54.54% The Primeval Beast: Beast of Dreams (FGO fanfic) / Chapter 4: Goodbye, The Sword and Chaldea

บท 4: Goodbye, The Sword and Chaldea

Ok readers, this is the last chapter of the prologue, after this, it will be time to enter the plot of the game, you will see that I will make several differences than in the story of the game. Sorry that the chapter is somewhat forced, but, anyway, I hope you enjoy it

Another thing, I'll leave a question at the end of the chapter, something that I'm not sure whether to do it or not

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January 10, 2019 8:22 AM

After my birthday and Christmas, we continued spending time as a family as much as we could.

New Year went by, and now I find myself in my room trying on Chaldea's uniform as well as packing my bags since today is the day I start my life at the academy.

Haruka: It doesn't look so bad, let's see what else do I need… what about my access card?

At Chaldea, each student is given an access card, which also serves as an ID that shows which class you belong to and who your supervisor is

Haruka: How weird, I just had it here a moment ago…?

Sora / Aika: …

While looking for my card I could see the silhouette of two girls at the entrance of my room, that's when I knew what was happening, my god, what can be done with those two.

Haruka: Alright, Sora, Aika, give it back to me

Sora / Aika: Nii-sama / Onii-sama, what are you talking about? We don't have anything

Haruka: Really? then tell me what are those blue ribbons in your pockets, little ones

Sora / Aika: !

Immediately, Sora and Aika started trying to hide something in their respective pockets, there are small ones, they already answered my question.

Haruka: I was joking, now tell me, why were my girls so alarmed?

Sora / Aika: Nii-sama / Onii-sama is unfair

Kiara: Haru-kun ~, you've seen my ID card, I can't find it ~

Sora / Aika: !!

While I'm talking to my little sisters, nee-san comes to my room asking for her card, don't tell me they have nee-san's too

Kiara: Oh? Ara, ara ~, what's going on here, why are they so alarmed ~?

Sora / Aika:… * GLUP *

Haruka: Ok, enough of the little games, hand them over

Sora / Aika:… Ok

Sora takes out of her pocket a card from Chaldea, it seems to be mine, and Aika takes out another that must be from Kiara

Haruka: how do you say it?

Sora / Aika:… We're sorry

Kiara: Ufufu ~, now, now, you don't need to be so sad, it's only one year, we'll be back soon ~

Thinking about it a bit, they must have done this because we will not be home for a whole year, why did I not think about that, it is obvious that they felt sad.


Haruka: Let's go! Sora, Aika, let's go downstairs

Sora / Aika:… Ok

After a while the four of us went downstairs, our parents were waiting for us in the living room.

Maki: Wow, your uniform looks great Haru-chan!

Tatsuya: excellent, it seems that you two have everything ready

Today, not only I am leaving, but Kiara nee-san is also leaving, grandpa asked her to participate as a therapist in a 1-year project in the Mediterranean Sea, in one of the stations created by the Animusphere family, the oil station "SERAFIX "Under the command of Grandpa's grandson, Mari-chan's uncle.

Now speaking of the uniform, I am wearing, it is the same uniform worn by FGO master Ritsuka, black pants with a white shirt, nee-san is wearing a white shirt doctor outfit with a black skirt and a lab coat on top.

Tatsuya: Ok, let's go outside, Sensei is waiting for us





Once in the front door of the house, we see a limousine at the entrance and outside there are three people waiting for us, Grandfather Marisbury, Mari-chan, and one of the assistants, as well as one of my teachers during my years under Grandfather's teaching, Professor Lev Lainur Flauros, or as I call him, old man Lev

Haruka: I didn't expect you to come too Mari-chan, especially your old man

Lev / Mari: How many times should I tell you STOP CALLING ME OLD / MARI-CHAN !!!

Haruka: At least they are lively ...

Kiara: fufufu ~, yes, they are, don´t you think MARI-CHAN ~?

