24.77% infinity terror anime work / Chapter 28: 28

บท 28: 28

Chapter 1 - 2, BTOOOM.


Shin knew that this place, whatever it is was took all kinds of people.

They only had to have felt like dying and ending their life at one time in their life and clicke YES to when that message appears before them. No one would even be surprised if voice actor, famous musician or even the president of the United States of America where to show up here ( I still wouldn't hand over the role of leader to him ).

Shin was still ignoring the newbies who were being loud, but because he promised Saki to explain everything he finally began to speak with them.


Shin: First of all calm down. There is no point in yelling or threatening others. In a moment one of us will...

Punk Kid: Hey, who made you in charge! Fuck, hell where am I and why have you brought me here!? I know who you are and where you live. Want me to drive by your house and kill your family, huh!?


I could only sigh at this typical worthless neighborhood punk and maybe local corner drug dealer.

They act like they are god and threaten people left and right. How is it even possible for him to know where I live? Also, even if he killed some family he is acting like the cops and the law are beneath him. He would probably blab about it to a friend on the street and the next day his ass would be in jail for some one to use.

In the real world I was never afraid of peope like him, but because they were dangerous I kept my space from them.

How about now?

Just how much have I gone through already with the first mission in High School of the Dead?

THEM, Rioters, being shot in the shoulder by an asshole, THAT FLAMETHROWER RIOTER, strengthend THEM, being bitten by THEM and slowly being killed/mutated into one of THEM, and last but not least almost being mauled to death by a women who had the ability to transform into an ADAMANTIUM ARMORED MONSTER WOLF and worst of all... LOSING TO THAT VERY SAME WOMEN IN BED just last night and being told that we couldn't date each other afterwards, almost destroying my pride as a man!!!

What is a gangster or two after going through all of that? Nothing that is what. Also, I have already shown that I could dodge multiple bullets long as I can see the gunner after a few stat increases. Now, I possess the powers of a half ghoul, Ki and a magic ring with a subspace filled with guns, ammo and magic attack scrolls. Now lets ask, who should be afraid of who here? Not me, so why should I hold back?


Shin: First, I don't have a family to speak of. Second, SHUT THE FUCK UP TRASH! One of us is going to explain everything to you in a second, so shut your mouth and wait. What? Are you too dumb to understand words? I'll kill you!

Punk: Y-you... How dare you talk to me like that!

Aqua: Hey, human stain. This is a very important time for us to gather information. Keep quite or I will make you.


As Aqua was saying what was on her mind, her Auto 9 was pointed at him and all the new players. It was to show that she wouldn't forgive any of them for messing with us. Still, that one guy just had to provoke her. I felt no sympathy for him.


Punk: Who are you talking to bitch? Just because you are good looking means shit! Also, you are going to carry a imitation gun least get the model 54. An Auto 9 Berreta. Like it is so easy to get one. It is obviously a fake to show others after watching the new movie.


Then the teen punk took out his own gun and... What was it that Aqua said she wasn't good with again? I think we were all just reminded when she pulled the trigger of her own gun without hesitation.


- *BANG*!


A loud bang later, we found that Aqua shot the hand holding the gun.

The power of the Auto 9 easily blew the man's arm in two. It took a moment for the teen punk to realize what happened. Then his sense of pain kicked in he started screaming so loudly that the noise of the plane was drowned out.

For the other new players this was not just a show of power, but proof that everything that they were experiencing and seeing with their own eyes were real. Most of them then began joining the punk teen in screaming, but there were a few that remained calm. They were the four who Shin had said were good. A college student, a Russian, a slender man who was well built and of course Saki.

Misaki went over to confiscate the gun and looked it over, before throwing it away looking pissed off for all that trouble.


Misaki: That was obviously a fake gun, Aqua. Why did you shoot him? Not that I care either way.

Aqua: Just stop his bleeding already. I don't want to lose points over a guy like that. Also, as a reminder for you newbies listen up. I am deathly allergic to guns pointed at me and they stress me out a little. I might do something I would very much like to do if I see another one pointed at me, ok?


The newbies were now deathly afraid of Aqua who who was still holding the Auto 9 emitting heat, but the others were inwardly laughing. Not because of the blood and gore, but because they knew it was the truth how much Aqua hates having a gun pointed at her.

Her reactions during the training period were comical to say the least. Aqua noticed them laughing at her deep down and glared at them. Shin quickly avoided eye contact with her and spoke to one of the calm newbies, Saki. Even after all of that she was still calm. Her initial confusion when she woke up seemed to have lessened. 


