61.29% Nonhlanhla Langane / Chapter 38: Chapter thirty eight

บท 38: Chapter thirty eight

Business world

* Today was the day jakes sister Evelin arrives*

Jakes's father said "why are they not down here yet Jakes and Laura?"

The helper said "they are still sleeping."

Jakes's father said "at this time?"

The helper said "some of the staff heard them fighting and then they were watching movies the whole night, laughing."

Jakes's father said "okay what were they fighting about was it about Evelin?"

The helper said "No, from what I heard it was about them having different views on certain things, sounded more like to prepare themselves if they were to get married."

Jakes's father said" that's too soon, hope he is not planning this trip to come back here married."

The helper said "anything is possible with your son."

Jakes went to Laura's room, pulled the curtains.

Jakes said "Morning sleeping beauty, the sun is out."

Laura said "No, just want to go back to sleep, how do you do this we both stayed up late last night?"

Jakes said "I use to party all night and wake up early, let's go for a run."

Laura said "I don't exercise, I don't even know how to run."

*Laura was one of those people who ate whatever they want and they don't gain weight. They have that thin waist, her body was to die for she can easily get to modelling if she wanted to.*

Jakes said "come on, just run around the blocks, it is good for your health."

Laura said "fine, next thing I know I will have to join you to your gym."

Jakes said "why not, you should see how I put on the work for this muscles and abs, I have to look good for you."

Laura said "yeah right, let me get ready don't even have workout clothes here."

Jakes said "hurry up babe."

*Since Eric's mother moved and wanted a divorce was it finalized*

Eric's father said "your mother called me, she wants me to sign the divorce paper or she will fight me on this."

Eric said "can she do that, maybe you should just sign and get it over with."

Eric's Father said" Son, it is not that simple we stayed together for years, made vows before God now it is for worse, your mother just going through a difficult time."

Eric said "sounds like you are in denial, difficult time that's crazy father what is difficult about staying in the right path, she is just greed, her God is money let her worship it and reap all those rewards she must not come back crying to us when it all falls down."

Eric's Father said "we should not judge her, it is easier to change your behaviour than changing someone else like they say, and it is not easy son to stay in the right path temptations out there. It is an on-going battle and no matter how long you have been saved you make mistakes."

Eric said "I was being honest not judging her people don't want to hear the truth "don't judge us" while you were just being honest."

Eric's Father said "so I am "people" your truth should not sound judgemental towards others now and we should invite Laura for the holidays."

Eric said "summer trip with her boyfriend, they're going to Europe. "

Eric's Father said "I don't like the idea of them living together they're not married."

Eric said "now you're judging them, I get you want to be a protective father but jakes was there for her and gave her a place to stay."

Eric's Father said "what you will be doing this summer?"

Eric said "same thing I do every summer hang out with my friends, attend bible sessions and be more involved in church."

Eric's Father said "why can't you do what everyone else does, have fun?"

Eric said "because I'm Eric Thompson not everyone else, beside I will have fun, I love my life the way it is boring and simple to other people but to me it is pretty much awesome."

Eric's Father said "well it is your life and I was kidding son."

* Laura and Jakes were back from running and got ready for breakfast *

Jakes said "I think we should go out."

Laura said "I'm hungry you should hold that thought."

Jakes said "more reason to go out, I need some fresh air before my sister gets here she will be here any minute now."

Laura said "so you don't want to face her, here I was thinking I have a sweet man."

Jakes said "come on."

Laura said "fine, I'm driving and will be eating at my favourite place for breakfast."

Jakes said "I don't mind."

They went to have breakfast near Laura's home town.

Laura said "babe, they make the best pancakes here."

Jakes said "pancakes it is, what do you love about this place?"

Laura said "just look around people feel at home here, food here served with love, people who work here they're always smiling happy and they're just kind."

Jakes said "that's what customer service is about positive attitude."

Laura said "it is more than that. "

*Jakes looking around seeing kids happy , laughing and old couple having a cup of coffee, everyone here felt home everyone was treated the same way rich or poor.*

Jakes said "I see what you are saying, if you're rich your important, the services with fake smiles, fake people it's the world we live in."

Laura said " it should not be that way, if I went to those fancy restaurant dress this way they wouldn't let me in but going with you they will definitely let me in. "

Jakes said "why wouldn't they I'm the billionaire son, joking babe I get what you are saying."

Laura said "do you, I once went to this restaurant, when I got there they let me in I sat down everyone stared at me saying" can she afford to even pay for the water here, maybe she is waiting for a sugar daddy that must be the reason " it was my birthday I had savings enough to pay for one person meal. "

Jakes said "sorry babe, continue shining your light being awesome kind and sweet, that's all you can do in this cruel world and some people will follow what you do."

