"I thought the intelligence division of the City is not doing their best regarding on information gathering"Artirian smiled as Rommel pointed out Clara "Well she is the woman that I met and soon to be your sister in-law" Rommel would be startled and blink twice at Artirian looking shocked as to what he heard. Rommel would ask again "Are you sure Brother? She is pretty how--" Artirian would give out a loud laugh and smirks at Rommel " I have the appeal" He then winks at Rommel. As Clara would listen to the two she was blushing when she heard that she would be the soon to be wife of Artirian.
The Artirian would look at the blushing Clara and asked "Clara this is my brother Rommel, Rommel this is Clara". Artirian tapped Rommel's shoulder while smiling Clara would give a nod. After that Rommel would discuss how he got the medals and such an officer rank in the garrison command.
"You know brother, when you left the group some did also leave. but even though some left I tried to recruit more teenage boys around the city and surprisingly when they knew your name they would quickly join and that's how I increased our strength with your absences then I was noticed by the Garrison commander and as of now I am training under him. As for the Flying Daggers group it was renamed as the 12th Shock troops of the Moon Scar City. Those teenage boys have been training for the following classes like Archery, swordsmanship and the new weapons called muskets. After that I was commissioned as Staff Sergeant of the 12th Shock troops."
Artirian would see Rommel's joyful aura as he explained all of the things that the Flying Daggers evolved to. As soon they both caught up from the missed events for both of them. The battle outside of the passageway was intense; as few FD members have been wounded and the Republican forces are planning on making a bridge so that they could cross.
While Artirian and Rommel are laughing they both get interrupted by a messenger. The messenger would go down from the horse and hand Rommel a letter saying that the 12th Shock troops were to be mobilized immediately under the order of the City Lord. And also to add that their equipment would be delivered at the passageway. Rommel's eyes widened as he read through the given message from the Garrison Commander.
He then gave it to Artirian who also read the letter; he didn't give a reaction to the letter and rather looked at Clara then went back to looking at Rommel. He then said "Rommel mobilised all the FD under your command and expect me to come back here." Rommel would look at Clara who was being confused because of many movements on the Passageway.
Rommel then gets the attention of the bugler and starts the attention call. Rommel also ordered a messenger to call upon the 10 group leaders to proceed to the Passageway immediately. The next scene was when Artirian would grab Clara's hand and ask where she lived so that she could return to her grandfather, assuming so worried about her. Clara would point to the 2nd section gate of the Moon Scar city. Artirian would look at Clara confused he would ask her again "Can you tell me the exact place Clara?" Clara tilted her head to look at Artirian and replied " I lived at the 2nd section where some nobles lived. We have a manor there because my grandfather was part of the-" She suddenly stopped at the last word and She would grab Artirian's hand.
And she said while smiling at him "Well let's go I know you will become busy when you return to your friend right". They would quickly travel to the 2nd section gate to enter the 2nd section of the Moon scar city. First they would be halted by 5 strict guards that are dividing the wall of the 3rd section and 2nd section. The guards look like elite guards from wealthy families or knights that were knighted by the City Lord, and their armor was shiny and how they present themselves they look professional knights. Not like the knights that Artirian faced the last time he was at the trial.
While they are nearing the gate Clara would stop and look at Artirian and said "I think you should go back at the passageway. I'll be good to go here. I am also near the gate so I'll be safe." Artirian would hold Clara shoulders and then gives her a kiss on the forehead and then hugged her before saying "You'll be safe right keep safe and if something happens I'll sure be the person to rescue you from the certain incident alright" Clara nodded while blushing and and then Clara would give a peck kiss on Artirians lips and then turns around and walks away.
Clara would then walk towards the gate. Artirian would stare at Clara while walking towards the gate until she reaches the gate and cross to the other section. After Clara crossed the 2nd section Artirian would turn around and notice the streets were not bustling as way before it became quiet and there are no children that are playing around or running.
The streets are always patrolled by guards 24/7. The City Market still has stocks of food so the prices are still stable but it only lasts for a week after a week the prices of food will increase and soon hunger will strike Moon Scar city. And the city lord's only hope would be the reinforcement from the nearby cities. Artirian would walk towards the passageway and he would see Rommel and the other group leaders wearing a conscription uniform but the tunic is color green and their helmet is rounded and their swords and spears are well polished. Artirian would be amazed on how the old group were only ragtag groups of children and became a shock troop for the city.
Rommel's uniform stands out as it has a rank on the side of his arm. And to add the medals he has on his chest. Once Rommel saw Artirian he would quickly run towards him and hand him Artirian uniform the rank of a probationary Leftenant.
The uniform Rommel gave him was amazing. The uniform was also green but it had a ribbon on the left shoulder and its color yellow to signify the probationary rank. After that someone would tap Artirian's shoulder and when he turned around it was Arthur and also wearing a Staff Sergeant uniform without the medals.
Artirian would be glad that two of his best friends were joining him to a new adventure and it will be the debut battle of a probationary Leftenant which in the previous days were only a ragtag group of teenage boys that don't have knowledge on the world.
Artirian would put on his uniform and then present himself to the whole 12th Shock troops. The troops were well dressed and well suited for a new adventure. As he walked towards the podium Artirian would feel the presence of him being general.
I need motivation I need powerstones from and out.
Ps. FD: Flying Daggers