41.81% Reincarnated into Anime World / Chapter 44: Chapter 44: And this is not my daily life

บท 44: Chapter 44: And this is not my daily life

The following day, I woke up at the break of dawn, and with the clock ticking at the wall, I realized that I woke up early.

Sigh...I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy for a kid to wake up at 5.30am in morning.

I was on my way to the washroom to wash up and brush my teeth when I realized that I don't have my -

"Here are two toothbrushes for you." A familiar voice suddenly appeared right behind me, causing me to stumble.

"Obaa-san! Please don't do that again...you're gonna scare away some of your customers if you keep doing that."

"Oh, it's okay. I usually don't have many customers anyway. I just enjoy seeing you children have a fun time in Kyoto."

That would have implied a different meaning if...nevermind. Let's not go in that direction.

"And thank you for the toothbrushes."

At this point, I don't even care about how she knew that I didn't have my toothbrush with me.

"Your welcome. I hope you had a good, short rest. Your teacher has just called to confirm your pick-up time. Make sure that you and that girl are ready by 6."

"Yes, obaa-san."

"I'm going to miss you."

And I'm not going to miss you.

Hearing my silence, the grandma smiled and said, "You won't miss me?"

"Not your jumpscares."

"It barely counts as a jumpscare, though. You're just too easily frightened and have a poor sense of awareness."

I was too lazy to argue with that unreasonable granny. After bidding her goodbye, I went to wake back to wake Shouko to get her to prepare as well.

We didn't have to wait long after finishing our business as we heard our teacher's voice.

It seems that it is time to leave.

I looked at the quintuplets, who were still sleeping, feeling a bit reluctant. From a position where it was once neat, they were currently in a scramble and tangle of limbs. However, it could easily be seen how close the sisters were judging from their subconscious intimate sleeping posture.

Still, I wondered how they managed to arrive in their current positions in less than 6 hours of sleep.

Wanting to leave behind a good memory in Kyoto, my hands reached out to the camera at the corner of the room.

"Say 'cheese'! And smile!"

I felt a bit stupid asking them to say 'cheese' despite knowing that they were asleep, but they did manage to all smile at the same time, though.


My camera wasn't the Instant camera type, and it couldn't immediately print out the pic I just took.

How unfortunate. Still, I'll give the picture to the girls the next time I see them.

Shouko and I didn't have much to pack in the first place, so within 20 minutes, we were all ready to set off.

Just as I wondered how to spend the rest of the ten minutes before six, the sliding door opened, and the granny entered.

"It's time to go."

And just in time too. Shouko and I nodded our heads before following the granny outside. My head turned back to look at the quintuplets for the last time before I left.

They were fun to be around. I'm going to miss the girls.

But since I'm technically the protagonist of this 'story', I would be able to meet them later in the future, wouldn't I?

See ya, Miku.

[A/N: I'm just biased towards Miku, and you can't do anything about it. I wanted Nino as well, but since Fuutarou only met Miku for a longer time, his feelings for Miku would definitely be greater than her sisters.]


After the Kyoto trip, the days went back to normal. Kaori was a bit saddened that she couldn't join us on the school trip, but when she saw the photos that I took there, she soon got over it and discussed it happily with Shouko.

My family was less interested in Kyoto's pictures than the pictures of the quintuplets. I guess the mere fact that I met quintuplets was more extraordinary than any trip; it's not every day we meet triplets or twins, not to mention quintuplets.

Everyone who went was pretty disappointed that it ended so soon.

The Kyoto trip was nothing but a school trip to relax and learn and discover new things. But now that the break was over, it was time for the action that students of all ages dread the most - studying.

But being elementary students, we didn't require to spend all our time doing nothing but study. At the very least, we had more free time than the older students, even if we were forced to sit down and read.

[A/N: For those who don't understand this or feel like I'm just going in circles and contradicting myself, just ignore the last part then.]

Two weeks passed, and it soon became August the 14th. On the morning of this day, my father and mother suddenly received a call from someone.

I think something must have happened on the caller's side since my parents quickly packed up some things into their luggage after the call.

"Dad? Mum? Is there something wrong?"

"Something happened to our high school teacher, and now we're going to visit her."

"Is it serious?" I asked, frowning as I could feel something terrible had happened.

My parents looked at each other before one of them smiled, "Don't worry, brat. She's fine."

It was apparent that your teacher wasn't okay. Your smiles were so forced.

Still, since they didn't say it, I didn't push them any further, leaving them to pack their own things.

I also didn't bother to ask if we could accompany them since they would have already called for us if they wanted us to come along.

"You four children will be here alone for a day or two. Fuu-chan, can I trust you to take care of the girls?" My mother looked at me with seriousness.

"Yes. I'll make sure all of them will be safe."

"Me too! I will protect this house and our sisters!" Shouko raised her hand and added.

