Adjusting his eyes to the lone light, he still couldn't see much until a figure stepped forward. He found his mouth dry and lips thinned. The figure sat on the chair and watched him squirm before he settled with a firm look.
"Took you awhile to wake," her voice filtered through his ears and he grinned.
"Had a good dream."
The female crossed her legs as she sat leaning back. Here he was, on his knees before her like a beggar. That thought left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he did not move.
"I know, I was there," her lips lifted, and he gritted his teeth.
"You did it, then I should thank you," he forced a smile.
A smile, a tongue tracing her lips, on that delicate face that hid sharp horns. She uncrossed her legs and lifted one long leg toward him. Foot, baby smooth as if it never touched the roughened surfaces, touched his face. Her toes trailed down his cheeks and rolled down his lips. He felt them flattened on his chest and he bit the side of his cheek to stop his thoughts from straying. A grunt escaped his lips when her foot pressed against his groin.
"Raphael, you have quite a dirty mind," the female grinned, "No one is off limits."
He let out a short laugh, "What can I say? I am attracted to beautiful things."
She hummed and stroke his clothed shaft with her barefoot. Eye twitching, he tried to scoot back, but the heel pressed down causing him to gasp.
"Tell me," her voice lowered as if it was next to his ears, "How would you like your reward?"
He closed his eyes and swam in that deep tone, like honey and wine. Letting himself enjoy the rub, he let out a sigh and opened his brown eyes to see her honey eyes watching him.
He was her prey, her pawn.
He did not reply, but he didn't need too as he saw the smile grow on her face. A snap of her fingers and he was enveloped in caresses.
"I shall leave you to your fun," she removed her foot and before he could complain, a hand from another caressed there.
She turned off the only light he had and left out of the empty abandoned warehouse. Standing on the rooftop, she looked at the insignia she created: a curve and swirl of a line before it was cut off by a sharp edge. She smirked and looked at the sky.
Soon, the energy around her sharpened and pulsed, as she crossed her arms and waited. Loud moans and screams of pleasure echoed out of the building, making the pulse beat harder around her. Letting out a soft laugh, she closed her eyes and felt the insistent pull toward someone.
'Soon, my love,' she conveyed in her mind, 'Just a little longer.'
She opened her eyes after some time as the pulsing and energy faded.
Adam avoided another attack, but slammed into the tree huffing and panting. Glancing over at his brothers, Azrael was now up and fighting through his wounds while Michael focused solely on the leader. He felt his insides relaxed slightly knowing that the demon did not squeeze off his brother's head. He should've known there would be a way for the loyal angel to escape. At that time though, he was worried.
"Brother!" He had called out earning a scratch against his shoulder.
Michael was the strongest out of all of them! If he died… then was there any hope to stop Samael? Maybe Eve would but… that demon had the weapon on him that would hurt her.
Striking the demon on the head with the axe, he shucked it off and tossed it at the leader. Whether it hit or even got close, the purple demon had looked over and loosened his grip slightly. That small slip was enough for Michael to power up and blind the demon.
Adam avoided a tackle and grabbed that demon to run into the others. No weapons, he fought as much as he could. The sword Eve had given him was missing, the demons barely brought weapons, and so he had to use his fists.
Yet this unending battle was wearing his body and his brothers. Though they took care of many low dwelling ones, there were a handful left. A body flew by him and slammed against tree after tree until it tumbled into a stop, leaving behind dust clouds in its wake.
"Shit!" Adam sounded as he felt the pierce of claws enter him.
He quickly punched the demon's face with a burst of his power. The claws retreated along with the body as it fell dead. Panting out with sweat, one hand held him up against the tree and his other covered the wound. Clenching his eyes, he could feel the puncture against his lungs as his breathe quickened.
'Shit, I'm going to die,' he thought, but he soon felt his body relaxed.
A feeling of comfort swallowed him in a blanket, and he welcomed it. The warmth of a hand placed over his wounds, lit his insides as he felt his wounds close.
"I'm sorry it took so long," a voice whispered against his ear from behind.
"Eve," he breathed out a smile as he leaned back against her.
The demons stared at the newcomer and he watched their body shook in fear. Finding himself laughing, he turned around and kissed his lover. He did not know what she needed to do, but he was happy, so happy that she was alive, that she was here with him. Those lowly demons thought Eve was distracted and rushed forward, only to fall through the cracks in the floor. Ignoring the sound of skulls and bones being crushed, he kissed her harder.
He felt a push against his chest and he stumbled back in confusion, but quickly saw the arrow slid by that was targeting his lover. Body feeling better, healed to an extent, he quickly grabbed a spiked club from the ground and rushed to smack the arrow. The projectile wavered and Eve burnt it quickly, but it did nothing. The arrow continued, followed by more.
Gathering his energy, he shot them at the ammos heading to them and found he was successful. The arrows tittered and fell.
'Heh,' Adam glanced at Eve who sent him a warm smile that just made him what to kiss her all over again.
"You stopped it?" Samael sounded confused with a frown, but pasted a grin to say, "No matter! You will die too."
Eve finally returned to help our weakened Adam.
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*Special thanks to: Ying_ and nKaneis for voting!*
[[UPDATE! Chapters will be posted every other day due to Uni starting. Thank you for understanding <3]]
Love, Michelle