Jane p.o.v Hayley where are you right now i ask her i'm at the circus hayley said can you come back from the circus please i ask her sure she said my p.o.v jane are you okay i ask her yeah she said but look isn't that where we took our cousin's she ask yes i said i have to go i said i ran there crying when i got there was fire everywhere i went in and i started calling Skyler Sam Riley CJ Charli Chris i said i went into the play room and saw them i got them out of the house and someone can over did you just go into that burning house she ask me yes i said why she ask because they are my cousin's i said she call for help and they got taking to the hospital and i knew how did it jeff i said yes he said why did you burn down my auntie house because i love to kill he said i do to but not when it's my cousin's i said but you seem to love hurting everyone i said they are all of my cousin's here cousin's and they could die because of you i said no they will not my dad said they are all doing just fine he said good we all said they are just kids he said yeah just kids that can die when they want to die i said and went back to the circus stardust p.o.v hayley are you okay i ask yeah she said okay tell me the truth i said okay she said my p.o.v i'm am not okay because i get call back to my dad house to fine out that jeff had put my other auntie house on fire where my cousin's were i said that is just wrong she said yeah i said and he does not care about it too i said what the she said yeah i said he just care about killing and get blood all over him i said yeah star said i know we kill but not our family i said yeah she said we would kill them if they did something mean to us and we did not like them but my cousin never did anything to make me hate them i said yeah she said but still he kill there mum and dad he should of left them alone i said you are right star said but a killer will all way need to kill star said than go and kill people that are bad i said yeah she said if me and jane had killed them then jeff would not have gone to burn down the house i said yeah but you love them you and jane could of never killed your cousin's she said yeah your right i said we could never kill them i said and jeff has to see that i said yeah he does star said and left oh hey sundust i said hey cutie he said so what are you doing he ask nothing right now but me and summer and star have a dance we have to do soon i said and left hey summer i said hey hayley she said so what are you doing she ask nothing i said just walking around i said yeah she said yeah i said well see yea i said bye she said hey lightmare i said hey hayley she said so how are things going with you and nightsky i ask good she said that's good i said yeah she said bye light i said bye hayley she said sun where are you right here cutie he said okay come with me i said okay he said where are we going he said right into this room i said okay he said i shut the door and locked it so why are we here sun ask me oh i need your help fining something i said okay he said so what are we looking for he ask something that is black and red i said okay he said hey hayley is this what you are looking for he ask yes but that is one of them i said we need two more i said okay he said found them he said thank you i said and unlocked the door and we left
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