17.85% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 3: Hail the sun and become the night

บท 3: Hail the sun and become the night


The kid tore through the car's door, the metal felt like paper under the strength of his fingers.

The rays of the sun had shone down on his body for his entire life, it enhanced and changed him.

"I AM SUPER!" With arms spread wide and his chest puffed he announced, the power behind his voice was enough to move the nearby trees and shake the ground he stood on as almost visible sound waves moved through its surface.

His intellect felt like countless quantum computers were processing each and every thought he made.

And the sensation was still growing.

He will undoubtedly advance the human race with such power.

He had buried himself in education and information, thanks to Thomas Wayne, to make good use of his mind.

One look would be enough for him to retain all information he once knew.

With eidetic and photographic memory, his previous life's knowledge was at his disposal.

He could see the atomic components of matter. And recently, he began feeling some sort of bioelectric aura that surrounded his skin.

Not only him though, it also affected his immediate surroundings.

To test this, he lifted the abandoned car he had been smashing and it still remained straight without bending in any way or form.

A car wasn't made to be lifted by its bumper. It should have collapsed or bent under its own weight.

Perhaps this was the famous tactile telekinesis.

He already knew his heat vision was the discharge of solar energy through his optic nerves.

But further observations showed that varying intensities caused it's different colours.

Which meant he could make low intensity invisible rays, and also make high intensity micro beams.

"Heat vision!"

He willed his eyes to vibrate to ridiculous levels, causing excitations in the air molecules that come in contact with his eyes, turning them into a stream of super heated plasma.

He was actually transferring kinetic energy into the air, the intensity and temperature of the beams having a correlation with the speed of his vibration.


The superheated plasma cut through the ground.

Doing the reverse of the process by absorbing the kinetic energy in the air he discovered he could also emit a freezing ray.

It looked like solid beams of ice as it skewered and froze objects on impact.

Finally, it was time to test the real power that made superman iconic, flight.

He then focused on his aura as it responded like a third arm, he felt an instinctual feeling on how to use it, on how to control it.

Dust slowly rose signalling the effect of his aura on the environment.

And with a thunderously mighty shock wave, he shot off the ground like a super rocket.

Dust and rubble were scattered, the ground cracked and quaked as he zoomed through earth's atmosphere.

'Yup. I need to practice it, don't wanna be like Hancock was.'

Patrick was having so much fun.

Flying was like swimming but with absolute freedom and barely any resistance.

After some consideration, he decided to shape his aura on the fly.

Instead of making it spherically streamlined, he shifted it into shape edges, and immediately the young kryptonian cut through the air as he constantly burst through sound barriers.

He theorized this could be utilized offensively, as he could cut through an object like this.

He performed the Superman flying pose, and with his superior proprioception, he always had an awareness of the relation of his body to the space it was in all at pinpoint accuracy.

After hours of playing around with his flight abilities, Patrick attempted to go to space.

To visit the very source of his powers.

Flying through space without any form of protective gear was absolutely surreal.

The Earth looked so much more beautiful when seen from space, this big blue ball of magnificence and vibrant life.

Patrick zoomed past the planets as he arrived before the sun, it's rays barely tickling his invulnerable skin.

Filling him with strength and power.

But the boy had a theory, he would try to increase the energy procession and storage capacity of his own cells.

He wanted to stay very close to the sun and with each trip, gradually move deeper into it, till he reached the core of the sun allowing his kryptonian cells to evolve into having a larger storage capacity and even the capability to effectively process it.

But he was no fool.

He didn't attempted to move closer to the centre of the star.

He had concluded that the resulting raw energy would be more than his cells might be able to process.

Which could then lead to them being over saturated with solar energy, prompting them to burst from within.

And so, they would constantly explode resulting in the eventual degradation of said cells, effectively killing the last son of krypton.

He didn't know how long he spent there bathing in the pure rays of the sun.

It felt so peaceful just floating there among the stars while listening to their songs, but he had work to do.

Even from space he could make out the Wayne manor and its location, that's how Overpowered his telescopic vision was.

He zoomed through the Earth's atmosphere, the re-entry resistance barely affected him.

Unfortunately his clothes weren't so lucky.

Deciding to avoid wasting his time with the classical superhero landing, Patrick simply decreased his falling speed to the point of hovering above his city.

He didn't feel embarrassed at gliding through Gothic Metropolis being naked, he was superman.


