6.66% Scar | Teen Wolf / Chapter 3: Wolf Moon

บท 3: Wolf Moon

The night before the first day of school, Scarlett hopped out of the shower. She could hear her brother, Scott, in the room next to hers preparing for his lacrosse practice the next day. As Scarlett was setting her phone down to charge, she heard a creaking noise coming from downstairs. She quickly poked her head out of her room, calling for her brother, "Scott? Did you hear that?"

Scott appeared from his room with a metal bat in hand, "Yeah, stay behind me."

"You're the one with asthma, maybe I should protect you."

"Really Scar," Scott rolls his eyes at his twins statement.

The two slowly descended the stairs, Scarlett's hand on Scott's shoulder. They kept their eyes and ears peeled, searching for an intruder. They couldn't see anyone inside so Scott slowly opened the front door and screamed. As soon as Scarlett saw who was on the other side of the door, she rolled her eyes and leaned on the door frame.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Scott exclaimed.

Stiles Stilinski, Scott's dorky childhood best friend, was hanging upside down from their roof. "You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?"

"We thought you were a predator!"

"Predator?" Scar mumbled giving Scott a questioning look.

Stiles laughed as he clumsily got down from the roof, "Look, I know it's late, but you guys got to hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago. Dispatch call. They're bringing in every officer of the Beacon department and even the state police."

"For what?" Scott and Scarlett asked in unison.

"They found a body in the woods," Stiles replied.

"A dead body?"

Scar scoffed, "Obviously Scott. They wouldn't send that many people out there if they were looking for a body of water."

Scott glared at his sister and then turned to Stiles who was trying to hide a snicker by continuing talking. "It was a girl probably in her twenties. Nobody knows what happened to her yet."

"Wait, if they found the body, what are they looking for?" Scarlett questioned Stiles, as she stood up straighter, causing Scott to nod in agreement, wondering the same thing.

Stiles started to grin, it was the same grin he gets when he's about to tell the twins some stupid idea, "That's the best part... They only found half of the body! We're going, so get dressed."

Scarlett's eyes slightly widened as she started shaking her head, "Yeah right, we have school tomorrow and I am not stomping through the woods looking for half of a body. You two idiots have fun and tell me about it tomorrow." She then waved goodbye over her shoulder as she headed upstairs to get a good night's sleep for classes the next day.



Scarlett quickly slammed her hand down to shut off the alarm then let out a groan. She sat up and stretched, then slowly pulled the blankets off of her. She went to her closet and pulled out a black long sleeve crop top, black skinny jeans, and gold heels. She applied her usual smokey eye and mascara then brushed her chocolate brown hair. She checked the mirror to make sure her outfit, makeup, and hair all looked good then made her way to the bathroom she shared with Scott. She quickly brushed her teeth then headed downstairs with her bag and phone.

"Morning, mother," Scarlett gave her mom, Melissa, a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed a granola bar from the pantry.

"Good morning, sleep well?" Melissa questioned as she sipped her coffee.

"Yeah, just wish I could have slept longer."

Melissa chuckled, "Of course you do, that's all you ever want."

Scarlett dramatically gasped and put her hand over her heart, "Mother! That is not true! How could you say such a thing!"

This caused her mom to roll her eyes and smile, "Is your brother up?"

"I think so, it sounded like he was getting ready when I was in the bathroom."

"Could you double-check for me, I don't want you two to be late on your first day back."

"Sorry, no can do. Lydia texted, she just pulled up." Scarlett then headed out the door and shouted a quick goodbye and I love you to her mother.


Arriving at the high school after a quick coffee stop, Lydia and Scarlett started talking about classes and which ones they had together. 

"Hey, Lydia! You look --" Scarlett glanced to the side, recognizing the voice, and rolled her eyes seeing Stiles call for her best friend. Stiles was very persistent when it came to Lydia but it never went anywhere. Lydia didn't even know he existed, despite being a friend of Scarlett's. Lydia and Scarlett continued walking and stopped by their lockers that were right next to each other.