Marie:… Kiara-san, it's good to see you again, don't worry, I will help Haru during this YEAR, we will study TOGETHER after all fufufu ~

Kiara: Ara, Ara ~, what a relief that you are there for him ONLY this year and don't worry that I'm going to be with him ALL THE TIME, after all, we live TOGETHER in the same house fufufu ~

Marie:… perverted lunatic…

Kiara: ... spoiled little girl ...

Marie / Kiara: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?

Marisbury: Alright, that's enough, you two

Marie / Kiara: HMPH!

By the way, Mari-chan and nee-san don't get along ... * Sigh *

They met for the first time a week after the accident where nee-san and I were trapped, grandfather and Mari-chan said that it was impossible for them to get there earlier due to a situation in their family, once they saw me bandaged, Mari -chan ran to me and started using a healing scroll that grandpa gave her for her sake, the face that grandpa made when he saw that was strange, it was like a mixture of surprise and happiness, while nee-san when she saw how Mari-chan healed me, she made a sad or angry face, I don't know why, but after that, they introduced each other… it was something more or less like that.

Mari-chan: … Olga Marie Animusphere… just so you don't get confused and to make it clear to you I don't like you…

Kiara: … Kiara Sessyoin… and don't worry, the feeling is mutual… (nee-san said she didn't want to be registered in the family with the same last name)

Mari-chan / Kiara:… HMPH! ...

I really can't understand women, I mean, they just barely met, and said that they don´t like each other ...now that I think about it, I don't think that even in my past life I could understand them, I don't think I ever got married, or even had a girlfriend, a sad face from my past memory, but for some reason I know it's true

Well, that doesn't matter now.

Haruka: Hi, Grandpa

Marisbury: Haruka, I see you're excited to go

Haruka: of course, even though I thought you and Mari would be the only ones to come, I didn't know the old man would come too

Lev: Please stop calling me old Haruka-kun ... * cough * well, just so you know I'm not the only one who came to pick you up, there are 2 other people who came * smiles *


When he said that, the old Lev put on a smile like he was having fun, although he didn't know why ... until I heard 2 voices coming from the limo.

???: Well I think it is better that I get off then

Haruka: ... Oh, I didn't think I'd see you around here Musik-san

Goredolf ​​Musik: Well, it was not my purpose to come here, I had some business to attend to with Marisbury-sama, so I accompanied them ... but Kasugano-kun, if I am here ... you should know that ...

Haruka: Grandpa, I'll see you at the airport, don't worry, don't miss me bye

When I heard what Musik-san said, I understood immediately why old Lev was smiling, let me explain, I met Musik-san when I was 14, he was together with Grandpa during my training at his mansion when Musik-san arrived, we introduced ourselves and He told grandfather that the new coach had arrived, it is at this time that I was going to start my combat training when I hear the voice that, to this day, causes me to tremble if she is angry

???: So, you are my new student?

Haruka: who?

When I turn around, I see a pale brown-haired woman with red eyes looking at me from head to toe.

Toole: … Well, we will see what you have during the classes, my name is Toole, nice

She put her remote open in front, I guess for a handshake

Haruka: … Yes, my name is Haruka Kasugano, nice-!

I just put my hand out for the handshake, and the next second, I'm on the ground looking up at the sky

Toole: Looks like we'll have to work on your reflexes

Haruka: …what the?

From that day on, Toole-sensei prepared a TYRANIC training to reform me and turn me into a fighter, I even had to face her, but to this day, I could not even give her a scratch.

Now coming back to the present

Marisbury: Lev

Lev: Of course, Marysbury-sama

With a wave of his hand, Lev creates ropes of magic and traps me, preventing me from escaping


Lev: Come on Haruka-kun, it's not that bad ~

Toole: Did you really think that I wouldn't see my student before he started his journey in the Magecraft world?