Though he didn't want to name himself as Clark once did. Neither would he dare to take Batman's name as well.

He was fine labeling himself as the last son of krypton or as the dark knight.

But stealing others heroes names was a line he wasn't willing to cross.

At least, not yet.


'The symbols of my houses should be represented in some way. '

His eyes narrowed a little.

'I will become the pillar of hope for my allies... and for my enemies...'

Patrick began grinning.

'Their Doom.'

'But... why should I name myself?'


After his test drive with his kryptonian powers.

He came with a conclusion.

He did not need to choose between Batman or Superman.

He could, technically, be both.

But for now, publicly announcing himself as an alien to the world wasn't on his 'to do list'.

This only leaves the other option.

The young boy's eyes widened at his idea.

'I'm going to become a ninja!' Was his decision.

Of course, Patrick didn't really know the minor details of what was involved in becoming a ninja, but all he really wanted was to be a sneaky spy and assassin.

If a mere human was capable of becoming famous for disappearing in a blink of an eye, then imagine what the young kryptonian would be capable of doing.

And he was planning to capitalise on that idea.

Since he was capable of knocking out his targets with literally a flick of his fingers, weapons were basically overkill.

Not that he won't use some, but only because of their cool factor.

Knives, pistols, swords, snipers and many others were being considered.

It must be mentioned that Batman needed to get close to his targets to perform his takedowns.

Sometimes it challenged his skills to put his best performance.

This won't be a need he would share. With his exponentially increasing speed, he will quite literally appear behind them.

And why simply knock them out?

Sure it is always good avoiding killing redeemable lives, but there will always be those that despite being capable of redemption, risked the lives of many others who would otherwise take the chance to improve.

These were just some of the decisions that he had been continually reflecting about.

His body had also grown to be visibly fit, and he was amazed how Clark wasn't the most popular kid in smallville.

He inevitably noticed it when he had been through his training regime after a year.

The complicated part was molding his moral resistance to kill and raising his confidence to do what he believed was right.

Patrick was in awe as he performed his training.

He was in his cave headquarters that had sheltered his spaceship since his arrival, a reasonably sized area reinforced by the Wayne manor's foundation to ensure it wouldn't suddenly collapse.

He made sure to avoid drawing attention, and expected his father would eventually bring him here.

The boy was in his sweatsuit, moving around the cave while Brainiac worked on simulating his drill.

It was like those predator challenges he had played multiple times in those amazing Arkham games.

He was supposed to target enemies with stealthy hit-and-run tactics to pick them off without being overwhelmed by their superior firepower.

Regardless if he was faster than bullets or even bulletproof, but it just felt awesome being like Batman.

He had programmed the simulation to challenge his kryptonian brain, and some times, making him make some tough calls.

Safely rescuing hostages, killing dangerous targets swiftly and improving his stealth.

Vantage points weren't necessary given his X-ray vision and flight.

Vents, alarms, wires, traps and different environments were part of his initiation.

But it did send chills down his spine at the ease of which he was accomplishing the tasks.

It was almost terrifying at how easy Patrick could apply lethal force to 'kill' his targets, especially considering that the brainiac was boosting their strength and speed to raise the difficulty.

While he pondered about which gadgets were actually useful to him, the uncontested candidate was the utility belt.

Most of its contents were going to be contingency plans in case his powers were somehow taken out, like grappling guns or line launchers.

Especially the gliding cape.

Or even to aid the vulnerable victims he was bound to one day have to rescue. Like first-aid kits and rebreathers, who knows when they might come in handy.

Instead of batarangs, he much favored some old-fashion kunais and shurikens.

He could throw them much faster and with precision that any regular human could ever hoped to accomplish.

Some tranquilizer needles and multiple types of grenades guaranteed him enough options to not get bored to death in his missions.

Testing his advanced vocal chords, he managed to replicate the bat sonar signal effects over his flying mammals neighbors.

Some really long and powerful tracers and communication devices programmed to listen to particular frequencies he could speak. Great option to hand to someone as an untraceable way of communication.

The kryptonian didn't require a cryptographic sequencer.

At least not completely.

As he could easily listen into secure radio frequencies with his superhuman hearing.

But it might be useful when trying to remotely access secure computer terminals and bypass digital security measures without much information or time for trial and error.

Perhaps he should one day try mimicking the cell phone sonar device from the movie.

But his hearing was already daredevil's level, so he was in no hurry.

