Pushing in hard without any hesitation, he went past her folds and against her walls. Tight and warm as it was, Adam was too occupied with the thought that Eve, the woman that should love only him could have… she might have-
The gasp and scream from her lips echoed in the cavern and he forced himself to not care. She didn't care about him! She didn't!
"Ah," she cried out, back arching, as he leaned forward placing his elbows against the sides of her face.
Her face was flushed with the dusting of a red rose, and her lips were parted trying to catch any breath. Her eyes opened halfway as she looked at him with her pupils leaving only a sliver of her honey irises.
"Is this what you want?" He stared hard at her, "Tell me."
Eve blinked as she tried swallowing, "Y…yes."
Hips snapping at one another, the push and pull of skin sent tendril of electricity through their veins.
"Is that what you say to them too?" He said through gritted teeth, as he rolled his hips to earn a loud gasp.
Eve's back arched pressing her chest against his as he rubbed her bundle of nerves over and over. Hips twitching and legs tightening, she moaned loudly. Breathless each time he moved and the pressure built in her lower stomach.
"Adam," she cried as her nails bit into his back, "I-"
Then, he bit down on the pulse point on her neck and it pushed her off the edge to orgasm. Body tingling and muscles tightening, she just held on biting his shoulder gently. Her folds tightened and hugged his shaft like a welcoming warmth.
"Cum inside me," Eve wrapped her arms around his neck when he pulled back to face her, "I wish to carry your child."
"Fuck Eve," he breathed out as his hips stuttered.
"You are," she smiled and pulled his face down to kiss him. Mouth tasting the others as tongues licked and played.
Eve could hear his stuttered groan against her lips as his hips rolled and pulsed before it settled against hers. She felt hot and full of him inside her. Maybe she would conceive this time because he was not a human. Maybe she could finally hold their child in her arms.
"Hey," Adam pulled back slowly catching his breath, "If you had…" he paused and let out a sigh, "It's okay."
Eve laughed, bouncing their chests against one another from the ridiculousness of his worry.
"What about this is funny?" He frowned and she held his head with her hands.
"You are my first and only," she stated clearly with a smile, "I promised you my love, my life, my body, and my soul," she planted a kiss on his lips, "For now and always."
Adam let out a laugh and peppered her face with kisses as she giggled.
"That sounds like a vow," he sighed happily.
"It is," Eve wrapped her arms around his neck, "What's yours?"
"On the spot," Adam murmured thinking.
"I had years to think of mine," Eve smiled at him with the patience of a nun, "Take your time."
He nodded and went for her lips because it just tasted so good, so appetizing. He soon felt his back on the floor and looked up at Eve who began moving her hips.
"How about round 2?" She asked casually.
Her hair flowed to one side sliding over her shoulder, face flushed with an afterglow of sex, lips kissed bruised, and the leftover print of his molars on her breasts.
How could he possibly say no?
Hell was no place for the weak. If someone was weak, they become fodder for anyone to push around and use. He had felt weak once, he would not feel weak again! No one can stop him now!
Hand clutched with the crossbow that killed the former King of Hell, the weakling. He smirked as he thought about what that "powerful" demon had done to him.
"My king," Samael, young and unbridle from his shackles, "I owe you my life for your rescue."
Lucifer, the well-known powerful demon with the everything he wanted, stood before him. Samael was small then, barely any meat on his body due to lack of nutrition. So, standing before the king was nerve wrecking, since his lord was huge and filled with muscles he could only dream about.
"Those boys," his voice, his lordship's voice was a deadly sin in itself!
"Y… yes?" Samael spoke on his knees with his head bent low.
"What did they want with you?"
"To use me," he stated ashamed, "I am their slave, my king."
"A slave," Lucifer smirked walking to him and Samael could hear the footsteps neared.
Heart pounding loudly from where he was, he does not know what to expect. Was the king going to ask him to be his slave? Was he going to do something to him?
"Stand," Lucifer ordered and the purple demon stood up quickly avoiding his eyes, "What is your name?"
"Samael, my lord," he answered quickly.
"Tell me," the king grinned, "Does Samael the Slave sound good to you?"
Samael felt his face heat from embarrassment as he fisted his hands.
"If I were to make you my slave, how can you please me?" The king continued, "Would you get on your hands and knees? What can you offer when any slave I choose can do the same?"
He bit his lips from shouting at the king. How dare he embarrassed him in front of the others! He could hear snickering around him, and it fueled his anger towards the shining king.
"I saved you because you are weak and small," the king turned around, "I was also in a good mood."
Good mood? He was weak and small?
'I will show you, believe me!' His nails broke skin from his squeeze.
"Now go, I don't want to see another pathetic demon like you today," Lucifer waved off and everything in Samael screamed murder.
"Now who is weak!" Samael shouted out on the throne laughing manically, "You stupid dead fool!"
Those around just busied themselves, afraid of what would happen if they were to confront him. Samael didn't care because now, he just needed to get rid of Morningstar's kin and he would have every right to the throne.
"You!" His voice boomed as he pointed to a male demon worker.
"Y…yes your lordship," the demon bowed.
"Tell the army to be ready, we will go to the surface tomorrow," he stated and the worker bowed in acknowledgment, before scurrying off.
"Soon Eve," he tightened his grip on the crossbow, "You will join your father."
So how do you like it so far? A bit more on Samael's past. Do you like him? Hate him?
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*Special Thanks to: Ying_, SleepyKola, and Honey15 for the votes!! I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!!!!
Love, Michelle