4% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 2: C1. Accused Of Murder

บท 2: C1. Accused Of Murder

Jossie's Point Of View:

I'm just a wolf-less omega bitch and a fuck-up Cromwell that's descended from a dirty rogue. No wonder my pack and my own mother... think I'm the one that killed my father. But, I didn't... kill my father. I wound never kill him. He was my only friend in this pack. The only one I could relate to. I had no friends... I only had my dad. And, since I only had him... when he was gone I had no one. So, I spend my lonely hours dedicating my life to studies. I graduated early from High School with an outstanding GPA. But, even that never impressed my mother enough.


When it came down to it...

My mother didn't hesitate to accuse me of my father's death. Her hatred for me was unspoken until that moment. The moment she caught me pulling a knife out of my father's chest. It was buried in deep. And, when I got it out... I heard her horrid scream. One that was dramatic. I was forced to break eye contact from my father's corpse to see her standing on the kitchen's edge. Her hands on her cheeks. A gray and sickly color caked on her face. She could have fainted any second.

"What have you done?"

Her voice would raise at a higher octave as if to dramatize her question towards me. At first... I didn't understand her question. I would simply reply back, "I'm removing the knife?" It was my own question. Because, I didn't understand why I had to explain my actions.

"Luna, are you okay?"

My mother's brother would make way through our house. He was there first out of my pack mates. She must have alerted the pack. She must have screamed for their help. Because it seemed like the whole pack came to the house.


My mother's voice would point and shout at me. I wasn't a daughter... I wasn't hers. I was a Cromwell. "THAT BLOODY CROMWELL KILLED HER FATHER!" My uncle's gasp would soon follow. He would look towards me. I didn't have a chance... not yet... to sit the knife down. I shook my head as tears fell down my face from her own words. "GET HER!" My mom's order would seen my uncle stomping. He stepped over the glass forcing it to crunch beneath his boots. He raised his hands up towards me cautiously.

"Put the knife down," he'd tell me. I trembled as I dropped the knife. I would follow his orders in a heart beat because he was Beta to my pack. His orders were absolute almost as much as my father or my mother.

"I-I didn't," I would confess as I panicked. Who would listen to me? My father was dead... he wouldn't be able to tell them otherwise. They were now free to believe as they wished of my ill will and intentions. I had none... I never had any. "Please believe me Uncle!"

Uncle Matthew Rabidcrest looks just like my mother. Snow-white hair and ocean blue eyes. He'd be the male version of my mother. Same height but a little more buff. He was younger then her by a year. To my understanding they weren't twins. He had no bone in his body to be alpha. Even though it was his birthright. So mother's family became the alpha family. Unfortunately... I was born a female like her. And, her following child was a female as well. It must have upset her but especially with me. Because, I reminded her of the Cromwell bloodline I carried in me. I looked like father. Mother's mate was a Cromwell descendent. Because, he was mother's mate... he became Alpha of Rabidcrest pack. And, he took on the role of father and alpha with serious intent. I looked up to my father. I loved him. He was a good dad.

Cromwell's are descended from the great king of rogues... Marcus Cromwell. He was vicious like all rogues are. He invaded packs and converted them to the nomad lifestyle. There was no home or territory for rogues. That kind of life wasn't what my father wanted. He gave up the crown when he came of age. Even though it was his birthright. He wanted a home and a mate. Father was a kind spirit. I believed that when I had my own views on the world. He was a rogue until he met my mother.

The pack bad mouthed my father for years behind his back. But, in front of my face I remembered being bullied at a young age. Before my father pulled me from school to home-school me. I remember them calling me, a bloody Cromwell. Respect... was something my father struggled to earn from his pack... and sometimes from my mother.

Uncle Matthew would move without hesitation. I'd scream but his hand would cover my mouth as he yanked me by my hair until I fell over onto the glass. He dragged me across the kitchen with a vicious growl rumbling in his chest. "What do you want me to do with her?" His voice would ask my mother. By now... I could notice a crowd coming into our home.

"Alpha is dead!"

"Who killed Alpha?"

"OH NO!'


Their voices would come together in union as more circled around us. I was too afraid to fight Uncle Matthew. I only begged... I could get a fair trail to explain what happened. I only found him there... I only wanted to... ease his suffering. I only want to take that hideous knife out. I didn't mean to look like a killer.