Shin: You are different from the rest Saki. Weren't you afraid of the gun just now? That is a real gun ( A real Berreta Auto Nine used by RoboCop with infinite ammo ).

Saki: Once you see one gun fired off once they are all the same, really. What is too be afraid of?

Shin: Dying?

Saki: Then I long since discarded such fears. Anyways, that is enough about me for now. Will you tell us what is going on. If I am not wrong this isn't just any cargo plane we are on. This design and the soliders sitting to the side who haven't reacted at all to the commotion we have caused... This is the plane that took the characters to the island in Btooom!, right? I don't know how I arrived here, but I am getting the feeling that this isn't just some elaborate reenactment, is it?


All four of us were surprised that Saki had deduced so much so much about this world ftom a few clues ( Can give Conan a run for his money ). Most would just assume that the four of us were mad to be talking about the manga/anime Btooom so passionately. Aqua was the first to recover, but I noticed that more then surprised, she was more cautious with Saki.


Aqua: Damm, a smart one has appeared. They are useful in a way, but...

Shin: Aqua?

Aqua: It is nothing. Don't worry about it. Hikari go explain to the newbies about this world and the missions. You had the least points last time and women are naturally physically weaker then men without proper training, so you will go.

Hikari: Thank you everybody. Well, where should I start? Ok, if you all think about what you are doing here for a second God will...


Then Hikari began to explain to the new players about God, God's Dimension and the Mission Worlds. Hikari explained this world to the newbies, and that they were in the popular manga/anime Btooom. The watch on their hands shows them what their mission is this time, to kill the main character Ryuta Sakamoto before the the end of the seventh day.

Of course, as we agreed before hand in the Terminal Lobby, Hikari kept the information about the hidden side quests from them. This was valuable information, but more importantly dangerous information that only belonged to the four of them, and to be honest, I would shoot a newbie who acted the way I did without consulting with everyone else first.

This was the lesser of two evils in my opinion.

Then Hikari explained how they would go back to God's dimension where they rest, the Terminal Lobby after the mission is finished, and told them about the categories of items and enhancements. Hikari then smiled happily after saying everything. It looks like she got that 100 points for explaining everything to new players as a veteran.


Hikari: Hehe, I will have to thank you guys when we get back. How about I cook you all a meal later?

Aqau: Pass. You would burn it, right? Your girl power is too low.

Misaki: I, I only let Mokoto prepare my meals. Besides...

Shin: I bet it will taste like, no I mean there is no need to thank us Hikari.

Hikari: Rude, liar and creepy otaku ( That is two )! I am not a bad cook!

Aqau: ...

Misaki: ...

Shin: ...

Hikari: You all are the worst!


The joy that Hikari felt for the extra 100 points soon disappeared in a flash for her.

Not wanting to antagonize her any more then I already have, I looked back to the new players to see their reactions after being told everything.

Most of them either didn't believe it or panicked/started to cry. Other than Saki who was looking around calmly, there were two more people of the four that I had spotted early as good looking at our group.

It was a little nerve-racking being stared at like this for minutes on end.


Shin: What are your names? Can you understand Japanese?


One of them was slender, Chinese/American, but he had dense muscle. He didn't shake Shin's hand and took a step back.


Zero: You can call me Zero. I don't want to answer any other questions if that is okay?

Shin: That is fine. It isn't like I have gained your trust or anything. Still, we will probably get along fine. See that red haired women with the Auto 9? She too has by a code name. Just... Don't get to close to her. That is my...

Aqua: Shin, move on.

Shin: Ok.

Zero: ...


Shin left behind the unfriendly newbie named Zero.

It was his turn to greet the Russian man, and opposite from Zero, he greeted him warmly and openly shook his hands when it was offered.

Kampa: Kampa Lovski. Of course I can understand a little bit of Japanese. Just that I and not too used to it. Your hands are... strong. Do you work out?

Shin: Thanks, but not really. I had a late growth sprout of sorts recently.

Kampa: ...


Shin then turned to look at the other new players.

Aside from a few hooligans, one of which was shot, there were two middle aged fat men, they stood together cautiously and holding suitcases. These two were probably businessmen that knew each other in the real world. Two twenty something young men. One of the was smart enough to inspect the surroundings, the college looking student who I saw earlier, while the other was flirting with a woman.

The eleven newbie were formed of:

A women that didn't stick out as much as Saki, the hooligans ( Three ), two fat business men, two twenty looking men, Saki, Zero and Kampa.