Not even a minute later, someone came up behind Scarlett and grabbed her waist, making her let out a shriek. 

"I told you to stop doing that!" She said turning around, slapping the arm of the culprit.

"Sorry babe," Scarlett's boyfriend, Nate, replied with a smirk then pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

Nate and Scarlett have been together for a little over a year; they have been in the same friend group since kindergarten. He was Scarlett's first everything. First boyfriend, first kiss, first time, and first love. Lydia's boyfriend, Jackson, was also a part of this friend group, along with Nate and Jackson's best friend Danny. 

Scarlett shook her head but smiled quickly shutting her locker, then turned to Lydia, "See you after first period!"

Lydia gave Scarlett a bright smile and a nod then turned walking away, probably to find Jackson. Nate then grabbed Scarlett's hand and walked with her to their first class, History.

History dragged by with the only interesting thing being that the teacher brought up the body in the woods before class began.

After classes Nate and Scarlett met up with Lydia who immediately grabbed Scarlett's hand and dragged them over to a girl she didn't recognize. "This jacket is totally killer. Where did you get it?" Lydia asks bringing the girl's attention to the three of them.

"My mom was a buyer from a boutique back in San Francisco."

Lydia glanced at Scarlett then smiled at the new girl, "And you are our new best friend."

Scarlett quickly smiled and stuck out her hand, "Scarlett McCall, that's Lydia Martin and this is my boyfriend Nate Wilson. A pleasure to meet you."

"You too, I'm Allison Argent." she smiled back and shook Scarlett's out stretched hand. Scarlett saw Allison glance behind her so she turned her head just in time to see Jackson grab Lydia's waist and kiss her.

Scarlett leaned forward a bit, "That's Jackson Whitmore. Don't mind them. They have no concept of PDA." Allison smiles in response.

"So, this weekend, there's a party..." Lydia quickly invited Allison.

"Friday night, you should come," Jackson continued.

"Oh, I can't, it's family night on Friday... But thanks for asking." Allison quickly declined. Something most people don't know about Scarlett is that she can easily pick up when others are lying. Once the words left Allison's mouth, Scarlett's eyes narrowed because she knew that Allison was lying about family night. She kept her mouth shut though, there's no reason to call her out when it was clear the new girl didn't want to come. 

"You sure? Everyone's going after the game." Nate joined into the conversation, his arm casually slung over Scarlett's shoulders.

"You mean like football?"

"No, football here is kinda a joke. He's talking about lacrosse." Scarlett said, "They have practice in a few minutes. If you don't have anything else to do Lydia and I were going to watch."

"Well, I was going to..."

"Perfect! You'll come!" Lydia exclaimed before Allison could complete the sentence.


As soon as the trio got to the field Lydia, Allison, and Scarlett found a seat on the bleachers. Scarlett looked towards the field so that she could find Nate, Scott, and Stiles. She quickly found all three but frowned when she saw Scott making his way to the goal. "He's never played goal before, why is he starting now?" She quietly mumbled.

She then heard Allison ask Lydia, "Who is that?"

"Him? That's Scott, Scarlett's twin. Why?"

"He's in my English class, first period."

The whistle blows, letting everyone know that practice has begun and Scott immediately takes a ball to the head. Scar winces and crosses her fingers hoping that he would start actually stopping balls, and not with his face. The next few shots turned out a lot better. Scott was stopping every ball that came his way, the girls all watching in amazement. 

Scarlett couldn't help the wide smile that was on her face as he was catching the balls. "He seems pretty good," Allison says after a little bit.

"He's been practicing all summer," Scarlett smiled at her.