"I'm sorry," I cried out in pain as I reached up and held onto Uncle Matthew's hand. I wanted to be free. My head was sore. Its a miracle my hair wasn't ripped out. "I didn't... I didn't mean to take the knife out mom! Please listen-"


The crowd would rumble as they picked up on what was happening. Mother was accusing me. I looked around frantically. No-no... don't misread. Don't rile up... don't think I KILLED my own father. My mother's lips would be licked clean before she spoke up.


Her order is absolute. The Ice Queen I once nicknamed as a small child... was now ordering to have me brought to my trial's place. I could there... explain to the pack how innocent I was. They would be able to hear me out.

"What happened?" I could hear voices asking as Uncle dragged me out of the house and into the streets. He switched up and took my wrist instead. Someone else helped by taking my other hand. I didn't recognize many faces. I usually kept to myself inside the house. I didn't like the pack. Because of their insults they cursed at me.

"The wolf-less omega bitch killed her father."

"The Cromwell girl?"

"How heartless!"

"Just like a Cromwell."

"Heartless monster!"

"Why couldn't she be like her father?"

"Her mother?"

"Her sister!"


"What a fuck up!"

"Fuck up Cromwell!"

I tried to block out their words. Their hate speech. I didn't want to hear any of it. But, Rabidcrest was cruel. Something... I grew up resenting being apart of. I was always grateful when every year passed and I never transformed. I didn't want to be like any of them. I didn't want to join the curse. My wolf could never come and I would be forever grateful to the moon goddess. When every year passed... and it became more and more... relevant I was wolf-less... I became more of a reason for my mother to resent me.

It gave more fuel to the pack's hate. Every year I became less like them... and more of myself. They couldn't control me anymore then they could control what they said behind my father. If only he knew... how much this pack didn't deserve him. I wished every year he would take me and we would run away. I'd rather be a rogue then be apart of Rabidcrest.

Being wolf-less seemed like the only thing I could control. Even if it was out of my control.

Uncle Matthew pulled me down the street to the town's center. Rabidcrest ran the town and there weren't many humans around... if there were... they were apart of the pack. Probably just as insulted as I was. He took me to a lavish stage set-up. I forgot why there was one set up in the town center this time of year. There wasn't any festivals scheduled. The pack marched behind us and seemed to grow the closer to town's center we got. Mother was close behind.

"Execute her."

My mom's commanding words would target her audience's ego. They were thrilled and agreed with what she said. Uncle Matthew pulled me up onto the stage and let go. I was able to sit on my knees as tears ran down my cheeks. My back was burning from the asphalt Matthew brought me down. It was maybe a mile-walk from my house.

Was I not... getting a trail? A voice? An ounce of pity from anyone in the crowd? I stared them down in anger. They weren't reasoning. They only saw me for my looks. My bloodline. My father's historic family. I was nothing... but that dirty Cromwell.

"Remember, this is a Cromwell." My mother's agreeing voice would say to her on-lookers. There was no questioning their Luna? How could any of them be so cruel? I didn't think... they'd ever go this far! "Association by her name alone... can only conclude she had something to do with her father's death. I caught her with my eyes taking a knife out of her father's chest." The crowd would gasp. Not in disbelieve but from eating it up in excitement. They were living for this drama.

"She's a curse! Better to kill her now, Luna!"

Someone in the crowd spoke up to my mother.

I shook my head quickly. How could I let this go on?

"No! Mother," I said quickly to try to get her to hear me out now. "I'm innocent! I'm innocent!"

Matthew stepped forward and smacked a hand across my face. I tumbled sideways from the force and looked up at him in fear. He... he really believes I done it? "Shut it," he hissed through his teeth at me. I was distracted as my mother's heels clicked on the stage. She walked towards me and I looked at her quickly. She began to circle me. Her footsteps strategic.

"You're a shame!" She growled at me. A rumble breaking through her ribcage to get out at me. I could hear the pack follow her growls. "A shame to me and this pack and now look at what you've done!" She gestured to her pack. I looked out at their judgmental faces. I caught a glimpse at a sign, 'welcome Lycan King.' It was posted all over town square and I just now noticed. "You've been nothing to this pack for so long... you will not be missed." I whimpered as I couldn't bring myself to look back into her eyes. Until I felt the end of a pistol hit the side of my head. I heard her taking the safety off. Mother was aiming me down... I knew it. "Is this what you want?" Her question would be towards the crowd. "Should we kill the last Cromwell?"