Shin: 4 out of 11, huh. Whatever, everyone please introduce your occupation, age, and what your specialty is, so we can assign your responsibilites properly.

Then Shin noticed that the new players were hesitant. It was then that Saki spoke up for them


Saki: If you allow me to speak for them ( I swear I saw her look at them all as trash, yet she still acted like their representative ), even though that's what you are saying, but we can't confirm that what you told us thus far as the truth. Do you have anything to prove you're not lying? Like the things you exchanged or your physical abilities or enhancements?

Shin: We can prove what we are saying is real. Especially with my ring and Aqua's enhancements which are...

Aqua: Not another word Shin.

Shin: Huh?

Aqua: It is fine for you, Hikari and Misaki to know the extent of my abilities since we are a team, but not them. I don't trust newbies, so I won't show them my abilities. Also, since your abilities are an extension of mine since we are teammates you can't show them yours yet either. That women is smart, so she may be pretending to be friendly and helpful now to learn the extent of our power to rebel against us at a later time.

Shin: But they are asking for proof.

Aqua: Then find another way. If you want to show them your abilities that badly... You can consider our partnership in the Mission Worlds over with.

Shin: ...


Aqua wasn't leaving me with any room to talk back.

I value Aqua as both a comrade and the women I like, potentially love, so if I had to take sides it wouldn't even be a contest to who I would side with. I felt bad for leaving the newbies in the dark, but I am firmly on Aqua's side if she is this adamant about this.


Saki: I think you are mistaken my purpose. I am not trying to go against you and I certainly don't want to break up your team if you are all as capable as you seem ( So you would if we weren't capable? ), yet for our cooperation to go smoothly it's better to eliminate our wariness.


Saki then glanced over at Zero and Kampa.

I noticed it a little as well, but they were the most on guard of all the new players and... Somewhat dangerous maybe.

Saki just seems to accept things easily long as she can get an explanation that she is pleased with, so she can stay calm through all of this, but those two are different. Their calmness feels like it comes from confidence in their ability and experience. Somehow... They remind me a little of Aqua, but far less frightening, yet frightening nonetheless.


Saki: Then just let us take a look at the hemostatic spray and bandages. That girl Hikari mentioned such items in her explanation.


Aqua turned to Misaki and nodded.

She probably didn't want me to show off my Na Ring while retrieving the spray. Misaki then threw his own spray and bandages toward Saki. She examined the items in great detail before finally looking away to ask a question.


Saki: Anyone have a knife? The sharper the better.


Before anyone on our side could say that we did, a knife was provided by the newbie side.

It was Kampa that took out a dagger from his pocket and threw it over to Saki. Both Kampa and Zero now had their eyes on Saki.

Saki then quickly sliced her wrist decisively, as if that hand didn't belong to her. Blood started pouring out like water. Hikari and the other woman started to scream as they saw it. The rest of the newbies were startled also.

Then Saki sprayed her wrist with the hemostatic spray. Miraculously, the knife wound started to clot and the bleeding stopped after a few seconds. With the except of Aqua, it was the first time for us three to see the effects of the spray.


Saki: I believe you now. I had the rank of colonel when I was in the army although I am retired now. I was more of a scientist, but I have the proper military training. I worked for the Japanese government in researching OOPArts, Out-of-place-artifacts that have been proven to once hold technology beyond even our current civilization and if possible, recreate them for military purpose if all possible.


Saki bandaged the wound and handed the dagger, spray and bandages to Kampa. Before we could ask why did she give the spray and bandages to him, Kampa and then Zero followed Saki's example and did the same thing. They cut their wrist, sprayed and bandaged the almost completely healed wound. After they finished, Kampa was the first to speak.


Kampa: I am a member of an international mercenary group. A top ranked gunner. My nick name is Overlord ( Not to be confused with Laharl or the light novel by that name ). To be honest, I would rather you to be lying. This is a terrible place now that I know that it is real.


Zero returned the spray and bandage to Saki and began to coldly introduce himself.


Zero: I don't have a name, so just call me Zero. I am an assassin specialized in long distance sniping. Unfortunately, I may not be able to showcase my skills. I didn't have my sniper rifles on me when I clicked YES.


A military colonel/scientist, a top mercenary and and a badass assassin armed with a sniper rifle ( Not Currently ).


Shin: Really, all kinds of people can end up here. Maybe next time I can shake hands with Mr. President.



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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