27.27% The Primeval Beast: Beast of Dreams (FGO fanfic) / Chapter 1: Of Three Souls, We Only Care About One

บท 1: Of Three Souls, We Only Care About One

Pain, anger, impotence. These are some of the things I felt in my last moments, after fighting for my survival against the virus, the epidemic that attacked the world, for 6 months, in the end, I gave up, I let the little life that was left in me vanish, finally closing my eyelids to embrace the abyss of death.

"Maybe I can live a second life," I said to myself, "maybe I can amend my mistakes in the next life" I repeated in my mind as I remembered how I was before.

In health, I tried to be a good son, a good brother, and a good friend, since in my mind a phrase was always present, a phrase that guided me from the first time I heard it during my childhood "No man lives his life alone ", that phrase was the reason that prompted me to form friendships over and over again with new children or with new classes, when I changed schools for whatever reason

MY life was a simple one, simple like that of any other person, I cannot complain since I enjoyed it, although I do feel that it was somewhat short but still.

Although like anyone else, I made many mistakes, either out of fear, or because I was indecisive, and I can also say that I regret some of them, but since I can't do anything else ... although

Me: I should… have saved… the quartz… for… bunny Artoria….







Me: …?

I am in the middle of a white corridor, next to it there is a mirror where I can see that I have no face or rather ... I look like that god from FULL METAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD, only I don't have a mouth either, and the strangest thing is that I don't I am alarmed by it. (A / N: There may be times when I can't make descriptions about characters or objects in the novel so I'll leave comments like this to point out where you can find the reference)

A detail of this corridor is that it is long, the only door I see is about 12 meters in front of me, also, behind me, there is only a large glass, showing what I can say, a beautiful garden, trees, flowers, even a stream where I cannot see the beginning of the end, the sky is blue, flowers blooming, the song of birds, it is a sight that could be admired for life.

???: Umm excuses me, but I think I should move on, don't you think?

Me: huh?

A voice wakes me up from my reverie, I turn to see who it is and what I see in a certain way wakes me up completely, a beautiful girl with long silver hair, with two pigtails fastened with something similar to golden brooches, she has a lock of hair that protrudes to the right of his bangs and his eyes are blue, but it is not his appearance that caught my attention, but ...

Me: E-Excuse me, but who are you?

Eris: Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eris, nice to meet you

Me: "They even have the same name !?"

The young woman, Eris could be called after the flesh and blood version of the goddess Eris from KONOSUBA and I must admit that she looks Beautiful.

Me: Ah, yes, nice to meet you, I am… I… Who am I?

Now that I think about it, I don't remember who I am, I don't remember my name, how I looked, who my family members are, even in what city or country I was born, nothing.

Eris: Please don't worry, what is currently happening to you is due to the shock of having experienced death, please follow me.

With those words, I began to follow her, the short tour through the hallway was in silence until we reached the door at the end, it was a simple door, without patterns, designs or ornaments, it was just a white door.

Eris: Alright, let me be the first to welcome you to ...

Eris Opens the door showing what I can call a kind of hotel lobby

Eris:… EdenTravels!

Me: EdenTravels?

Eris: That's right, you can call it as the place where the souls of mortals who died before their time of death arrive.

Me: Wait, you mean all those people are

Eris: Souls? Yes, each and every one

The lobby was full of figures similar to mine, white people, the only ones with figures with characteristics of, well, people were the receptionists, one with short brown hair and long ears, or another with long pink hair.

Me: Should I line up?

Eris: No need, please come with me

Me: very well

I followed Eris to the elevator, she greeted the two receptionists, once inside, she took a card from her pocket and slipped it into a slot under the buttons, revealing an additional button with the letter D on it, Eris pressed it and the elevator starts going up, while we wait, I decided to ask Eris some questions

Me: So… what am I going to do now?

Eris: Well, now we will go to the Director's office

Me: Director?

Eris: That's right, he is the head of this EdenTravels headquarters

Me: Does EdenTravels have multiple locations?

Eris: That's right, there are EdenTravels located in every version of Heaven

Me: Are there multiple versions?

Eris: Well, they are not versions in the sense of the word, you can say that they are like countries, each country is each one of the different religions established in the world

Me: Wow, ok, but why does the Headquarters Director want to talk to me?

