
ตอน 9: Chapter IX: Great Zhou Institute Part VI

Inside the opulent confines of a large bedroom adorned with intricate tapestries and ornate furnishings, Yao Long basked in the satisfaction of his successful cultivation with the "Eternal Tribulation Soul Method." The technique, had enabled him to endure an impressive seven normal tribulations, indicating a significant advancement in his power. Though he had not yet attained the coveted Advanced Illusory Realm, he sensed it looming on the horizon, teasing him with the allure of a breakthrough that would grant him even greater strength and wisdom.

The room was suffused with an otherworldly energy, its serenity heightened by the faint aroma of incense lingering in the air. Yao Long's red blooded eyes gleamed with determination as he contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead. The journey of cultivation was a path filled with challenges and surprises, and he knew that being prepared for any eventuality was crucial in this mystical realm.

With a resolute decision, Yao Long took a gleaming knife, its blade reflecting the soft glow of the chamber's gem-encrusted chandelier. He sliced his palm with practiced precision, allowing his crimson blood to cascade like a fountain into a carefully prepared ceremonial bowl. To fashion a servant, the master's blood formed the essence of their body. It was a sacred ritual, a bonding of life forces that transcended the boundaries of ordinary existence.

The Demon Blood Art, a rare and enigmatic cultivation method, had always intrigued Yao Long. The prospect of creating his very first servant excited him, even though he didn't currently need one. But in this unpredictable world, he understood that having an ally he could trust was a valuable asset.

[Artificial Soul]: A soul created by the system, depending on, the personality of the soul may vary but will be 100% loyal to the host.

Having already procured the artificial soul from the system for a thousand SP, Yao Long felt a sense of urgency to proceed. The artificial soul promised 100% loyalty to its master, a fact that both comforted and left him with a lingering skepticism. Trusting the system's assurances, he hoped that this servant would prove to be a loyal companion, a stalwart presence by his side in times of need.

As his blood touched the floor, an intense red light bathed the room, imbuing the very air with an aura of mysticism and anticipation. The blood began to move slowly, forming a mesmerizing dance as it took shape, guided by ancient forces beyond comprehension. The light gradually dimmed, revealing a breathtaking sight before Yao Long's eyes.

A handsome young man emerged, appearing to be 19 or 20 years old, with long black hair cascading like a waterfall and golden eyes that shimmered like rare gemstones. His flawless, snow-white skin exuded an ethereal beauty, and his finely sculpted features displayed a perfect balance between strength and grace.

Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes, and they met Yao Long's gaze with a mix of awe and reverence. He immediately knelt before his master, a gesture of unwavering loyalty and obedience.

"System, can you give him clothes to wear? I'm so uncomfortable looking at him naked," Yao Long said with a slight blush, avoiding direct eye contact.

[Ding!!* 5 SP had been used. Remaining SP: 8995]

'Well, it's just 5 SP. I can get it again,' thought Yao Long, his focus returning to the momentous occasion unfolding before him.

As if hearing his silent request, black clothes materialized out of thin air before the young man.

"These clothes are for you, you can wear them now."

Though slightly confused, he complied with Yao Long's command and gracefully donned the garments.

"Thank you, master," the young man said in a voice filled with sincerity and gratitude.

Yao Long couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility for this newly formed being. As he observed the young man adjusting to his newfound form, a window appeared above him, revealing his attributes and skills:


[Name]: Not given yet

[Cultivation]: 1st Heaven Alpha-Origin Realm(+)

[Body Cultivation ]: Advanced Stage Heaven Gate Realm (+)

[Skills]: Spear Master, Berserker, (random)

[Cultivation Techniques]: Phoenix Fire Mantra (random)


Pleased with the young man's potential, Yao Long extended a hand and gently lifted him up, saying, "Please stand, Em... Do you have any ideas of what name you want? I'm Yao Long. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Respectfully, the young man stepped forward and replied, "Your words are my command, master. I don't have a name. Please name me as you like."

Thinking for a moment, Yao Long said, "How about I call you Qian Wei?"

The name resonated with him, embodying the essence of humility and devotion he sensed from this newly created servant.