Jackson and Nate we're starting to get annoyed that no one was getting past Scott. They have been the best two players on the team so watching Scott outshine them made them angry. Jackson quickly pushed his way to the front to take a shot and try to scare Scott. Scarlett rolled her eyes and waited in anticipation. Once Jackson threw the ball, Scott easily blocked the shot. Scarlett jumped out of her seat, "Woohoo, Scott!" He looked her way and sent her a big smile.


When school ended Nate walked Scarlett out of the building, "Are you coming to my house?"

"Sorry, I can't. I promised my brother I would help him with something." Scar gave him a quick kiss, "I'll call you later."

She headed to Stiles' jeep where the two dorks were waiting for her. "I don't know why you are dating him," Stiles groaned as soon as Scar was sitting in the back seat.

She rolled her eyes and started changing her heels to her black vans. "Good thing you don't need to know why since you aren't in the relationship."

"Stiles has a point Scarlett, Nate's kinda an asshole." Scott adds.

"Jackson is kinda an asshole. Nate is sweet, I know he doesn't really get along with you guys but he's working on it. I'm making him."

Soon they were at the Beacon Hills Preserve, where Scott lost his inhaler and apparently got bit by a wolf. The boys caught Scarlett up in the car about what happened the night before. Scarlett initially freaked out and became protective of her twin when she was told this information.

Once she was caught up, they started trekking through the woods. Scar tuned out the boys so she could focus on searching for Scott's inhaler. Those things are expensive and their mom does not have the money to replace it. When she finally decided to listen to the conversation she wasn't sure if she heard the boys correctly. "You smell things? Like what?" Stiles was asking Scott.

"Like the mint gum in your pocket."

Stiles started to reach into his pocket while mumbling that he didn't have gum, only to pull his hand out with a piece of mint gum. Stiles and Scar both looked shocked that Scott guessed that correctly. "So, this all started with the bite?" Scar questioned her twin.

"What if it's like an infection? Like... my body is full of adrenaline before I go into shock or something." Scott was starting to panic.

Before Scarlett could try and calm him down Stiles replied, "You know what, I actually think I heard of this, it's a specific kind of infection."

Scott and Scarlett both gave Stiles a questioning glance waiting for him to continue. "Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy."

Scar smirked and shook her head as Stiles continued, "It's pretty bad but only once a month."

"Once a month?" Scott was now looking between Stiles and Scarlett.

Scar nodded, agreeing with Stiles, "Yeah, I've heard of this too. It's only bad on the night of the full moon." Stiles and Scar then shared a knowing glance as they both started to howl. Their howls got cut short as Scott hit their arms causing the two of them to start laughing.

"It's not funny, there is something seriously wrong with me!"

"We know! You're a werewolf!" Scar exclaimed with a huge smile on her face. "Friday is a full moon, Stiles make sure you keep an eye on him and melt all the silver you can find." She winked at Scott's best friend. Stiles tried to hide his snickers behind his hand but failed horribly as Scott walked away from the two laughing teens, continuing his search for his missing inhaler.

Once they reached a specific spot Scott sighed, "I could have sworn it was there. I saw the body, the stags running, and I dropped my inhaler."

"Maybe the killer moved the body," Stiles suggested with a shrug.

"Or we're just in the wrong spot, it was dark maybe you just remembered wrong." Scar then looked up and saw a very attractive gentleman watching them. She coughed to get the boys' attention.

"What are you doing here? This is private property." The mystery man had a gruff voice as he spoke to the three teens. He seemed ticked off that they were there. 

"Sorry man, we didn't know," Stiles replied quickly, he seemed a little nervous.

"Yeah we were just looking for something, forget it." Scott continued when Stiles finished. The attractive mystery man tossed Scott his inhaler than turned around walking away.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale! You guys remember, right? He's just a few years older than us." Stiles said as soon as Derek was out of earshot.

Scott still looked clueless but the name Hale sounded familiar to Scarlett, "Wait, you mean like the Hale fire?"

"That's the one. It happened like 10 years ago. He lost almost all of his family."

