Nags, who was still standing on a tree branch spectating the fight could not believe his own eyes.
Was Moby the first person to ever wield 2 abilities or did his ability also include purple ice as part of its repertoire?
At this point, he was not able to tell. But, since Jason was swiftly defeated he knew that it was his turn and he could take his time forcing the information out of him. He did not care for saving Jason just like he promised, he brought it upon himself and now he was about to face the consequences.
Nevertheless, before he went down to Moby's location, he decided to verify Jason's theory of there possibly being someone that was in the forest before he had erected his barrier and that person was the one who used the ice ability to win by using a dirty tactic.
Yet, just like he expected, after hopping around from tree to tree around the area, he found absolutely nothing, meaning that Moby's claims were no bluff.
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I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I am halfway done with the next one so expect it very soon!