Laura said "you should meet Mary the shop owner every time I come here she gives me free chocolate muffins."

Jakes said " why am I not surprise love, you eat muffins daily we should definitely work out together , when you will get pregnant this thing of "I eat what I want I don't gain weight", it will be a totally different story."

Laura said "so we are now talking about babies, just know I won't have to do it all alone lose the weight, if I'm having just a banana for breakfast you will also do that."

Jakes said "that sounds like a punishment."

* They laugh, Mary the owner went to them *

Mary said "hi Laura haven't seen you in a while."

Laura said "hi Mary, this is jakes my boyfriend."

Jakes said "nice to meet you Mary, these are the best pancakes are have ever had."

Mary said "are you sure about that so they don't make the best pancakes in that mansion, you guys have chefs staff and everything but yet still want to destroy other people's lives all because of greed."

Laura said "Mary, what are you talking about?"

Mary said "his father bought the land, and we are forced to move, this place is my life I may not make crazy profits but it pays bills my children are in schools because of this small shop you see."

Jakes said "well, I didn't know that and I'm not involved in any of my father's business."

Laura said "Mary we are truly sorry."

Mary said "Not as I am this is not right."

Jakes said "the breakfast was great thank you, sorry about what my father is doing and good luck"

* They went out, sit down at the park *

Jakes said "so, you brought me here for this, I didn't even know what to say to her."

Laura said" I didn't know the shop will be soon closed, because of your father."

Jakes said "it was horrible why on earth will he buy this land, he was talking about how everything means nothing without my mother but this"

Laura said "I wish I could answer that, will have to talk to him and convince him not to move anyone here."

Jakes said "let's hear him out first his plans and decide after if it isn't a bad thing for these people to move."

Laura said "are you kidding me, "these people" have families to feed he is already wealthy these people here are trying to survive not to be successful."

Jakes said "I'm on your side here, Mary's side just want us to know exactly what is happening first, my father is a business man and also cares about people I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this."

Laura said "handing out cheques and donating that's what rich people do, do they know what really means to care for someone for people. Empowering people inspiring them, helping them fulfil their dreams, " I did my part I donated money " that's all they know posting starving kids telling the world" we fed these kids "just wrong."

Jakes said "you are saying giving people money is wrong and how else are they going to help these kids if they don't post pictures of them?"

Laura said "are you kidding me so if it was you on those pages wearing torn clothes and not looking good. Just to raise funds they post you as a kid what about dignity, there should be a way of getting funds without seeing those kids on this pages online just nonsense."

Jakes said "still didn't answer my questions, as for those pictures when people see these kids they donate money."

Laura said "I'm saying they should really help people instead of giving them few dollars and think they have solved poverty or the social economic problems. They are business people why can't they help people to have their business grow these shops, go out to these communities see what they need, they just need someone to believe in them and help them to just get started."

Jakes said "now you're talking about my father."

Laura said" well this whole conversation is about him."

Jakes said "for a business student you make it sound business people are cruel , care only about making profits, at the end of the day business is business."

Laura said "I'm not saying your father is cruel man, I'm saying the big guys can work together with the people at the bottom of the chain."

Jakes said "what do they know?"

Laura said "they may not have business diplomas or degrees but they know something, to start a business is a hard work."

Jakes said "I hear you but sometimes in business you make tough calls, and not everyone is going to like it."

Laura said "do you think we are cut out for the business world?"

Jakes said "we are babe, don't worry about that you will be successful not just because you're smart, you care about people passionate about making a change and the world isn't ready for this brilliant woman here."

Laura said "let's go, your sister is coming."

Jake's said " don't remind me about that, we were here to get some air, end up talking about business, next time I'm not allowing you to pick any of your places."

Laura said "what?"

Jakes said "I'm kidding, breakfast was great and I couldn't even ask Mary's secret ingredients those pancakes were so mouth-watering."

Laura said "I doubt she would have told you. "

Jakes said "well, thanks to my father."

* They got back to the mansion *

Jakes's father said "I haven't seen you today."

Jakes said "I was out with Laura for breakfast and guess what you happened?"

Jakes's father said "what are you talking about?"

Jakes said "well, the place I went to have breakfast at turns out you just bought the land, do you know how embarrassing and awful it was."

Jakes's father said "yes, I bought the land I have good reasons for it. "

Jakes said "what are those?"

Jakes's father said "first, I don't appreciate your tone I'm your father, you don't care about my business why should you know about my plans?"

