A couple of weeks later...
Felix and Apollo had settled nicely in the brothel, one could say, Apollo had settled a bit too much.
While Felix spent most of his time in his room training and learning, Apollo had gone through the entire brothel, leaving no creature untouched.
He neither cared about gender, shape, type, race, intellect. His literal mentality was, 'If there is a hole, there is a way.'
The only things he didn't screw were the building itself, Zephyr, and Felix.
Felix even started to feel that Apollo was the real embodiment of lust instead of him.
Although his behavior disgusted Felix to no end, he left him to do his own thing as long as he didn't bring his sickening lust to his room.
As for the identity paperwork, they were nearly completed...Zephyr had told them that they would take a couple more days.
Right now, Felix was in his room at the brothel, trying something out.
Author Announcement:
My apologies for the delayed releases, I have been invited with my family to iftar at my relatives to make amends after the inheritance mess.
You know how it is, Ramadan being the month of forgiveness and all.
I am back in the office and for this entire week, there will be a double release each day to make up what hasn't been released. Much appreciated for your support and god bless you all. <3