Eris: Well, to be honest, cases in which the souls appear in front of the VIEW OF EDEN are strange, since those souls are those, who did not have any regrets in life, either with themselves or with those around them.

Me: Eh, is that really weird?

Eris: Hehe, it is, and if you ask that question, it must be that you enjoyed your life right?

Me:… now that I think about it, I did enjoy it, more than anything I loved playing on my phone, even when I was hospitalized, the phone was my greatest entertainment

Eris: I see, well, each person perceives life differently, as well as happiness, and it is because of that that, although your last moments were painful, you are in this situation.

Me: Ok, I understand why I'm going to see the director, but you haven´t answered me yet, what does the director want with me?

Eris: Excuse me, but that's something that only the director can answer you. It seems that we already arrived

With that, the elevator doors open, and we are now in another corridor, not as long as the previous one, it is more like a waiting room, there is a white door with a sign that says DIRECTOR on it, there were also some chairs stuck to the wall, three chairs, with two of them occupied.

Alma 1: Hmm, so you too?

Me: Too, so you two as well?

Alma 2: That's right, nice to meet you, sorry but I don't have a name to give you, you know

Me: Ah, so you don't remember anything either

Soul 1: That's right, Eris said it's normal

Soul 2: something about a shock at having died

Me: Yes she told me that too

Eris: * Clap ** Clap * Ok, please come inside, with the third person present you can go in to see the director

With those words, Alma 1, Alma 2 and I entered the Director's office, once inside what we saw was an office similar to the OVAL OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE, with the desk, a carpet with the image of a mansion with a halo, with a view towards the garden that I saw when I woke up a moment ago, and in front of the window, there was an older man that I know very well, and it seems that he was not the only one.

Soul 1, 2 and Me: "" "Morgan Freeman !!?" ""

Director: Wow, that's how they see me, huh? Well, my appearance changes depending on who I introduce myself to, but most of the earthlings in your world see me with the same appearance, well, currently that does not matter, welcome Souls to my office, I am the director of this EdenTravels headquarters

With a snap of his fingers, three chairs appear in front of the desk, as does a tea set with 4 glasses.

Director: Eris, could you go and get the box, please?

Eris: Right away Director.

With those words, Eris leaves the office, leaving the three of us with the principal.

Director: While she's coming, let me explain what will happen to you first.

Soul 2: One question, are we going to go to heaven or something?

Director: Well that's the case for the souls in the lobby, but you guys are a special case but don't worry, you won't go to hell either

Honestly speaking, when he said that only the souls in the lobby would do that, I really thought they would send me to hell, and it seems like the other two too.

Director: what happens with your situation is how you lived and died, you see, the three of you lived your lives with no regrets, always moving forward, achieving peace and happiness, although not in the same way as the prophets of ancient times, that doesn't matter, but what matters is that you, unlike those below, will have the opportunity to be reborn in a random world.

Soul 2: W-wait a minute, with random worlds, you mean i-isekai !?

Director: Hmm, if I think that was the term?

Soul 1:… Really?

Me: isn't he playing with us?

Director: No of course not, you will be reincarnated, of course in the worlds you can reincarnate, there are worlds with problems or worlds like your world of origin, it can be a fantasy world or a futuristic science fiction world, but that depends on your luck.

After that comment, Eris appears in the office again, but this time she has with her a white box with a hole in the top.

Director: Okay, here you are Eris, Thank you. I would like each of you to reach into the box and take a piece of paper from it.

Me: Let me guess, the piece of paper has the name of the world we are going to, right?

Director: Exactly, and let me warn you, the types of worlds you can go to vary from worlds based on television series or games that you know, there are even some original worlds, that is, that are not derived from anything that you know.

Soul 1, Soul 2, and Me:…

The three of us looked at each other, nodded, and each one of us reached into the box to get a piece of paper.

Each one already had a folded piece of paper in their hands, without opening it, waiting for the director's words

Director: Okay, open it up, and let's see what world you're going to go to!

With those words, the three of us opened the papers and saw their content

Soul 1 and Me:… Shit

Soul 2: What the fuck?