The pack chanted in agreement. I would die today. I brought my eyes up to meet my mother. There was no sympathy in her eyes. She wants to kill me. How could she love me? I've been the biggest burden to her existence.


The voice was like an angel. I didn't recognize it nor did I know where it was coming from. But, it made me realize I needed to run. I glanced around for a way to get out of this mess. Mother wasn't too far from me. If I just... have enough force to kick and distract her... And, Matthew... Glancing at him I could see he was a few feet from me. I knew what I had to do. If it didn't go as planned... Either way I am dead. I have to try.

"I'm sorry mother," I whispered under my breath. "I hope I can make you see that I'm innocent. But, for now... forgive me for what I'm about to do." Maybe I can one day come home and be respected for the hardships I've lived up to. One day I will make my pack understand what kind of monsters they've been to me. Looking up at my mother and into her eyes... I found them empty. They were void from any sort of sympathy. I'm her daughter... the least she could be right now is sorry. Sorry its come to this. I am her daughter. Where is the love she's supposed to have for me? I wish she was different. I wish I wasn't such a burden to her.

I reached up and swatted the gun. Causing it to fly across the stage. Turns out my mother didn't have a grip on the pistol like I thought she would. It went off suddenly and shot a prop on the stage, aimed right for a sign. It tumbled over. But, the gun going off was enough of a distraction. Everyone screamed and scattered like rats. I scrambled across the stage and grabbed the gun. I didn't know much about shooting one... But, I picked it up and aimed down Matthew. He was right on my trail until that point. He threw his hands up quickly.

"Jossie," he called out cautiously.

"BACK UP!" I yelled in panic. I felt my heart racing so much I thought I was on the verge of a heart attack. Matthew stepped away from me in obedience.

"Jossie, be careful with that," he warned. He knew I never held one before. But, I gripped onto it with both hands and aimed down his chest for a better target.

"Call everyone off," I warned as I stared at my mother out of the corner of my eye. She was just now standing up. I suppose she ducked down when the gun went off. "Or Matthew will be my next victim." I could hear pack members coming back to the stage slowly. They stayed in a shocked silence. My mother straightened out her black pencil skirt. She held her head up high as she looked out at the crowd.

"You heard her," she said softly. "Everyone back away and give them some space." The crowd done as told and I waited as they stepped away from the stage at a good distance. I looked back at Matthew to make sure he wasn't sneaking up on me. He h+

ad stayed in the same position. I was grateful for it. I need to get away from here. Safely. I looked at the safety that was still off on the gun. I need to be careful.

"N-now I'm going to take Matthew with me," I began my demands. "No one follows us." I looked at Matthew. He was bigger than me... I was afraid he'd overpower me at any moment but... he's the only loophole I can think of. If I use anyone else... I might be tackled and stuck as a victim again. "Lets go," I demanded. "Down the stage. EVERYONE move out of the way," I ordered. Matthew threw his hands up as I stepped towards him. "GET GOING!" I shouted. I could tell he was afraid of the gun. I looked at my mother to make sure she wasn't moving. She was still at a distance from us. I looked back at Matthew and together we stayed at the same distance as we got off the stage. People backed away from us. I made sure to keep my distance from the crowd but also from Matthew. If I got too close he might be able to disarm me. I knew he was intelligent when it came to disarming. He was a pack warrior after all. Everyone gasped as they moved away. Scared I would shoot them.

I felt like my heart was going to burst. I was scared of myself and of everyone around me. I tried not to let it show. I didn't want to give myself away. But, my hands shook uneasily from the weight of the gun. I wasn't use to it. "Matthew," I called out. "Head back towards the house." At the house I would get the spare money from the cookie jar. It would have enough for me to live on for two or three months. I'd also grab my dad's keys for his car. I could drive it out of town and keep going. I'll grab my father's wallet to take with me. I don't have time to pack a bag of clothes. I'll have to pick up a job quick wherever I end up at.

This is it... I'm a rogue now.

JaySkylar JaySkylar

Ya'll I've been thinking of ideas for Josephine's Soul Mate~~! He's a capricorn. White wolf? Yellow eyes. Silver hair in human form... Blue eyes? Ambitious, workaholic, presistent, confident, determined, honest, distinguished, realistic, pressimistic, touchy, sensitive, pratical, displined, leader, stuck up?, fearless...

But my favorite?

His last name...


First name?


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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