Qian Wei bowed once again, expressing his gratitude for the name bestowed upon him. Yet, amidst his reverence, Yao Long couldn't help but notice a hint of curiosity in Qian Wei's eyes. It seemed that the artificial soul had granted him a personality of his own, albeit one that was loyal and subservient to his master.

As the two continued their interaction, Yao Long couldn't shake off the feeling that Qian Wei's unique personality was more than just a product of the artificial soul. There was a spark of individuality in his demeanor that intrigued Yao Long. However, he decided to put aside his doubts for now and focus on cultivating their bond.

"Qian Wei, I want you to train and familiarize yourself with your current strength. But be cautious and don't let anyone discover you. Wait until I call for you," Yao Long instructed, his tone carrying a sense of seriousness and care.

"Yes, master. Your will shall be my command," Qian Wei replied with unwavering loyalty.

With that, Qian Wei vanished in a flash, leaving Yao Long to ponder the enigmatic nature of his new servant. There was more to him than met the eye, and Yao Long felt compelled to unravel the mystery.


Meanwhile, at the esteemed Great Zhou Institute, Yao Long crossed paths with Zhou Yuan, his close friend and fellow cultivator.

"Good morning, Yao Long," Zhou Yuan greeted with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Zhou Yuan. Have you seen Su Youwei?" Yao Long asked, eager to reunite with another dear friend.

"I didn't see her today, by the way, Yao Long," Zhou Yuan's expression turned curious as he inquired, "do you happen to have a sister?"

Yao Long was taken aback, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected question. As he pondered, a smile crept onto his face, realizing the natural assumption that Zhou Yuan might have already met Yaoyao. "Oh, I don't have a sister," he replied. "Why do you ask? Are you planning to leave Su Youwei?"

As Zhou Yuan mulled over the revelation, a perplexed expression crossed his face. "No, he doesn't have a sister," he thought aloud. The uncanny resemblance between Yao Long and Sister Yao caught his attention, prompting him to remember their shared name, "Yao."

"Is it merely a coincidence?" he wondered, shaking his head as he dismissed the idea.

"Forget about it. Let's find Su Youwei," Zhou Yuan suggested, steering the conversation back to their original quest.

Yao Long nodded, and the two friends strolled through the institute, searching for Su Youwei. The academy's atmosphere was bustling with students engaged in various activities, and the vibrant energy of aspiring cultivators filled the air.

After some wandering, they discovered that Su Youwei was working at the library, which had become a popular spot ever since she started part-time work there. People often pretended to borrow books to get closer to her, but her focus remained steadfast on her studies.

Approaching the library, Yao Long and Zhou Yuan spotted Su Youwei standing on a tall stool, gracefully tidying up a bookshelf while humming a gentle tune. Rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, casting an ethereal glow upon her as she worked diligently.


As they watched this heartwarming scene, Yao Long's soft cough gently broke the spellbinding moment, and Su Youwei turned her attention to her friends. Her pretty face lit up with joy as she saw Yao Long and Zhou Yuan.

Jumping down from the stool with grace, Su Youwei playfully scolded, "Yao Long, Your Highness, you two always have a way of interrupting a good moment!"

"I didn't see anything," Yao Long said, hoping they would take the bait and create a playful situation for teasing.

"I didn't look more than twice," Zhou Yuan quickly played along, taking advantage of the opportunity to cover his eyes.

Su Youwei, who had gracefully hopped off the tall stool, returned the book to the bookshelf. Her face flushed red as she rolled her eyes at Yao Long and Zhou Yuan's antics. "Low-class," she remarked.

Yao Long shook his head in amusement and replied helplessly, "It was an accident."

Su Youwei softly snorted, questioning their presence. "Why has the care-free brother Yao and the unambitious prince come here?"

"Heh heh, if I hadn't come, I'm afraid my little Weiwei would have been kidnapped by someone," Yao Long teased, sharing a chuckle with Zhou Yuan.

"Eeih, so sickening! Don't address me in such a way!" Su Youwei protested.

Her pretty face turned red as she resentfully glared at Yao Long, her little mouth pouting slightly as she continued, "You also know about this, huh? That Qi Yue has approached me quite a few times. So annoying."