Haruka:… * sigh * Hello Toote-sensei

Kiara: Toote-san, hello~

Toote: it's been a while, Kiara, and Haru, I hope you can explain to me why you tried to run away

Hikaru: …

Marisbury: Alright, all in, we have to go

Lev has already unleashed me, and I already give up so I better get this over with quickly ...

Haruka: well see you Mom, Dad, Sora, Aika

Kiara: We will call you every week ~

Maki: You two take care of yourselves ok, if you call to see if you are okay, it will be enough to be calm.

Tatsuya: I just want to tell you guys to take care of yourselves, okay?

Sora:… Nii-sama

Aika:… Onee-chan

Kiara: Come on, don't be so sad, we'll contact you

Haruka:… Sora, Aika, come here I want to ask you a favor

Sora / Aika:…?

I take two letters from my pocket, they are the letters that the system gave me, in addition to this moment is the one that I mention the mission

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- Mission "This is not goodbye" acquired

Description: Sora and Aika will surely feel very sad after you leave, to prevent them from crying, give the Foreigner Card to each of them.



Bestial Construction: "FLORA, OF THE MOON, OF THE DREAM" First challenge activated

Divine Construction: "Log of Essence" Acquired

Skill: "Warrior Mentality" Acquired

Skill: "Vision of Souls" Acquired


Haruka: These cards are very important to me, but I don't want them to get lost while I'm in Chaldea. Can you take care of them for me?

Sora: Yes Nii-sama!

Aika: We will take care of them!

Haruka: I know you will

Marisbury: "Those cards, they look like Servant Class Cards."

As Sora and Aika were hugging Haruka, a bell rang in Haruka's head.

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- Mission "This is not goodbye" Accomplished

Acquired Rewards:

Bestial Construction: "FLORA, OF THE MOON, OF THE DREAM" First challenge activated

Divine Construction: "Log of Essence" Acquired

Skill: "Warrior Mentality" Acquired

Skill: "Vision of Souls" Acquired "

Extra: "SAVER" Class Card acquired


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New mission

- Mission "This is not goodbye 2" acquired

Description: You gave the letters to your little sisters, but now you must give the new letter to Kiara



System Update Available

- Mission: "?" acquired







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Haruka: "Ok this I don't understand, well I'll do what I can for now"

You should see some requirement to get the information from the second Mission, but I don't know which one so I will ignore it for now

Marisbury:… it's time

Haruka: Take care ok?

Sora / Aika: Yes Nii-sama / Onii-sama!

With those words, we got into the limousine, and we left, our destination is Fuyuki harbor





We arrive at the port, and where nee-san is separated from our group along with Toole-sensei.

Kiara: Ok ~ Haru-kun, give your Onee-san a hug ~

Haruka: Haha, ok nee-san, take care please

After hugging nee-san, I look at sensei

Haruka: Sensei, please take care of nee-san

Toole: Who do you think you're talking to, silly student, with me by her side there's no way something bad will happen to Kiara

Lev: Marisbury-sama, we must go

Marisbury: Alright, let's go Haruka

Haruka:… Ah, I almost forgot, nee-san, take this, please

I took the SAVER Card from my bun and handed it to nee-san

Kiara: Haru-kun, this letter is the same as the one you gave Sora-chan and Aika-chan

Haruka: sorry nee-san but I would like you to take care of that letter and have it with you please

Kiara:… I don't know why, but it's very important to you, right?

Haruka:… Yes

Kiara: Ok ~, I'll always have her with me ~

Haruka: Thank you

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- Mission "This is not goodbye 2" completed


System Update Available


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Lev: 'Marisbury-sama, those Cards'

Marisbury: 'they just look alike, there is no trace of magical energy in them', well, let us go

Kiara: ...

Mari: …

Kiara / Mari:… Take care, okay?

Haruka: "Haha, who would say they would try to get along in the end"

Now the only ones who were in the limo were Grandpa, old Lev, Mari-chan and me, Musik-san separated from us a while after leaving the harbor, it seems that he had to prepare some things for an errand that I left him Grandpa.