Seeing our replies, our little sisters replied as well, not knowing what was going on.

""Me too! Me too! We're gonna pwotect the house as well! I'll make sure Onii-chan/Onee-chan doesn't do some weird stuff!""

Hey! I don't ever do weird stuff!

"Aww...well, then. I'm entrusting this house to the four of you. Don't burn it down or something." My mother joked before giving each of us a kiss on the forehead, "See you in a few days."

"Bye! And have a safe trip!"

My parents left without any other words, and silence soon filled the house.

"Well, then. We haven't cleaned up this house in a while. Why don't we do some cleaning today?" Seeing that today was going to be boring, I suggested doing something meaningful.

Cause, why not? I would rather spend the weekend lazing around, but then again, I won't let my sister be spoiled, even though she's cute.

"Yes! Let's give mum and dad a surprise!" Raiha said excitedly.

Alright then. It's decided, it's time to do some household chores!

Our house wasn't very big compared to other people's house. We didn't have much of a backyard nor a garden in front of our door. We didn't even have those large, sliding window panels that some houses have to enter their side garden.

And although there were five bedrooms on two floors, none of them were anything too big.

"First, let's clean our own bedrooms. Go and arrange your stuff on your bed and ensure that the floor is free of stuff. I'm going to be mopping the floor after you do this." I instructed, and the girls immediately went to carry out my instructions.

I also went to my own room to clean up. My room wasn't big - it only contained one bed, one table, and one wardrobe for my clothes - but even then, there was only a tiny passageway to allow us to walk.

Hmm...now that I described it, it really does seem small, doesn't it?

My bed wasn't comfortable despite having the mattress on. Even the floor was more comfortable to sleep on, with a futon, of course. And so, that small passageway to walk was usually used as a sleeping area.

Since I didn't have much to clean up, I just tidied up my desk, placed my bag on my desk, and arranged my bedsheets before going downstairs to the bathroom on the ground floor.

Knowing that cleaning the bathroom would turn out to be the wettest experience, I decided to leave cleaning the bathrooms to the last.

"Fuu-kun?" Shouko's head popped out from the side of the door, and she blinked at me curiously, "What are we cleaning first?"

Obviously, the objects come first. It's common sense to start will all the small ones before moving to the bigger ones. If we clean the floor first before cleaning the dust on the objects, wouldn't the dust just get transferred to the clean floor, making it dirty?

We might as well 'transfer' all the dust and dirt to the floor first before cleaning the ground together will all the dust.

Praise me for my thinking!

Shouko heard my plan and thoughts and nodded her head, "It makes sense. Just tell me what to do then."

"Alright. Take this cloth and..."

The massive clean-up soon started. Fortunately, or unfortunately, our house didn't contain too many things. I just instructed everyone to clean their own room while I cleaned the living room as well. The kitchen didn't really need much cleaning, so there was no problem there.

Did we have a couch in the living room?

Yes, but it was small and old and easy to clean.

Our television was also equally tiny, but no one really uses the television, apart from seeing our horoscope for the day and occasionally, the news.

The rest of the morning went to dusting and wiping everything that needed to be dusted and wiped, and soon, it was already lunchtime.

I cooked lunch for everyone. It was nothing special, just rice, egg, grilled fish, and boiled meat and vegetables - our everyday, ordinary meal.

Yet, it was this sort of meal that brings warmth to my heart. As for those high-class fancy meals? Well, I never ate much of them in both lives, so I can't really compare.

After eating and washing up, we gathered in the bathroom once more.

Now that I take a closer look at the girls, I realized that they weren't very clean. Our little sisters had some dust on their hair and clothes from wiping the top shelves. Luckily, I made them wash their hands and face before the meal. Otherwise, I think that they would have eaten more dust than rice.

"Our next goal is the windows. I will be in charge of wiping the windows, and you three will mop the floor, alright?" I directed my instructions to the three girls.

The windows were located higher up on the walls, and I didn't want my six-year-old little sisters to risk an injury trying to reach the places they couldn't reach. Shouko needed to watch over the girls as they try to mop the floor as well.

Even if they were enthusiastic, I highly doubted that two six-year-old girls would be able to use the mop well.

Our little sisters didn't question my instructions and immediately went to grab the mop that was already soaked in soap and water.

After I told them repeatedly of the safety issues they would have to take note of, we started on our respective responsibilities. Cleaning might seem to be nothing dangerous, but when it comes to reaching for high places or standing near the stairs when the floor is wet, the danger present is relatively high. Especially when elementary students were the ones who were cleaning up both floors.

Needing to wipe most of the house's windows except for those that I can't reach no matter what, I spent almost 2 hours doing so. The girls had long finished moping the floor, so I decided to let them wash the bathroom now.


"Let's take a bath together!" Raiha exclaimed.