"He requests that you enter the B class after the newcomer exam?" Yao Long's red blooded eyes narrowed. This Qi Yue was indeed determined, daring to even dig at the corners of Zhou Yuan's wall!

Su Youwei nodded, her expression revealing a hint of annoyance, "Yes, that fellow has approached me several times. But don't worry; I turned down his offers every time. He's been quite persistent, though."

Understanding that Zhou Yuan and Qi Yue were not on good terms. She believed that Yao Long, being Zhou Yuan's friend, wouldn't side with their enemy. So she always found excuses when Qi Yue tried to win her over.

"What did he offer?" Yao Long asked, sensing that his presence might have changed something in history.

Su Youwei rolled her eyes at Yao Long, knowing he didn't mean to be rude. She replied, "Let's not mention the wealth and power he promised. He even offered to give me a tier 3 Genesis Qi technique once I reach the Qi Nourishing stage."

"Generous indeed," Yao Long and Zhou Yuan said simultaneously, both amazed. A tier 3 Genesis Qi technique was rare in the Great Zhou Empire.

"I still rejected his offer," Su Youwei continued. "He wasn't too happy and asked what you gave me."

"I told him that His Highness didn't give me anything. He merely helped me kick open a door," she added, her voice softening towards the end.

Yao Long chuckled, recalling the chance encounter when Zhou Yuan had helped Su Youwei. "Hehehe, so you rejected him because of your love for Zhou Yuan, how cute of you," he teased.

"N-n-n-no, that's not the reason!" Su Youwei blushed, avoiding eye contact.

Changing the subject, Zhou Yuan remarked, "That fellow Qi Yue probably almost died from anger."

"Well, that has nothing to do with me," Su Youwei replied, imagining Qi Yue's angry face.

"If he tries anything funny, let's trash him for good," Yao Long suggested.

The three burst into laughter, covering their mouths.

Zhou Yuan nodded, silently resolving to prepare a decent technique for Su Youwei once she reached the Qi Nourishing stage, as he didn't want her talent to go to waste.

"How has your channel opening been going recently?" he asked.

Su Youwei nonchalantly replied, "Not bad, unblocking the fourth meridian channel before the newcomer exam should not be difficult."

Recognizing her outstanding talent, Zhou Yuan acknowledged that she had the same advantages as himself, with Nine Beast Soup and Mysterious Crystal Rice in her daily diet.

Zhou Yuan glanced at Su Youwei and shared, "Headmaster Chu mentioned to me earlier that I should ensure you enter the A class."

With a thoughtful smile, Su Youwei said, "You can tell him that I will enter the A class if Yao Long and you are also allowed to enter."

Even though Su Youwei spoke casually, there was evident concern in her eyes. Entering the A class required placing in the top ten during the newcomer exam, and Zhou Yuan hadn't unblocked a single meridian channel yet. It seemed like a challenging task for him with only elementary level Genesis Runes. Su Youwei believed that Yao Long wouldn't enter the A class without them, as they were his only friends.

Knowing Headmaster Chu's strict adherence to rules, she feared that even Zhou Yuan's status as a prince might not be enough to sway him if he didn't make it to the top ten.

Yao Long assured her, "Don't worry about him. He will surely enter the A class, isn't that right, Zhou Yuan?"

"Yes, he's right. Don't worry about me. I will surely enter the A class!" Zhou Yuan affirmed with a smile.

Seeing their determination, Su Youwei felt reassured. They continued their cheerful conversation while walking away from the bookshelf until they encountered Lin Feng, a handsome and influential figure rumored to be aligned with Qi Yue.


Please read my original novel called The Nameless Monster by Yuan_T, I hope you like and support this novel that I wrote and that you can join forces make this novel of mine a world hit!

See you there,

The author, Heavens_Sovereign


Heavens_Sovereign Heavens_Sovereign


Please read my original novel called The Nameless Monster by Yuan_T, I hope you like and support this novel that I wrote and that you can join forces make this novel of mine a world hit!

See you there,

The author, Heavens_Sovereign


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