Marisbury: Alright, we're here

We arrived at a gigantic mansion that could rather be passed as a hotel, with other buildings behind the mansion, each of those buildings are for the training and learning of students, yes, I say it in the plural, grandpa's mansion serves Also as a training area for the magus staff of Chaldea, that is what Grandpa told me, although he did not tell me why such training, I assume it is for the singularities.

We passed the mansion and arrived at a platform where there is a kind of ship that looks like the "PELICANS" from Halo but is much larger, grandpa told me that in the ship there are even rooms, 5 of them and extremely spacious, although I think which are a little bigger than mine.

Marisbury: Alright, everyone gets in ~

Haru:… Mari, I don't remember that Grandpa had a ship in his mansion

Mari:… I don't remember him having a platform for ships

Lev:… he had it built a week ago. Marisbury-sama may be extremely wise and powerful, but sometimes he is a little… childish.

Mari / Haruka: Childish?

Lev: ... he did all this to see if it surprised you ... just for fun ...

Mari / Haruka:…





During the trip, grandpa began to explain what the situation was in Chaldea, in addition to why he was in such a hurry to take us, apparently, the plot of the game is identical to the current one, Chaldea, with one of its many dedicated systems for observation and preservation of human life, is unable to see beyond February 2021, for that reason, they began to call a large number of talented magicians from around the world to form teams that will be sent on missions to solve this situation.

Marisbury: Before I start explaining your situation let me tell you about the teams, we currently have 52 candidates, chosen for their ability to perform Spiritron Drives and that had magic circuits counting you two, these candidates will be divided into 3 teams, where you two and two other candidates who will be your assistants will be in one of them, team S, the other candidates will be assigned team A will be made up of the best magicians that we currently have, including me and an experienced magician commanded by the "Clock Tower", and team B, who will be in charge of monitoring the situation of team A during their missions.

Mari: Grandfather, what about us, and the other two who are on our team?

Marisbury: Team S will be a special team, they will be sent to action in case the A team is in a difficult situation, or they cannot fulfill the mission, you will solve it

Haruka: don't you think you trust us too much? Not to mention that team A has a lot more members than us, we don't even know about our teammates.

Marisbury: True, but unlike the A-team, the four of you have something extremely unique, Marie, even if you don't have much hand-to-hand combat capabilities, you have the aptitude to be a powerful master, even without a "Mystic Code ", you have the ability to improve, protect or heal Servants and allies with your unique magecraft

Mari: Hehe, of course!

Haruka: ...*sigh*

Marisbury: haha, and as for you Haruka, do I even have to tell you? Your arsenal is somewhat ridiculous if you ask me, you are a master in the use of close-range or long-range weapons, even in unarmed combat, you have your Projection and Alteration that can be considered unique variations if you ask me, your magic energy control is even greater than mine, and not to mention your own version of Projection or your Mana Burst

Haruka: yes, but grandpa, not even the weapons that I create with my Image Projections can withstand my Mana Burst, they end up turning into particles and disappearing

Marisbury:… It's true, but I think I have something that can help you

Grandpa gets up and leaves the room, after a while, he comes back, but with an extremely large and long briefcase, the moment I see the briefcase a message is activated and I feel the presence of whatever is inside

* DING *

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The moment the message went out, I could see many new things with my "Gaze", I saw some white flames in the body of grandpa and Mari's, I knew that these were their "Souls", besides that, whatever is Inside the briefcase also has one, a Red soul the color of blood, powerful, but great pride and honor also exist in it.

The grandpa opens the briefcase and what it contains is ... a sword of color similar to obsidian, it looks like a sword generally used as an ornament, although it looks a little too simple, if not for the soul, he would think it is a simple and ordinary sword

Marisbury: This sword was given to me by a battle partner many years ago until now I have not been able to use it to its full potential as it requires a lot of magic, but I think you could use it even if you activate your Mana. 100% Burst Haruka

Mari: Grandfather, if I remember correctly, Haru's Mana Burst is different from how other magicians use magic to improve themselves right?