Jakes said "I care about your companies, just want to work hard for things in my life I don't want to be handed over, I have my own goals I want to achieve mine as same as you did. I can't be just Jakes son of a billionaire."

Jakes's father said "poor you son, that you grow up in a rich family, went to the best schools didn't have to work in your life all you know is to spend money that I worked hard for and you going to stand there preach to me about wanting to work hard."

Jakes said "I went to business school because it was your choice, I changed my mind I loved doing the course I want to start my own business with my woman, that shop owner her name is Mary she has family to look after."

Jakes's father said " so it was Laura's idea to come here question my approach to business, I have been doing this way before you were even born into this world, you think you will be successful without making such tough decisions, think again son."

Jakes said "well, I won't have to destroy people's lives just to make more money. "

Jakes's father said "you are stupid boy, I bought that land because gold is there, it will create jobs and it will be good for that community. I'm not trying to destroy anyone here I'm just improving their lives."

Jakes said "keep telling yourself that."

Jakes's father said "you have a lot to learn, your sister would understand this."

Jakes said "the same one who betrayed you I was here I am always here, yet I need to prove myself to you and never will I be good enough for you."

Jakes's father said "just stop, I love you son it's just you ... "

Jakes said "just what, I'm not like you and Evelin, I am sorry I can't be who you want me to be. "

Jakes's father said "I guess I have been hard on you."

Jakes said "you guess, last night I was talking to Laura about how I'm afraid of letting you down, I don't want to live my life like that constantly trying to please you scared of failing."

Jakes's father said "I'm sorry son, I will try to do better, and I thought you were fighting about having different views not about me."

Jakes said " it's not about you father, but somehow you always find a way to be in my business like that Mary shop and I don't want to fight with Laura because of how you conduct your business."

Jakes's father said "so are you going to tell me about your trip instead of annoying me about how I go about with my business."

Jakes said "just romantic gateway."

Jakes's father said "I know you son I hope you're not planning this trip to come back married."

Jakes: said "well, you know when you have meet the one and when it feels good."

Jakes's father said "well, it feels good in the beginning, don't rush into things."

Jakes said "I know what I'm doing."

Jakes's father said "it's your life I will just have to support you but just make sure Laura signs the prenuptial agreement contract before getting married.��

Jakes said "for once you and her agree on something she believes in protecting her assets well I won't sign anything."

Jakes's father said "she is right on this you have to protect everything we have and she on the other hand has nothing to lose you will lose everything."

Jakes said "you sound pretty sure of yourself Laura will be successful and maybe more than you or I. I will rather be a stupid man than change what I believe in."

Jakes's father said" I hope she is not playing you telling you she wants to sign the contract just to make sure you are against it any way it is your life and my money."

Jakes said "well when I turn 25 or when you die it will be mine."

Jakes's father said "I guess you can't wait son."

Jakes said "I didn't mean it like that you see you don't know me."

Jakes's father said "are you sure, you think I don't know what happened to that sport car you gave to Parker and you doing stupid things in high school. Continuing with that to college and the reporters I had to bribe not write embarrassing stories about you, you still think I don't know you?"

Jakes said "what reporters are you talking about and how did you find out about what I did to fit in?"

Jakes's father said " is that all you are going to say I was so disappointed but any way does not matter anymore and I need you to trust me I always have your back so stop assuming the worse of me."

Jakes said "well truth has a way of coming out I am sorry and yours still remains you don't let me in about your past but it is okay right dad."

Jakes's father said "will you tell your kids one day about all the stupid things you did in your life I don't think so, nothing to tell about my life living in the hood."

Jakes said "did you do drugs or crime?"

Jakes's father said "because everyone in the hood does that son, a girl broke my heart Bella and I did things to try get her back. I did all she wanted me to but still chose the other guy and I almost ruin my life because of her and that's all I am going to say."

Jakes said "so, because of heartbreak made you to be like this look down to people you grow up with, just crazy the must be more to this no one just forgets where they come from."

Jakes's father said "I lived in shelters I was once homeless, and my parents were the only white family in the block we were struggling and Bella was my light in that place. I lost my self, my friends I was in a dark place I could blame it all on Bella but it was my choices and yes I still won't go back there I have people who go and help out should mean something."

Jakes said " sending out cheques, well I still don't know much but that's better than not telling me anything it is not like you will tell me everything or am I wrong?"

Jakes's father said "yes I won't, shouldn't you be preparing yourself your sister will be here?"

Jakes said "you mean dress up for her forget it what is wrong with what I am wearing?"

Jakes's father said "just causal, I want you to put more effort into this and mend your relationship with your sister."

Jakes said "will see."

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