peaches. Angel sat up as she kissed Jana one last time and then laid beside her saying,

"Well that was amazing first time with you, I can't wait to make love to you more often."

Jana took a deep breath then replied,

"I agree it has so far been amazing and not sure when we will have time to do it again but my goodness this was such a relief finally."

Angel held Jana then kissed her cheek whispering,

"We better get showered one more time then get to bed and unlock our door because little miss Avery is up by dawn it seems."

Jana nodded as they helped each other out of bed and got their shower it was a relief to make love that it was destined to happen especially being with one another for so long an it made them fall in love even more an Jana is realizing that she doesn't need to be with a man to be happy a woman is just as good too.

After several long weeks Jonathan got his room, both kids are enjoying school with their new teachers and friends that they have made. Angel snuck off a few times leaving Jana with the kids as she went ring shopping which excited her more to find something that would melt Jana again with officially engagement then within a year or so get married. It would make her and their angel's happy for sure. Jonathan and Avery have started calling them both mom's or momma depending on who they spoke with either way it made them both happy along with seeing that the kids have warmed up to them.

Angel did find out their birthday's one is coming up very shortly August 24th that is Avery's and Jonathan's is June 15th. That made her happy to see that their birthday's were in Summer months which meant more fun in the sun not unless in school of course fact being Avery's.

Avery is a well behaved 6 year old that loves to color,paint,play with dolls,go outside, and all around fun little girl. Jonathan is more advanced he loves to draw anime from like Dragon Ball Z,Pokemon and such anything that thrills him, he does love riding his bike in the evening when Avery is in bed, go to his buddies houses over night,gaming is his specialty especially since they got him a Nintendo DS to play personally with headphones, and he is a great kid all around.

Jana and Angel loved the kids an what they did to make them happy. Angel told the kids in private that she was going to engage Jana without her knowing so they had to keep a secret.

The day went on searching for that perfect ring that would make Jana in heaven when she came across a unique jewelry shop downtown that read Bud Benelli Jewelry Store it had all the latest rings inside and she wanted to find one that fit Jana's personality too. So she walked around each glass case seeking the one would be right when a gentlemen came up saying,

"Hello Miss, Can I help you find something?"

Angel looked up scanning the gentleman seeing that he wore a suit and tie that he had his hair styled with gel, it made her squirm a bit but she just kept calm replying,

"Yes, I am looking for a ring for my partner I plan on proposing to her soon."

The gentlemen backed away a bit then stabled himself against the counter responding,

"So you are the lesbian's in this town that has everyone curious and parading around with two kids."

Angel lifted her head from looking at the rings then stood up firmly replying,

"Yes we are, your point um...John?"

John stood still against the glass giving Angel a pissed off look responding,

"Just leave my store Miss, you have no business being in here."

Angel just shrugged and walked to the next jeweler she could find after that prick gave her a go around for being with a woman and so called "lesbian" with being Jana seriously...what happen to no label's an being ourselves.

As she kept walking she found a jeweler that had rainbow rings in it that seem to catch her eyes and should symbols of two women and love it made her happy to see them but they were wedding rings not engagement so she moved to the next section that had even more beautiful rings that were single placed which meant engagement rings so she saw a lady come up saying,

"Welcome to Love Is Define, how may I help you today?"

Angel felt very welcome by this woman as she lifted her head to take a peek the woman was dressed in a rainbow shirt and tie with black slacks an black shoes, she had light makeup on and beautiful blonde bob cut that stood her out as a lesbian but she wasn't to rude as she told the woman,

"Yes, I am looking for a engagement ring for my girlfriend?"

The woman smiled responding,

"I am Grace by the way, I am sure I can find something just hold on, what is your girlfriend like?"

Angel went into daydream replying,

"She loves our kids,loves flowers,has the most beautiful soft skin a woman could touch, her lips are soft against mine, her eyes shimmer when we look at each other, she is just amazing."

Grace came back with a gorgeous blue sapphire stone in the center of the heart it was a small heart but just enough to make it stand out and with white stones around the heart it was perfect in every way imaginable just as close to the promise ring she gave last year. Angel held the ring close to her looking at the stainless steal and every little detail as she replied,

"Grace this is perfect, how can you figure from what little detail I gave to that ring?"

