With the traitor constrained to dream torture that she had prepared just for him, they left him to twitch and whimper pathetically. She walked out of the palace with her head held high as she looked around her. The once broken pieces of wreckage before the palace were cleared up. The cracks and on the grounds and broken houses were fixed up, ready to house those who come.
It took a weeks' time and a lot of powers from both her father and herself, but looking at the demons gathering around with smiles on their faces… she could not complain. A long table to fit all guests were set up before the view of her father's obnoxious home. entrée of meals were set up all over the table, with lit candles to adorn it. Music sounded in the opened space from a few sirens playing the harp and strings.
It was so calm, she wondered if it could stay this way. Her people are happy. Should Heaven and Hell just live in their own peace without the need to rule mankind? She hoped so, but the nagging feeling of more tragedy was poking at her brain. She mentally shook her head and walked down the steps in her blood red dress. Walking past some of her residents, she smiled and greeted them on her way to her father.
Her honey eyes watched as her father seemed to soften with the child. Small hands patted his human fleshed cheeks, before grabbing his raven locks. Eve found herself grinning when her father let out a grunt and a frown from the harsh pull.
"Little fire," her voice came out soothing with a hint of mirth, "If you pull too hard, he would become bald."
"But hair is so soft and face so pretty," the child replied rubbing its face against the lock of hair in its hands.
"Heh, smooth talker," the King of Hell smirked, "Maybe we should get the child a pet."
Eve picked the child up and placed it against her hips. Tapping the nose of the child, she turned to her father with a sigh.
"That may be a good idea… let me think about it."
Lucifer nodded and stood to address all that was present. The place quieted down as they watched their king change from his human form to his rightful skin. Large and intimidating with large horns curled upwards, her father did live up to his title. The child in her arm squirmed as its blue eyes widened. She took a couple steps away from her father, so Little fire was not straining its head upwards.
"Are you scared?" She asked quietly.
"He is so big," the child replied in awe not removing its sparkling eyes away.
She let out a laugh nodding her head in agreement as she tuned back to what her father was saying.
"Today is a celebration for we survived the war between angels and demons," he paused, "We have lost many brethren, family, and friends," he lifted his chalice, "Let us drink for them."
Everyone at the table drank from their cups.
"They have fought as well as they could, whether it was against me or not," he stated strongly, "Of course to all of you who were either weak, scared, or loyal," her father listed and Eve found her eye twitching.
'Really father? What type of toast is that?' She grimaced.
"You are alive and you are here today," Lucifer continued, "but I want to say thank you, truly, to those who have done everything my daughter and I asked with no hesitation. You are the heart of my palace and my reign. I thank you," a grin took over the King of Hell's face, "Now let us eat and enjoy!"
There were cheers as the guests began to dig into meat and wine. Eve placed the child down as she couldn't help feeling a bit proud of her father. Though he started off the toast quite terribly, he ended it well enough. She watched the child bound over to her father, probably to ask to be placed on his shoulders. Moving and walking to the two Lords of Hell, she slipped in the seat beside them.
"My Lords," she bowed to them, "It is nice to finally meet you both."
"My queen," they both bowed, "You are as beautiful as I heard," Belphegor- Lord of Lies complimented.
"I must agree," the Lord of water, Leviathan nodded.
"I thank you," she smiled, "I hear you need assistance with your realms. My father and I agree I will go and see what I can do."
"You will be coming?" The blue demon with scales of fishes questioned.
"Is there a problem?" She lifted a brow and sat back waiting.
"Ah, I assumed your father would come help," the short and round demon scratched his cheek with his grey fingers.
"Am I not good enough?" She found her lips quirk into a smirk as she grabbed the cooked meat from the platter, "I can assure you," she bit into the leg aiming her sharp eyes at them, "I am not just a pretty face."
Both Lords looked at one another before looking at her once more. What were they thinking? If they were to betray her father or her again, she swore she would just get rid of all the lords and keep just her father's realm.
"Do not misunderstand, my queen," Leviatian stated, "We will welcome your assistance and thank you."
She narrowed her eyes as her lips spread into a grin. Tilting her head to the side, she tapped the table with her nails.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Tell me," she spoke up, "Why you wish for my father to go instead of me. I will speak with him if the reason is important."
"Well," the grey demon let out a sigh, "Since Samael came harassing my realm, I have no residence. The place is in ruins. To be honest," he paused and grinned, "Hehe coming from the Lord of Lies of all people," he mumbled before clearing his throat, "I don't know if it is recoverable."
"You don't know if it is recoverable," she repeated those words still tapping the table, "You are the Lord of that realm. You should know if it is or is not recoverable. There should be no guess."
"Eh… of course my queen," Belphegor nodded quickly, "I want my realm to recover, but with the mess it is in, it won't be the way it was."
So now you know who the 2 other lords are. Do you think they have good intentions or are they out to overthrow Lucifer too?
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BIG BIG thanks to: Ying_ and SleepyKola for gifting meeeee <3!
I love you all so muchhhhh!
Love, Michelle