"I feel sorry for him, I can't imagine what that must have been like." Scarlett bit her lip and shook her head as she stared off in the direction that he went in.

They quickly made their way back to the Jeep, Stiles dropped Scott off at work and then quickly brought Scarlett back to her house.


The next morning Scarlett got dressed in a short sleeve, cold-shoulder, black crop top, high waisted gray and black plaid pants, and black heels. Lydia hates that Scarlett always wears black but Scar thinks she looks best in black. 

Lydia and Scar once again drove to school together and stopped at their lockers before first period. The minute first period ended Scott pulled his twin away from Nate to talk to her. "What's up?"

"Your boyfriend and Jackass think I'm on steroids" Scott deadpanned.

Scarlett's eyes almost bulged out of her head, "What? Why?"

"I don't know, probably because I suddenly got a hell of a lot better at lacrosse."

She sighed, "I'll talk to them, sorry they're both idiots." She turned and walked away starting her search for Nate and Jackson. Nate may be her boyfriend and Jackson may be one of her best friends but sometimes she seriously can't stand them.

She soon found them already on the field preparing for practice. "Hey jackasses!" Scarlett stopped in front of them. They both gave her questioning looks and glanced at each other probably wondering why she was mad at them. "My brother isn't doing drugs. He's been practicing nonstop this summer so he could get better and make first line. I get that you two are so egotistical that you can't let anyone one-up you but do not start making false accusations about my brother." Before they could get a word in, Scar stormed off looking to find Lydia knowing that she always helps calm her down.


Scarlett was at Lydia's house getting ready for the party with her. This is the girls' party ritual, go home together and help each other get ready for a kickass party all while gossiping about the things going on in their lives.

After telling Lydia about the argument Scarlett had with Nate, she claimed that Scar needed to look hotter than usual so he would regret ever making her mad. Comments like this are exactly why Scarlett is best friends with Lydia. Working together the girls picked out a patterned black and white strapless dress with a gold belt that hugged her waist. The dress perfectly showed off Scar's curves and adding a pair of black pumps completed the outfit.

Not too much later the party was in full swing. Pretty much the whole school was there, which is not surprising for a Lydia party. Stiles pulled Scarlett to the side as soon as he saw her, "Have you seen Scott?"

"No, why?" Stiles glanced nervously around then pulled her into the laundry room so they could be alone.

"That werewolf joke, not a joke anymore," he whispers. Scar's eyes widen and then she started giggling. "It's not funny Scarlett! I know it sounds crazy but I've been doing a bunch of research, it's the only thing that makes even the slightest bit of sense."

"Okay, well we will keep an eye on him. I'm sure he'll be fine. But if this happens to be true, we will figure something out. Don't stress though, Stilinski. We are at a party, come dance with me." She tugged on his hand and led him out of the room and into the back yard so that they could dance together. As soon as they stepped outside they spotted Allison and Scott so this also gave them a good view to keep an eye on Scar's twin.

Soon after Nate walked up to Stiles and Scarlett with a clenched jaw, "Mind if I step in, Stilinski?"

"She's all yours," Stiles sent Scar an awkward smile and stepped away, making sure to stay close so he could step in if Nate did something that would make Scarlett uncomfortable but still being able to keep an eye on Scott.

"We need to talk." Scar sighed and was about to follow him until she saw Scott rush out.

"I need to make sure my brother is alright, we can talk later."

Before she could walk away Stiles rushed past, "I got him, don't worry."

Nate then gently tugged on her hand, "Come on." As soon as they were somewhere quiet Nate started speaking, "I'm sorry I can be an asshole and I accused your brother of doing drugs." She stared blankly waiting for him to continue. He threw his head back then slowly looked into her eyes, "I won't do anything like that again, I promise. I love you, Scar."

Scarlett bit her lip then slowly leaned up to kiss him, "I love you too." She mumbled against his lips.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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