Grace winked responding,

"Because she sounds like the woman I would want to be with. Let's go purchase this so you can get ready to propose soon at least I hope you are very soon."

Angel gave her a wink in return replying,

"Very soon actually by next week is the estimate since we will be two years together at that point, this year has flown by so quickly in our lives."

Grace patted her hand responding,

"Well it must be the best to have you come in and order this for her. I hope you will bring her in next time for the wedding ring sets along with your kids."

Angel smiled replying,

"I will for sure, thank you for helping me."

Grace nodded watching Angel walk away as she knew that, that woman won't be back any time soon to buy something else.

Angel walked back happily to the truck as soon as she reached it she saw markings all over it spewing get out of town,no gays allowed,hated for life and it just got worse as Angel texted Jana saying that she'll be home soon that she had to clean the truck again due to hatred. Angel got to the car wash and cleaned the truck all the way around in tears feeling the hurt from other people getting to her.

Angel finished cleaning the truck as she headed home to go see Jana and the kids, she needed to see her family badly after a bad day from ignorant people. That was when she came up with a plan to surprise Jana when she pulled into a liquor store to look at what she could find that would be proper for the engagement while the kids slept. As she wandered around Angel found white wine that would taste good from Sutter Homes.

After she paid for the wine, she went quickly to a flower shop to find blue daffodil that Jana loved so much it was her favorite flower to see blossom in a white vase. She paid for the flowers and headed home to see Jana as she was anxious to engage her that evening, she wanted to hold off but knew that she had to get it done now or she'd hate herself for not doing it sooner.

When Angel arrived at home she could see that she had to sneak the flowers and wine inside without Jana knowing so it doesn't spoil the surprise since she had to do it in the backyard to get a table set and such that was when she had a idea to go put the flowers and wine through the back stashing in a plant to keep them cold until she got a cooler from their kitchen.

Angel did just that then walked inside like nothing is going on as she kissed Jana then called her kids to her bedroom before Jana climbed the steps as the plan went Jonathan and Avery distracted Jana until everything was set up then to head to bed after guiding Jana to the backyard for the surprise engagement.

After having the kids distract Jana with anything they could come up with Angel got to work setting the surrounding with flowers,candle light and chilling the wine in a bucket as she could see Avery peeking out the window to see the progress. Angel grabbed the ladder and set the streamers they had around the yard then rushing inside to grab her small boombox that holds Cd's and grabbed her Cd's then hurried outside to get that set up on a chair with extension cord to keep the music playing that was when she realized their wasn't much bright light to show the area that was when she found Christmas lights in the attic then getting back on the ladder setting them up around the square she made with the streamers.

Angel gave Avery the thumbs up as she quickly put a blindfold on Jana then her and Jonathan left her in the kitchen until Angel was ready to get her, her nerves were already on set from earlier but she stayed calm as much as she could, she decided it was time to bring Jana outside so she went inside the house to the kitchen and heard Jonathan reading Avery a book to get her to sleep. Angel stood Jana up whispering,

"I hope you are ready for you're surprise my love?"

Jana relaxed then whispered back,

"You know I hate surprises but it must be important to have our children distract me this evening especially way after their bedtime."

Angel had a sly smirk on her face knowing the kids did a good job as she whispered,

"I am slowly guiding you to the backyard so listen to me as I guide you babe."

Angel slowly guided Jana to the backyard as they went through their back door then Angel sat Jana down by the table removing her blindfold as Jana gasped saying,

"Sweetheart, oh my goodness this is beautiful and you got us white wine for what occasion may I ask?"

That was when Angel brought out a small black box getting down on one knee in front of Jana reciting the words she has prepared for them both saying,

"Jana,my one true best friend,love,mother to our children and more, I want to know out of all the love in my heart if you would be my wife?"

Jana had tears well up in her eyes as she replied,

"Angel, YES,YES,YES!!! I will be your wife."

Angel placed the ring on Jana's left finger then stood up to hug and kiss her with passion even more than they thought could happen. Angel called out Jonathan and Avery that was when Jana showed them the ring they hugged both their mom's with excitement then went back inside to go back to bed to know celebrating comes tomorrow with them.

After they tucked their children into bed, Angel and Jana went to enjoy some slow dancing together then drank a bit of wine as Angel shut down everything and they went inside to go to bed to make love until their bodies couldn't anymore.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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