Azrael can smell him. The stench of his was unbearable like a demon's would be, especially one that eats on flesh. Quickly turning at an angle, his soldiers followed him without question. They diverted from their plan, but that was okay. When he stops Samael, then they would be able to stop Eve easily. With that in mind, he glanced at his brothers and sisters before taking to the sky. They followed in the direction of his. Soon, they saw the slaughters of their siblings, piles of corpses behind demons like scraps.
The warrior angel of justice rushed forward with his sword glowing brightly. Aiming a large downward slash, the electric wind traveled at a fast speed toward the leader of the demons. The purple demon glanced to the noise and held his forearm up to block the attack. It slashed the hard skin, causing blood to seep out as the electric current tickled him.
"You dare attack me!" The demon roared, but Azrael did not reply.
Like a bullet train, the warrior angel held his sword forward. The large demon swiped it with his hand, but Azrael twisted and aimed his golden boots at the demon's chin. The contact caused the purple demon to step back and groaned feeling the sword leaving a gash on his palm. The fighter angel kept up with his attack, as the demon's tail joined the fight. Large and thick like an anaconda, Azrael continued to avoid it and aimed for the face of the King of Hell.
"Enough!" The demon roared out as it grabbed behind him to through at the angel.
It didn't matter if the person was demon or angel, this disgusting demon did not care. Able to put distance between them, the purple demon was able to take a breather. Holding out his own sword, the King of Hell rubbed his chin and grinned.
"Angel of Justice, you have returned."
"I have come to stop you Samael. You have brought destruction to mankind."
Samael laughed hard and Azrael gripped his sword harder. He swung it, but the demon stepped to the side as if it was a measly fly.
"That little wench killed you so easily last time," the demon taunted, "And you think you can defeat me?"
'He is taunting me,' the warrior angel told himself as he gritted his teeth.
The mission: kill Samael. Save mankind.
The Angel of Justice focused on that and attacked once more. He failed once already; he was not going to fail again! Lifting the sword high, he swung and-
- the attack was blocked once more. Adam felt the gashes on his body and the stickiness of his blood, but he couldn't stop now. He had to give Eve time to do whatever it was she was planning. Though Adam did feel slighted for not knowing, he trusted her. He told her that.
Gritting his teeth, he jumped back only to feel the force of his opponent once again.
Body glowing, Adam jumped up to push his legs against the tree. Pushing forward to push Michael back, he glared at the warrior angel. Of all the angels, Adam did not want to fight Michael, but here he was in all his glory. Letting out a breath through his nose, the flightless angel twisted and flipped over the angel. Landing on his knees, he took a breath and rushed forward.
Another block, another smack against skin, and he felt himself fly off to bounce against a tree. Before his body felt the floor, the stab against his abdomen keep him stuck to the tree he just hit. Blood dripping down his head covering his right eye, slipping out the curve of his lips, Adam knew he might die if this continued.
'Do you trust me?' Eve had asked him again before they left.
'Yes,' he had replied with no hesitation again.
If he had to die to save her, then so be it. He will accept death.
"Adam," the elder spoke sharply, "Where is she? Tell me and you will live."
He laughed, uncaring that the sword in his stomach stretched his skin. A hand wrapped around his mouth and smacked his head back into the tree. Letting out a grunt, he built up his hand with a glow and punched the elder angel in the face. Making contact, the warrior stumbled back slightly, before those sharp deadly eyes targeted him once more.
"She will let you die and you are willing?!" Michael spitted out, "How disappointing."
Disappointing? No… that isn't the word.
'Self-sacrificing,' Adam told himself as he looked away with a soft smile, 'Anything for her.'
"If that is how it will be," the elder stood straight with his face blank as the day he was born, "Goodbye brother."
Adam felt the sword in his stomach glowed and he screamed out. It felt like his insides were burning and eating itself at the same time. His sword, the one Eve had gifted him, where was it? Gritting his teeth and forcing his eyes opened, he looked around.
'Shit!' He couldn't find it, or maybe the pain made it so he couldn't see it. He wasn't sure, but he knew Eve would be upset.
Placing his hands on the blade of the elder's sword, he pulled. His breathing came out panting, but he had to pull it out. He had to get it out. He had to keep fighting. He had to find that sword!
The more he tried, the more Michael pushed it back in with his power. Forcing whatever strength, he still had, he kicked back against the tree and pressed himself to the hilt of the sword. Pushing forward hard, he fell with the weapon. Quickly pulling the hilt, he removed the sword and tossed it far. On all fours coughing up blood, his eyes were hazy, and the darkness faded in and out of his eyes. He pushed himself to stand, but the sword that he threw returned to place its sharp blade against his neck.
"Wasted potential," Michael stated and pressed the blade deeper to draw blood, but immediately stopped.
Removing the sword from Adam's neck, he swung it in an arch, creating a golden boomerang to his left. It was quiet for a moment, before a laughter rang out. Both angels, the warrior and the flightless, looked in that direction to see a figure in the sky. It was falling, fast, and both their eyes widened. Michael went to catch the broken winged brother.
"Azrael," the elder spoke as he shook the angel.
"Michael," the broken angel winced from the pain against his chest, "… he is much stronger, than we assumed."
A bloody cough escaped the Justice angel's lips as he was placed against the tree beside Adam.
"Too many souls eaten, not supposed to be like this," Azrael gritted out before another bloody cough came.
"This was… all planned then," Adam gritted out as he looked from the broken angel to the captain.
The elder angel glanced at the young angel before standing with his sword in hand.
Though things may have changed, the result will be the same.
They will win. Demons will return. Mankind will live.
Cycle repeated.
Or it should.
Was this confusing? I tried to write it were it is a bit more seamless. Did I do well?
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Thank you for all the help~
*Special thanks to: Ying_ and MissReeed for the votes!*
I love you all!