After I ensured that the entire house was spot-clean, we gathered in the toilet on the first floor.

"Sure. This way, we can save hot water as well." Shouko didn't mind and spoke.

"Onii-chan as well?"

"I don't t-"

"Please? I want to take a bath with onii-chan!"


Well, it's been a long time since we all had a bath together, and seeing those eyes, I succumbed fast.

The moment I agreed, our little sisters cheered as they quickly went to grab their clothes. I could see Shouko turn a little red, but she quickly turned around and went to grab her clothes as well.

Hmm...I'm still a minor, right? It's fine, right?

A few minutes later...

"Rai-chan! Yuzu-chan! Wash before entering the bath!" I yelled at them from the changing room as I saw that they were about to jump into the tub without washing themselves.


"Don't 'aww...' me. I don't want to bathe in the dirty water with you. That would defeat the purpose of taking a bath."


As I took off my clothes, I wrapped my towel around my waist before entering. Usually, I would just enter naked since I was alone, but with three girls present, well...I need to maintain my decency in front of my siblings.

But if Shouko wants to continue this even after growing up...

Ahem...back to the present.

"Hehe....that tickles, onii-chan!" Raiha cutely squealed as I washed her hair. The weird thing was that her ahoge never actually went down, even after being drenched with soap and water.

Anime laws.

While I bathed Raiha, Shouko did the same for her sister, and after letting our younger sisters soak in the tub, it was our turn to wash.

Our tub wasn't big enough to fit all four of us, unfortunately. Still, fitting two was easy, and while fitting any three of us was possible, it was albeit a tight squeeze.

Taking note that we were naked, I took a peek at Shouko's nude figure, and...girls go through puberty early.

Since this was not hentai fanfic, I'll not go into details of an underage girl.

Playing with our little sisters in the bath was fun until Raiha sneezed.

"Oops...let's not stay in the bath for too long, Rai-chan, Yuzu-chan. Let's get you dressed up."


The girls left the bath since they stayed in the tub for long enough already, and it was now my chance to take a dip.

"Ahh~. This feels nice."


"Hm? What are you doing, onii-chan?"

"It is the older siblings' job to spoil our little sisters!"

"I see..." Raiha placed her index finger under her chin and nodded sagely, but all it did was make her look even cuter than usual.

"Come sit on my lap. I'll help dry all of your hair."


After Raiha climbed onto my lap and made herself comfortable, I turned on the hairdryer, and it started blowing hot hair. I was careful not to put it too close to her head so that she wouldn't feel too much of the heat on her scalp.

Having long hair is genuinely tedious; I don't know how girls deal with them. Raiha alone took up close to 10 minutes before her hair became dry, and while Yuzuru had slightly shorter hair, she took up almost 7 minutes.

Weirdly enough, their hair automatically went back to its usual hairstyle the moment I was done hair drying them. But since I was already used to anime's weird logic, I calmly ignored all of the odd scenes and turned towards Shouko.

"Come, Shou-chan. Sit on my lap."

"Hm?" Shouko questioned, though she followed my words and sat on my lap, making herself comfortable.

"After spoiling out little sisters, it's now my job to spoil my little girlfriend."

Shouko blushed at my words, but she didn't leave my lap.

"Thanks, Fuu-kun." She suddenly spoke after a moment of silence.

"For what?"


I still don't know what she was referring to, and she clearly noticed that. She just smiled cheerfully, letting me dry her hair while humming to a tune that I had played for her before.

"You're not gonna tell me, are you?"

"Nope. Just know that I love you."

Jeez, how could anyone be this cute?

Giving her a small peck on her cheeks, I replied, "Me too."

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, but I had a fun time snuggling with Shouko on the sofa.

And this is not my daily life.

Apart from the lunch part and 'snuggling with Shouko' time, that is.


A/N: I was slightly rushing this chapter, and I don't feel that this was up to the usual standard. For some reason, I couldn't find much motivation to write until today. I might come back and edit this whenever I have time, but this wasn't much - just a showcase of their daily lives.

I wanted Fuutarou and Shouko to have some scenes together in the bath, but I decided against it because:

1) They were young.

2) Their age was not old.

3) They were still in elementary school.

4) I have no such fetishes.

On to the more important topic, the following (short) arc (which would only take up 1 or 2 chapters) will begin in the next chapter, where Fuutarou would meet one more member of his harem. Guess who? Clue: It's an older woman~. I'll give another clue somewhere on Wednesday? If no one can figure it out (hopefully).

I'm trying to integrate two manga together so that everything would make sense, but it's more complicated than I thought.


Still, I'll try my best not to disappoint you. Hope you enjoyed this week's chapter!

A/R: Btw, the manga 'Onizuka-chan and Sawarida-kun' is so wholesome. 10/10 manga to read.

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