Chosen Worlds

Soul 1: Earth (Nier Automata)

Soul 2: Original DX-073

Soul 3 (Me): Earth (Fate Franchise)

Director:… Interesting, I don't know whether to say that they really have good or bad luck


Me: What are you complaining about, at least you will not go to a world of a franchise that injects worms into little girls, or to which reside lunatic murderers or parents who prefer that their children can reproduce than be happy!!! Or just, full of fucking inhuman maniacs!!!

Soul 2: …considering things better, I think I did better than them.

Director: or maybe worse who knows? ~

Soul 2: …Damn

Director: OK, all of you pay attention!

With that, all of us decided to calm down, we already knew where we were going to go so it was important to wait to hear the director's words.

Director: Since you three already know where you are going to go, we will now send you to your respective worlds, each of you will have a gift from me to make your lives easier, first of all you will have a system, but each one is different, and they will only receive it when they arrive at their respective worlds, in addition to the system, they will receive an ability that is related to the world they will go to.

With this new information, I had to ask a question that has been killing me since I knew where I was going.

Me: Can I specifically choose where I'm going to go?

Director: Don't worry that where you are going was chosen, you won't have to worry about what you said just now… I think.

Me: Ok, now if I want to know where I'm going ...

Director: Very well, since everything is clear, each of you please continue to pass through these doors. *snap*

By snapping his fingers, three different doors appeared behind us, Alma 1 has a metal door with gears in the upper corners, the one on the left is slightly larger than the one on the right; Alma 2's door was light blue with wind patterns and my door was white with blue trim.

Me: I know I should have asked this, but don't we have a choice like going to heaven or something?

Director: no, is this or disappear to a world of my choice, and I must say that I have not had any good choice since the conception of the world you know ~

Me: * sigh * Don't tell me… Well it was nice meeting you all

Soul 1: Good luck corduroy, who knows you might end up in FGO or Kalied

Soul 2: I just hope I don't end up in a world with Middle Ages technology

Soul 1 and Me:… Good point

Me: Ok take care

Soul 1 and Soul 2: You too

With those words, the three of us grabbed the knobs of our respective doors, we opened them, but we were mowed down by the light that came out of them, after that ...




Eris: So they already left

Director: Yes, I just hope that they achieve what we have failed so many times already

Eris: I hope so too sir, that reminds me that you have two visitors sir

Director: Visitors, who are them Eris?

Eris: Let me see, one is Professor Stephen, the other is Mr. Zelretch, they both say they need to speak to you urgently

Director: I see, let them pass

Eris: Yes sir

After his confirmation, Eris leaves the office leaving the Headmaster thinking as he pours tea into two of the cups

Director:… I apologized that I had to make you wait

???: Or, please do not worry director, it was interesting the reactions of the Souls, especially the third one

Director:… after many years, it seems, the third beast came into contact with the neutral world

???: It was a matter of time before it did, in one way or another, it would have come into contact with that world, in addition, with the third chosen soul, my world will be much more interesting, especially if the ULTIMATE ONES come to realize of its existence, especially Earth

Director:… Certainly, but I think it will be better to let our guests in before continuing

A moment later Eris appears, but with two people behind her, one being an older gentleman, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the other being a silver-haired man in a red suit in a wheelchair, Stephen. The three people when entering were surprised to see the person who was accompanying the Director, especially Zelretch

Zelretch: Wow, wow, I didn't expect to see her here!

Stephen: It's been a long time, hasn't it?

???: Truly, Stephen, it has been a long time

Zelretch: what no greeting for me?

???: Are you serious Zelretch?

Director: * Clap ** Clap * All right, everyone before I start I must make an announcement for you two

Stephen: What is this announcement about, Director?

Director:… After 500 years, the beasts of conception: The Primeval Earthman and the Sovereign of the Sun have chosen Souls to join their campaigns

Zelretch: Finally huh, but I don't think that announcement is that important, after all, we can't do anything if only 2 of the beasts find their souls

Director: I have not finished Zelretch ... In addition to the above, I must report that after thousands of years since the second conception of the world, the Great Dream Beast has chosen a soul as well.

Zelretch and Stephen:… WHAT !!?

???: Fufu ~ This is going to get really interesting

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