Now with his suit.

To be completely honest he didn't need any form of regular protection.

Outside kryptonite and magic, he will eventually be impervious to basically anything one could possibly throw at him.

And if not, he simply needed to avoid getting hit using his super speed.

On the other side, his suit needed to be resistant enough so he wouldn't end up naked.

Better to avoid re-entry the earth's atmosphere amidst a battle.

His kryptonian's armor schematics lacked the actual materials to fabricate them.

Maybe when he has enough money.

Now, the spiked gauntlets were a must.

He didn't care if the league of shadows might copyright him, he wanted those cool gauntlets.

All in all, for now it only had to be spooky enough at night.

The kryptonian didn't decide about his vehicle.

He didn't want to have more than one. So it needed to be a complete hybrid.

He considered using his spaceship to build something similar to the gliding bat from the beyond series and eventually using Ironman's satellite delivery concept to bulk it up to become a tank whenever necessary.

Brainiac was already functioning as his bat-computer and A.I butler.

He may not possess Batman's strong force of will, but neither did Bruce Wayne possess his Kryptonian physiology and technology.

He was sure he didn't cover everything, but at least after these preparations, he wouldn't be so easily caught unprepared.

As a matter of fact, he unfortunately did not find any data regarding kryptonite.

He was still researching how to reproduce its effects, he really wished to gain some type of immunity or at least resistance.

Lately he has been enjoying some long sessions of sunbathing.

And after he became capable, Patrick began exploring the city while disguised.

In the past year, he had learned the city's shady side by heart.

He was aware of cameras and the unnecessary headache they might provide him.

The kid had scouted out most drug dealers he could find, mapped their movements and located their storage facilities.

After all this time surveilling, tonight was going to be his first mission.

He was really excited, if he was being honest, he was treating it like a birthday present since it was the date he was adopted into the Wayne family ten years ago!

And so, after a long wait for 2 am, he sneaked out of his home. Making sure his parents were sleeping.

Patrick reached his HQ and dressed into his glorious vigilante's suit.

He looked at the holographic map brainiac was projecting and couldn't help but puff his chest out with pride and anticipation, he was finally debuting!

"Remember, only kill if it can not be helped. If all the drug dealers are dead, there will be no one to spread my fame, but injuries and crippling damage will guarantee I'm not taken lightly!"

He just crouched silently and then disappeared.

The only sounds in the cave were the water falling and the screeching of bats.


The targeted warehouse was situated in an industrial area that was mostly empty at night.

With practically no traffic, this warehouse was used as an alternative safe house.

They were falcone's henchmen as he pushed away any businesses in the area and kept the police from sniffing around.

As it appears, he still don't have them under his payroll.

For now at least.

They sold recreational drugs to the nearby commercial area that was packed full of nightclubs and bars, rarely they trafficked anything else but it happened, they had also recently increased their volume.

Since Carmine was mostly hostile towards other criminal leaders, they were a bit too over cautious concerning security, having multiple squads guarding the storage.

It was a well equipped and incredibly perceptive squadron that was found when the vigilante attacked.

Lights out.

The men immediately became alert and worried.

Since he wanted to avoid unnecessary deaths, he opted to focus on his show, taking down thugs but allowing their screams to echo all around.

It was over before it began, the guards were dragged from the light spots towards the darkness.

A couple of them were back to back but were quickly dealt with a double takedown.

Another one relieving himself at the bathroom almost literally pissed himself when he heard the cacophony of cries and screams.

After the silence joined the shadows, the vigilante continued working, he began searching everywhere for relevant items of any sorts.

Five minutes later, every bit of cash, jewelry, weapons and drugs were brought together for extraction, and there was no sign of anything else other than the brutalized thugs.

Even the criminals' possessions were not spared as he confiscated anything of value.

Any security camera belonging to the warehouse had been altered as if nothing had happened, not even the blackout was recorded, and no sign or calling card had been left behind to identify the culprit.

After a while.

"It's done. It took me less than ten minutes! Better not jinx this great success." Was his statement before leaving.

Patrick speeded directly to his alternative underground hideout in the city's sewers.

And yes he had cleaned everything before settling down. With his super vision, no germ escaped his holly cleansing.

There he was dressed in his black full-body outfit inspecting the night's spoils.

It seemed that he had chosen well, the gang he hit were quite important.

- $5.000

- 100 quality jewellery.

- 50 guns and 100 knives/blades.