Marisbury: Right, a Mana Burst like Haruka's has not been seen so far in the history of modern magegraft.

Haruka: … Can I hold her Grandpa?

Marisbury: of course

To look at the sword again, for some reason I feel that my soul is challenging me to hold the sword, with nothing more to think, I grab the handle of the sword and lift it, it is somewhat heavy but not enough to not be able to use it in combat.

I start to feel the soul of the sword is still challenging me to use magic on the sword

Haruka: Can I put magic on this sword Grandpa?

Marisbury: Calm down Haruka, for now, you better not do anything, if you use your magic energy, you could affect the ship, wait until we reach Chaldea, take

With those words Haruka stops, Marisbury passes what he thinks is the sword sheath, just as simple. Haruka takes the scabbard, puts the sword away, and sets it aside as she takes a seat, looking forward to trying to use her Mana Burst on the Sword.

Mari: ok, grandfather, tell us about our teammates

Marisbury: …Hm? Ah, I almost forgot, your teammates are 2 young civilians, younger than the two of you, but their aptitudes are truly exceptional, and their results when analyzing their magic circuits considered them perfect candidates for Masters

Haruka: Civilians? And there are two ... what are their names, Grandpa

Marisbury: a brother and sister pair, the eldest is named Ritsuka Fujimaru, he is 17, and his younger sister Rika Fujimaru is 16

Haruka: "Wait a minute, brother and sister? Fujimaru? Could it be, the two genders of the protagonist instead of one of them?"

In FGO you choose to be between a man or a woman, in this world, both genders seem to exist as brothers, and both will be our partners

Mari:… I don't like the idea of ​​having civilians with no experience in the team, but if they are as exceptional as Grandfather says then I won't say anything else, I'll judge them when I see them

Marisbury: Haha, great. Now I want you to go to rest, once we get to Chaldea, we will go directly to the training area and analyze, I want to know if Haruka has aptitude as a Master.

Mari: I also want to know

Haruka: I really don't care anyway, even though I can't have Servants, I can still fight

Mari: Seriously, when it comes to magic, it seems like you only have fights in your brain

Haruka:… Hahaha

We stayed talking for a while, then we went to our respective rooms





10 hours have passed since we left Japan, and we have already reached Antarctica ... I thought it would take much longer, this ship is really fast.

One more hour and we could already see the academy, its appearance from the sky was like a white ring, the closer we did not get, the more we could appreciate how huge Chaldea is.

The ship landed and the Chaldea staff appeared to greet Grandpa ... but there are 3 people in the group that I recognize, an orange-haired woman with an eye patch, another with her hair tied in twin-tails, and a young man with long blond hair.

Marisbury: Thank you for having us.

???: It's been a long time Marisbury-sama, Olga Marie-san and ...

Haruka: I knew that I was going to find you here, I mean, of course, I guess you're part of Team A

???: That's right, and if you are the last to arrive, you must be part of the mission, right?

Haruka: That's right, though your group is a big one, even if it's only to welcome us

???: Only the 7 of us came, nothing but formalities, but leaving that aside

The young man approached and presented his open hand.

???: long time no see, Haruka Kasugano

I decide to accept his handshake, and I say.

Haruka: It really has been a long time Kirschtaria





Inside Chaldea, in Marisbury's laboratory, protected by a barrier, there is a card with the image of a knight with a shield, as well as a figure looking at the card while showing a maniacal smile.

???: Finally, the last one arrived, our king's plan will not stop, even if you are the one who tries to stop us.

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Ok, now I would like to know if you consider making the MC a normal master or a unique type of master, normal master are the ones that summons Servants from one of the many classes of the game, while my version of the unique master cannot summon normal servants, instead he will be able to summon or make contracts with servants that never were meant to be playable, like Ushiwakamaru alter or Gozu Tenno, I will like to read what you guys think about it.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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