The sound of water could be heard in the hot springs of Heaven. Standing under the waterfall, he let the splashing of water against his skin calm his mind. The liquid slid down his hair, down the shoulder blades of his smooth skin. A thin scar from where the blade of his brother had caused remained even after the healing pool. The twin scars near his spine from where his wings once were, were still prevalent as a reminder of his sacrifice.
'Eve,' he breathed out with his eyes closed facing the pool of water.
As the droplets slipped down the scars, they moved down his strong muscles to the dimples in his lower back. Pools of water filled it as it poured out to dip into the crack of his ass, sliding down and spreading to his inner thighs. Head leaned back as he pushed his hair back with his hand. Golden locks swiped away from his face, revealing deep blue eyes staring at the small space before him, under the small waterfall.
Memories of a bloodied Eve, hurt and unconscious, entered his mind. The fear, the pain, the worries he had felt. He just couldn't imagine her dying and yet… he tried to kill her. Covering his face with a hand, he couldn't fight the guilt that was eating him up, like maggots on a dead animal. His father had told him if he were to kill Eve, then he would also be rebirthed together as humans. Wasn't that what she wanted?
'Why didn't you tell her then?' His guilty conscience would always remind him, question him like it was his fault this happened. If he had told his lover that his father had spoken to him, had given him this choice. They could have prepared something, go along with it maybe, but he… he didn't say anything. Why? Was he scared? Was he worried that she would be upset with him?
'One can only be reborn with a soul,' she had said underneath the harsh rain.
'What... what did she mean by that?' Adam smacked his forehead with his palm, 'What the fuck does that mean!'
He doesn't know and he was angry with himself.
"Fuck, you are a stupid idiot!" he gritted out punching the wall of rocks before him. Skin teared as a bit of blood leaked out.
"Darling," he heard near the back of his ear, as a smooth hand rolled up his back and over to his chest, "Why are you upset?"
He didn't say a word as he closed those blue eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her skin against his. He felt the touch of fingers moving down the dips of his abs before caressing his chest and nipples. The body that was pressed against his back left him cold, so he opened his eyes. Before him was his lover, wet and beautiful as ever. No scars on her body or face, peerless and smooth… no one could compare to her.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him forward to press lips against one another. Her eyes were closed, but his were not. His arms hung to his sides as he let her do as she wished but he did not participate, nor did he fight back. Her red lips left his and moved down his cheeks to nibble his jawline. Trailing down his neck, he felt teeth bit gently, gnawing at his shoulder. Her slim fingers wrapped around his manhood and pumped.
He knew he should fight her off him. There was just something off about what is happening. Why would Eve show up the past few days just to make love to him? Why did she not stay when he wakes? Why would she risk being in Heaven knowing that God would be after her? How did she heal so quickly from the fight when before, it took her awhile to regain back her strength? Was that why she took Gabriel away? Did he help her heal again?
So many questions ran through his mind, but he was a man and his desire for release still got the better of him. Closing his eyes as he start to lose his breath, her tongue licked at his head before engulfing it into warm wet mouth. Hands fisted at the sides, he kept his hips stable as she sucked and moaned. The vibration sent a shiver up his spine and he bit his lips from moaning out loud.
Hands grabbed his balls and squeezed gently, as if urging his liquid to move up his shaft to let her drink… and it worked. He could feel the coil twisting in his gut as his balls tightened. His hardness against the wetness of those beautiful lips continued to suck harder and he could not hold back.
He came in her mouth and his body bent forward. Although he wanted to grab her hair, touch that face that stared up at him with glittery eyes, he didn't. It wasn't right. She looked too much like-
Those red lips pulled back with a pop as a trail of semen followed her movement. Her tongue licked and kissed the head of his shaft. Licking her lips as she stood up, she watched him with dilated eyes leaving only a sliver of gold.
She leaned in and he stepped back.
Her eyes widened before it narrowed with her lips in a pout.
"You shouldn't be here," he walked through the waterfall backing away from her, "Someone would see you."
"Let them," she walked toward him and he took a step back.
"My brother is not too far from where we are."
"Why would that matter?"
"You would be captured. Are you not worried?" Adam felt his lips curl down.
He watched her sigh and stared at him with a tilt of her head. Arms crossed under her chest, bumping her breasts higher, she lifted an eyebrow at him.
"Do you wish for me to leave?" She questioned, "Don't you miss me?"
There was a pause between them as the sound the waterfall hitting the pool of water. His blue eyes moved over to the shadow at the entrance of the pool, before his eyes went back to the naked female before him. Thinning his lips, he avoided her piercing eyes.
"I think you should return to heal."
"Heal? Why do I need to?"
'Why you need to heal?!' He felt his blood drain. This female…
"Do you remember what we spoke about in front of the fire?"
"Adam, why are you asking this? Let us enjoy ourselves," she tried to reach to him and the blonde shook it away.
Walking past the woman, he trudged through the water to reach for his robe. He could hear her behind him trying to get to him, but he ignored it. This person who looked like his lover was not her. She couldn't be her. He could feel it in the back of his mind and the smell of her skin, but he was a mess. Who was she?
"Adam!" she shouted as he walked out of the pool leaving her still emerged in the clear liquid.
"You should leave," he repeated and did not glance behind him as he wrapped himself.
Glancing at his brother, an angel assigned to watch him, there were no signs that he had heard the shout from the woman. If he did, the angel chose to ignore it which only made him more suspicious of the situation.
"Brother," he spoke up as the angel walked beside him, "There was a female in the bath."
The angel just stared at him and nodded as they continued to his quarter. Eyebrows furrowed as his forehead creased, he knew something was wrong.
This woman... that female was not Eve.
So what does this mean?
Hm... what was Adam thinking and do you think this Eve is the real one? If not, how did she come about?
Please add to know more~
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Thank you for reading- I love you all!
Special thanks to: Ying_, nKaneis, and Mandy_Calhoun for voting<3!
BIG THANKS TO: Ying_, _arlisia, and FarrenBexley for gifting me!
You all make my heart burst with happiness *hugs*