- several kilograms of drugs.

Not a bad catch for ten minutes of work!

From now on, he was glad to not let traces on his parents' bank accounts.

Since he passed the training run, he began plotting the next missions with the same difficulty.

It turns out that Gothic Metropolis had quite a few aspiring gangs scattered around.

Not focusing on a particular gang would allow him to position one against the other.

His only challenge was avoiding that innocents were caught in the crossfire.

The night wasn't even over and so the kryptonian became stunned at the result of his short crusade.

He just finished storing at about a quarter of a billion dollars and an impressive pile of jewellery and weaponry.

And this was only a minor safe house from the influential criminal groups!

Patrick had wanted to get some training from operations with little risk of failure and to accustom himself to fighting for real.

He had performed flawlessly, taking out cameras and blitzing gang members from behind to install fear without being actually seen.

Those that were his victims would have definitely suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

While those who would be hearing about my attacks would say the shadow was not real.

Perhaps animosity between henchmen and boss might eventually rise.

Not wanting to give the underworld criminals the chance to breathe. It was time for him to attack a more strategic checkpoint.

It would be his last mission for the night as it was already 5 am.

The target had a hundred or so members in the building and two small houses were used as outposts that have been operating outside.

The two houses were finished without any problems, the victims stripped of anything of worth.

It was his next target that caused him some slight inconveniences.

The building he was infiltrating was actually a series of buildings closed to each other.

The catch, were the many blind spots and places for people to hide.

But they were overcome with extensive surveying of the compound, and so he swiftly began his assault.

But of course, the gang had entered the business of human trafficking, as he had not noticed before finally deciding to act.

Patrick admitted he was no saint.

But for now at least, he wasn't going to let this happen in his city.

Not without his approval.

And so when a small ninja appeared out of nowhere in front of a cage filled with miserable women, he was prepared for what to do next.

He unsheathe his sword, drawing some gasps from the crowd, and swung it as if to cut the cage's bars.

He knew if he attempted with all his force, the sword would probably shatter.

He didn't want to reveal his super strength, so bending the metal bars with his bare hands wasn't an option.

But before the blade contacted the metal, he flicked the door's lock with his fingers in a picosecond and vanished into thin air.

The crowd just stood there, without daring to attempt leaving their cage.

Actually, they attempted to close it again after hearing the nightmarish screams coming from outside that room.

His training finally kicked in, and so he moved as a blur from behind the men, slashing and thrusting his sword in precise motions.

Anyone attempting to aim at his shadowy figure received a kunai right through their eye socket.

Those instantly killed were the lucky ones.

The poor unfortunate souls that appeared to be somehow influential, lost some limbs, cracked multiple bones or simply glimpsed the nightmarish figure that kept vanishing and appearing.

The chilling detail was that no blood had been seen. The cuts appeared to immediately cauterize themselves.

Even the figure's projectiles disappeared from fallen bodies.

Some survivors began considering this was the devil they were facing.

But their shock to a hold of themselves and so those alive lost consciousness.

Or was it the major loss of blood? Perhaps it was because of the concussions.

Who knows, it might even be because of some tranquilizer needles that had simply chirped through the air.

All in all, Patrick decided it was enough.

'Phew! It seems I've overdone a little. But I'm not even angry! And... I didn't feel any kind of bloodlust! I... I just considered doing and... I did. As if it was a simple chore one does daily.'

The teen eventually shrugged. Though he decided to be more careful for not unintentionally becoming a villain.

Who knew that he would take to this ruthless way of life so quickly?

And so he proceeded. The rest of the mission went as expected.

After his carnage, the place was thoroughly plundered, even the hidden stashes were uncovered.

Super vision and hearing were really convenient.

They worked well when he was searching for secret compartments under floorboards or in walls, nothing was safe from being pillaged.

The room where the massacre happened was practically the same from before his arrival.

Not a trace of what happened could be determined from the location, in fact, even the dead and brutalized criminals seemed to have been like that for months.

Their boss would eventually come to check the place, only to find through the traumatized witnesses that he had been robbed!

Everything considered, it was a phenomenal debut.



*Hey there! Thanks for reading my work! I hope this chapter is of your liking. Hope you check it out my other stories.

Any ideas for powers, equipment, girls and anything else that might be a good match with my fic is more than welcomed. I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait and I'll promptly try to fix it. But for that I need your feedback.

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe. Bye.

Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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